Automatic playback If enabled, videos will be played automatically Fullscreen Automatically open videos in fullscreen Add a public reply %d 條回覆 回覆 Theme Allow to change app theme The video cannot be federated! 首頁 本機 Discover 通知 最近新增 趨勢 Most liked Oops! An error occurred! Muted 頻道 Do not list Blur Display No opinion Pick an instance This instance does not seem to be valid! No videos! No notifications! 網站圖示 選擇開啟工具 Edit a playlist 關閉 上傳 圖片預覽 選取要上傳的檔案 頻道 影片 頻道 取消 下載 個人檔案照片 更新影片 Remove from playlist %d 秒 %d 分鐘 %d 小時 %d 天 %s 次檢視 Instance host 正在上傳,請稍候…… 影片已上傳! 上傳已取消! Tap here to edit the video data. 選擇媒體時發生錯誤! 下載 %1$s 隱私權 登出 登入 密碼 電子郵件 標籤 確認 分享給 Shared via TubeLab 使用者名稱 設定 您確定您要登出 @%1$s@%2$s 嗎? 正在關注 關注者 無法取得客戶端 id! 在帳號間切換時發生錯誤! 搜尋時發生錯誤! 無法採取行動 關注 靜音 搜尋 刪除 您確定您想要永久刪除此列表嗎? 刪除列表 使用右上角的按鈕來成為第一個對這部影片留下評論的人! 此影片未啟用評論! 選擇解析度 影片已加入到書籤中! 影片已從書籤中移除! 資訊 應用程式圖示 訂閱 刪除留言 您想要刪除此留言嗎? 影片模式 過濾 Sepia search Display sensitive content Published date Any Today Last 7 days Last 30 days Last 365 days Duration 10 min)]]> Display all categories Display all licenses Display all languages All of these tags One of these tags Apply filter Best match Most recent Least recent Sort by Keyword, channel, video, etc. Sepia Search displays videos and channels that match your search but is not the publisher, nor the owner. If you notice any problems with a video, report it to the administrators on the PeerTube website where the video is published. 我的影片 標題 授權條款 分類 語言 這個影片包含成人或裸露的內容 啟用影片留言 描述 影片已更新! Register an account Email address Preview Change preview Name 顯示更多 No channels! Some explanations about your report… Report video 檢舉 Pick another instance 歷史紀錄 Edit Video settings 界面 快取 Set the cache for videos (default 100Mb) Define a default quality for videos Resolution for videos Video cache: %d Mb Captions Pick captions None Allows to change mode for playing videos (default, streaming or via a browser). Delete account comments Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account? 刪除影片 您確定要刪除此部影片嗎? 沒有影片 分享 %1$s 已在您的影片留言 %2$s]]> %1$s 追蹤您的頻道 %2$s]]> %1$s 追蹤您的帳號]]> %1$s 已發佈]]> %1$s 成功]]> %1$s 失敗]]> %1$s 發佈了新影片:%2$s]]> %1$s 已被加入黑名單]]> %1$s 已被解除黑名單]]> %1$s has been accepted]]> %1$s]]> 新增公開留言 傳送留言 全部 播放清單 顯示名稱 You don\'t have any playlists. Tap on the \"+\" icon to add a new playlist 您必須提供顯示名稱! 當播放清單公開時,頻道為必填。 建立播放清單 目前播放清單中還沒有東西。 確認密碼 我同意 %1$s 和 %2$s 伺服器規則 服務條款 註冊 請填寫所有欄位! 密碼不相符! 電子郵件似乎是無效的! 您將會收到一封確認用的電子郵件 使用至少 8 個字元 密碼應該包含至少 8 個字元 使用者名稱應僅包含字母、數字與底線 已建立帳號! Your account has been created!\n\n Think to validate your email within the 48 next hours.\n\n You can now connect your account by writing %1$s in the first field and tap on Connect.\n\n Important: If your instance required validation, you will receive an email once it is validated! 帳號 回報帳號 正常 Torrent Webview Automatic High Medium Low 您想要取消追蹤此帳號嗎? 影片標題 加入 Peertube 我至少 16 歲並同意此站台的 %1$s 編輯個人資料 做動作 取消追蹤 Display sensitive videos Fullscreen There are no videos in your favourites! Remove channel Are you sure to permanently delete this channel? Video in playlists No muted accounts! You must define a name and a display name for this channel! Create a channel Edit channel Email addresses in %1$s are not allowed! Please, specify the reasons You must be authenticated to proceed to this action! The account has been reported! The comment has been reported! The video has been reported! The password must contain at least 6 characters! The account has been muted! Edit video Create an account %1$s Subscribers 開發者 釋出 %1$s 關於應用程式 Donate 原始碼 議題追蹤程式 No instances match these criteria Instances picker Pick this instance Sensitive videos Sensitive content: %1$s %1$s instance followers Help Pick categories Pick languages Update information 新增帳號 List of accounts Pause Play Minimize Fast rewind Fast forward Minimize videos size Minimize videos size when the app is in background (Android N+) Language filter Filter videos with different languages