
471 lines
19 KiB

package org.schabi.newpipe.util;
import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils.isNullOrEmpty;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.Spinner;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.collection.SparseArrayCompat;
import org.schabi.newpipe.DownloaderImpl;
import org.schabi.newpipe.R;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.MediaFormat;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.downloader.Response;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers;
import us.shandian.giga.util.Utility;
* A list adapter for a list of {@link Stream streams}.
* It currently supports {@link VideoStream}, {@link AudioStream} and {@link SubtitlesStream}.
* @param <T> the primary stream type's class extending {@link Stream}
* @param <U> the secondary stream type's class extending {@link Stream}
public class StreamItemAdapter<T extends Stream, U extends Stream> extends BaseAdapter {
private final StreamInfoWrapper<T> streamsWrapper;
private final SparseArrayCompat<SecondaryStreamHelper<U>> secondaryStreams;
* Indicates that at least one of the primary streams is an instance of {@link VideoStream},
* has no audio ({@link VideoStream#isVideoOnly()} returns true) and has no secondary stream
* associated with it.
private final boolean hasAnyVideoOnlyStreamWithNoSecondaryStream;
public StreamItemAdapter(
@NonNull final StreamInfoWrapper<T> streamsWrapper,
@NonNull final SparseArrayCompat<SecondaryStreamHelper<U>> secondaryStreams
) {
this.streamsWrapper = streamsWrapper;
this.secondaryStreams = secondaryStreams;
this.hasAnyVideoOnlyStreamWithNoSecondaryStream =
public StreamItemAdapter(final StreamInfoWrapper<T> streamsWrapper) {
this(streamsWrapper, new SparseArrayCompat<>(0));
public List<T> getAll() {
return streamsWrapper.getStreamsList();
public SparseArrayCompat<SecondaryStreamHelper<U>> getAllSecondary() {
return secondaryStreams;
public int getCount() {
return streamsWrapper.getStreamsList().size();
public T getItem(final int position) {
return streamsWrapper.getStreamsList().get(position);
public long getItemId(final int position) {
return position;
public View getDropDownView(final int position,
final View convertView,
final ViewGroup parent) {
return getCustomView(position, convertView, parent, true);
public View getView(final int position, final View convertView, final ViewGroup parent) {
return getCustomView(((Spinner) parent).getSelectedItemPosition(),
convertView, parent, false);
private View getCustomView(final int position,
final View view,
final ViewGroup parent,
final boolean isDropdownItem) {
final var context = parent.getContext();
View convertView = view;
if (convertView == null) {
convertView = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(
R.layout.stream_quality_item, parent, false);
final ImageView woSoundIconView = convertView.findViewById(;
final TextView formatNameView = convertView.findViewById(;
final TextView qualityView = convertView.findViewById(;
final TextView sizeView = convertView.findViewById(;
final T stream = getItem(position);
final MediaFormat mediaFormat = streamsWrapper.getFormat(position);
int woSoundIconVisibility = View.GONE;
String qualityString;
if (stream instanceof VideoStream) {
final VideoStream videoStream = ((VideoStream) stream);
qualityString = videoStream.getResolution();
if (hasAnyVideoOnlyStreamWithNoSecondaryStream) {
if (videoStream.isVideoOnly()) {
woSoundIconVisibility = secondaryStreams.get(position) != null
// It has a secondary stream associated with it, so check if it's a
// dropdown view so it doesn't look out of place (missing margin)
// compared to those that don't.
? (isDropdownItem ? View.INVISIBLE : View.GONE)
// It doesn't have a secondary stream, icon is visible no matter what.
} else if (isDropdownItem) {
woSoundIconVisibility = View.INVISIBLE;
} else if (stream instanceof AudioStream) {
final AudioStream audioStream = ((AudioStream) stream);
if (audioStream.getAverageBitrate() > 0) {
qualityString = audioStream.getAverageBitrate() + "kbps";
} else {
qualityString = context.getString(R.string.unknown_quality);
} else if (stream instanceof SubtitlesStream) {
qualityString = ((SubtitlesStream) stream).getDisplayLanguageName();
if (((SubtitlesStream) stream).isAutoGenerated()) {
qualityString += " (" + context.getString(R.string.caption_auto_generated) + ")";
} else {
if (mediaFormat == null) {
qualityString = context.getString(R.string.unknown_quality);
} else {
qualityString = mediaFormat.getSuffix();
if (streamsWrapper.getSizeInBytes(position) > 0) {
final var secondary = secondaryStreams.get(position);
if (secondary != null) {
final long size = secondary.getSizeInBytes()
+ streamsWrapper.getSizeInBytes(position);
} else {
} else {
if (stream instanceof SubtitlesStream) {
formatNameView.setText(((SubtitlesStream) stream).getLanguageTag());
} else {
if (mediaFormat == null) {
} else if (mediaFormat == MediaFormat.WEBMA_OPUS) {
// noinspection AndroidLintSetTextI18n
} else {
return convertView;
* @return if there are any video-only streams with no secondary stream associated with them.
