package org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.dao import import import import import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Flowable import org.schabi.newpipe.database.BasicDAO import org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.PlaylistDuplicatesEntry import org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.PlaylistMetadataEntry import org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.PlaylistStreamEntry import org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistEntity import org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistStreamEntity import import @Dao open interface PlaylistStreamDAO : BasicDAO { @Query("SELECT * FROM " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE) public override fun getAll(): Flowable?>? @Query("DELETE FROM " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE) public override fun deleteAll(): Int public override fun listByService(serviceId: Int): Flowable?>? { throw UnsupportedOperationException() } @Query(("DELETE FROM " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE + " WHERE " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " = :playlistId")) fun deleteBatch(playlistId: Long) @Query(("SELECT COALESCE(MAX(" + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_INDEX + "), -1)" + " FROM " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE + " WHERE " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " = :playlistId")) fun getMaximumIndexOf(playlistId: Long): Flowable @Query(("SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) != 0 then " + StreamEntity.STREAM_ID + " ELSE " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_ID + " END" + " FROM " + StreamEntity.STREAM_TABLE + " LEFT JOIN " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE + " ON " + StreamEntity.STREAM_ID + " = " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID + " WHERE " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " = :playlistId " + " LIMIT 1")) fun getAutomaticThumbnailStreamId(playlistId: Long): Flowable @RewriteQueriesToDropUnusedColumns @Transaction @Query(("SELECT * FROM " + StreamEntity.STREAM_TABLE + " INNER JOIN " // get ids of streams of the given playlist + "(SELECT " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID + "," + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_INDEX + " FROM " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE + " WHERE " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " = :playlistId)" // then merge with the stream metadata + " ON " + StreamEntity.STREAM_ID + " = " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID + " LEFT JOIN " + "(SELECT " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID + " AS " + StreamStateEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID_ALIAS + ", " + StreamStateEntity.Companion.STREAM_PROGRESS_MILLIS + " FROM " + StreamStateEntity.Companion.STREAM_STATE_TABLE + " )" + " ON " + StreamEntity.STREAM_ID + " = " + StreamStateEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID_ALIAS + " ORDER BY " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_INDEX + " ASC")) fun getOrderedStreamsOf(playlistId: Long): Flowable?> @Transaction @Query(("SELECT " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_ID + ", " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_NAME + ", " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_PERMANENT + ", " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_STREAM_ID + ", " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_DISPLAY_INDEX + ", " + " CASE WHEN " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_STREAM_ID + " = " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_ID + " THEN " + "'" + PlaylistEntity.Companion.DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL + "'" + " ELSE (SELECT " + StreamEntity.STREAM_THUMBNAIL_URL + " FROM " + StreamEntity.STREAM_TABLE + " WHERE " + StreamEntity.STREAM_TABLE + "." + StreamEntity.STREAM_ID + " = " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_STREAM_ID + " ) END AS " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_URL + ", " + "COALESCE(COUNT(" + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + "), 0) AS " + PlaylistMetadataEntry.Companion.PLAYLIST_STREAM_COUNT + " FROM " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_TABLE + " LEFT JOIN " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE + " ON " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_TABLE + "." + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_ID + " = " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " GROUP BY " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_ID + " ORDER BY " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_DISPLAY_INDEX)) fun getPlaylistMetadata(): Flowable?> @RewriteQueriesToDropUnusedColumns @Transaction @Query(("SELECT *, MIN(" + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_INDEX + ")" + " FROM " + StreamEntity.STREAM_TABLE + " INNER JOIN" + " (SELECT " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID + "," + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_INDEX + " FROM " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE + " WHERE " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " = :playlistId)" + " ON " + StreamEntity.STREAM_ID + " = " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID + " LEFT JOIN " + "(SELECT " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID + " AS " + StreamStateEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID_ALIAS + ", " + StreamStateEntity.Companion.STREAM_PROGRESS_MILLIS + " FROM " + StreamStateEntity.Companion.STREAM_STATE_TABLE + " )" + " ON " + StreamEntity.STREAM_ID + " = " + StreamStateEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID_ALIAS + " GROUP BY " + StreamEntity.STREAM_ID + " ORDER BY MIN(" + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_INDEX + ") ASC")) fun getStreamsWithoutDuplicates(playlistId: Long): Flowable?> @Transaction @Query(("SELECT " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_TABLE + "." + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_ID + ", " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_NAME + ", " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_PERMANENT + ", " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_STREAM_ID + ", " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_DISPLAY_INDEX + ", " + " CASE WHEN " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_STREAM_ID + " = " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_ID + " THEN " + "'" + PlaylistEntity.Companion.DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL + "'" + " ELSE (SELECT " + StreamEntity.STREAM_THUMBNAIL_URL + " FROM " + StreamEntity.STREAM_TABLE + " WHERE " + StreamEntity.STREAM_TABLE + "." + StreamEntity.STREAM_ID + " = " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_STREAM_ID + " ) END AS " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_URL + ", " + "COALESCE(COUNT(" + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + "), 0) AS " + PlaylistMetadataEntry.Companion.PLAYLIST_STREAM_COUNT + ", " + "COALESCE(SUM(" + StreamEntity.STREAM_URL + " = :streamUrl), 0) AS " + PlaylistDuplicatesEntry.Companion.PLAYLIST_TIMES_STREAM_IS_CONTAINED + " FROM " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_TABLE + " LEFT JOIN " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE + " ON " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_TABLE + "." + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_ID + " = " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " LEFT JOIN " + StreamEntity.STREAM_TABLE + " ON " + StreamEntity.STREAM_TABLE + "." + StreamEntity.STREAM_ID + " = " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_STREAM_ID + " AND :streamUrl = :streamUrl" + " GROUP BY " + PlaylistStreamEntity.Companion.JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " ORDER BY " + PlaylistEntity.Companion.PLAYLIST_DISPLAY_INDEX)) fun getPlaylistDuplicatesMetadata(streamUrl: String?): Flowable?> }