package org.schabi.newpipe.player; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.ServiceList.YouTube; import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils.isNullOrEmpty; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper.nextRepeatMode; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper.retrievePlaybackParametersFromPrefs; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper.retrieveSeekDurationFromPreferences; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper.savePlaybackParametersToPrefs; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_CLOSE; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_FAST_FORWARD; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_FAST_REWIND; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_PLAY_NEXT; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_PLAY_PREVIOUS; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_RECREATE_NOTIFICATION; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_REPEAT; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_SHUFFLE; import static org.schabi.newpipe.util.ListHelper.getPopupResolutionIndex; import static org.schabi.newpipe.util.ListHelper.getResolutionIndex; import static org.schabi.newpipe.util.Localization.assureCorrectAppLanguage; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.core.math.MathUtils; import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso; import com.squareup.picasso.Target; import org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity; import org.schabi.newpipe.R; import org.schabi.newpipe.databinding.PlayerBinding; import org.schabi.newpipe.error.ErrorInfo; import org.schabi.newpipe.error.ErrorUtil; import org.schabi.newpipe.error.UserAction; import; import; import; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.fragments.detail.VideoDetailFragment; import org.schabi.newpipe.local.history.HistoryRecordManager; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.event.PlayerEventListener; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.event.PlayerServiceEventListener; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.AudioReactor; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.LoadController; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerDataSource; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.mediaitem.MediaItemTag; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.mediasession.MediaSessionPlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationPlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playback.MediaSourceManager; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playback.PlaybackListener; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playqueue.PlayQueue; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playqueue.PlayQueueItem; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.resolver.AudioPlaybackResolver; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.resolver.VideoPlaybackResolver; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.resolver.VideoPlaybackResolver.SourceType; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui.MainPlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui.PlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui.PlayerUiList; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui.PopupPlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui.VideoPlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.DependentPreferenceHelper; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.DeviceUtils; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.ListHelper; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.NavigationHelper; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.PicassoHelper; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.SerializedCache; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.StreamTypeUtil; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import; import; import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable; import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.CompositeDisposable; import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.Disposable; import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.SerialDisposable; public final class Player implements PlaybackListener, Listener { public static final boolean DEBUG = MainActivity.DEBUG; public static final String TAG = Player.class.getSimpleName(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // States //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public static final int STATE_PREFLIGHT = -1; public static final int STATE_BLOCKED = 123; public static final int STATE_PLAYING = 124; public static final int STATE_BUFFERING = 125; public static final int STATE_PAUSED = 126; public static final int STATE_PAUSED_SEEK = 127; public static final int STATE_COMPLETED = 128; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Intent //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public static final String REPEAT_MODE = "repeat_mode"; public static final String PLAYBACK_QUALITY = "playback_quality"; public static final String PLAY_QUEUE_KEY = "play_queue_key"; public static final String ENQUEUE = "enqueue"; public static final String ENQUEUE_NEXT = "enqueue_next"; public static final String RESUME_PLAYBACK = "resume_playback"; public static final String PLAY_WHEN_READY = "play_when_ready"; public static final String PLAYER_TYPE = "player_type"; public static final String IS_MUTED = "is_muted"; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Time constants //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public static final int PLAY_PREV_ACTIVATION_LIMIT_MILLIS = 5000; // 5 seconds public static final int PROGRESS_LOOP_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 1000; // 1 second /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Other constants //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public static final int RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE = -1; private static final String PICASSO_PLAYER_THUMBNAIL_TAG = "PICASSO_PLAYER_THUMBNAIL_TAG"; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ // play queue might be null e.g. while player is starting @Nullable private PlayQueue playQueue; @Nullable private MediaSourceManager playQueueManager; @Nullable private PlayQueueItem currentItem; @Nullable private MediaItemTag currentMetadata; @Nullable private Bitmap currentThumbnail; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ private ExoPlayer simpleExoPlayer; private AudioReactor audioReactor; @NonNull private final DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector; @NonNull private final LoadController loadController; @NonNull private final RenderersFactory renderFactory; @NonNull private final VideoPlaybackResolver videoResolver; @NonNull private final AudioPlaybackResolver audioResolver; private final PlayerService service; //TODO try to remove and replace everything with context /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player states //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ private PlayerType playerType = PlayerType.MAIN; private int currentState = STATE_PREFLIGHT; // audio only mode does not mean that player type is background, but that the player was // minimized to background but will resume automatically to the original player type private boolean isAudioOnly = false; private boolean isPrepared = false; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UIs, listeners and disposables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ @SuppressWarnings({"MemberName", "java:S116"}) // keep the unusual member name private final PlayerUiList UIs; private BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver; private IntentFilter intentFilter; @Nullable private PlayerServiceEventListener fragmentListener = null; @Nullable private PlayerEventListener activityListener = null; @NonNull private final SerialDisposable progressUpdateDisposable = new SerialDisposable(); @NonNull private final CompositeDisposable databaseUpdateDisposable = new CompositeDisposable(); // This is the only listener we need for thumbnail loading, since there is always at most only // one thumbnail being loaded at a time. This field is also here to maintain a strong reference, // which would otherwise be garbage collected since Picasso holds weak references to targets. @NonNull private final Target currentThumbnailTarget; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utils //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ @NonNull private final Context context; @NonNull private final SharedPreferences prefs; @NonNull private final HistoryRecordManager recordManager; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Constructor public Player(@NonNull final PlayerService service) { this.service = service; context = service; prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); recordManager = new HistoryRecordManager(context); setupBroadcastReceiver(); trackSelector = new DefaultTrackSelector(context, PlayerHelper.getQualitySelector()); final PlayerDataSource dataSource = new PlayerDataSource(context, new DefaultBandwidthMeter.Builder(context).build()); loadController = new LoadController(); renderFactory = new DefaultRenderersFactory(context); videoResolver = new VideoPlaybackResolver(context, dataSource, getQualityResolver()); audioResolver = new AudioPlaybackResolver(context, dataSource); currentThumbnailTarget = getCurrentThumbnailTarget(); // The UIs added here should always be present. They will be initialized when the player // reaches the initialization step. Make sure the media session ui is before the // notification ui in the UIs list, since the notification depends on the media session in // PlayerUi#initPlayer(), and guarantees UI order is preserved. UIs = new PlayerUiList( new MediaSessionPlayerUi(this), new NotificationPlayerUi(this) ); } private VideoPlaybackResolver.QualityResolver getQualityResolver() { return new VideoPlaybackResolver.QualityResolver() { @Override public int getDefaultResolutionIndex(final List sortedVideos) { return videoPlayerSelected() ? ListHelper.getDefaultResolutionIndex(context, sortedVideos) : ListHelper.getPopupDefaultResolutionIndex(context, sortedVideos); } @Override public int getOverrideResolutionIndex(final List sortedVideos, final String playbackQuality) { return videoPlayerSelected() ? getResolutionIndex(context, sortedVideos, playbackQuality) : getPopupResolutionIndex(context, sortedVideos, playbackQuality); } }; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback initialization via intent //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Playback initialization via intent @SuppressWarnings("MethodLength") public void handleIntent(@NonNull final Intent intent) { // fail fast if no play queue was provided final String queueCache = intent.getStringExtra(PLAY_QUEUE_KEY); if (queueCache == null) { return; } final PlayQueue newQueue = SerializedCache.getInstance().take(queueCache, PlayQueue.class); if (newQueue == null) { return; } final PlayerType oldPlayerType = playerType; playerType = PlayerType.retrieveFromIntent(intent); initUIsForCurrentPlayerType(); // We need to setup audioOnly before super(), see "sourceOf" isAudioOnly = audioPlayerSelected(); if (intent.hasExtra(PLAYBACK_QUALITY)) { setPlaybackQuality(intent.getStringExtra(PLAYBACK_QUALITY)); } // Resolve enqueue intents if (intent.getBooleanExtra(ENQUEUE, false) && playQueue != null) { playQueue.append(newQueue.getStreams()); return; // Resolve enqueue next intents } else if (intent.getBooleanExtra(ENQUEUE_NEXT, false) && playQueue != null) { final int currentIndex = playQueue.getIndex(); playQueue.append(newQueue.getStreams()); playQueue.move(playQueue.size() - 1, currentIndex + 1); return; } final PlaybackParameters savedParameters = retrievePlaybackParametersFromPrefs(this); final float playbackSpeed = savedParameters.speed; final float playbackPitch = savedParameters.pitch; final boolean playbackSkipSilence = getPrefs().getBoolean(getContext().getString( R.string.playback_skip_silence_key), getPlaybackSkipSilence()); final boolean samePlayQueue = playQueue != null && playQueue.equalStreamsAndIndex(newQueue); final int repeatMode = intent.getIntExtra(REPEAT_MODE, getRepeatMode()); final boolean playWhenReady = intent.getBooleanExtra(PLAY_WHEN_READY, true); final boolean isMuted = intent.getBooleanExtra(IS_MUTED, isMuted()); /* * TODO As seen in #7427 this does not work: * There are 3 situations when playback shouldn't be started from scratch (zero timestamp): * 1. User pressed on a timestamp link and the same video should be rewound to the timestamp * 2. User changed a player from, for example. main to popup, or from audio to main, etc * 3. User chose to resume a video based on a saved timestamp from history of played videos * In those cases time will be saved because re-init of the play queue is a not an instant * task and requires network calls * */ // seek to timestamp if stream is already playing if (!exoPlayerIsNull() && newQueue.size() == 1 && newQueue.getItem() != null && playQueue != null && playQueue.size() == 1 && playQueue.getItem() != null && newQueue.getItem().getUrl().equals(playQueue.getItem().getUrl()) && newQueue.getItem().getRecoveryPosition() != PlayQueueItem.RECOVERY_UNSET) { // Player can have state = IDLE when playback is stopped or failed // and we should retry in this case if (simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackState() == { simpleExoPlayer.prepare(); } simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(playQueue.getIndex(), newQueue.getItem().getRecoveryPosition()); simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(playWhenReady); } else if (!exoPlayerIsNull() && samePlayQueue && playQueue != null && !playQueue.isDisposed()) { // Do not re-init the same PlayQueue. Save time // Player can have state = IDLE when playback is stopped or failed // and we should retry in this case if (simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackState() == { simpleExoPlayer.prepare(); } simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(playWhenReady); } else if (intent.getBooleanExtra(RESUME_PLAYBACK, false) && DependentPreferenceHelper.getResumePlaybackEnabled(context) && !samePlayQueue && !newQueue.isEmpty() && newQueue.getItem() != null && newQueue.getItem().getRecoveryPosition() == PlayQueueItem.RECOVERY_UNSET) { databaseUpdateDisposable.add(recordManager.loadStreamState(newQueue.getItem()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) // Do not place initPlayback() in doFinally() because // it restarts playback after destroy() //.doFinally() .subscribe( state -> { if (!state.isFinished(newQueue.getItem().getDuration())) { // resume playback only if the stream was not played to the end newQueue.setRecovery(newQueue.getIndex(), state.getProgressMillis()); } initPlayback(newQueue, repeatMode, playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence, playWhenReady, isMuted); }, error -> { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to start playback", error); } // In case any error we can start playback without history initPlayback(newQueue, repeatMode, playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence, playWhenReady, isMuted); }, () -> { // Completed but not found in history initPlayback(newQueue, repeatMode, playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence, playWhenReady, isMuted); } )); } else { // Good to go... // In a case of equal PlayQueues we can re-init old one but only when it is disposed initPlayback(samePlayQueue ? playQueue : newQueue, repeatMode, playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence, playWhenReady, isMuted); } if (oldPlayerType != playerType && playQueue != null) { // If playerType changes from one to another we should reload the player // (to disable/enable video stream or to set quality) setRecovery(); reloadPlayQueueManager(); }; NavigationHelper.sendPlayerStartedEvent(context); } private void initUIsForCurrentPlayerType() { if ((UIs.get(MainPlayerUi.class).isPresent() && playerType == PlayerType.MAIN) || (UIs.get(PopupPlayerUi.class).isPresent() && playerType == PlayerType.POPUP)) { // correct UI already in place return; } // try to reuse binding if possible final PlayerBinding binding = UIs.get(VideoPlayerUi.class).map(VideoPlayerUi::getBinding) .orElseGet(() -> { if (playerType == PlayerType.AUDIO) { return null; } else { return PlayerBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(context)); } }); switch (playerType) { case MAIN: UIs.destroyAll(PopupPlayerUi.class); UIs.addAndPrepare(new MainPlayerUi(this, binding)); break; case POPUP: UIs.destroyAll(MainPlayerUi.class); UIs.addAndPrepare(new PopupPlayerUi(this, binding)); break; case AUDIO: UIs.destroyAll(VideoPlayerUi.class); break; } } private void initPlayback(@NonNull final PlayQueue queue, @RepeatMode final int repeatMode, final float playbackSpeed, final float playbackPitch, final boolean playbackSkipSilence, final boolean playOnReady, final boolean isMuted) { destroyPlayer(); initPlayer(playOnReady); setRepeatMode(repeatMode); setPlaybackParameters(playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence); playQueue = queue; playQueue.init(); reloadPlayQueueManager();; simpleExoPlayer.setVolume(isMuted ? 