package org.schabi.newpipe.player.resolver; import static; import static; import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils.isNullOrEmpty; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerDataSource.LIVE_STREAM_EDGE_GAP_MILLIS; import; import android.util.Log; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.MediaFormat; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.ServiceList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.NonUriHlsPlaylistParserFactory; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerDataSource; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.mediaitem.MediaItemTag; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.mediaitem.StreamInfoTag; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.StreamTypeUtil; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Objects; /** * This interface is just a shorthand for {@link Resolver} with {@link StreamInfo} as source and * {@link MediaSource} as product. It contains many static methods that can be used by classes * implementing this interface, and nothing else. */ public interface PlaybackResolver extends Resolver { String TAG = PlaybackResolver.class.getSimpleName(); //region Cache key generation private static StringBuilder commonCacheKeyOf(final StreamInfo info, final Stream stream, final boolean resolutionOrBitrateUnknown) { // stream info service id final StringBuilder cacheKey = new StringBuilder(info.getServiceId()); // stream info id cacheKey.append(" "); cacheKey.append(info.getId()); // stream id (even if unknown) cacheKey.append(" "); cacheKey.append(stream.getId()); // mediaFormat (if not null) final MediaFormat mediaFormat = stream.getFormat(); if (mediaFormat != null) { cacheKey.append(" "); cacheKey.append(mediaFormat.getName()); } // content (only if other information is missing) // If the media format and the resolution/bitrate are both missing, then we don't have // enough information to distinguish this stream from other streams. // So, only in that case, we use the content (i.e. url or manifest) to differentiate // between streams. // Note that if the content were used even when other information is present, then two // streams with the same stats but with different contents (e.g. because the url was // refreshed) will be considered different (i.e. with a different cacheKey), making the // cache useless. if (resolutionOrBitrateUnknown && mediaFormat == null) { cacheKey.append(" "); Objects.hash(stream.getContent(), stream.getManifestUrl()); } return cacheKey; } /** * Builds the cache key of a {@link VideoStream video stream}. * *

* A cache key is unique to the features of the provided video stream, and when possible * independent of transient parameters (such as the URL of the stream). * This ensures that there are no conflicts, but also that the cache is used as much as * possible: the same cache should be used for two streams which have the same features but * e.g. a different URL, since the URL might have been reloaded in the meantime, but the stream * actually referenced by the URL is still the same. *

* * @param info the {@link StreamInfo stream info}, to distinguish between streams with * the same features but coming from different stream infos * @param videoStream the {@link VideoStream video stream} for which the cache key should be * created * @return a key to be used to store the cache of the provided {@link VideoStream video stream} */ static String cacheKeyOf(final StreamInfo info, final VideoStream videoStream) { final boolean resolutionUnknown = videoStream.getResolution().equals(RESOLUTION_UNKNOWN); final StringBuilder cacheKey = commonCacheKeyOf(info, videoStream, resolutionUnknown); // resolution (if known) if (!resolutionUnknown) { cacheKey.append(" "); cacheKey.append(videoStream.getResolution()); } // isVideoOnly cacheKey.append(" "); cacheKey.append(videoStream.isVideoOnly()); return cacheKey.toString(); } /** * Builds the cache key of an audio stream. * *

* A cache key is unique to the features of the provided {@link AudioStream audio stream}, and * when possible independent of transient parameters (such as the URL of the stream). * This ensures that there are no conflicts, but also that the cache is used as much as * possible: the same cache should be used for two streams which have the same features but * e.g. a different URL, since the URL might have been reloaded in the meantime, but the stream * actually referenced by the URL is still the same. *

