Existing Features: x auto hide top bar x sort / filter of videos - search video service x address book x add x remove x edit x server list x filter --- pick ? server authentication x insecure server option ? switch url of retrofit api - Internal video playlist - playback speed and options in player - pip mode - background audio playback x like / dislike - account view x discover view - channel view - Permissions for download - subscribe / unsubscribe x CI pipeline (gradle?) - add language filter support - add app language selection - add themes and selection - Add NSFW filter - Translate all strings - Swipe player down and up - implement preferences using data stores Issues: - Server change doesn't work until restart (retrofit) - Login/logout needs to update UI - Word "Subscribe" too long in app bar - VideoList meta bar can't be dynamic height, causes scroll back issue. x Refreshing video list causes odd loading order of video items - playback rotate on click doesn't re-hide buttons - Explore list is memory intensive, leak?? - Access Token refresh circular injection problem - app crashes when clicking items in background list while player is visible (minimode)