package us.shandian.giga.get; import android.os.Handler; import android.system.ErrnoException; import android.system.OsConstants; import android.util.Log; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import org.schabi.newpipe.DownloaderImpl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException; import java.util.Objects; import; import; import us.shandian.giga.postprocessing.Postprocessing; import us.shandian.giga.service.DownloadManagerService; import us.shandian.giga.util.Utility; import static org.schabi.newpipe.BuildConfig.DEBUG; public class DownloadMission extends Mission { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6L;// last bump: 07 october 2019 static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64 * 1024; static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 512 * 1024; private static final String TAG = "DownloadMission"; public static final int ERROR_NOTHING = -1; public static final int ERROR_PATH_CREATION = 1000; public static final int ERROR_FILE_CREATION = 1001; public static final int ERROR_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION = 1002; public static final int ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED = 1003; public static final int ERROR_SSL_EXCEPTION = 1004; public static final int ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST = 1005; public static final int ERROR_CONNECT_HOST = 1006; public static final int ERROR_POSTPROCESSING = 1007; public static final int ERROR_POSTPROCESSING_STOPPED = 1008; public static final int ERROR_POSTPROCESSING_HOLD = 1009; public static final int ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 1010; public static final int ERROR_PROGRESS_LOST = 1011; public static final int ERROR_TIMEOUT = 1012; public static final int ERROR_RESOURCE_GONE = 1013; public static final int ERROR_HTTP_NO_CONTENT = 204; static final int ERROR_HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 403; /** * The urls of the file to download */ public String[] urls; /** * Number of bytes downloaded and written */ public volatile long done; /** * Indicates a file generated dynamically on the web server */ public boolean unknownLength; /** * offset in the file where the data should be written */ public long[] offsets; /** * Indicates if the post-processing state: * 0: ready * 1: running * 2: completed * 3: hold */ public volatile int psState; /** * the post-processing algorithm instance */ public Postprocessing psAlgorithm; /** * The current resource to download, {@code urls[current]} and {@code offsets[current]} */ public int current; /** * Metadata where the mission state is saved */ public transient File metadata; /** * maximum attempts */ public transient int maxRetry; /** * Approximated final length, this represent the sum of all resources sizes */ public long nearLength; /** * Download blocks, the size is multiple of {@link DownloadMission#BLOCK_SIZE}. * Every entry (block) in this array holds an offset, used to resume the download. * An block offset can be -1 if the block was downloaded successfully. */ int[] blocks; /** * Download/File resume offset in fallback mode (if applicable) {@link DownloadRunnableFallback} */ volatile long fallbackResumeOffset; /** * Maximum of download threads running, chosen by the user */ public int threadCount = 3; /** * information required to recover a download */ public MissionRecoveryInfo[] recoveryInfo; private transient int finishCount; public transient volatile boolean running; public boolean enqueued; public int errCode = ERROR_NOTHING; public Exception errObject = null; public transient Handler mHandler; private transient boolean[] blockAcquired; private transient long writingToFileNext; private transient volatile boolean writingToFile; final Object LOCK = new Lock(); @NonNull public transient Thread[] threads = new Thread[0]; public transient Thread init = null; public DownloadMission(String[] urls, StoredFileHelper storage, char kind, Postprocessing psInstance) { if (Objects.requireNonNull(urls).length < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("urls array is empty"); this.urls = urls; this.kind = kind; this.offsets = new long[urls.length]; this.enqueued = true; this.maxRetry = 3; = storage; this.psAlgorithm = psInstance; if (DEBUG && psInstance == null && urls.length > 1) { Log.w(TAG, "mission created with multiple urls ¿missing post-processing algorithm?"); } } /** * Acquire a block * * @return the block or {@code null} if no more blocks left */ @Nullable Block acquireBlock() { synchronized (LOCK) { for (int i = 0; i < blockAcquired.length; i++) { if (!blockAcquired[i] && blocks[i] >= 0) { Block block = new Block(); block.position = i; block.done = blocks[i]; blockAcquired[i] = true; return block; } } } return null; } /** * Release an block * * @param position the index of the block * @param done amount of bytes downloaded */ void releaseBlock(int position, int done) { synchronized (LOCK) { blockAcquired[position] = false; blocks[position] = done; } } /** * Opens