diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 36b71b8ca..3df95873e 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -11,29 +11,9 @@ android:
- android-25
# Additional components
- - extra-android-support
- extra-android-m2repository
- - extra-google-m2repository
- # Emulators
- - sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-21
- - sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-19
- - sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-15
- global:
- - ADB_INSTALL_TIMEOUT=8 # minutes (2 by default)
- - GRADLE_OPTS=-Xmx512m # give gradle more memory since it seem to fail otherwise
- matrix:
- - ANDROID_TARGET=android-21 ANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a
- - echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t $ANDROID_TARGET --abi $ANDROID_ABI
- - emulator -avd test -no-skin -no-audio -no-window &
- - android-wait-for-emulator
- - adb shell input keyevent 82 &
-script: ./gradlew --info build connectedCheck
+script: ./gradlew -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536m assembleDebug lintDebug testDebugUnitTest
- '.+'
diff --git a/app/build.gradle b/app/build.gradle
index 0f99854c2..52b2c673f 100644
--- a/app/build.gradle
+++ b/app/build.gradle
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ android {
dependencies {
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
+ testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.10.19'
+ testCompile 'org.json:json:20160810'
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:25.1.0'
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:25.1.0'
compile 'com.android.support:design:25.1.0'
@@ -46,7 +49,4 @@ dependencies {
compile 'com.nononsenseapps:filepicker:3.0.0'
compile 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.0'
compile 'com.google.android.exoplayer:exoplayer:r2.3.1'
- testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
- testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.10.19'
- testCompile 'org.json:json:20160810'
diff --git a/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
index 3172506f9..0cf26b394 100644
--- a/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -53,11 +53,6 @@
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layout/content_channel.xml b/app/src/main/res/layout/content_channel.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 79a41a628..000000000
--- a/app/src/main/res/layout/content_channel.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml
index 7e2e2d82e..e10406726 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml
@@ -1,27 +1,5 @@
- Navigate home
- %1$s, %2$s
- %1$s, %2$s, %3$s
- Navigate up
- More options
- Done
- See all
- Choose an app
- ON
- Search…
- Clear query
- Search query
- Search
- Submit query
- Voice search
- Share with
- Share with %s
- Collapse
- 999+
- "بدء تشغيل الفيديو تلقائيًا عندما يتم فتحه من تطبيق أخر."
- التشغيل التلقائي
مشغل NewPipe في الخلفية
جاري التشغيل في الخلفية
@@ -87,31 +65,4 @@
لا يمكن تحليل الموقع.
لا يمكن فك تشفير توقيع رابط الفيديو.
- NewPipe
- android.support.design.widget.AppBarLayout$ScrollingViewBehavior
- autoplay_through_intent
- %1$s - NewPipe
- https://www.c3s.cc/
- %1$d / %2$d
- default_audio_format
- m4a
- en
- default_resolution_preference
- 360p
- 0
- download_path_audio
- download_path
- https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdfilter=Kore&fdid=org.xbmc.kore
- https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdfilter=vlc&fdid=org.videolan.vlc
- search_language
- settings_category_appearance
- settings_category_other
- settings_category_video_audio
- show_next_video
- show_play_with_kodi
- الثيمات
- NewPipe
- use_external_audio_player
- use_external_video_player
- use_tor
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml
index 9a0f3690e..95164d622 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
Zadejte umístění pro stažené audio soubory.
Umístění pro stažené audio
- Automatické přehrávání skrze Intent
- Automaticky přehrávat video, jestliže je volané z jiné aplikace.
Výchozí rozlišení
Přehrát pomocí Kodi
Aplikace Kore nenalezena. Nainstalovat Kore?
@@ -159,143 +157,6 @@
Aktivita kanálu
Hlášení uživatele
- "
- Material is the metaphor.
- A material metaphor is the unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion.
- The material is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by the study of paper and ink, yet
- technologically advanced and open to imagination and magic.
- Surfaces and edges of the material provide visual cues that are grounded in reality. The
- use of familiar tactile attributes helps users quickly understand affordances. Yet the
- flexibility of the material creates new affordances that supercede those in the physical
- world, without breaking the rules of physics.
