
17 lines
717 B

package org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item
import android.view.View
import com.xwray.groupie.viewbinding.BindableItem
import org.schabi.newpipe.R
import org.schabi.newpipe.databinding.ListEmptyViewBinding
* When there are no subscriptions, show a hint to the user about how to import subscriptions
class ImportSubscriptionsHintPlaceholderItem : BindableItem<ListEmptyViewBinding>() {
override fun getLayout(): Int = R.layout.list_empty_view_subscriptions
override fun bind(viewBinding: ListEmptyViewBinding, position: Int) {}
override fun getSpanSize(spanCount: Int, position: Int): Int = spanCount
override fun initializeViewBinding(view: View) = ListEmptyViewBinding.bind(view)