a connection * * @param headRequest {@code true} for use {@code HEAD} request method, otherwise, {@code GET} is used * @param rangeStart range start * @param rangeEnd range end * @return a {@link URLConnection} linking to the URL. * @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurs. */ HttpURLConnection openConnection(boolean headRequest, long rangeStart, long rangeEnd) throws IOException { return openConnection(urls[current], headRequest, rangeStart, rangeEnd); } HttpURLConnection openConnection(String url, boolean headRequest, long rangeStart, long rangeEnd) throws IOException { HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection(); conn.setInstanceFollowRedirects(true); conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", DownloaderImpl.USER_AGENT); conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "*/*"); conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "*"); if (headRequest) conn.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); // BUG workaround: switching between networks can freeze the download forever conn.setConnectTimeout(30000); if (rangeStart >= 0) { String req = "bytes=" + rangeStart + "-"; if (rangeEnd > 0) req += rangeEnd; conn.setRequestProperty("Range", req); } return conn; } /** * @param threadId id of the calling thread * @param conn Opens and establish the communication * @throws IOException if an error occurred connecting to the server. * @throws HttpError if the HTTP Status-Code is not satisfiable */ void establishConnection(int threadId, HttpURLConnection conn) throws IOException, HttpError { int statusCode = conn.getResponseCode(); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, threadId + ":[request] Range=" + conn.getRequestProperty("Range")); Log.d(TAG, threadId + ":[response] Code=" + statusCode); Log.d(TAG, threadId + ":[response] Content-Length=" + conn.getContentLength()); Log.d(TAG, threadId + ":[response] Content-Range=" + conn.getHeaderField("Content-Range")); } switch (statusCode) { case 204: case 205: case 207: throw new HttpError(statusCode); case 416: return;// let the download thread handle this error default: if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) { throw new HttpError(statusCode); } } } private void notify(int what) { mHandler.obtainMessage(what, this).sendToTarget(); } synchronized void notifyProgress(long deltaLen) { if (unknownLength) { length += deltaLen;// Update length before proceeding } done += deltaLen; if (metadata == null) return; if (!writingToFile && (done > writingToFileNext || deltaLen < 0)) { writingToFile = true; writingToFileNext = done + BLOCK_SIZE; writeThisToFileAsync(); } } synchronized void notifyError(Exception err) { Log.e(TAG, "notifyError()", err); if (err instanceof FileNotFoundException) { notifyError(ERROR_FILE_CREATION, null); } else if (err instanceof SSLException) { notifyError(ERROR_SSL_EXCEPTION, null); } else if (err instanceof HttpError) { notifyError(((HttpError) err).statusCode, null); } else if (err instanceof ConnectException) { notifyError(ERROR_CONNECT_HOST, null); } else if (err instanceof UnknownHostException) { notifyError(ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST, null); } else if (err instanceof SocketTimeoutException) { notifyError(ERROR_TIMEOUT, null); } else { notifyError(ERROR_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION, err); } } public synchronized void notifyError(int code, Exception err) { Log.e(TAG, "notifyError() code = " + code, err); if (err != null && err.getCause() instanceof ErrnoException) { int errno = ((ErrnoException) err.getCause()).errno; if (errno == OsConstants.ENOSPC) { code = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE; err = null; } else if (errno == OsConstants.EACCES) { code = ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED; err = null; } } if (err instanceof IOException) { if (err.getMessage().contains("Permission denied")) { code = ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED; err = null; } else if (err.getMessage().contains("ENOSPC")) { code = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE; err = null; } else if (!storage.canWrite()) { code = ERROR_FILE_CREATION; err = null; } } errCode = code; errObject = err; switch (code) { case ERROR_SSL_EXCEPTION: case ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST: case ERROR_CONNECT_HOST: case ERROR_TIMEOUT: // do not change the queue flag for network errors, can be // recovered silently without the user interaction break; default: // also checks for server errors if (code < 500 || code > 599) enqueued = false; } notify(DownloadManagerService.MESSAGE_ERROR); if (running) pauseThreads(); } synchronized void notifyFinished() { if (current < urls.length) { if (++finishCount < threads.length) return; if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onFinish: downloaded " + (current + 1) + "/" + urls.length); } current++; if (current < urls.length) { // prepare next