- The fundamentals of light, surface, and movement are key to conveying how objects move,
- interact, and exist in space and in relation to each other. Realistic lighting shows
- seams, divides space, and indicates moving parts.
- Bold, graphic, intentional.
- The foundational elements of print based design typography, grids, space, scale, color,
- and use of imagery guide visual treatments. These elements do far more than please the
- eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, and focus. Deliberate color choices, edge to edge
- imagery, large scale typography, and intentional white space create a bold and graphic
- interface that immerse the user in the experience.
- An emphasis on user actions makes core functionality immediately apparent and provides
- waypoints for the user.
- Motion provides meaning.
- Motion respects and reinforces the user as the prime mover. Primary user actions are
- inflection points that initiate motion, transforming the whole design.
- All action takes place in a single environment. Objects are presented to the user without
- breaking the continuity of experience even as they transform and reorganize.
- Motion is meaningful and appropriate, serving to focus attention and maintain continuity.
- Feedback is subtle yet clear. Transitions are efficient yet coherent.
- 3D world.
- The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z
- dimensions. The z-axis is perpendicularly aligned to the plane of the display, with the
- positive z-axis extending towards the viewer. Every sheet of material occupies a single
- position along the z-axis and has a standard 1dp thickness.
- On the web, the z-axis is used for layering and not for perspective. The 3D world is
- emulated by manipulating the y-axis.
- Light and shadow.
- Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene. Key lights create
- directional shadows, while ambient light creates soft shadows from all angles.
- Shadows in the material environment are cast by these two light sources. In Android
- development, shadows occur when light sources are blocked by sheets of material at
- various positions along the z-axis. On the web, shadows are depicted by manipulating the
- y-axis only. The following example shows the card with a height of 6dp.
- Resting elevation.
- All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation
- that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting
- elevation as soon as possible.
- Component elevations.
- The resting elevation for a component type is consistent across apps (e.g., FAB elevation
- does not vary from 6dp in one app to 16dp in another app).
- Components may have different resting elevations across platforms, depending on the depth
- of the environment (e.g., TV has a greater depth than mobile or desktop).
- Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets.
- Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response
- to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation
- changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.
- Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative
- to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent
- across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have
- the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.
- Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting
- elevation.
- Avoiding elevation interference.
- Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between
- their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass
- through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways,
- whether on a per component basis or using the entire app layout.
- On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference.
- For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off screen before a
- user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.
- On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference.
- For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere
- when a user tries to pick up one of cards.
- "
Nelze zjistit dekodéry zařízení
Nelze doložit dekodér
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
index d5330ad9e..01e415eaa 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -16,16 +16,12 @@
- Externen Player benutzen
Downloadverzeichnis für Videos
Verzeichnis in dem heruntergeladene Videos gespeichert werden.
Downloadverzeichnis für Videos eingeben
- Automatisches Abspielen durch Intent
- Startet ein Video automatisch wenn es von einer anderen App aufgerufen wurde.
Mit Kodi abspielen
Kore App wurde nicht gefunden. Möchten sie Kore jetzt installieren?
- Kore installieren
Zeige \"Mit Kodi abspielen\" Option
Zeigt eine Option an, über die man Videos mit dem Kodi Mediacenter abspielen kann.
@@ -169,143 +165,6 @@
Beschädigte URL oder Internet nicht erreichbar
Vorgeschlagener Dateiname
- "
- Material is the metaphor.
- A material metaphor is the unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion.
- The material is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by the study of paper and ink, yet
- technologically advanced and open to imagination and magic.
- Surfaces and edges of the material provide visual cues that are grounded in reality. The
- use of familiar tactile attributes helps users quickly understand affordances. Yet the
- flexibility of the material creates new affordances that supercede those in the physical
- world, without breaking the rules of physics.
- The fundamentals of light, surface, and movement are key to conveying how objects move,
- interact, and exist in space and in relation to each other. Realistic lighting shows
- seams, divides space, and indicates moving parts.
- Bold, graphic, intentional.
- The foundational elements of print based design typography, grids, space, scale, color,
- and use of imagery guide visual treatments. These elements do far more than please the
- eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, and focus. Deliberate color choices, edge to edge
- imagery, large scale typography, and intentional white space create a bold and graphic
- interface that immerse the user in the experience.
