package org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.Player; import java.util.List; /** * A player UI is a component that can seamlessly connect and disconnect from the {@link Player} and * provide a user interface of some sort. Try to extend this class instead of adding more code to * {@link Player}! */ public abstract class PlayerUi { @NonNull protected final Context context; @NonNull protected final Player player; /** * @param player the player instance that will be usable throughout the lifetime of this UI */ protected PlayerUi(@NonNull final Player player) { this.context = player.getContext(); this.player = player; } /** * @return the player instance this UI was constructed with */ @NonNull public Player getPlayer() { return player; } /** * Called after the player received an intent and processed it. */ public void setupAfterIntent() { } /** * Called right after the exoplayer instance is constructed, or right after this UI is * constructed if the exoplayer is already available then. Note that the exoplayer instance * could be built and destroyed multiple times during the lifetime of the player, so this method * might be called multiple times. */ public void initPlayer() { } /** * Called when playback in the exoplayer is about to start, or right after this UI is * constructed if the exoplayer and the play queue are already available then. The play queue * will therefore always be not null. */ public void initPlayback() { } /** * Called when the exoplayer instance is about to be destroyed. Note that the exoplayer instance * could be built and destroyed multiple times during the lifetime of the player, so this method * might be called multiple times. Be sure to unset any video surface view or play queue * listeners! This will also be called when this UI is being discarded, just before {@link * #destroy()}. */ public void destroyPlayer() { } /** * Called when this UI is being discarded, either because the player is switching to a different * UI or because the player is shutting down completely. */ public void destroy() { } /** * Called when the player is smooth-stopping, that is, transitioning smoothly to a new play * queue after the user tapped on a new video stream while a stream was playing in the video * detail fragment. */ public void smoothStopForImmediateReusing() { } /** * Called when the video detail fragment listener is connected with the player, or right after * this UI is constructed if the listener is already connected then. */ public void onFragmentListenerSet() { } /** * Broadcasts that the player receives will also be notified to UIs here. If you want to * register new broadcast actions to receive here, add them to {@link * Player#setupBroadcastReceiver()}. * @param intent the broadcast intent received by the player */ public void onBroadcastReceived(final Intent intent) { } /** * Called when stream progress (i.e. the current time in the seekbar) or stream duration change. * Will surely be called every {@link Player#PROGRESS_LOOP_INTERVAL_MILLIS} while a stream is * playing. * @param currentProgress the current progress in milliseconds * @param duration the duration of the stream being played * @param bufferPercent the percentage of stream already buffered, see {@link *} */ public void onUpdateProgress(final int currentProgress, final int duration, final int bufferPercent) { } public void onPrepared() { } public void onBlocked() { } public void onPlaying() { } public void onBuffering() { } public void onPaused() { } public void onPausedSeek() { } public void onCompleted() { } public void onRepeatModeChanged(@RepeatMode final int repeatMode) { } public void onShuffleModeEnabledChanged(final boolean shuffleModeEnabled) { } public void onMuteUnmuteChanged(final boolean isMuted) { } /** * @see * @param currentTracks the available tracks information */ public void onTextTracksChanged(@NonNull final Tracks currentTracks) { } /** * @see * @param playbackParameters the new playback parameters */ public void onPlaybackParametersChanged(@NonNull final PlaybackParameters playbackParameters) { } /** * @see */ public void onRenderedFirstFrame() { } /** * @see * @param cues the cues to pass to the subtitle view */ public void onCues(@NonNull final List cues) { } /** * Called when the stream being played changes. * @param info the {@link StreamInfo} metadata object, along with data about the selected and * available video streams (to be used to build the resolution menus, for example) */ public void onMetadataChanged(@NonNull final StreamInfo info) { } /** * Called when the thumbnail for the current metadata was loaded. * @param bitmap the thumbnail to process, or null if there is no thumbnail or there was an * error when loading the thumbnail */ public void onThumbnailLoaded(@Nullable final Bitmap bitmap) { } /** * Called when the play queue was edited: a stream was appended, moved or removed. */ public void onPlayQueueEdited() { } /** * @param videoSize the new video size, useful to set the surface aspect ratio * @see */ public void onVideoSizeChanged(@NonNull final VideoSize videoSize) { } }