sub-mission offsets[current] = offsets[current - 1] + length; initializer(); return; } } if (psAlgorithm != null && psState == 0) { threads = new Thread[]{ runAsync(1, this::doPostprocessing) }; return; } // this mission is fully finished unknownLength = false; enqueued = false; running = false; deleteThisFromFile(); notify(DownloadManagerService.MESSAGE_FINISHED); } private void notifyPostProcessing(int state) { String action; switch (state) { case 1: action = "Running"; break; case 2: action = "Completed"; break; default: action = "Failed"; } Log.d(TAG, action + " postprocessing on " + storage.getName()); if (state == 2) { psState = state; return; } synchronized (LOCK) { // don't return without fully write the current state psState = state; writeThisToFile(); } } /** * Start downloading with multiple threads. */ public void start() { if (running || isFinished() || urls.length < 1) return; // ensure that the previous state is completely paused. joinForThreads(10000); running = true; errCode = ERROR_NOTHING; if (hasInvalidStorage()) { notifyError(ERROR_FILE_CREATION, null); return; } if (current >= urls.length) { notifyFinished(); return; } notify(DownloadManagerService.MESSAGE_RUNNING); if (urls[current] == null) { doRecover(ERROR_RESOURCE_GONE); return; } if (blocks == null) { initializer(); return; } init = null; finishCount = 0; blockAcquired = new boolean[blocks.length]; if (blocks.length < 1) { threads = new Thread[]{runAsync(1, new DownloadRunnableFallback(this))}; } else { int remainingBlocks = 0; for (int block : blocks) if (block >= 0) remainingBlocks++; if (remainingBlocks < 1) { notifyFinished(); return; } threads = new Thread[Math.min(threadCount, remainingBlocks)]; for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { threads[i] = runAsync(i + 1, new DownloadRunnable(this, i)); } } } /** * Pause the mission */ public void pause() { if (!running) return; if (isPsRunning()) { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(TAG, "pause during post-processing is not applicable."); } return; } running = false; notify(DownloadManagerService.MESSAGE_PAUSED); if (init != null && init.isAlive()) { // NOTE: if start() method is running ¡will no have effect! init.interrupt(); synchronized (LOCK) { resetState(false, true, ERROR_NOTHING); } return; } if (DEBUG && unknownLength) { Log.w(TAG, "pausing a download that can not be resumed (range requests not allowed by the server)."); } init = null; pauseThreads(); } private void pauseThreads() { running = false; joinForThreads(-1); writeThisToFile(); } /** * Removes the downloaded file and the meta file */ @Override public boolean delete() { if (psAlgorithm != null) psAlgorithm.cleanupTemporalDir(); notify(DownloadManagerService.MESSAGE_DELETED); boolean res = deleteThisFromFile(); if (!super.delete()) return false; return res; } /** * Resets the mission state * * @param rollback {@code true} true to forget all progress, otherwise, {@code false} * @param persistChanges {@code true} to commit changes to the metadata file, otherwise, {@code false} */ public void resetState(boolean rollback, boolean persistChanges, int errorCode) { length = 0; errCode = errorCode; errObject = null; unknownLength = false; threads = new Thread[0]; fallbackResumeOffset = 0; blocks = null; blockAcquired = null; if (rollback) current = 0; if (persistChanges) writeThisToFile(); } private void initializer() { init = runAsync(DownloadInitializer.mId, new DownloadInitializer(this)); } private void writeThisToFileAsync() { runAsync(-2, this::writeThisToFile); } /** * Write this {@link DownloadMission} to the meta file asynchronously * if no thread is already running. */ void writeThisToFile() { synchronized (LOCK) { if (metadata == null) return; Utility.writeToFile(metadata, this); writingToFile = false; } } /** * Indicates if the download if fully finished * * @return true, otherwise, false */ public boolean isFinished() { return current >= urls.length && (psAlgorithm == null || psState == 2); } /** * Indicates if the download file is corrupt due a failed post-processing * * @return {@code true} if this mission is unrecoverable */ public boolean isPsFailed() { switch (errCode) { case ERROR_POSTPROCESSING: case ERROR_POSTPROCESSING_STOPPED: return psAlgorithm.worksOnSameFile; } return false; } /** * Indicates if a post-processing algorithm is running * * @return true, otherwise, false */ public boolean isPsRunning() { return psAlgorithm != null && (psState == 1 || psState == 3); } /** * Indicated if the mission is ready * * @return true, otherwise, false */ public boolean isInitialized() { return blocks != null; // DownloadMissionInitializer was executed } /** * Gets the approximated final length of the file * * @return the length in bytes */ public long getLength() { long calculated; if (psState == 1 || psState == 3) { return length; } calculated = offsets[current < offsets.length ? current : (offsets.length - 1)] + length; calculated -= offsets[0];// don't count