# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Main class used by the add-on Copyright (C) 2018 Cyrille Bollu Copyright (C) 2021 Thomas Bétous SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only See LICENSE.txt for more information. """ import AddonSignals # Module exists only in Kodi - pylint: disable=import-error from resources.lib.kodi_utils import kodi from resources.lib.peertube import PeerTube, list_instances class PeerTubeAddon(): """ Main class used by the add-on """ # URL of the page which explains how to install libtorrent HELP_URL = "https://link.infini.fr/libtorrent-peertube-kodi" def __init__(self): """Initialize parameters and create a PeerTube instance""" # Get the number of items to show per page self.items_per_page = int(kodi.get_setting("items_per_page")) # Get the preferred resolution for video self.preferred_resolution = \ int(kodi.get_setting("preferred_resolution")) # Nothing to play at initialisation self.play = False self.torrent_name = "" self.torrent_file = "" # Check whether libtorrent could be imported by the service. The value # of the associated property is retrieved only once and stored in an # attribute because libtorrent is imported only once at the beginning # of the service (we assume it is not possible to start the add-on # before the service) self.libtorrent_imported = \ kodi.get_property("libtorrent_imported") == "True" # Create a PeerTube object to send requests: settings which are used # only by this object are directly retrieved from the settings self.peertube = PeerTube( instance=kodi.get_setting("preferred_instance"), count=self.items_per_page, sort=kodi.get_setting("video_sort_method"), video_filter=kodi.get_setting("video_filter")) def _browse_videos(self, start): """Display the list of all the videos published on a PeerTube instance :param int start: index of the first video to display (pagination) """ # Use the API to get the list of the videos results = self.peertube.list_videos(start) # Extract the information of each video from the API response list_of_videos = self._create_list_of_videos(results, start) # Create the associated items in Kodi kodi.create_items_in_ui(list_of_videos) def _browse_instances(self, start): """ Function to navigate through all the PeerTube instances :param int start: index of the first instance to display (pagination) """ # Use the API to get the list of the instances results = list_instances(start) # Extract the information of each instance from the API response list_of_instances = self._create_list_of_instances(results, start) # Create the associated items in Kodi kodi.create_items_in_ui(list_of_instances) def _create_list_of_instances(self, response, start): """Generator of instance items to be added in Kodi UI :param dict response: data returned by joinpeertube :param int start: index of the first item to display (pagination) :return: yield the information of each item :rtype: dict """ for data in response["data"]: # The description of each instance in Kodi will be composed of: # * the description of the instance (from joinpeertube.org) # * the number of local videos hosted on this instance # * the number of users on this instance description = "{}\n\n----------\nNumber of local videos: {}\n"\ "Number of users: {}".format( data["shortDescription"].encode("utf-8"), data["totalLocalVideos"], data["totalUsers"]) # The value of "totalLocalVideos" and "totalUsers" are int so they # don't need to be encoded. instance_info = kodi.generate_item_info( name=data["name"], url=kodi.build_kodi_url({ "action": "select_instance", "url": data["host"] } ), is_folder=True, plot=description ) yield instance_info else: # Add a "Next page" button when there are more items to show next_page_item = self._create_next_page_item( total=int(response["total"]), current_index=start, url=kodi.build_kodi_url( { "action": "browse_instances", "start": start + self.items_per_page } ) ) if next_page_item: yield next_page_item def _create_list_of_videos(self, response, start): """Generator of video items to be added in Kodi UI :param dict response: data returned by PeerTube :param int start: index of the first item to display (pagination) :return: yield the information of each item :rtype: dict """ for data in response["data"]: video_info = kodi.generate_item_info( name=data["name"], url=kodi.build_kodi_url( { "action": "play_video", "id": data["uuid"] } ), is_folder=False, plot=data["description"], duration=data["duration"], thumbnail="{0}/{1}".format(self.peertube.instance, data["thumbnailPath"]), aired=data["publishedAt"] ) # Note: the type of video (live or not) is available in "response" # but this information is ignored here so that the "play_video" # action