* @see #hasAnyVideoOnlyStreamWithNoSecondaryStream
private boolean checkHasAnyVideoOnlyStreamWithNoSecondaryStream() {
for (int i = 0; i < streamsWrapper.getStreamsList().size(); i++) {
final T stream = streamsWrapper.getStreamsList().get(i);
if (stream instanceof VideoStream) {
final boolean videoOnly = ((VideoStream) stream).isVideoOnly();
if (videoOnly && secondaryStreams.get(i) == null) {
return true;
return false;
* A wrapper class that includes a way of storing the stream sizes.
* @param <T> the stream type's class extending {@link Stream}
public static class StreamInfoWrapper<T extends Stream> implements Serializable {
private static final StreamInfoWrapper<Stream> EMPTY =
new StreamInfoWrapper<>(Collections.emptyList(), null);
private static final int SIZE_UNSET = -2;
private final List<T> streamsList;
private final long[] streamSizes;
private final MediaFormat[] streamFormats;
private final String unknownSize;
public StreamInfoWrapper(@NonNull final List<T> streamList,
@Nullable final Context context) {
this.streamsList = streamList;
this.streamSizes = new long[streamsList.size()];
this.unknownSize = context == null
? "--.-" : context.getString(R.string.unknown_content);
this.streamFormats = new MediaFormat[streamsList.size()];
* Helper method to fetch the sizes and missing media formats
* of all the streams in a wrapper.
* @param <X> the stream type's class extending {@link Stream}
* @param streamsWrapper the wrapper
* @return a {@link Single} that returns a boolean indicating if any elements were changed
public static <X extends Stream> Single<Boolean> fetchMoreInfoForWrapper(
final StreamInfoWrapper<X> streamsWrapper) {
final Callable<Boolean> fetchAndSet = () -> {
boolean hasChanged = false;
for (final X stream : streamsWrapper.getStreamsList()) {
final boolean changeSize = streamsWrapper.getSizeInBytes(stream) <= SIZE_UNSET;
final boolean changeFormat = stream.getFormat() == null;
if (!changeSize && !changeFormat) {
final Response response = DownloaderImpl.getInstance()
if (changeSize) {
final String contentLength = response.getHeader("Content-Length");
if (!isNullOrEmpty(contentLength)) {
streamsWrapper.setSize(stream, Long.parseLong(contentLength));
hasChanged = true;
if (changeFormat) {
hasChanged = retrieveMediaFormat(stream, streamsWrapper, response)
|| hasChanged;
return hasChanged;
return Single.fromCallable(fetchAndSet)
* Try to retrieve the {@link MediaFormat} for a stream from the request headers.