0 : 1); notifyQueueUpdateToListeners(); } private void initPlayer(final boolean playOnReady) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "initPlayer() called with: playOnReady = [" + playOnReady + "]"); } simpleExoPlayer = new ExoPlayer.Builder(context, renderFactory) .setTrackSelector(trackSelector) .setLoadControl(loadController) .setUsePlatformDiagnostics(false) .build(); simpleExoPlayer.addListener(this); simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(playOnReady); simpleExoPlayer.setSeekParameters(PlayerHelper.getSeekParameters(context)); simpleExoPlayer.setWakeMode(C.WAKE_MODE_NETWORK); simpleExoPlayer.setHandleAudioBecomingNoisy(true); audioReactor = new AudioReactor(context, simpleExoPlayer); registerBroadcastReceiver(); // Setup UIs; // enable media tunneling if (DEBUG && PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.disable_media_tunneling_key), false)) { Log.d(TAG, "[" + Util.DEVICE_DEBUG_INFO + "] " + "media tunneling disabled in debug preferences"); } else if (DeviceUtils.shouldSupportMediaTunneling()) { trackSelector.setParameters(trackSelector.buildUponParameters() .setTunnelingEnabled(true)); } else if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "[" + Util.DEVICE_DEBUG_INFO + "] does not support media tunneling"); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Destroy and recovery //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Destroy and recovery private void destroyPlayer() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "destroyPlayer() called"); }; if (!exoPlayerIsNull()) { simpleExoPlayer.removeListener(this); simpleExoPlayer.stop(); simpleExoPlayer.release(); } if (isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); } if (playQueue != null) { playQueue.dispose(); } if (audioReactor != null) { audioReactor.dispose(); } if (playQueueManager != null) { playQueueManager.dispose(); } } public void destroy() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "destroy() called"); } saveStreamProgressState(); setRecovery(); stopActivityBinding(); destroyPlayer(); unregisterBroadcastReceiver(); databaseUpdateDisposable.clear(); progressUpdateDisposable.set(null); cancelLoadingCurrentThumbnail(); UIs.destroyAll(Object.class); // destroy every UI: obviously every UI extends Object } public void setRecovery() { if (playQueue == null || exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } final int queuePos = playQueue.getIndex(); final long windowPos = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); final long duration = simpleExoPlayer.getDuration(); // No checks due to setRecovery(queuePos, MathUtils.clamp(windowPos, 0, duration)); } private void setRecovery(final int queuePos, final long windowPos) { if (playQueue == null || playQueue.size() <= queuePos) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Setting recovery, queue: " + queuePos + ", pos: " + windowPos); } playQueue.setRecovery(queuePos, windowPos); } public void reloadPlayQueueManager() { if (playQueueManager != null) { playQueueManager.dispose(); } if (playQueue != null) { playQueueManager = new MediaSourceManager(this, playQueue); } } @Override // own playback listener public void onPlaybackShutdown() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlaybackShutdown() called"); } // destroys the service, which in turn will destroy the player service.stopService(); } public void smoothStopForImmediateReusing() { // Pausing would make transition from one stream to a new stream not smooth, so only stop simpleExoPlayer.stop(); setRecovery();; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Broadcast receiver //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Broadcast receiver /** * This function prepares the broadcast receiver and is called only in the constructor. * Therefore if you want any PlayerUi to receive a broadcast action, you should add it here, * even if that player ui might never be added to the player. In that case the received * broadcast would not do anything. */ private void setupBroadcastReceiver() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "setupBroadcastReceiver() called"); } broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(final Context ctx, final Intent intent) { onBroadcastReceived(intent); } }; intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction(AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_CLOSE); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_PLAY_PREVIOUS); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_PLAY_NEXT); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_FAST_REWIND); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_FAST_FORWARD); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_REPEAT); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_SHUFFLE); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_RECREATE_NOTIFICATION); intentFilter.addAction(VideoDetailFragment.ACTION_VIDEO_FRAGMENT_RESUMED); intentFilter.addAction(VideoDetailFragment.ACTION_VIDEO_FRAGMENT_STOPPED); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG); } private void onBroadcastReceived(final Intent intent) { if (intent == null || intent.getAction() == null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onBroadcastReceived() called with: intent = [" + intent + "]"); } switch (intent.getAction()) { case AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY: pause(); break; case ACTION_CLOSE: service.stopService(); break; case ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE: playPause(); break; case ACTION_PLAY_PREVIOUS: playPrevious(); break; case ACTION_PLAY_NEXT: playNext(); break; case ACTION_FAST_REWIND: fastRewind(); break; case ACTION_FAST_FORWARD: fastForward(); break; case ACTION_REPEAT: cycleNextRepeatMode(); break; case ACTION_SHUFFLE: toggleShuffleModeEnabled(); break; case Intent.ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED: assureCorrectAppLanguage(service); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED received"); } break; } -> playerUi.onBroadcastReceived(intent)); } private void registerBroadcastReceiver() { // Try to unregister current first unregisterBroadcastReceiver(); context.registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, intentFilter); } private void unregisterBroadcastReceiver() { try { context.unregisterReceiver(broadcastReceiver); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException unregisteredException) { Log.w(TAG, "Broadcast receiver already unregistered: " + unregisteredException.getMessage()); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Thumbnail loading //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Thumbnail loading private Target getCurrentThumbnailTarget() { // a Picasso target is just a listener for thumbnail loading events return new Target() { @Override public void onBitmapLoaded(final Bitmap bitmap, final Picasso.LoadedFrom from) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Thumbnail - onBitmapLoaded() called with: bitmap = [" + bitmap + " -> " + bitmap.getWidth() + "x" + bitmap.getHeight() + "], from = [" + from + "]"); } // there is a new thumbnail, so e.g. the end screen thumbnail needs to change, too. onThumbnailLoaded(bitmap); } @Override public void onBitmapFailed(final Exception e, final Drawable errorDrawable) { Log.e(TAG, "Thumbnail - onBitmapFailed() called", e); // there is a new thumbnail, so e.g. the end screen thumbnail needs to change, too. onThumbnailLoaded(null); } @Override public void onPrepareLoad(final Drawable placeHolderDrawable) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Thumbnail - onPrepareLoad() called"); } } }; } private void loadCurrentThumbnail(final String url) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Thumbnail - loadCurrentThumbnail() called with url = [" + (url == null ? "null" : url) + "]"); } // first cancel any previous loading cancelLoadingCurrentThumbnail(); // Unset currentThumbnail, since it is now outdated. This ensures it is not used in media // session metadata while the new thumbnail is being loaded by Picasso. onThumbnailLoaded(null); if (isNullOrEmpty(url)) { return; } // scale down the notification thumbnail for performance PicassoHelper.loadScaledDownThumbnail(context, url) .tag(PICASSO_PLAYER_THUMBNAIL_TAG) .into(currentThumbnailTarget); } private void cancelLoadingCurrentThumbnail() { // cancel the Picasso job associated with the player thumbnail, if any PicassoHelper.cancelTag(PICASSO_PLAYER_THUMBNAIL_TAG); } private void onThumbnailLoaded(@Nullable final Bitmap bitmap) { // Avoid useless thumbnail updates, if the thumbnail has not actually changed. Based on the // thumbnail loading code, this if would be skipped only when both bitmaps are `null`, since // onThumbnailLoaded won't be called twice with the same nonnull bitmap by Picasso's target. if (currentThumbnail != bitmap) { currentThumbnail = bitmap; -> playerUi.onThumbnailLoaded(bitmap)); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback parameters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Playback parameters public float getPlaybackSpeed() { return getPlaybackParameters().speed; } public void setPlaybackSpeed(final float speed) { setPlaybackParameters(speed, getPlaybackPitch(), getPlaybackSkipSilence()); } public float getPlaybackPitch() { return getPlaybackParameters().pitch; } public boolean