package org.schabi.newpipe.streams; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * * @author kapodamy */ public class WebMReader { private static final int ID_EMBL = 0x0A45DFA3; private static final int ID_EMBL_READ_VERSION = 0x02F7; private static final int ID_EMBL_DOC_TYPE = 0x0282; private static final int ID_EMBL_DOC_TYPE_READ_VERSION = 0x0285; private static final int ID_SEGMENT = 0x08538067; private static final int ID_INFO = 0x0549A966; private static final int ID_TIMECODE_SCALE = 0x0AD7B1; private static final int ID_DURATION = 0x489; private static final int ID_TRACKS = 0x0654AE6B; private static final int ID_TRACK_ENTRY = 0x2E; private static final int ID_TRACK_NUMBER = 0x57; private static final int ID_TRACK_TYPE = 0x03; private static final int ID_CODEC_ID = 0x06; private static final int ID_CODEC_PRIVATE = 0x23A2; private static final int ID_VIDEO = 0x60; private static final int ID_AUDIO = 0x61; private static final int ID_DEFAULT_DURATION = 0x3E383; private static final int ID_FLAG_LACING = 0x1C; private static final int ID_CODEC_DELAY = 0x16AA; private static final int ID_SEEK_PRE_ROLL = 0x16BB; private static final int ID_CLUSTER = 0x0F43B675; private static final int ID_TIMECODE = 0x67; private static final int ID_SIMPLE_BLOCK = 0x23; private static final int ID_BLOCK = 0x21; private static final int ID_GROUP_BLOCK = 0x20; public enum TrackKind { Audio/*2*/, Video/*1*/, Other } private final DataReader stream; private Segment segment; private WebMTrack[] tracks; private int selectedTrack; private boolean done; private boolean firstSegment; public WebMReader(final SharpStream source) { = new DataReader(source); } public void parse() throws IOException { Element elem = readElement(ID_EMBL); if (!readEbml(elem, 1, 2)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported EBML data (WebM)"); } ensure(elem); elem = untilElement(null, ID_SEGMENT); if (elem == null) { throw new IOException("Fragment element not found"); } segment = readSegment(elem, 0, true); tracks = segment.tracks; selectedTrack = -1; done = false; firstSegment = true; } public WebMTrack[] getAvailableTracks() { return tracks; } public WebMTrack selectTrack(final int index) { selectedTrack = index; return tracks[index]; } public Segment getNextSegment() throws IOException { if (done) { return null; } if (firstSegment && segment != null) { firstSegment = false; return segment; } ensure(segment.ref); // WARNING: track cannot be the same or have different index in new segments final Element elem = untilElement(null, ID_SEGMENT); if (elem == null) { done = true; return null; } segment = readSegment(elem, 0, false); return segment; } private long readNumber(final Element parent) throws IOException { int length = (int) parent.contentSize; long value = 0; while (length-- > 0) { final int read =; if (read == -1) { throw new EOFException(); } value = (value << 8) | read; } return value; } private String readString(final Element parent) throws IOException { return new String(readBlob(parent), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // or use "utf-8" } private byte[] readBlob(final Element parent) throws IOException { final long length = parent.contentSize; final byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) length]; final int read =; if (read < length) { throw new EOFException(); } return buffer; } private long readEncodedNumber() throws IOException { int value =; if (value > 0) { byte size = 1; int mask = 0x80; while (size < 9) { if ((value & mask) == mask) { mask = 0xFF; mask >>= size; long number = value & mask; for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { value =; number <<= 8; number |= value; } return number; } mask >>= 1; size++; } } throw new IOException("Invalid encoded length"); } private Element readElement() throws IOException { final Element elem = new Element(); elem.offset = stream.position(); elem.type = (int) readEncodedNumber(); elem.contentSize = readEncodedNumber(); elem.size = elem.contentSize + stream.position() - elem.offset; return elem; } private Element readElement(final int expected) throws IOException { final Element elem = readElement(); if (expected != 0 && elem.type != expected) { throw new NoSuchElementException("expected " + elementID(expected) + " found " + elementID(elem.type)); } return elem; } private Element untilElement(final Element ref, final int... expected) throws IOException { Element elem; while (ref == null ? stream.available() : (stream.position() < (ref.offset + ref.size))) { elem = readElement(); if (expected.length < 1) { return elem; } for (final int type : expected) { if (elem.type == type) { return elem; } } ensure(elem); } return null; } private String elementID(final long type) { return "0x".concat(Long.toHexString(type)); } private void ensure(final Element ref) throws IOException { final long skip = (ref.offset + ref.size) - stream.position(); if (skip == 0) { return; } else if (skip < 0) { throw new EOFException(String.format( "parser go beyond limits of the Element. type=%s offset=%s size=%s position=%s", elementID(ref.type), ref.offset, ref.size, stream.position() )); } stream.skipBytes(skip); } private boolean readEbml(final Element ref, final int minReadVersion, final int minDocTypeVersion) throws IOException { Element elem = untilElement(ref, ID_EMBL_READ_VERSION); if (elem == null) { return false; } if (readNumber(elem) > minReadVersion) { return false; } elem = untilElement(ref, ID_EMBL_DOC_TYPE); if (elem == null) { return false; } if (!readString(elem).equals("webm")) { return false; } elem = untilElement(ref, ID_EMBL_DOC_TYPE_READ_VERSION); return elem != null && readNumber(elem) <= minDocTypeVersion; } private Info readInfo(final Element ref) throws IOException { Element elem; final Info info = new Info(); while ((elem = untilElement(ref, ID_TIMECODE_SCALE, ID_DURATION)) != null) { switch (elem.type) { case ID_TIMECODE_SCALE: info.timecodeScale = readNumber(elem); break; case ID_DURATION: info.duration = readNumber(elem); break; } ensure(elem); } if (info.timecodeScale == 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Element Timecode not found"); } return info; } private Segment readSegment(final Element ref, final int trackLacingExpected, final boolean metadataExpected) throws IOException { final Segment obj = new Segment(ref); Element elem; while ((elem = untilElement(ref, ID_INFO, ID_TRACKS, ID_CLUSTER)) != null) { if (elem.type == ID_CLUSTER) { obj.currentCluster = elem; break; } switch (elem.type) { case ID_INFO: = readInfo(elem); break; case ID_TRACKS: obj.tracks = readTracks(elem, trackLacingExpected); break; } ensure(elem); } if (metadataExpected && ( == null || obj.tracks == null)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cluster element found without Info and/or Tracks element at position " + ref.offset); } return obj; } private WebMTrack[] readTracks(final Element ref, final int lacingExpected) throws IOException { final ArrayList trackEntries = new ArrayList<>(2); Element elemTrackEntry; while ((elemTrackEntry = untilElement(ref, ID_TRACK_ENTRY)) != null) { final WebMTrack entry = new WebMTrack(); boolean drop = false; Element elem; while ((elem = untilElement(elemTrackEntry)) != null) { switch (elem.type) { case ID_TRACK_NUMBER: entry.trackNumber = readNumber(elem); break; case ID_TRACK_TYPE: entry.trackType = (int) readNumber(elem); break; case ID_CODEC_ID: entry.codecId = readString(elem); break; case ID_CODEC_PRIVATE: entry.codecPrivate = readBlob(elem); break; case ID_AUDIO: case ID_VIDEO: entry.bMetadata = readBlob(elem); break; case ID_DEFAULT_DURATION: entry.defaultDuration = readNumber(elem); break; case ID_FLAG_LACING: drop = readNumber(elem) != lacingExpected; break; case ID_CODEC_DELAY: entry.codecDelay = readNumber(elem); break; case ID_SEEK_PRE_ROLL: entry.seekPreRoll = readNumber(elem); break; default: break; } ensure(elem); } if (!drop) { trackEntries.add(entry); } ensure(elemTrackEntry); } final