package org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification; import static; import static; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_CLOSE; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Log; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat; import org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity; import org.schabi.newpipe.R; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.Player; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.mediasession.MediaSessionPlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.NavigationHelper; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; /** * This is a utility class for player notifications. */ public final class NotificationUtil { private static final String TAG = NotificationUtil.class.getSimpleName(); private static final boolean DEBUG = Player.DEBUG; private static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 123789; @NotificationConstants.Action private final int[] notificationSlots = NotificationConstants.SLOT_DEFAULTS.clone(); private NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager; private NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder; private final Player player; public NotificationUtil(final Player player) { this.player = player; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NOTIFICATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Creates the notification if it does not exist already and recreates it if forceRecreate is * true. Updates the notification with the data in the player. * @param forceRecreate whether to force the recreation of the notification even if it already * exists */ public synchronized void createNotificationIfNeededAndUpdate(final boolean forceRecreate) { if (forceRecreate || notificationBuilder == null) { notificationBuilder = createNotification(); } updateNotification(); notificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID,; } public synchronized void updateThumbnail() { if (notificationBuilder != null) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "updateThumbnail() called with thumbnail = [" + Integer.toHexString( Optional.ofNullable(player.getThumbnail()).map(Objects::hashCode).orElse(0)) + "], title = [" + player.getVideoTitle() + "]"); } setLargeIcon(notificationBuilder); notificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID,; } } private synchronized NotificationCompat.Builder createNotification() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "createNotification()"); } notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(player.getContext()); final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(player.getContext(), player.getContext().getString(R.string.notification_channel_id)); final int[] compactSlots = initializeNotificationSlots(); final MediaStyle mediaStyle = new MediaStyle().setShowActionsInCompactView(compactSlots); player.UIs() .get(MediaSessionPlayerUi.class) .flatMap(MediaSessionPlayerUi::getSessionToken) .ifPresent(mediaStyle::setMediaSession); builder.setStyle(mediaStyle) .setPriority(NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_HIGH) .setVisibility(NotificationCompat.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC) .setCategory(NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_TRANSPORT) .setShowWhen(false) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_newpipe_triangle_white) .setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(player.getContext(), R.color.dark_background_color)) .setColorized(player.getPrefs().getBoolean( player.getContext().getString(R.string.notification_colorize_key), true)) .setDeleteIntent(PendingIntentCompat.getBroadcast(player.getContext(), NOTIFICATION_ID, new Intent(ACTION_CLOSE), FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT, false)); // set the initial value for the video thumbnail, updatable with updateNotificationThumbnail setLargeIcon(builder); return builder; } /** * Updates the notification builder and the button icons depending on the playback state. */ private synchronized void updateNotification() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "updateNotification()"); } // also update content intent, in case the user switched players notificationBuilder.setContentIntent(PendingIntentCompat.getActivity(player.getContext(), NOTIFICATION_ID, getIntentForNotification(), FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT, false)); notificationBuilder.setContentTitle(player.getVideoTitle()); notificationBuilder.setContentText(player.getUploaderName()); notificationBuilder.setTicker(player.getVideoTitle()); updateActions(notificationBuilder); } @SuppressLint("RestrictedApi") public boolean shouldUpdateBufferingSlot() { if (notificationBuilder == null) { // if there is no notification active, there is no point in updating it return false; } else if (notificationBuilder.mActions.size() < 3) { // this should never happen, but let's make sure notification actions are populated return true; } // only second and third slot could contain PLAY_PAUSE_BUFFERING, update them only if they // are not already in the buffering state (the only one with a null action intent) return (notificationSlots[1] == NotificationConstants.PLAY_PAUSE_BUFFERING && notificationBuilder.mActions.get(1).actionIntent != null) || (notificationSlots[2] == NotificationConstants.PLAY_PAUSE_BUFFERING && notificationBuilder.mActions.get(2).actionIntent != null); } public void createNotificationAndStartForeground() { if (notificationBuilder == null) { notificationBuilder = createNotification(); } updateNotification(); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) { player.getService().startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID,, ServiceInfo.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK); } else { player.getService().startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID,; } } public void cancelNotificationAndStopForeground() { ServiceCompat.stopForeground(player.getService(), ServiceCompat.STOP_FOREGROUND_REMOVE); if (notificationManager != null) { notificationManager.cancel(NOTIFICATION_ID); } notificationManager = null; notificationBuilder = null; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ACTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * The compact slots array from settings contains indices from 0 to 4, each referring to one of * the five actions configurable by the user. However, if the user sets an action to "Nothing", * then all of the actions coming after will have a "settings index" different than the index * of the corresponding action when sent to the system. * * @return the indices of compact slots referred to the list of non-nothing actions that will be * sent to the system */ private int[] initializeNotificationSlots() { final Collection settingsCompactSlots = NotificationConstants .getCompactSlotsFromPreferences(player.getContext(), player.getPrefs()); final List adjustedCompactSlots = new ArrayList<>(); int nonNothingIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { notificationSlots[i] = player.getPrefs().getInt( player.getContext().getString(NotificationConstants.SLOT_PREF_KEYS[i]), NotificationConstants.SLOT_DEFAULTS[i]); if (notificationSlots[i] != NotificationConstants.NOTHING) { if (settingsCompactSlots.contains(i)) { adjustedCompactSlots.add(nonNothingIndex); } nonNothingIndex += 1; } } return; } @SuppressLint("RestrictedApi") private void updateActions(final NotificationCompat.Builder builder) { builder.mActions.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { addAction(builder, notificationSlots[i]); } } private void addAction(final NotificationCompat.Builder builder, @NotificationConstants.Action final int slot) { @Nullable final NotificationActionData data = NotificationActionData.fromNotificationActionEnum(player, slot); if (data == null) { return; } final PendingIntent intent; if (data.action() == null) { intent = null; } else { intent = PendingIntentCompat.getBroadcast(player.getContext(), NOTIFICATION_ID, new Intent(data.action()), FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT, false); } builder.addAction(new NotificationCompat.Action(data.icon(),, intent)); } private Intent getIntentForNotification() { if (player.audioPlayerSelected() || player.popupPlayerSelected()) { // Means we play in popup or audio only. Let's show the play queue return NavigationHelper.getPlayQueueActivityIntent(player.getContext()); } else { // We are playing in fragment. Don't open another activity just show fragment. That's it final Intent intent = NavigationHelper.getPlayerIntent( player.getContext(), MainActivity.class, null, true); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); return intent; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BITMAP ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void setLargeIcon(final NotificationCompat.Builder builder) { final boolean showThumbnail = player.getPrefs().getBoolean( player.getContext().getString(R.string.show_thumbnail_key), true); final Bitmap thumbnail = player.getThumbnail(); if (thumbnail == null || !showThumbnail) { // since the builder is reused, make sure the thumbnail is unset if there is not one builder.setLargeIcon((Bitmap) null); return; } final boolean scaleImageToSquareAspectRatio = player.getPrefs().getBoolean( player.getContext().getString(R.string.scale_to_square_image_in_notifications_key), false); if (scaleImageToSquareAspectRatio) { builder.setLargeIcon(getBitmapWithSquareAspectRatio(thumbnail)); } else { builder.setLargeIcon(thumbnail); } } private Bitmap getBitmapWithSquareAspectRatio(@NonNull final Bitmap bitmap) { // Find the smaller dimension and then take a center portion of the image that // has that size. final int w = bitmap.getWidth(); final int h = bitmap.getHeight(); final int dstSize = Math.min(w, h); final int x = (w - dstSize) / 2; final int y = (h - dstSize) / 2; return Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, x, y, dstSize, dstSize); } }