* @param <X> the stream type to get the {@link MediaFormat} for
* @param stream the stream to find the {@link MediaFormat} for
* @param streamsWrapper the wrapper to store the found {@link MediaFormat} in
* @param response the response of the head request for the given stream
* @return {@code true} if the media format could be retrieved; {@code false} otherwise
public static <X extends Stream> boolean retrieveMediaFormat(
@NonNull final X stream,
@NonNull final StreamInfoWrapper<X> streamsWrapper,
@NonNull final Response response) {
return retrieveMediaFormatFromFileTypeHeaders(stream, streamsWrapper, response)
|| retrieveMediaFormatFromContentDispositionHeader(
stream, streamsWrapper, response)
|| retrieveMediaFormatFromContentTypeHeader(stream, streamsWrapper, response);
public static <X extends Stream> boolean retrieveMediaFormatFromFileTypeHeaders(
@NonNull final X stream,
@NonNull final StreamInfoWrapper<X> streamsWrapper,
@NonNull final Response response) {
// try to use additional headers from CDNs or servers,
// e.g. x-amz-meta-file-type (e.g. for SoundCloud)
final List<String> keys = response.responseHeaders().keySet().stream()
.filter(k -> k.endsWith("file-type")).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (!keys.isEmpty()) {
for (final String key : keys) {
final String suffix = response.getHeader(key);
final MediaFormat format = MediaFormat.getFromSuffix(suffix);
if (format != null) {
streamsWrapper.setFormat(stream, format);
return true;
return false;
* <p>Retrieve a {@link MediaFormat} from a HTTP Content-Disposition header
* for a stream and store the info in a wrapper.</p>
* @see
* <a href="">
* mdn Web Docs for the HTTP Content-Disposition Header</a>
* @param stream the stream to get the {@link MediaFormat} for
* @param streamsWrapper the wrapper to store the {@link MediaFormat} in
* @param response the response to get the Content-Disposition header from
* @return {@code true} if the {@link MediaFormat} could be retrieved from the response;
* otherwise {@code false}
* @param <X>
public static <X extends Stream> boolean retrieveMediaFormatFromContentDispositionHeader(
@NonNull final X stream,
@NonNull final StreamInfoWrapper<X> streamsWrapper,
@NonNull final Response response) {
// parse the Content-Disposition header,
// see
// there can be two filename directives
String contentDisposition = response.getHeader("Content-Disposition");
if (contentDisposition == null) {
return false;
try {
contentDisposition = Utils.decodeUrlUtf8(contentDisposition);
final String[] parts = contentDisposition.split(";");
for (String part : parts) {
final String fileName;
part = part.trim();
// extract the filename
if (part.startsWith("filename=")) {
// remove directive and decode
fileName = Utils.decodeUrlUtf8(part.substring(9));
} else if (part.startsWith("filename*=")) {
fileName = Utils.decodeUrlUtf8(part.substring(10));
} else {
// extract the file extension / suffix
final String[] p = fileName.split("\\.");
String suffix = p[p.length - 1];
if (suffix.endsWith("\"") || suffix.endsWith("'")) {
// remove trailing quotes if present, end index is exclusive
suffix = suffix.substring(0, suffix.length() - 1);
// get the corresponding media format
final MediaFormat format = MediaFormat.getFromSuffix(suffix);
if (format != null) {
streamsWrapper.setFormat(stream, format);
return true;
} catch (final Exception ignored) {
// fail silently
return false;
public static <X extends Stream> boolean retrieveMediaFormatFromContentTypeHeader(
@NonNull final X stream,
@NonNull final StreamInfoWrapper<X> streamsWrapper,
@NonNull final Response response) {
// try to get the format by content type
// some mime types are not unique for every format, those are omitted
final String contentTypeHeader = response.getHeader("Content-Type");
if (contentTypeHeader == null) {
return false;
@Nullable MediaFormat foundFormat = null;
for (final MediaFormat format : MediaFormat.getAllFromMimeType(contentTypeHeader)) {
if (foundFormat == null) {
foundFormat = format;
} else if ( != {
return false;
if (foundFormat != null) {
streamsWrapper.setFormat(stream, foundFormat);
return true;
return false;
public void resetInfo() {
Arrays.fill(streamSizes, SIZE_UNSET);
for (int i = 0; i < streamsList.size(); i++) {
streamFormats[i] = streamsList.get(i) == null // test for invalid streams
? null : streamsList.get(i).getFormat();
public static <X extends Stream> StreamInfoWrapper<X> empty() {
//noinspection unchecked
return (StreamInfoWrapper<X>) EMPTY;
public List<T> getStreamsList() {
return streamsList;
public long getSizeInBytes(final int streamIndex) {
return streamSizes[streamIndex];
public long getSizeInBytes(final T stream) {
return streamSizes[streamsList.indexOf(stream)];
public String getFormattedSize(final int streamIndex) {
return formatSize(getSizeInBytes(streamIndex));
private String formatSize(final long size) {
if (size > -1) {
return Utility.formatBytes(size);
return unknownSize;
public void setSize(final T stream, final long sizeInBytes) {
streamSizes[streamsList.indexOf(stream)] = sizeInBytes;
public MediaFormat getFormat(final int streamIndex) {
return streamFormats[streamIndex];
public void setFormat(final T stream, final MediaFormat format) {
streamFormats[streamsList.indexOf(stream)] = format;