WebMTrack[] entries = trackEntries.toArray(new WebMTrack[0]); for (final WebMTrack entry : entries) { switch (entry.trackType) { case 1: entry.kind = TrackKind.Video; break; case 2: entry.kind = TrackKind.Audio; break; default: entry.kind = TrackKind.Other; break; } } return entries; } private SimpleBlock readSimpleBlock(final Element ref) throws IOException { final SimpleBlock obj = new SimpleBlock(ref); obj.trackNumber = readEncodedNumber(); obj.relativeTimeCode = stream.readShort(); obj.flags = (byte); obj.dataSize = (int) ((ref.offset + ref.size) - stream.position()); obj.createdFromBlock = ref.type == ID_BLOCK; // NOTE: lacing is not implemented, and will be mixed with the stream data if (obj.dataSize < 0) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Unexpected SimpleBlock element size, missing %s bytes", -obj.dataSize)); } return obj; } private Cluster readCluster(final Element ref) throws IOException { final Cluster obj = new Cluster(ref); final Element elem = untilElement(ref, ID_TIMECODE); if (elem == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Cluster at " + ref.offset + " without Timecode element"); } obj.timecode = readNumber(elem); return obj; } static class Element { int type; long offset; long contentSize; long size; } public static class Info { public long timecodeScale; public long duration; } public static class WebMTrack { public long trackNumber; protected int trackType; public String codecId; public byte[] codecPrivate; public byte[] bMetadata; public TrackKind kind; public long defaultDuration = -1; public long codecDelay = -1; public long seekPreRoll = -1; } public class Segment { Segment(final Element ref) { this.ref = ref; this.firstClusterInSegment = true; } public Info info; WebMTrack[] tracks; private Element currentCluster; private final Element ref; boolean firstClusterInSegment; public Cluster getNextCluster() throws IOException { if (done) { return null; } if (firstClusterInSegment && segment.currentCluster != null) { firstClusterInSegment = false; return readCluster(segment.currentCluster); } ensure(segment.currentCluster); final Element elem = untilElement(segment.ref, ID_CLUSTER); if (elem == null) { return null; } segment.currentCluster = elem; return readCluster(segment.currentCluster); } } public static class SimpleBlock { public InputStream data; public boolean createdFromBlock; SimpleBlock(final Element ref) { this.ref = ref; } public long trackNumber; public short relativeTimeCode; public long absoluteTimeCodeNs; public byte flags; public int dataSize; private final Element ref; public boolean isKeyframe() { return (flags & 0x80) == 0x80; } } public class Cluster { Element ref; SimpleBlock currentSimpleBlock = null; Element currentBlockGroup = null; public long timecode; Cluster(final Element ref) { this.ref = ref; } boolean insideClusterBounds() { return stream.position() >= (ref.offset + ref.size); } public SimpleBlock getNextSimpleBlock() throws IOException { if (insideClusterBounds()) { return null; } if (currentBlockGroup != null) { ensure(currentBlockGroup); currentBlockGroup = null; currentSimpleBlock = null; } else if (currentSimpleBlock != null) { ensure(currentSimpleBlock.ref); } while (!insideClusterBounds()) { Element elem = untilElement(ref, ID_SIMPLE_BLOCK, ID_GROUP_BLOCK); if (elem == null) { return null; } if (elem.type == ID_GROUP_BLOCK) { currentBlockGroup = elem; elem = untilElement(currentBlockGroup, ID_BLOCK); if (elem == null) { ensure(currentBlockGroup); currentBlockGroup = null; continue; } } currentSimpleBlock = readSimpleBlock(elem); if (currentSimpleBlock.trackNumber == tracks[selectedTrack].trackNumber) { = stream.getView(currentSimpleBlock.dataSize); // calculate the timestamp in nanoseconds currentSimpleBlock.absoluteTimeCodeNs = currentSimpleBlock.relativeTimeCode + this.timecode; currentSimpleBlock.absoluteTimeCodeNs *=; return currentSimpleBlock; } ensure(elem); } return null; } } }