is the same whatever the type of the video. The goal is to # allow external users of the API to play a video only with its ID # without knowing its type. # The information about the type of the video will anyway be # available in the response used to get the URL of a video so this # solution does not impact the performance. yield video_info else: # Add a "Next page" button when there are more items to show next_page_item = self._create_next_page_item( total=int(response["total"]), current_index=start, url=kodi.build_kodi_url( { "action": "browse_videos", "start": start + self.items_per_page } ) ) if next_page_item: yield next_page_item def _create_next_page_item(self, total, current_index, url): """Return the info required to create an item to go to the next page :param int total: total number of elements :param int current_index: index of the first element currently used :param str url: URL to reach when the "Next page" item is run :return: yield the info to create a "Next page" item in Kodi UI if there are more items to show :rtype: dict """ next_index = current_index + self.items_per_page if total > next_index: next_page = (next_index / self.items_per_page) + 1 total_pages = (total / self.items_per_page) + 1 next_page_item = kodi.generate_item_info( name="Next page ({}/{})".format(next_page, total_pages), url=url ) return next_page_item def _get_video_url(self, video_id, instance=None): """Return the URL of a video and its type (live or not) Find the URL of the video with the best possible quality matching user's preferences. The information whether the video is live or not will also be returned. :param str video_id: ID of the torrent linked with the video :param str instance: PeerTube instance hosting the video (optional) :return: a boolean indicating if the video is a live stream and the URL of the video (containing the resolution for non-live videos) as a string :rtype: tuple """ # Retrieve the information about the video including the different # resolutions available video_files = self.peertube.get_video_urls(video_id, instance=instance) # Find the best resolution matching user's preferences current_resolution = 0 higher_resolution = -1 url = "" is_live = False for video in video_files: # Get the resolution resolution = video.get("resolution") if resolution is None: # If there is no resolution in the dict, then the video is a # live stream: no need to find the best resolution as there is # only 1 URL in this case url = video["url"] is_live = True return (is_live, url) if resolution == self.preferred_resolution: # Stop directly when we find the exact same resolution as the # user's preferred one kodi.debug("Found video with preferred resolution ({})" .format(self.preferred_resolution)) url = video["url"] return (is_live, url) elif (resolution < self.preferred_resolution and resolution > current_resolution): # Otherwise, try to find the best one just below the user's # preferred one kodi.debug("Found video with good lower resolution ({})" .format(resolution)) url = video["url"] current_resolution = resolution elif (resolution > self.preferred_resolution and (resolution < higher_resolution or higher_resolution == -1)): # In the worst case, we'll take the one just above the user's # preferred one kodi.debug("Saving video with higher resolution ({}) as a" " possible alternative".format(resolution)) backup_url = video["url"] higher_resolution = resolution else: kodi.debug("Ignoring the resolution '{}'".format(resolution)) # When we didn't find a resolution equal or lower than the user's # preferred one, use the resolution just above the preferred one if not url: kodi.debug("Using video with higher resolution as alternative ({})" .format(higher_resolution)) url = backup_url return (is_live, url) def _home_page(self): """Display the items of the home page of the add-on""" home_page_items = [ kodi.generate_item_info( name="Browse videos on the selected instance", url=kodi.build_kodi_url({"action": "browse_videos","start": 0}) ), kodi.generate_item_info( name="Search videos on the selected instance", url=kodi.build_kodi_url({"action": "search_videos","start": 0}) ), kodi.generate_item_info( name="Select another instance", url=kodi.build_kodi_url({ "action": "browse_instances", "start": 0 } ) ) ] kodi.create_items_in_ui(home_page_items) def _search_videos(self, start): """ Function to search for videos on a PeerTube instance :param str start: index of the first video to display (pagination) """ # Ask the user which keywords must be searched for keywords = kodi.open_input_box( title="Search videos on {}".format(self.peertube.instance)) # Go back to the home page when the user cancels or didn't enter any # string if