getPlaybackSkipSilence() { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.getSkipSilenceEnabled(); } public PlaybackParameters getPlaybackParameters() { if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return PlaybackParameters.DEFAULT; } return simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackParameters(); } /** * Sets the playback parameters of the player, and also saves them to shared preferences. * Speed and pitch are rounded up to 2 decimal places before being used or saved. * * @param speed the playback speed, will be rounded to up to 2 decimal places * @param pitch the playback pitch, will be rounded to up to 2 decimal places * @param skipSilence skip silence during playback */ public void setPlaybackParameters(final float speed, final float pitch, final boolean skipSilence) { final float roundedSpeed = Math.round(speed * 100.0f) / 100.0f; final float roundedPitch = Math.round(pitch * 100.0f) / 100.0f; savePlaybackParametersToPrefs(this, roundedSpeed, roundedPitch, skipSilence); simpleExoPlayer.setPlaybackParameters( new PlaybackParameters(roundedSpeed, roundedPitch)); simpleExoPlayer.setSkipSilenceEnabled(skipSilence); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Progress loop and updates //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Progress loop and updates private void onUpdateProgress(final int currentProgress, final int duration, final int bufferPercent) { if (isPrepared) { -> ui.onUpdateProgress(currentProgress, duration, bufferPercent)); notifyProgressUpdateToListeners(currentProgress, duration, bufferPercent); } } public void startProgressLoop() { progressUpdateDisposable.set(getProgressUpdateDisposable()); } private void stopProgressLoop() { progressUpdateDisposable.set(null); } public boolean isProgressLoopRunning() { return progressUpdateDisposable.get() != null; } public void triggerProgressUpdate() { if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } onUpdateProgress(Math.max((int) simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(), 0), (int) simpleExoPlayer.getDuration(), simpleExoPlayer.getBufferedPercentage()); } private Disposable getProgressUpdateDisposable() { return Observable.interval(PROGRESS_LOOP_INTERVAL_MILLIS, MILLISECONDS, AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(ignored -> triggerProgressUpdate(), error -> Log.e(TAG, "Progress update failure: ", error)); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback states //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Playback states @Override public void onPlayWhenReadyChanged(final boolean playWhenReady, final int reason) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPlayWhenReadyChanged() called with: " + "playWhenReady = [" + playWhenReady + "], " + "reason = [" + reason + "]"); } final int playbackState = exoPlayerIsNull() ? : simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackState(); updatePlaybackState(playWhenReady, playbackState); } @Override public void onPlaybackStateChanged(final int playbackState) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPlaybackStateChanged() called with: " + "playbackState = [" + playbackState + "]"); } updatePlaybackState(getPlayWhenReady(), playbackState); } private void updatePlaybackState(final boolean playWhenReady, final int playbackState) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - updatePlaybackState() called with: " + "playWhenReady = [" + playWhenReady + "], " + "playbackState = [" + playbackState + "]"); } if (currentState == STATE_PAUSED_SEEK) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "updatePlaybackState() is currently blocked"); } return; } switch (playbackState) { case // 1 isPrepared = false; break; case // 2 if (isPrepared) { changeState(STATE_BUFFERING); } break; case //3 if (!isPrepared) { isPrepared = true; onPrepared(playWhenReady); } changeState(playWhenReady ? STATE_PLAYING : STATE_PAUSED); break; case // 4 changeState(STATE_COMPLETED); saveStreamProgressStateCompleted(); isPrepared = false; break; } } @Override // exoplayer listener public void onIsLoadingChanged(final boolean isLoading) { if (!isLoading && currentState == STATE_PAUSED && isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); } else if (isLoading && !isProgressLoopRunning()) { startProgressLoop(); } } @Override // own playback listener public void onPlaybackBlock() { if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onPlaybackBlock() called"); } currentItem = null; currentMetadata = null; simpleExoPlayer.stop(); isPrepared = false; changeState(STATE_BLOCKED); } @Override // own playback listener public void onPlaybackUnblock(final MediaSource mediaSource) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onPlaybackUnblock() called"); } if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } if (currentState == STATE_BLOCKED) { changeState(STATE_BUFFERING); } simpleExoPlayer.setMediaSource(mediaSource, false); simpleExoPlayer.prepare(); } public void changeState(final int state) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "changeState() called with: state = [" + state + "]"); } currentState = state; switch (state) { case STATE_BLOCKED: onBlocked(); break; case STATE_PLAYING: onPlaying(); break; case STATE_BUFFERING: onBuffering(); break; case STATE_PAUSED: onPaused(); break; case STATE_PAUSED_SEEK: onPausedSeek(); break; case STATE_COMPLETED: onCompleted(); break; } notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); } private void onPrepared(final boolean playWhenReady) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPrepared() called with: playWhenReady = [" + playWhenReady + "]"); }; if (playWhenReady) { audioReactor.requestAudioFocus(); } } private void onBlocked() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onBlocked() called"); } if (!isProgressLoopRunning()) { startProgressLoop(); }; } private void onPlaying() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlaying() called"); } if (!isProgressLoopRunning()) { startProgressLoop(); }; } private void onBuffering() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onBuffering() called"); }; } private void onPaused() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPaused() called"); } if (isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); }; } private void onPausedSeek() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPausedSeek() called"); }; } private void onCompleted() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onCompleted() called" + (playQueue == null ? ". playQueue is null" : "")); } if (playQueue == null) { return; }; if (playQueue.getIndex() < playQueue.size() - 1) { playQueue.offsetIndex(+1); } if (isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Repeat and shuffle //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Repeat and shuffle @RepeatMode public int getRepeatMode() { return exoPlayerIsNull() ? REPEAT_MODE_OFF : simpleExoPlayer.getRepeatMode(); } public void setRepeatMode(@RepeatMode final int repeatMode) { if (!exoPlayerIsNull()) { simpleExoPlayer.setRepeatMode(repeatMode); } } public void cycleNextRepeatMode() { setRepeatMode(nextRepeatMode(getRepeatMode())); } @Override public void onRepeatModeChanged(@RepeatMode final int repeatMode) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onRepeatModeChanged() called with: " + "repeatMode = [" + repeatMode + "]"); } -> playerUi.onRepeatModeChanged(repeatMode)); notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); } @Override public void onShuffleModeEnabledChanged(final boolean shuffleModeEnabled) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onShuffleModeEnabledChanged() called with: " + "mode = [" + shuffleModeEnabled + "]"); } if (playQueue != null) { if (shuffleModeEnabled) { playQueue.shuffle(); } else { playQueue.unshuffle(); } } -> playerUi.onShuffleModeEnabledChanged(shuffleModeEnabled)); notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); } public void toggleShuffleModeEnabled() { if (!exoPlayerIsNull()) { simpleExoPlayer.setShuffleModeEnabled(!simpleExoPlayer.getShuffleModeEnabled()); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mute / Unmute //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Mute / Unmute public void toggleMute() { final boolean wasMuted = isMuted(); simpleExoPlayer.setVolume(wasMuted ? 1 : 0); -> playerUi.onMuteUnmuteChanged(!wasMuted)); notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); } public boolean isMuted() { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.getVolume() == 0; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ExoPlayer listeners (that didn't fit in other categories) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region ExoPlayer listeners (that didn't fit in other categories) /** *

Listens for event or state changes on ExoPlayer. When any event happens, we check for * changes in the currently-playing metadata and update the encapsulating * {@link Player}. Downstream listeners are also informed.