* * @param info the {@link StreamInfo stream info}, to distinguish between streams with * the same features but coming from different stream infos * @param audioStream the {@link AudioStream audio stream} for which the cache key should be * created * @return a key to be used to store the cache of the provided {@link AudioStream audio stream} */ static String cacheKeyOf(final StreamInfo info, final AudioStream audioStream) { final boolean averageBitrateUnknown = audioStream.getAverageBitrate() == UNKNOWN_BITRATE; final StringBuilder cacheKey = commonCacheKeyOf(info, audioStream, averageBitrateUnknown); // averageBitrate (if known) if (!averageBitrateUnknown) { cacheKey.append(" "); cacheKey.append(audioStream.getAverageBitrate()); } return cacheKey.toString(); } //endregion //region Live media sources @Nullable static MediaSource maybeBuildLiveMediaSource(final PlayerDataSource dataSource, final StreamInfo info) { if (!StreamTypeUtil.isLiveStream(info.getStreamType())) { return null; } try { final StreamInfoTag tag = StreamInfoTag.of(info); if (!info.getHlsUrl().isEmpty()) { return buildLiveMediaSource(dataSource, info.getHlsUrl(), C.TYPE_HLS, tag); } else if (!info.getDashMpdUrl().isEmpty()) { return buildLiveMediaSource(dataSource, info.getDashMpdUrl(), C.TYPE_DASH, tag); } } catch (final Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Error when generating live media source, falling back to standard sources", e); } return null; } static MediaSource buildLiveMediaSource(final PlayerDataSource dataSource, final String sourceUrl, @C.ContentType final int type, final MediaItemTag metadata) throws ResolverException { final MediaSource.Factory factory; switch (type) { case C.TYPE_SS: factory = dataSource.getLiveSsMediaSourceFactory(); break; case C.TYPE_DASH: factory = dataSource.getLiveDashMediaSourceFactory(); break; case C.TYPE_HLS: factory = dataSource.getLiveHlsMediaSourceFactory(); break; case C.TYPE_OTHER: case C.TYPE_RTSP: default: throw new ResolverException("Unsupported type: " + type); } return factory.createMediaSource( new MediaItem.Builder() .setTag(metadata) .setUri(Uri.parse(sourceUrl)) .setLiveConfiguration( new MediaItem.LiveConfiguration.Builder() .setTargetOffsetMs(LIVE_STREAM_EDGE_GAP_MILLIS) .build()) .build()); } //endregion //region Generic media sources static MediaSource buildMediaSource(final PlayerDataSource dataSource, final Stream stream, final StreamInfo streamInfo, final String cacheKey, final MediaItemTag metadata) throws ResolverException { if (streamInfo.getService() == ServiceList.YouTube) { return createYoutubeMediaSource(stream, streamInfo, dataSource, cacheKey, metadata); } final DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod = stream.getDeliveryMethod(); switch (deliveryMethod) { case PROGRESSIVE_HTTP: return buildProgressiveMediaSource(dataSource, stream, cacheKey, metadata); case DASH: return buildDashMediaSource(dataSource, stream, cacheKey, metadata); case HLS: return buildHlsMediaSource(dataSource, stream, cacheKey, metadata); case SS: return buildSSMediaSource(dataSource, stream, cacheKey, metadata); // Torrent streams are not supported by ExoPlayer default: throw new ResolverException("Unsupported delivery type: " + deliveryMethod); } } private static ProgressiveMediaSource buildProgressiveMediaSource( final PlayerDataSource dataSource, final Stream stream, final String cacheKey, final MediaItemTag metadata) throws ResolverException { final String url = stream.getContent(); if (isNullOrEmpty(url)) { throw new ResolverException( "Try to generate a progressive media source from an empty string or from a " + "null object"); } else { return dataSource.getProgressiveMediaSourceFactory().createMediaSource( new MediaItem.Builder() .setTag(metadata) .setUri(Uri.parse(url)) .setCustomCacheKey(cacheKey) .build()); } } private static DashMediaSource buildDashMediaSource(final PlayerDataSource dataSource, final Stream stream, final String cacheKey, final MediaItemTag metadata) throws ResolverException { final boolean isUrlStream = stream.isUrl(); if (isUrlStream && isNullOrEmpty(stream.getContent())) { throw new ResolverException( "Could not build a DASH media source from an empty or a null URL content"); } if (isUrlStream) { return dataSource.getDashMediaSourceFactory().createMediaSource( new MediaItem.Builder() .setTag(metadata) .setUri(Uri.parse(stream.getContent())) .setCustomCacheKey(cacheKey) .build()); } else { String baseUrl = stream.getManifestUrl(); if (baseUrl == null) { baseUrl = ""; } final Uri uri = Uri.parse(baseUrl); try { return dataSource.getDashMediaSourceFactory().createMediaSource( createDashManifest(stream.getContent(), stream), new MediaItem.Builder() .setTag(metadata) .setUri(uri) .setCustomCacheKey(cacheKey) .build()); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new ResolverException( "Could not create a DASH media source/manifest from the manifest text"); } } } private static DashManifest createDashManifest(final String manifestContent, final Stream stream) throws IOException { final ByteArrayInputStream dashManifestInput = new ByteArrayInputStream( manifestContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); String baseUrl = stream.getManifestUrl(); if (baseUrl == null) { baseUrl = ""; } return new DashManifestParser().parse(Uri.parse(baseUrl), dashManifestInput); } private static HlsMediaSource buildHlsMediaSource(final PlayerDataSource dataSource, final Stream stream, final String cacheKey, final MediaItemTag metadata) throws ResolverException { final boolean isUrlStream = stream.isUrl(); if (isUrlStream && isNullOrEmpty(stream.getContent())) { throw new ResolverException( "Could not build a HLS media source from an empty or a null URL content"); } if (isUrlStream) { return dataSource.getHlsMediaSourceFactory(null).createMediaSource( new MediaItem.Builder() .setTag(metadata) .setUri(Uri.parse(stream.getContent())) .setCustomCacheKey(cacheKey) .build()); } else { String baseUrl = stream.getManifestUrl(); if (baseUrl == null) { baseUrl = ""; } final Uri uri = Uri.parse(baseUrl); final HlsPlaylist hlsPlaylist; try { final ByteArrayInputStream hlsManifestInput = new ByteArrayInputStream( stream.getContent().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); hlsPlaylist = new HlsPlaylistParser().parse(uri, hlsManifestInput); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new ResolverException("Error when parsing manual HLS manifest", e); } return dataSource.getHlsMediaSourceFactory( new NonUriHlsPlaylistParserFactory(hlsPlaylist)) .createMediaSource(new MediaItem.Builder() .setTag(metadata) .setUri(Uri.parse(stream.getContent())) .setCustomCacheKey(cacheKey) .build()); } } private static SsMediaSource buildSSMediaSource(final PlayerDataSource dataSource, final Stream stream, final String cacheKey, final MediaItemTag metadata) throws ResolverException { final boolean isUrlStream = stream.isUrl(); if (isUrlStream && isNullOrEmpty(stream.getContent())) { throw new ResolverException( "Could not build a SS media source from an empty or a null URL content"); } if (isUrlStream) { return dataSource.getSSMediaSourceFactory().createMediaSource( new MediaItem.Builder() .setTag(metadata) .setUri(Uri.parse(stream.getContent())) .setCustomCacheKey(cacheKey) .build()); } else { String baseUrl = stream.getManifestUrl(); if (baseUrl == null) { baseUrl = ""; } final Uri uri = Uri.parse(baseUrl); final SsManifest smoothStreamingManifest; try { final ByteArrayInputStream smoothStreamingManifestInput = new ByteArrayInputStream( stream.getContent().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); smoothStreamingManifest = new SsManifestParser().parse(uri, smoothStreamingManifestInput); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new ResolverException("Error when parsing manual SS manifest", e); } return dataSource.getSSMediaSourceFactory().createMediaSource( smoothStreamingManifest, new MediaItem.Builder() .setTag(metadata) .setUri(uri) .setCustomCacheKey(cacheKey) .build()); } } //endregion //region YouTube media sources private static MediaSource createYoutubeMediaSource(final Stream stream, final StreamInfo streamInfo, final PlayerDataSource dataSource, final String cacheKey, final MediaItemTag metadata) throws ResolverException { if (!(stream instanceof AudioStream || stream instanceof VideoStream)) { throw new ResolverException("Generation of YouTube DASH manifest for " + stream.