# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ PeerTube related classes and functions Copyright (C) 2018 Cyrille Bollu Copyright (C) 2021 Thomas Bétous SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only See LICENSE.txt for more information. """ import requests from requests.compat import urljoin from resources.lib.kodi_utils import kodi class PeerTube: """A class to interact easily with PeerTube instances using REST APIs""" def __init__(self, instance, count): """Initialize the parameters that will be used in the requests Some values are retrieved directly from the settings, others come as arguments because they are used somewhere else in the add-on. :param str instance: URL of the PeerTube instance :param int count: number of items to display """ self.set_instance(instance) self.list_settings = { "sort": self._get_sort_method(), "count": count } self.filter = self._get_video_filter() def _request(self, method, url, params=None, data=None, instance=None): """Call a REST API on the instance :param str method: REST API method (get, post, put, delete, etc.) :param str url: URL of the REST API endpoint relative to the PeerTube instance :param dict params: dict of the parameters to send in the request :param dict data: dict of the data to send with the request :param str instance: URL of the instance hosting the video. The configured instance will be used if empty. :return: the response as JSON data :rtype: dict """ # If no instance was provided, use the one from the settings (which was # used when instantianting this object) if instance is None: instance = self.instance else: # If an instance was provided ensure the URL is prefixed with HTTPS if not instance.startswith("https://"): instance = "https://{}".format(instance) # Build the URL of the REST API api_url = urljoin("{}/api/v1/".format(instance), url) # Send a request with a time-out of 5 seconds response = requests.request(method=method, url=api_url, timeout=5, params=params, data=data) json = response.json() # Use Request.raise_for_status() to raise an exception if the HTTP # request didn't succeed try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError as exception: # Print in Kodi's log some information about the request kodi.debug("Error when sending a {} request to {} with params={}" " and data={}".format(method, url, params, data)) # Report the error to the user with a notification: if the response # contains an "error" attribute, use it as error message, otherwise # use a default message. # Note: in case the error attribute is used, the message will be in # English whatever the language configured by the user. It's better # to share the information with the user (even if it's not in its # language) rather than always redirecting to the Kodi's log. if "error" in json: message = json["error"] kodi.debug(message) else: message = kodi.get_string(30403) kodi.notif_error(title=kodi.get_string(30402), message=message) raise exception return json def _build_params(self, **kwargs): """Build the parameters to send with a request from the common settings This method returns a dictionnary containing the common settings from self.list_settings plus the arguments passed to this function. The keys in the dictionnary will have the same name as the arguments passed to this function. :return: the common settings plus other parameters :rtype: dict """ # Initialize the dict from the common settings (the common settings are # copied otherwise any modification will also impact the attribute). params = self.list_settings.copy() # Add all the arguments to the dict params.update(kwargs) return params def _get_video_filter(self): """Get the video filter from the settings The value of the associated setting is localized so a list is used to get the value expected by the API based on the index of the value used. :return: value of the video_filter setting :rtype: str """ filters = ["local", "all-local"] return filters[int(kodi.get_setting("video_filter"))] def _get_sort_method(self): """Get the sort method from the settings The value of the associated setting is localized so a list is used to get the value expected by the API based on the index of the value used. :return: value of the video_sort_method setting :rtype: str """ sort_methods = ["likes", "views"] return sort_methods[int(kodi.get_setting("video_sort_method"))] def get_video_info(self, video_id, instance=None): """Return the info of a video in a simple form Get the information of the video from the PeerTube instance and preprocess some of it so that it can be easily used outside of this class. The returned information are: - the type of the video (live or not) - a list of URL/resolution pairs (PeerTube creates 1 URL for each resolution of a video). In the case of a live video, only 1 URL will be returned (as there is no resolution). - the duration (in seconds) of the video (only if it is not a live) :param str video_id: ID or UUID of the video :param str instance: URL of the instance hosting the video. The configured instance will be used if empty. :return: information of the video :rtype: dict """ # Get the information about the video metadata = self._request(method="GET", url="videos/{}".format(video_id), instance=instance) video_info = {} if metadata["isLive"]: video_info["is_live"] = True # When the video is a live, return the unique playlist URL (there is # no resolution in this case). Even in this case the format of the # structure is preserved: we use a list of dict with the key "url" video_info["files"] = [ {"url": metadata['streamingPlaylists'][0]['playlistUrl']} ] else: video_info["is_live"] = False # Add the duration in the returned info video_info["duration"] = metadata["duration"] # For non live videos, the files corresponding to different # resolutions available for a video may be stored in "files" or # "streamingPlaylists[].files" depending if WebTorrent is enabled # or not. Note that "files" will always exist in the response but # may be empty so len() must be used. if len(metadata["files"]) != 0: files = metadata["files"] else: files = metadata["streamingPlaylists"][0]["files"] video_urls = [] for file in files: video_urls.append( { "resolution": int(file["resolution"]["id"]), "url": file["torrentUrl"], } ) video_info["files"] = video_urls return video_info def list_videos(self, start): """List the videos in the instance :param int start: index of the first video to display :return: the list of videos as returned by the REST API :rtype: dict """ # Build the parameters that will be sent in the request params = self._build_params(filter=self.filter, start=start) return self._request(method="GET", url="videos", params=params) def search_videos(self, keywords, start): """Search for videos on the instance and beyond. :param str keywords: keywords to seach for :param int start: index of the first video to display :return: the videos matching the keywords as returned by the REST API or None if there are no matches returned :rtype: dict """ # Build the parameters that will be sent in the request params = self._build_params(search=keywords, filter=self.filter, start=start) response = self._request(method="GET", url="search/videos", params=params) if response["total"] == 0: return None else: return response def set_instance(self, instance): """Set the URL of the current instance with the right format The URL of the instance may not be prefixed with HTTPS, for instance: * in the settings the URL does not use this prefix to allow the user to change it easily * the URL from the list of instances is not prefixed This method is used to ensure the URL is correctly prefixed with HTTPS :param str instance: URL of the instance """ if not instance.startswith("https://"): instance = "https://{}".format(instance) self.instance = instance def list_instances(start): """List all the peertube instances from joinpeertube.org :param int start: index of the first instance to display :return: the list of instances as returned by the REST API :rtype: dict """ # URL of the REST API api_url = "https://instances.joinpeertube.org/api/v1/instances" # Build the parameters that will be sent in the request from the settings params = { "count": kodi.get_setting("items_per_page"), "start": start } # Send a request with a time-out of 5 seconds response = requests.get(url=api_url, timeout=5, params=params) json = response.json() # Use Request.raise_for_status() to raise an exception if the HTTP # request didn't succeed try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError as exception: # Print in Kodi's log some information about the request kodi.debug("Error when getting the list of instances with params={}" .format(params)) # Report the error to the user with a notification: use the details of # the error if it exists in the response, otherwise use a default # message. # Note: in case the error is reused from the response, the message will # be in English whatever the language configured by the user. It's # better to share the information with the user (even if it's not in # its language) rather than always redirecting to the Kodi's log. try: # Convert the reponse to a list to get the first error whatever its # name. Then get the second element in the sublist which contains # the details of the error. message = list(json["errors"].items())[0][1]["msg"] kodi.debug(message) except KeyError: message = kodi.get_string(30403) kodi.notif_error(title=kodi.get_string(30402), message=message) raise exception return json