Inexact seek allows the player to seek to positions faster with reduced precision. Seeking for 5, 15 or 25 seconds doesn’t work with this. Display an option to play a video via Kodi media centre Have Android customise the notification’s colour according to the main colour in the thumbnail (note that this is not available on all devices) Colourise notification Import a SoundCloud profile by typing either the URL or your ID: \n \n1. Enable ‘desktop mode’ in a web browser (the site is not available for mobile devices) \n2. Go to this URL: %1$s \n3. Log in when asked \n4. Copy the profile URL you were redirected to. Import YouTube subscriptions from Google takeout: \n \n1. Go to this URL: %1$s \n2. Log in when asked \n3. Click on ‘All data included’, then on ‘Deselect all’, then select only ‘subscriptions’ and click ‘OK’ \n4. Click on ‘Next step’ and then on ‘Create export’ \n5. Click on the ‘Download’ button after it appears \n6. Click on IMPORT FILE below and select the downloaded .zip file \n7. [If the .zip import fails] Extract the .csv file (usually under ‘YouTube and YouTube Music/subscriptions/subscriptions.csv’), click on IMPORT FILE below and select the extracted csv file Press ‘Done’ when solved This video is age restricted. \n \nTurn on ‘%1$s’ in the settings if you want to see it. YouTube provides a ‘Restricted Mode’ which hides potentially mature content Turn on YouTube’s ‘Restricted Mode’ Show tip when pressing the background or the pop-up button in video ‘Details:’ Show ‘Hold to append’ tip Show ‘Play with Kodi’ option Did you mean ‘%1$s’\? Tap the magnifying glass to get started. Channel’s avatar thumbnail Time after last update before a subscription is considered outdated – %s Start playback automatically – %s Action when switching to other app from main video player – %s Default action when opening content – %s Whether you have ideas of; translation, design changes, code cleaning, or real heavy code changes – help is always welcome. The more is done, the better it gets! Switch to Main Switch to Pop-up Switch to Background Video hash notification App update notification Just once Show content possibly unsuitable for children because it has an age limit (such as 18+) Playing in pop-up mode Updates Debug Appearance History and cache Video and audio Player Cancel This content is not yet supported by NewPipe. \n \nHopefully, it will be supported in a future version. Do you think feed loading is too slow\? If so, try enabling fast loading (you can change it in settings or by pressing the button below). \n \nNewPipe offers two feed loading methods: \n• Fetching the whole subscription channel, which is slow but complete. \n• Using a dedicated service endpoint, which is fast but usually not complete. \n \nThe difference between the two is that the fast one usually lacks some information, like the item\'s duration or type (can\'t distinguish between live videos and normal ones) and it may return fewer items. \n \nYouTube is an example of a service that offers this fast method with its RSS feed. \n \nSo the choice boils down to what you prefer: speed or complete information. Available in some services, it is usually much faster but may return a limited number of items and often incomplete information (e.g. no duration, item type, no live status). Maximum number of attempts before cancelling the download Read licence NewPipe is copyleft libre software: You can use, study share and improve it at will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the Licence, or (at your option) any later version. NewPipe’s licence Licences Third-party licences Downloading to SD card not possible. Reset download folder location\? Behaviour Select your favourite PeerTube instances Continue playing after interruptions (e.g. phone calls) Turn off to prevent loading thumbnails, saving data and memory usage. Changes clear both in-memory and on-disc image cache. Published on %1$s Report this error via e-mail Select your favorite night theme – %s