* *

When the renewed metadata contains any error, it is reported as a notification. * This is done because not all source resolution errors are {@link PlaybackException}, which * are also captured by {@link ExoPlayer} and stops the playback.

* * @param player The {@link} whose state changed. * @param events The {@link} that has triggered * the player state changes. **/ @Override public void onEvents(@NonNull final player, @NonNull final events) { Listener.super.onEvents(player, events); MediaItemTag.from(player.getCurrentMediaItem()).ifPresent(tag -> { if (tag == currentMetadata) { return; // we still have the same metadata, no need to do anything } final StreamInfo previousInfo = Optional.ofNullable(currentMetadata) .flatMap(MediaItemTag::getMaybeStreamInfo).orElse(null); currentMetadata = tag; if (!currentMetadata.getErrors().isEmpty()) { // new errors might have been added even if previousInfo == tag.getMaybeStreamInfo() final ErrorInfo errorInfo = new ErrorInfo( currentMetadata.getErrors(), UserAction.PLAY_STREAM, "Loading failed for [" + currentMetadata.getTitle() + "]: " + currentMetadata.getStreamUrl(), currentMetadata.getServiceId()); ErrorUtil.createNotification(context, errorInfo); } currentMetadata.getMaybeStreamInfo().ifPresent(info -> { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onEvents() update stream info: " + info.getName()); } if (previousInfo == null || !previousInfo.getUrl().equals(info.getUrl())) { // only update with the new stream info if it has actually changed updateMetadataWith(info); } }); }); } @Override public void onTracksChanged(@NonNull final Tracks tracks) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onTracksChanged(), " + "track group size = " + tracks.getGroups().size()); } -> playerUi.onTextTracksChanged(tracks)); } @Override public void onPlaybackParametersChanged(@NonNull final PlaybackParameters playbackParameters) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - playbackParameters(), speed = [" + playbackParameters.speed + "], pitch = [" + playbackParameters.pitch + "]"); } -> playerUi.onPlaybackParametersChanged(playbackParameters)); } @Override public void onPositionDiscontinuity(@NonNull final PositionInfo oldPosition, @NonNull final PositionInfo newPosition, @DiscontinuityReason final int discontinuityReason) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPositionDiscontinuity() called with " + "oldPositionIndex = [" + oldPosition.mediaItemIndex + "], " + "oldPositionMs = [" + oldPosition.positionMs + "], " + "newPositionIndex = [" + newPosition.mediaItemIndex + "], " + "newPositionMs = [" + newPosition.positionMs + "], " + "discontinuityReason = [" + discontinuityReason + "]"); } if (playQueue == null) { return; } // Refresh the playback if there is a transition to the next video final int newIndex = newPosition.mediaItemIndex; switch (discontinuityReason) { case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_AUTO_TRANSITION: case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_REMOVE: // When player is in single repeat mode and a period transition occurs, // we need to register a view count here since no metadata has changed if (getRepeatMode() == REPEAT_MODE_ONE && newIndex == playQueue.getIndex()) { registerStreamViewed(); break; } case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK: if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onSeekProcessed() called"); } if (isPrepared) { saveStreamProgressState(); } case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK_ADJUSTMENT: case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_INTERNAL: // Player index may be invalid when playback is blocked if (getCurrentState() != STATE_BLOCKED && newIndex != playQueue.getIndex()) { saveStreamProgressStateCompleted(); // current stream has ended playQueue.setIndex(newIndex); } break; case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SKIP: break; // only makes Android Studio linter happy, as there are no ads } } @Override public void onRenderedFirstFrame() {; } @Override public void onCues(@NonNull final CueGroup cueGroup) { -> playerUi.onCues(cueGroup.cues)); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Errors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Errors /** * Process exceptions produced by {@link ExoPlayer}. *

There are multiple types of errors:

* * @see * */ // Any error code not explicitly covered here are either unrelated to NewPipe use case // (e.g. DRM) or not recoverable (e.g. Decoder error). In both cases, the player should // shutdown. @SuppressWarnings("SwitchIntDef") @Override public void onPlayerError(@NonNull final PlaybackException error) { Log.e(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPlayerError() called with:", error); saveStreamProgressState(); boolean isCatchableException = false; switch (error.errorCode) { case ERROR_CODE_BEHIND_LIVE_WINDOW: isCatchableException = true; simpleExoPlayer.seekToDefaultPosition(); simpleExoPlayer.prepare(); // Inform the user that we are reloading the stream by // switching to the buffering state onBuffering(); break; case ERROR_CODE_IO_INVALID_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE: case ERROR_CODE_IO_BAD_HTTP_STATUS: case ERROR_CODE_IO_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_CODE_IO_NO_PERMISSION: case ERROR_CODE_IO_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED: case ERROR_CODE_IO_READ_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE: case ERROR_CODE_PARSING_CONTAINER_MALFORMED: case ERROR_CODE_PARSING_MANIFEST_MALFORMED: case ERROR_CODE_PARSING_CONTAINER_UNSUPPORTED: case ERROR_CODE_PARSING_MANIFEST_UNSUPPORTED: // Source errors, signal on playQueue and move on: if (!exoPlayerIsNull() && playQueue != null) { playQueue.error(); } break; case ERROR_CODE_TIMEOUT: case ERROR_CODE_IO_UNSPECIFIED: case ERROR_CODE_IO_NETWORK_CONNECTION_FAILED: case ERROR_CODE_IO_NETWORK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: case ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED: // Reload playback on unexpected errors: setRecovery(); reloadPlayQueueManager(); break; default: // API, remote and renderer errors belong here: onPlaybackShutdown(); break; } if (!isCatchableException) { createErrorNotification(error); } if (fragmentListener != null) { fragmentListener.onPlayerError(error, isCatchableException); } } private void createErrorNotification(@NonNull final PlaybackException error) { final ErrorInfo errorInfo; if (currentMetadata == null) { errorInfo = new ErrorInfo(error, UserAction.PLAY_STREAM, "Player error[type=" + error.getErrorCodeName() + "] occurred, currentMetadata is null"); } else { errorInfo = new ErrorInfo(error, UserAction.PLAY_STREAM, "Player error[type=" + error.getErrorCodeName() + "] occurred while playing " + currentMetadata.getStreamUrl(), currentMetadata.getServiceId()); } ErrorUtil.createNotification(context, errorInfo); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback position and seek //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Playback position and seek @Override // own playback listener (this is a getter) public boolean isApproachingPlaybackEdge(final long timeToEndMillis) { // If live, then not near playback edge // If not playing, then not approaching playback edge if (exoPlayerIsNull() || isLive() || !isPlaying()) { return false; } final long currentPositionMillis = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); final long currentDurationMillis = simpleExoPlayer.getDuration(); return currentDurationMillis - currentPositionMillis < timeToEndMillis; } /** * Checks if the current playback is a livestream AND is playing at or beyond the live edge. * * @return whether the livestream is playing at or beyond the edge */ @SuppressWarnings("BooleanMethodIsAlwaysInverted") public boolean isLiveEdge() { if (exoPlayerIsNull() || !isLive()) { return false; } final Timeline currentTimeline = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentTimeline(); final int currentWindowIndex = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentMediaItemIndex(); if (currentTimeline.isEmpty() || currentWindowIndex < 0 || currentWindowIndex >= currentTimeline.getWindowCount()) { return false; } final Timeline.Window timelineWindow = new Timeline.Window(); currentTimeline.getWindow(currentWindowIndex, timelineWindow); return timelineWindow.getDefaultPositionMs() <= simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); } @Override // own playback listener public void onPlaybackSynchronize(@NonNull final PlayQueueItem item, final boolean wasBlocked) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onPlaybackSynchronize(was blocked: " + wasBlocked + ") called with item=[" + item.getTitle() + "], url=[" + item.getUrl() + "]"); } if (exoPlayerIsNull() || playQueue == null || currentItem == item) { return; // nothing to synchronize } final int playQueueIndex = playQueue.indexOf(item); final int playlistIndex = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentMediaItemIndex(); final int playlistSize = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentTimeline().getWindowCount(); final boolean removeThumbnailBeforeSync = currentItem == null || currentItem.getServiceId() != item.getServiceId() || !currentItem.getUrl().equals(item.getUrl()); currentItem = item; if (playQueueIndex != playQueue.getIndex()) { // wrong window (this should be impossible, as this method is called with // `item=playQueue.getItem()`, so the index of that item must be equal to `getIndex()`) Log.e(TAG, "Playback - Play Queue may be not in sync: item index=[" + playQueueIndex + "], " + "queue index=[" + playQueue.getIndex() + "]"); } else if ((playlistSize > 0 && playQueueIndex >= playlistSize) || playQueueIndex < 0) { // the queue and the player's timeline are not in sync, since the play queue index // points outside of the timeline Log.e(TAG, "Playback - Trying to seek to invalid index=[" + playQueueIndex + "] with playlist length=[" + playlistSize + "]"); } else if (wasBlocked || playlistIndex != playQueueIndex || !isPlaying()) { // either the player needs to be unblocked, or the play queue index has just been // changed and needs to be synchronized, or the player is not playing if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - Rewinding to correct index=[" + playQueueIndex + "], " + "from=[" + playlistIndex + "], size=[" + playlistSize + "]."); } if (removeThumbnailBeforeSync) { // unset the current (now outdated) thumbnail to ensure it is not used during sync onThumbnailLoaded(null); } // sync the player index with the queue index, and seek to the correct position if (item.getRecoveryPosition() != PlayQueueItem.RECOVERY_UNSET) { simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(playQueueIndex, item.getRecoveryPosition()); playQueue.unsetRecovery(playQueueIndex); } else { simpleExoPlayer.seekToDefaultPosition(playQueueIndex); } } } public void seekTo(final long positionMillis) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "seekBy() called with: position = [" + positionMillis + "]"); } if (!exoPlayerIsNull()) { // prevent invalid positions when fast-forwarding/-rewinding simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(MathUtils.clamp(positionMillis, 0, simpleExoPlayer.getDuration())); } } private void seekBy(final long offsetMillis) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "seekBy() called with: offsetMillis = [" + offsetMillis + "]"); } seekTo(simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() + offsetMillis); } public void seekToDefault() { if (!exoPlayerIsNull()) { simpleExoPlayer.seekToDefaultPosition(); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player actions (play, pause, previous, fast-forward, ...) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Player actions (play, pause, previous, fast-forward, ...) public void play() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "play() called"); } if (audioReactor == null || playQueue == null || exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } audioReactor.requestAudioFocus(); if (currentState == STATE_COMPLETED) { if (playQueue.getIndex() == 0) { seekToDefault(); } else { playQueue.setIndex(0); } }; saveStreamProgressState(); } public void pause() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "pause() called"); } if (audioReactor == null || exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } audioReactor.abandonAudioFocus(); simpleExoPlayer.pause(); saveStreamProgressState(); } public void playPause() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlayPause() called"); } if (getPlayWhenReady() // When state is completed (replay button is shown) then (re)play and do not pause && currentState != STATE_COMPLETED) { pause(); } else { play(); } } public void playPrevious() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlayPrevious() called"); } if (exoPlayerIsNull() || playQueue == null) { return; } /* If current playback has run for PLAY_PREV_ACTIVATION_LIMIT_MILLIS milliseconds, * restart current track. Also restart the track if the current track * is the first in a queue.*/ if (simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() > PLAY_PREV_ACTIVATION_LIMIT_MILLIS || playQueue.getIndex() == 0) { seekToDefault(); playQueue.offsetIndex(0); } else { saveStreamProgressState(); playQueue.offsetIndex(-1); } triggerProgressUpdate(); } public void playNext() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlayNext() called"); } if (playQueue == null) { return; } saveStreamProgressState(); playQueue.offsetIndex(+1); triggerProgressUpdate(); } public void fastForward() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "fastRewind() called"); } seekBy(retrieveSeekDurationFromPreferences(this)); triggerProgressUpdate(); } public void fastRewind() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "fastRewind() called"); } seekBy(-retrieveSeekDurationFromPreferences(this)); triggerProgressUpdate(); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StreamInfo history: views and progress //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region StreamInfo history: views and progress private void registerStreamViewed() { getCurrentStreamInfo().ifPresent(info -> databaseUpdateDisposable .add(recordManager.onViewed(info).onErrorComplete().subscribe())); } private void saveStreamProgressState(final long progressMillis) { getCurrentStreamInfo().ifPresent(info -> { if (!prefs.getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.enable_watch_history_key), true)) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "saveStreamProgressState() called with: progressMillis=" + progressMillis + ", currentMetadata=[" + info.getName() + "]"); } databaseUpdateDisposable.add(recordManager.saveStreamState(info, progressMillis) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .doOnError(e -> { if (DEBUG) { e.printStackTrace(); } }) .onErrorComplete() .subscribe()); }); } public void saveStreamProgressState() { if (exoPlayerIsNull() || currentMetadata == null || playQueue == null || playQueue.getIndex() != simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentMediaItemIndex()) { // Make sure play queue and current window index are equal, to prevent saving state for // the wrong stream on discontinuity (e.g. when the stream just changed but the // playQueue index and currentMetadata still haven't updated) return; } // Save current position. It will help to restore this position once a user // wants to play prev or next stream from the queue playQueue.setRecovery(playQueue.getIndex(), simpleExoPlayer.getContentPosition()); saveStreamProgressState(simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); } public void saveStreamProgressStateCompleted() { // current stream has ended, so the progress is its duration (+1 to overcome rounding) getCurrentStreamInfo().ifPresent(info -> saveStreamProgressState((info.getDuration() + 1) * 1000)); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Metadata //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Metadata private void updateMetadataWith(@NonNull final StreamInfo info) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onMetadataChanged() called, playing: " + info.getName()); } if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } maybeAutoQueueNextStream(info); loadCurrentThumbnail(info.getThumbnailUrl()); registerStreamViewed(); notifyMetadataUpdateToListeners(); -> playerUi.onMetadataChanged(info)); } @NonNull public String getVideoUrl() { return currentMetadata == null ? context.getString(R.string.unknown_content) : currentMetadata.getStreamUrl(); } @NonNull public String getVideoUrlAtCurrentTime() { final long timeSeconds = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() / 1000; String videoUrl = getVideoUrl(); if (!isLive() && timeSeconds >= 0 && currentMetadata != null && currentMetadata.getServiceId() == YouTube.getServiceId()) { // Timestamp doesn't make sense in a live stream so drop it videoUrl += ("&t=" + timeSeconds); } return videoUrl; } @NonNull public String getVideoTitle() { return currentMetadata == null ? context.getString(R.string.unknown_content) : currentMetadata.getTitle(); } @NonNull public String getUploaderName() { return currentMetadata == null ? context.getString(R.string.unknown_content) : currentMetadata.getUploaderName(); } @Nullable public Bitmap getThumbnail() { return currentThumbnail; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Play queue, segments and streams //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Play queue, segments and streams private void maybeAutoQueueNextStream(@NonNull final StreamInfo info) { if (playQueue == null || playQueue.getIndex() != playQueue.size() - 1 || getRepeatMode() != REPEAT_MODE_OFF || !PlayerHelper.isAutoQueueEnabled(context)) { return; } // auto queue when starting playback on the last item when not repeating final PlayQueue autoQueue = PlayerHelper.autoQueueOf(info, playQueue.getStreams()); if (autoQueue != null) { playQueue.append(autoQueue.getStreams()); } } public void selectQueueItem(final PlayQueueItem item) { if (playQueue == null || exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } final int index = playQueue.indexOf(item); if (index == -1) { return; } if (playQueue.getIndex() == index && simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentMediaItemIndex() == index) { seekToDefault(); } else { saveStreamProgressState(); } playQueue.setIndex(index); } @Override public void onPlayQueueEdited() { notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners();; } @Override // own playback listener @Nullable public MediaSource sourceOf(final PlayQueueItem item, final StreamInfo info) { if (audioPlayerSelected()) { return audioResolver.resolve(info); } if (isAudioOnly && videoResolver.getStreamSourceType().orElse( SourceType.VIDEO_WITH_AUDIO_OR_AUDIO_ONLY) == SourceType.VIDEO_WITH_AUDIO_OR_AUDIO_ONLY) { // If the current info has only video streams with audio and if the stream is played as // audio, we need to use the audio resolver, otherwise the video stream will be played // in background. return audioResolver.resolve(info); } // Even if the stream is played in background, we need to use the video resolver if the // info played is separated video-only and audio-only streams; otherwise, if the audio // resolver was called when the app was in background, the app will only stream audio when // the user come back to the app and will never fetch the video stream. // Note that the video is not fetched when the app is in background because the video // renderer is fully disabled (see useVideoSource method), except for HLS streams // (see return videoResolver.resolve(info); } public void disablePreloadingOfCurrentTrack() { loadController.disablePreloadingOfCurrentTrack(); } public Optional getSelectedVideoStream() { return Optional.ofNullable(currentMetadata) .flatMap(MediaItemTag::getMaybeQuality) .filter(quality -> { final int selectedStreamIndex = quality.getSelectedVideoStreamIndex(); return selectedStreamIndex >= 0 && selectedStreamIndex < quality.getSortedVideoStreams().size(); }) .map(quality -> quality.getSortedVideoStreams() .get(quality.getSelectedVideoStreamIndex())); } public Optional getSelectedAudioStream() { return Optional.ofNullable(currentMetadata) .flatMap(MediaItemTag::getMaybeAudioLanguage) .map(MediaItemTag.AudioLanguage::getSelectedAudioStream); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Captions (text tracks) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Captions (text tracks) public int getCaptionRendererIndex() { if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE; } for (int t = 0; t < simpleExoPlayer.getRendererCount(); t++) { if (simpleExoPlayer.getRendererType(t) == C.TRACK_TYPE_TEXT) { return t; } } return RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Video size //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Video size @Override // exoplayer listener public void onVideoSizeChanged(@NonNull final VideoSize videoSize) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onVideoSizeChanged() called with: " + "width / height = [" + videoSize.width + " / " + videoSize.height + " = " + (((float) videoSize.width) / videoSize.height) + "], " + "unappliedRotationDegrees = [" + videoSize.unappliedRotationDegrees + "], " + "pixelWidthHeightRatio = [" + videoSize.pixelWidthHeightRatio + "]"); } -> playerUi.onVideoSizeChanged(videoSize)); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Activity / fragment binding //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Activity / fragment binding public void setFragmentListener(final PlayerServiceEventListener listener) { fragmentListener = listener;; notifyQueueUpdateToListeners(); notifyMetadataUpdateToListeners(); notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); triggerProgressUpdate(); } public void removeFragmentListener(final PlayerServiceEventListener listener) { if (fragmentListener == listener) { fragmentListener = null; } } void setActivityListener(final PlayerEventListener listener) { activityListener = listener; // TODO why not queue update? notifyMetadataUpdateToListeners(); notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); triggerProgressUpdate(); } void removeActivityListener(final PlayerEventListener listener) { if (activityListener == listener) { activityListener = null; } } void stopActivityBinding() { if (fragmentListener != null) { fragmentListener.onServiceStopped(); fragmentListener = null; } if (activityListener != null) { activityListener.onServiceStopped(); activityListener = null; } } private void notifyQueueUpdateToListeners() { if (fragmentListener != null && playQueue != null) { fragmentListener.onQueueUpdate(playQueue); } if (activityListener != null && playQueue != null) { activityListener.onQueueUpdate(playQueue); } } private void notifyMetadataUpdateToListeners() { getCurrentStreamInfo().ifPresent(info -> { if (fragmentListener != null) { fragmentListener.onMetadataUpdate(info, playQueue); } if (activityListener != null) { activityListener.onMetadataUpdate(info, playQueue); } }); } private void notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners() { if (fragmentListener != null && !exoPlayerIsNull() && playQueue != null) { fragmentListener.onPlaybackUpdate(currentState, getRepeatMode(), playQueue.isShuffled(), simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackParameters()); } if (activityListener != null && !exoPlayerIsNull() && playQueue != null) { activityListener.onPlaybackUpdate(currentState, getRepeatMode(), playQueue.isShuffled(), getPlaybackParameters()); } } private void notifyProgressUpdateToListeners(final int currentProgress, final int duration, final int bufferPercent) { if (fragmentListener != null) { fragmentListener.onProgressUpdate(currentProgress, duration, bufferPercent); } if (activityListener != null) { activityListener.onProgressUpdate(currentProgress, duration, bufferPercent); } } public void useVideoSource(final boolean videoEnabled) { if (playQueue == null || isAudioOnly == !videoEnabled || audioPlayerSelected()) { return; } isAudioOnly = !videoEnabled; // The current metadata may be null sometimes (for e.g. when