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is not supported"); } final StreamType streamType = streamInfo.getStreamType(); if (streamType == StreamType.VIDEO_STREAM) { return createYoutubeMediaSourceOfVideoStreamType(dataSource, stream, streamInfo, cacheKey, metadata); } else if (streamType == StreamType.POST_LIVE_STREAM) { // If the content is not an URL, uses the DASH delivery method and if the stream type // of the stream is a post live stream, it means that the content is an ended // livestream so we need to generate the manifest corresponding to the content // (which is the last segment of the stream) try { final ItagItem itagItem = Objects.requireNonNull(stream.getItagItem()); final String manifestString = YoutubePostLiveStreamDvrDashManifestCreator .fromPostLiveStreamDvrStreamingUrl(stream.getContent(), itagItem, itagItem.getTargetDurationSec(), streamInfo.getDuration()); return buildYoutubeManualDashMediaSource(dataSource, createDashManifest(manifestString, stream), stream, cacheKey, metadata); } catch (final CreationException | IOException | NullPointerException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error when generating the DASH manifest of YouTube ended live stream", e); throw new ResolverException( "Error when generating the DASH manifest of YouTube ended live stream", e); } } else { throw new ResolverException( "DASH manifest generation of YouTube livestreams is not supported"); } } private static MediaSource createYoutubeMediaSourceOfVideoStreamType( final PlayerDataSource dataSource, final Stream stream, final StreamInfo streamInfo, final String cacheKey, final MediaItemTag metadata) throws ResolverException { final DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod = stream.getDeliveryMethod(); switch (deliveryMethod) { case PROGRESSIVE_HTTP: if ((stream instanceof VideoStream && ((VideoStream) stream).isVideoOnly()) || stream instanceof AudioStream) { try { final String manifestString = YoutubeProgressiveDashManifestCreator .fromProgressiveStreamingUrl(stream.getContent(), Objects.requireNonNull(stream.getItagItem()), streamInfo.getDuration()); return buildYoutubeManualDashMediaSource(dataSource, createDashManifest(manifestString, stream), stream, cacheKey, metadata); } catch (final CreationException | IOException | NullPointerException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Error when generating or parsing DASH manifest of " + "YouTube progressive stream, falling back to a " + "ProgressiveMediaSource.", e); return buildYoutubeProgressiveMediaSource(dataSource, stream, cacheKey, metadata); } } else { // Legacy progressive streams, subtitles are handled by // VideoPlaybackResolver return buildYoutubeProgressiveMediaSource(dataSource, stream, cacheKey, metadata); } case DASH: // If the content is not a URL, uses the DASH delivery method and if the stream // type of the stream is a video stream, it means the content is an OTF stream // so we need to generate the manifest corresponding to the content (which is // the base URL of the OTF stream). try { final String manifestString = YoutubeOtfDashManifestCreator .fromOtfStreamingUrl(stream.getContent(), Objects.requireNonNull(stream.getItagItem()), streamInfo.getDuration()); return buildYoutubeManualDashMediaSource(dataSource, createDashManifest(manifestString, stream), stream, cacheKey, metadata); } catch (final CreationException | IOException | NullPointerException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error when generating the DASH manifest of YouTube OTF stream", e); throw new ResolverException( "Error when generating the DASH manifest of YouTube OTF stream", e); } case HLS: return dataSource.getYoutubeHlsMediaSourceFactory().createMediaSource( new MediaItem.Builder() .setTag(metadata) .setUri(Uri.parse(stream.getContent())) .setCustomCacheKey(cacheKey) .build()); default: throw new ResolverException("Unsupported delivery method for YouTube contents: " + deliveryMethod); } } private static DashMediaSource buildYoutubeManualDashMediaSource( final PlayerDataSource dataSource, final DashManifest dashManifest, final Stream stream, final String cacheKey, final MediaItemTag metadata) { return dataSource.getYoutubeDashMediaSourceFactory().createMediaSource(dashManifest, new MediaItem.Builder() .setTag(metadata) .setUri(Uri.parse(stream.getContent())) .setCustomCacheKey(cacheKey) .build()); } private static ProgressiveMediaSource buildYoutubeProgressiveMediaSource( final PlayerDataSource dataSource, final Stream stream, final String cacheKey, final MediaItemTag metadata) { return dataSource.getYoutubeProgressiveMediaSourceFactory() .createMediaSource(new MediaItem.Builder() .setTag(metadata) .setUri(Uri.parse(stream.getContent())) .setCustomCacheKey(cacheKey) .build()); } //endregion //region resolver exception final class ResolverException extends Exception { public ResolverException(final String message) { super(message); } public ResolverException(final String message, final Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } } //endregion }