reserved space return Math.max(calculated, nearLength); } /** * set this mission state on the queue * * @param queue true to add to the queue, otherwise, false */ public void setEnqueued(boolean queue) { enqueued = queue; writeThisToFileAsync(); } /** * Attempts to continue a blocked post-processing * * @param recover {@code true} to retry, otherwise, {@code false} to cancel */ public void psContinue(boolean recover) { psState = 1; errCode = recover ? ERROR_NOTHING : ERROR_POSTPROCESSING; threads[0].interrupt(); } /** * Indicates whatever the backed storage is invalid * * @return {@code true}, if storage is invalid and cannot be used */ public boolean hasInvalidStorage() { return errCode == ERROR_PROGRESS_LOST || storage == null || !storage.existsAsFile(); } /** * Indicates whatever is possible to start the mission * * @return {@code true} is this mission its "healthy", otherwise, {@code false} */ public boolean isCorrupt() { if (urls.length < 1) return false; return (isPsFailed() || errCode == ERROR_POSTPROCESSING_HOLD) || isFinished(); } /** * Indicates if mission urls has expired and there an attempt to renovate them * * @return {@code true} if the mission is running a recovery procedure, otherwise, {@code false} */ public boolean isRecovering() { return threads.length > 0 && threads[0] instanceof DownloadMissionRecover && threads[0].isAlive(); } private void doPostprocessing() { errCode = ERROR_NOTHING; errObject = null; Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); notifyPostProcessing(1); if (DEBUG) { thread.setName("[" + TAG + "] ps = " + psAlgorithm + " filename = " + storage.getName()); } Exception exception = null; try {; } catch (Exception err) { Log.e(TAG, "Post-processing failed. " + psAlgorithm.toString(), err); if (err instanceof InterruptedIOException || err instanceof ClosedByInterruptException || thread.isInterrupted()) { notifyError(DownloadMission.ERROR_POSTPROCESSING_STOPPED, null); return; } if (errCode == ERROR_NOTHING) errCode = ERROR_POSTPROCESSING; exception = err; } finally { notifyPostProcessing(errCode == ERROR_NOTHING ? 2 : 0); } if (errCode != ERROR_NOTHING) { if (exception == null) exception = errObject; notifyError(ERROR_POSTPROCESSING, exception); return; } notifyFinished(); } /** * Attempts to recover the download * * @param errorCode error code which trigger the recovery procedure */ void doRecover(int errorCode) { Log.i(TAG, "Attempting to recover the mission: " + storage.getName()); if (recoveryInfo == null) { notifyError(errorCode, null); urls = new String[0];// mark this mission as dead return; } joinForThreads(0); threads = new Thread[]{ runAsync(DownloadMissionRecover.mID, new DownloadMissionRecover(this, errorCode)) }; } private boolean deleteThisFromFile() { synchronized (LOCK) { boolean res = metadata.delete(); metadata = null; return res; } } /** * run a new thread * * @param id id of new thread (used for debugging only) * @param who the Runnable whose {@code run} method is invoked. */ private Thread runAsync(int id, Runnable who) { return runAsync(id, new Thread(who)); } /** * run a new thread * * @param id id of new thread (used for debugging only) * @param who the Thread whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread is started * @return the passed thread */ private Thread runAsync(int id, Thread who) { // known thread ids: // -2: state saving by notifyProgress() method // -1: wait for saving the state by pause() method // 0: initializer // >=1: any download thread if (DEBUG) { who.setName(String.format("%s[%s] %s", TAG, id, storage.getName())); } who.start(); return who; } /** * Waits at most {@code millis} milliseconds for the thread to die * * @param millis the time to wait in milliseconds */ private void joinForThreads(int millis) { final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (init != null && init != currentThread && init.isAlive()) { init.interrupt(); if (millis > 0) { try { init.join(millis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Initializer thread is still running", e); return; } } } // if a thread is still alive, possible reasons: // slow device // the user is spamming start/pause buttons // start() method called quickly after pause() for (Thread thread : threads) { if (!thread.isAlive() || thread == Thread.currentThread()) continue; thread.interrupt(); } try { for (Thread thread : threads) { if (!thread.isAlive()) continue; if (DEBUG) { Log.w(TAG, "thread alive: " + thread.getName()); } if (millis > 0) thread.join(millis); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("A download thread is still running", e); } } static class HttpError extends Exception { final int statusCode; HttpError(int statusCode) { this.statusCode = statusCode; } @Override public String getMessage() { return "HTTP " + statusCode; } } public static class Block { public int position; public int done; } private static class Lock implements Serializable { // java.lang.Object cannot be used because is not serializable } }