using an unstable connection // in livestreams) so we will be not able to execute the block below. // Reload the play queue manager in this case, which is the behavior when we don't know the // index of the video renderer or playQueueManagerReloadingNeeded returns true. getCurrentStreamInfo().ifPresentOrElse(info -> { // In the case we don't know the source type, fallback to the one with video with audio // or audio-only source. final SourceType sourceType = videoResolver.getStreamSourceType() .orElse(SourceType.VIDEO_WITH_AUDIO_OR_AUDIO_ONLY); if (playQueueManagerReloadingNeeded(sourceType, info, getVideoRendererIndex())) { reloadPlayQueueManager(); } else { if (StreamTypeUtil.isAudio(info.getStreamType())) { // Nothing to do more than setting the recovery position setRecovery(); return; } final var parametersBuilder = trackSelector.buildUponParameters(); // Enable/disable the video track and the ability to select subtitles parametersBuilder.setTrackTypeDisabled(C.TRACK_TYPE_TEXT, !videoEnabled); parametersBuilder.setTrackTypeDisabled(C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO, !videoEnabled); trackSelector.setParameters(parametersBuilder); } setRecovery(); }, () -> { // This is executed when the current stream info is not available. reloadPlayQueueManager(); setRecovery(); }); } /** * Return whether the play queue manager needs to be reloaded when switching player type. * *

* The play queue manager needs to be reloaded if the video renderer index is not known and if * the content is not an audio content, but also if none of the following cases is met: * *

  • the content is an {@link StreamType#AUDIO_STREAM audio stream}, an * {@link StreamType#AUDIO_LIVE_STREAM audio live stream}, or a * {@link StreamType#POST_LIVE_AUDIO_STREAM ended audio live stream};
  • *
  • the content is a {@link StreamType#LIVE_STREAM live stream} and the source type is a * {@link SourceType#LIVE_STREAM live source};
  • *
  • the content's source is {@link SourceType#VIDEO_WITH_SEPARATED_AUDIO a video stream * with a separated audio source} or has no audio-only streams available and is a * {@link StreamType#VIDEO_STREAM video stream}, an * {@link StreamType#POST_LIVE_STREAM ended live stream}, or a * {@link StreamType#LIVE_STREAM live stream}. *
  • *

* * @param sourceType the {@link SourceType} of the stream * @param streamInfo the {@link StreamInfo} of the stream * @param videoRendererIndex the video renderer index of the video source, if that's a video * source (or {@link #RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE}) * @return whether the play queue manager needs to be reloaded */ private boolean playQueueManagerReloadingNeeded(final SourceType sourceType, @NonNull final StreamInfo streamInfo, final int videoRendererIndex) { final StreamType streamType = streamInfo.getStreamType(); final boolean isStreamTypeAudio = StreamTypeUtil.isAudio(streamType); if (videoRendererIndex == RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE && !isStreamTypeAudio) { return true; } // The content is an audio stream, an audio live stream, or a live stream with a live // source: it's not needed to reload the play queue manager because the stream source will // be the same if (isStreamTypeAudio || (streamType == StreamType.LIVE_STREAM && sourceType == SourceType.LIVE_STREAM)) { return false; } // The content's source is a video with separated audio or a video with audio -> the video // and its fetch may be disabled // The content's source is a video with embedded audio and the content has no separated // audio stream available: it's probably not needed to reload the play queue manager // because the stream source will be probably the same as the current played if (sourceType == SourceType.VIDEO_WITH_SEPARATED_AUDIO || (sourceType == SourceType.VIDEO_WITH_AUDIO_OR_AUDIO_ONLY && isNullOrEmpty(streamInfo.getAudioStreams()))) { // It's not needed to reload the play queue manager only if the content's stream type // is a video stream, a live stream or an ended live stream return !StreamTypeUtil.isVideo(streamType); } // Other cases: the play queue manager reload is needed return true; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Getters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Getters public Optional getCurrentStreamInfo() { return Optional.ofNullable(currentMetadata).flatMap(MediaItemTag::getMaybeStreamInfo); } public int getCurrentState() { return currentState; } public boolean exoPlayerIsNull() { return simpleExoPlayer == null; } public ExoPlayer getExoPlayer() { return simpleExoPlayer; } public boolean isStopped() { return exoPlayerIsNull() || simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackState() == ExoPlayer.STATE_IDLE; } public boolean isPlaying() { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.isPlaying(); } public boolean getPlayWhenReady() { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.getPlayWhenReady(); } public boolean isLoading() { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.isLoading(); } private boolean isLive() { try { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.isCurrentMediaItemDynamic(); } catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Why would this even happen =(... but lets log it anyway, better safe than sorry if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "player.isCurrentWindowDynamic() failed: ", e); } return false; } } public void setPlaybackQuality(@Nullable final String quality) { videoResolver.setPlaybackQuality(quality); } public void setAudioLanguage(@Nullable final String language) { videoResolver.setAudioLanguage(language); } @NonNull public Context getContext() { return context; } @NonNull public SharedPreferences getPrefs() { return prefs; } public PlayerType getPlayerType() { return playerType; } public boolean audioPlayerSelected() { return playerType == PlayerType.AUDIO; } public boolean videoPlayerSelected() { return playerType == PlayerType.MAIN; } public boolean popupPlayerSelected() { return playerType == PlayerType.POPUP; } @Nullable public PlayQueue getPlayQueue() { return playQueue; } public AudioReactor getAudioReactor() { return audioReactor; } public PlayerService getService() { return service; } public boolean isAudioOnly() { return isAudioOnly; } @NonNull public DefaultTrackSelector getTrackSelector() { return trackSelector; } @Nullable public MediaItemTag getCurrentMetadata() { return currentMetadata; } @Nullable public PlayQueueItem getCurrentItem() { return currentItem; } public Optional getFragmentListener() { return Optional.ofNullable(fragmentListener); } /** * @return the user interfaces connected with the player */ @SuppressWarnings("MethodName") // keep the unusual method name public PlayerUiList UIs() { return UIs; } /** * Get the video renderer index of the current playing stream. * * This method returns the video renderer index of the current * {@link MappingTrackSelector.MappedTrackInfo} or {@link #RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE} if the current * {@link MappingTrackSelector.MappedTrackInfo} is null or if there is no video renderer index. * * @return the video renderer index or {@link #RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE} if it cannot be get */ private int getVideoRendererIndex() { final MappingTrackSelector.MappedTrackInfo mappedTrackInfo = trackSelector .getCurrentMappedTrackInfo(); if (mappedTrackInfo == null) { return RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE; } // Check every renderer return IntStream.range(0, mappedTrackInfo.getRendererCount()) // Check the renderer is a video renderer and has at least one track .filter(i -> !mappedTrackInfo.getTrackGroups(i).isEmpty() && simpleExoPlayer.getRendererType(i) == C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO) // Return the first index found (there is at most one renderer per renderer type) .findFirst() // No video renderer index with at least one track found: return unavailable index .orElse(RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE); } //endregion }