Implemented the 'preferred video resolution' functionality:

Addon will use, by order of preferrence:
  1) The video matching exactly the user's preferrence
  2) A video with the best resolution that is lower than the user's preferrence
  3) The video with the lowest resolution that is higher than the user's preferrence
This commit is contained in:
Cyrille Bollu 2018-08-02 17:29:36 +02:00
parent 8b80a1fad7
commit 3dd68c8ee2
1 changed files with 29 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -114,14 +114,40 @@ class PeertubeAddon():
# Videos are playable
list_item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
# Find video's torrent URL
# Find the URL of the best possible video matching user's preferrence
# TODO: Error handling
min_size = -1
current_res = 0
higher_res = -1
torrent_url = ''
resp = urllib2.urlopen(self.selected_inst + '/api/v1/videos/' + data['uuid'])
metadata = json.load(resp)
xbmc.log('PeertubeAddon: Looking for the best possible video matching user preferrences', xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
for f in metadata['files']:
if f['size'] < min_size or min_size == -1:
# Get file resolution
res = f['resolution']['id']
if res == self.preferred_resolution:
# Stop directly, when we find the exact same resolution as the user's preferred one
xbmc.log('PeertubeAddon: Found video with preferred resolution', xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
torrent_url = f['torrentUrl']
elif res < self.preferred_resolution and res > current_res:
# Else, try to find the best one just below the user's preferred one
xbmc.log('PeertubeAddon: Found video with good lower resolution ({0})'.format(f['resolution']['label']), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
torrent_url = f['torrentUrl']
current_res = res
elif res > self.preferred_resolution and ( res < higher_res or higher_res == -1 ):
# In the worth case, we'll take the one just above the user's preferred one
xbmc.log('PeertubeAddon: Saving video with higher resolution ({0}) as a possible alternative'.format(f['resolution']['label']), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
backup_url = f['torrentUrl']
higher_res = res
# Use smallest file with an higher resolution, when we didn't find a resolution equal or
# slower than the user's preferred one
if not torrent_url:
xbmc.log('PeertubeAddon: Using video with higher resolution as alternative', xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
torrent_url = backup_url
# Compose the correct URL for Kodi
url = '{0}?action=play_video&url={1}'.format(self.plugin_url, torrent_url)
elif data_type == 'instances':