package import android.util.Log import android.widget.Toast import androidx.compose.runtime.* import androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandle import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import androidx.paging.Pager import androidx.paging.PagingConfig import androidx.paging.PagingData import androidx.paging.cachedIn import import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.* import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import net.schueller.peertube.common.Constants import net.schueller.peertube.common.Resource import import net.schueller.peertube.feature_video.domain.model.Description import net.schueller.peertube.feature_video.domain.model.Video import net.schueller.peertube.feature_video.domain.repository.VideoRepository import net.schueller.peertube.feature_video.domain.source.VideoPagingSource import net.schueller.peertube.feature_video.domain.use_case.* import import import import import javax.inject.Inject @HiltViewModel class VideoPlayViewModel @Inject constructor( private val videoPlayUseCases: VideoPlayUseCases, private val session: Session, private val repository: VideoRepository, savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle ) : ViewModel() { private val _state = mutableStateOf(VideoPlayState()) val state: State = _state private val _stateVideoDescription = mutableStateOf(VideoDescriptionState()) val stateVideoDescription: State = _stateVideoDescription private val _stateVideoRating = mutableStateOf(VideoRatingState()) val stateVideoRating: State = _stateVideoRating var playerVisible = mutableStateOf(false) private val _eventFlow = MutableSharedFlow() val eventFlow = _eventFlow.asSharedFlow() // init { // savedStateHandle.get(Constants.PARAM_VIDEO_UUID)?.let { uuid -> // getVideo(uuid) // getDescription(uuid) // } // } var relatedVideos: Flow> = Pager( PagingConfig( pageSize = Constants.VIDEOS_API_PAGE_SIZE, maxSize = 100 ) ) { // if (session.isLoggedIn()) { // PlaylistVideoPagingSource(repository, "-publishedAt", video) // } else { VideoPagingSource(repository, "-publishedAt", null, null ,null) // } }.flow.cachedIn(viewModelScope) private fun getVideo(uuid: String) { videoPlayUseCases.getVideoUseCase(uuid).onEach { result -> when (result) { is Resource.Success -> { _state.value = VideoPlayState(video = // Add short description _stateVideoDescription.value = VideoDescriptionState(description = Description(description = ?: "") ) if ( != null) { getRating( } getDescription(uuid) } is Resource.Error -> { _state.value = VideoPlayState( error = result.message ?: "An unexpected error occurred" ) } is Resource.Loading -> { _state.value = VideoPlayState(isLoading = true) } } }.launchIn(viewModelScope) } private fun getDescription(uuid: String) { // get description data videoPlayUseCases.getVideoDescriptionUseCase(uuid).onEach { result -> when (result) { is Resource.Success -> { _stateVideoDescription.value = VideoDescriptionState(description = } is Resource.Error -> { _stateVideoDescription.value = VideoDescriptionState( error = result.message ?: "An unexpected error occurred" ) } is Resource.Loading -> { _stateVideoDescription.value = VideoDescriptionState(isLoading = true) } } }.launchIn(viewModelScope) } fun onEvent(event: VideoPlayEvent) { when (event) { is VideoPlayEvent.UpVoteVideo -> { if (session.isLoggedIn()) { videoPlayUseCases.upVoteVideoUseCase( { result -> when (result) { is Resource.Success -> { // Update rating if ( != null) { getRating( } } is Resource.Error -> { _eventFlow.emit( UiEvent.ShowToast( "Up vote Failed: " + result.message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ) ) } is Resource.Loading -> { // Upvote Pending } } }.launchIn(viewModelScope) } else { viewModelScope.launch { _eventFlow.emit( UiEvent.ShowToast( "You must be logged in", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ) ) } } } is VideoPlayEvent.DownVoteVideo -> { if (session.isLoggedIn()) { videoPlayUseCases.downVoteVideoUseCase( { result -> when (result) { is Resource.Success -> { // Update rating if ( != null) { getRating( } } is Resource.Error -> { _eventFlow.emit( UiEvent.ShowToast( "Down vote Failed: " + result.message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ) ) } is Resource.Loading -> { // Down vote Pending } } }.launchIn(viewModelScope) } else { viewModelScope.launch { _eventFlow.emit( UiEvent.ShowToast( "You must be logged in", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ) ) } } } is VideoPlayEvent.ShareVideo -> { videoPlayUseCases.shareVideoUseCase( } is VideoPlayEvent.AddVideoToPlaylist -> { videoPlayUseCases.addVideoToPlaylistUseCase( } is VideoPlayEvent.BlockVideo -> { videoPlayUseCases.blockVideoUseCase( } is VideoPlayEvent.FlagVideo -> { videoPlayUseCases.flagVideoUseCase( } is VideoPlayEvent.DownloadVideo -> { // TODO: permissions videoPlayUseCases.downloadVideoUseCase( } is VideoPlayEvent.OpenDescription -> { // Show description before we have the data viewModelScope.launch { _eventFlow.emit(UiEvent.ShowDescription) } } is VideoPlayEvent.CloseDescription -> { viewModelScope.launch { _eventFlow.emit(UiEvent.HideDescription) } } is VideoPlayEvent.MoreButton -> { // TODO: implement video options menu Log.v("VPVM", "Video More Pressed") viewModelScope.launch { _eventFlow.emit(UiEvent.ShowMore) } } is VideoPlayEvent.MiniPlayerButton -> { Log.v("VPVM", "Video Miniplayer Pressed") viewModelScope.launch { _eventFlow.emit(UiEvent.ShowMiniPlayer) } } is VideoPlayEvent.PlayVideo -> { // Load new video getVideo( // show video playerVisible.value = true } is VideoPlayEvent.CloseVideo -> { playerVisible.value = false } } } private fun getRating(id: Int) { Log.v("VPVM", "Get Rating: " + id) videoPlayUseCases.getVideoRatingUseCase(id).onEach { res -> when (res) { is Resource.Success -> { Log.v("VPVM", "Update Rating: " + _stateVideoRating.value = VideoRatingState(rating = } is Resource.Error -> { Log.v("VPVM", "Error getting rating") } is Resource.Loading -> { // updating rating Log.v("VPVM", "updating rating") } } }.launchIn(viewModelScope) } sealed class UiEvent { data class ShowToast(val message: String, val length: Int): UiEvent() object ShowDescription : UiEvent() object HideDescription : UiEvent() object ShowMore : UiEvent() object HideMore : UiEvent() object ShowMiniPlayer : UiEvent() object HideMiniPlayer : UiEvent() } }