import libtorrent import time, sys import xbmc, xbmcvfs import AddonSignals from threading import Thread class PeertubeDownloader(Thread): """ A class to download peertube torrents in the background """ def __init__(self, url, temp_dir): """ Initialise a PeertubeDownloader instance for downloading the torrent specified by url :param url, temp_dir: str :return: None """ Thread.__init__(self) self.torrent = url self.temp_dir = temp_dir def run(self): """ Download the torrent specified by self.torrent :param: None :return: None """ xbmc.log('PeertubeDownloader: Opening bitTorent session', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) # Open bitTorrent session ses = libtorrent.session() ses.listen_on(6881, 6891) # Add torrent xbmc.log('PeertubeDownloader: Adding torrent ' + self.torrent, xbmc.LOGDEBUG) h = ses.add_torrent({'url': self.torrent, 'save_path': self.temp_dir}) # Set sequential mode to allow watching while downloading h.set_sequential_download(True) # Download torrent xbmc.log('PeertubeDownloader: Downloading torrent ' + self.torrent, xbmc.LOGDEBUG) signal_sent = 0 while not h.is_seed(): xbmc.sleep(1000) s = h.status() # Inform addon that all the metadata has been downloaded and that it may start playing the torrent if s.state >=3 and signal_sent == 0: xbmc.log('PeertubeDownloader: Received all torrent metadata, notifying PeertubeAddon', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) i = h.torrent_file() f = self.temp_dir + AddonSignals.sendSignal('metadata_downloaded', {'file': f}) signal_sent = 1 # Everything is done return class PeertubeService(): """ """ def __init__(self): """ PeertubeService initialisation function """ xbmc.log('PeertubeService: Initialising', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) # Create our temporary directory self.temp = xbmc.translatePath('special://temp') + '/' if not xbmcvfs.exists(self.temp): xbmcvfs.mkdir(self.temp) return def download_torrent(self, data): """ Start a downloader thread to download torrent specified by data['url'] :param data: dict :return: None """ xbmc.log('PeertubeService: Received a start_download signal', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) downloader = PeertubeDownloader(data['url'], self.temp) downloader.start() return def run(self): """ Main loop of the PeertubeService class, registring the start_download signal to start a peertubeDownloader thread when needed, and exit when Kodi is shutting down """ # Launch the download_torrent callback function when the 'start_download' signal is received AddonSignals.registerSlot('', 'start_download', self.download_torrent) # Monitor Kodi's shutdown signal xbmc.log('PeertubeService: service started, Waiting for signals', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) monitor = xbmc.Monitor() while not monitor.abortRequested(): if monitor.waitForAbort(1): # Abort was requested while waiting. We must exit # TODO: Clean temporary directory break return if __name__ == '__main__': # Start a peertubeService instance xbmc.log('PeertubeService: Starting', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) service = PeertubeService() xbmc.log('PeertubeService: Exiting', xbmc.LOGDEBUG)