not keywords: return # Use the API to search for videos results = self.peertube.search_videos(keywords, start) # Exit directly when no result is found if not results: kodi.notif_warning( title="No videos found", message="No videos found matching the keywords.") return # Extract the information of each video from the API response list_of_videos = self._create_list_of_videos(results, start) # Create the associated items in Kodi kodi.create_items_in_ui(list_of_videos) def _play_video(self, torrent_url): """ Start the torrent's download and play it while being downloaded :param str torrent_url: URL of the torrent file to download and play """ # If libtorrent could not be imported, display a message and do not try # download nor play the video as it will fail. if not self.libtorrent_imported: kodi.open_dialog( title="Error: libtorrent could not be imported", message="PeerTube cannot play videos without libtorrent\n" "Please follow the instructions at {}" .format(self.HELP_URL)) return kodi.debug("Starting torrent download ({})".format(torrent_url)) kodi.notif_info(title="Download started", message="The video will be played soon.") # Start a downloader thread AddonSignals.sendSignal("start_download", {"url": torrent_url}) # Wait until the PeerTubeDownloader has downloaded all the torrent's # metadata AddonSignals.registerSlot(kodi.addon_id, "metadata_downloaded", self._play_video_continue) timeout = 0 while not self.play and timeout < 10: kodi.sleep(1000) timeout += 1 # Abort in case of timeout if timeout == 10: kodi.notif_error( title="Download timeout", message="Timeout fetching {}".format(torrent_url)) return else: # Wait a little before starting playing the torrent kodi.sleep(3000) # Pass the item to the Kodi player for actual playback. kodi.debug("Starting video playback ({})".format(self.torrent_file)) kodi.play(self.torrent_file) def _play_video_continue(self, data): """ Callback function to let the _play_video method resume when the PeertubeDownloader has downloaded all the torrent's metadata :param data: dict of information sent from PeertubeDownloader """ kodi.debug( "Received metadata_downloaded signal, will start playing media") self.play = True self.torrent_file = data["file"].encode("utf-8") def _select_instance(self, instance): """ Change currently selected instance to "instance" parameter :param str instance: URL of the new instance """ # Update the PeerTube object attribute even though it is not used # currently (because the value will be retrieved from the settings on # the next run of the add-on but it may be useful in case # reuselanguageinvoker is enabled) self.peertube.set_instance(instance) # Update the preferred instance in the settings so that this choice is # reused on the next runs and the next calls of the add-on kodi.set_setting("preferred_instance", instance) # Notify the user and log the event message = \ "{} is now the selected instance".format(self.peertube.instance) kodi.notif_info(title="Current instance changed", message=message) kodi.debug(message) def router(self, params): """Route the add-on to the requested actions :param dict params: Parameters the add-on was called with """ # Check the parameters passed to the plugin if params: action = params["action"] if action == "browse_videos": # Browse videos on the selected instance self._browse_videos(int(params["start"])) elif action == "search_videos": # Search for videos on the selected instance self._search_videos(int(params["start"])) elif action == "browse_instances": # Browse PeerTube instances self._browse_instances(int(params["start"])) elif action == "play_video": # This action comes with the id of the video to play as # parameter. The instance may also be in the parameters. Use # these parameters to retrieve the complete URL of the video # (containing the resolution) and the type of the video (live # or not). is_live, url = self._get_video_url( instance=params.get("instance"),video_id=params.get("id")) # Play the video (Kodi can play live videos (.m3u8) out of the # box whereas torrents must first be downloaded) if is_live: kodi.play(url) else: self._play_video(url) elif action == "select_instance": # Set the selected instance as the preferred instance self._select_instance(params["url"]) else: # Display the addon's main menu when the plugin is called from # Kodi UI without any parameters self._home_page() # Display a warning if libtorrent could not be imported if not self.libtorrent_imported: kodi.open_dialog( title="Error: libtorrent could not be imported", message="You can still browse and search videos but you" " will not be able to play them (except live" " videos).\nPlease follow the instructions at {}" .format(self.HELP_URL))