# when the script was last modified for latest compileSdkVersion, it was which is written down below
# Packages installation before running script
- apt-get --quiet update --yes
- apt-get --quiet install --yes wget tar unzip lib32stdc++6 lib32z1
# Setup path as android_home for moving/exporting the downloaded sdk into it
- export ANDROID_HOME="${PWD}/android-home"
# Create a new directory at specified location
- install -d $ANDROID_HOME
# Here we are installing androidSDK tools from official source,
# (the key thing here is the url from where you are downloading these sdk tool for command line, so please do note this url pattern there and here as well)
# after that unzipping those tools and
# then running a series of SDK manager commands to install necessary android SDK packages that'll allow the app to build
# - NC_REMOTE_DIR: like https://YOUR_NEXTCLOUD/remote.php/dav/files/YOUR_USER/mastalab (no trailing slash)
# - NC_SHARE_URL: share the folder in Nextcloud with public link and put your public link here (no trailing slash)
# - NC_USER: nextcloud user
# - NC_PASSWORD: nextcloud password
## Protect all tags in Gitlab repo settings (do a wildcard, ie '*')
# For now, it uses the assembleDebug builds, you'll need to create a job in build-and-test to create the apks, with only: - tags and add except: - tags to assembleDebug (like in debugTests)
# In it, put something like this to get your signature key file:
- if [[ $description == 'null' ]]; then export METHOD="POST"; echo -e "[Get the acad version](${acadUrl})\n\n[Get the full version](${fullUrl})" > /tmp/text; fi
- if [[ $description != 'null' ]]; then export METHOD="PUT"; echo -e "${description}\n\n[Get the acad version](${acadUrl})\n\n[Get the full version](${fullUrl})" > /tmp/text; fi