- An emphasis on user actions makes core functionality immediately apparent and provides
- waypoints for the user.
- Motion provides meaning.
- Motion respects and reinforces the user as the prime mover. Primary user actions are
- inflection points that initiate motion, transforming the whole design.
- All action takes place in a single environment. Objects are presented to the user without
- breaking the continuity of experience even as they transform and reorganize.
- Motion is meaningful and appropriate, serving to focus attention and maintain continuity.
- Feedback is subtle yet clear. Transitions are efficient yet coherent.
- 3D world.
- The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z
- dimensions. The z-axis is perpendicularly aligned to the plane of the display, with the
- positive z-axis extending towards the viewer. Every sheet of material occupies a single
- position along the z-axis and has a standard 1dp thickness.
- On the web, the z-axis is used for layering and not for perspective. The 3D world is
- emulated by manipulating the y-axis.
- Light and shadow.
- Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene. Key lights create
- directional shadows, while ambient light creates soft shadows from all angles.
- Shadows in the material environment are cast by these two light sources. In Android
- development, shadows occur when light sources are blocked by sheets of material at
- various positions along the z-axis. On the web, shadows are depicted by manipulating the
- y-axis only. The following example shows the card with a height of 6dp.
- Resting elevation.
- All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation
- that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting
- elevation as soon as possible.
- Component elevations.
- The resting elevation for a component type is consistent across apps (e.g., FAB elevation
- does not vary from 6dp in one app to 16dp in another app).
- Components may have different resting elevations across platforms, depending on the depth
- of the environment (e.g., TV has a greater depth than mobile or desktop).
- Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets.
- Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response
- to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation
- changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.
- Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative
- to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent
- across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have
- the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.
- Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting
- elevation.
- Avoiding elevation interference.
- Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between
- their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass
- through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways,
- whether on a per component basis or using the entire app layout.
- On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference.
- For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off screen before a
- user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.
- On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference.
- For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere
- when a user tries to pick up one of cards.
- "
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml
index 638feaef9..1ee429ac5 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
Διαδρομή για αποθήκευση αρχείων ήχου
Εισάγετε διαδρομή για λήψη αρχείων ήχου.
- Αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή μέσω Intent
- Αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή video όταν καλείται από άλλη εφαρμογή.
Προεπιλεγμένη ανάλυση
Αναπαραγωγή με το Kodi
Η εφαρμογή Kore δεν βρέθηκε. Εγκατάσταση;
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-eo/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-eo/strings.xml
index 50089bb9c..cb852e61a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-eo/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-eo/strings.xml
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
Uzi la programon Tor
- Ludi aŭtomate per Intent
Neniu elsendlflua ludilo trovita. Ĉu instali la aplikaĵon VLC?
La aplikaĵo Kore ne estas trovita. Ĉu instali la aplikaĵon Kore?
Montri la sekvan videon kaj similajn videojn
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@
Montri opcion por ludi videon per la aplikaĵo Kodi.
Dosierujo por konservi elŝutitajn videojn.
Dosierujo por konservi elŝutitan muzikon
- Ludi videon aŭtomate kiam ĝi estas vokita de alia aplikaĵo.
Elektu lokon por konservi elŝutitajn videojn
Elektu lokon por konservi elŝutitan muzikon.
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
index 0d3f92648..658fb06f0 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -16,16 +16,12 @@
Seleccionar navegador
- Usar reproductor externo
Ruta de descarga de vídeo
Ruta para almacenar los vídeos descargados.
Introducir directorio de descargas para vídeos
- Intentar reproducción automática
- Reproducir vídeos automáticamente cuando se llamen desde otra aplicación.
Resolución por defecto
Reproducir con Kodi
Aplicación Kore no encontrada. ¿Instalar Kore?
- Instalar Kore
Mostrar opción \"Reproducir con Kodi\"
Muestra una opción para reproducir el vídeo con Kodi Media Center.
@@ -159,143 +155,6 @@
Actividad del canal
- "
- Material is the metaphor.
- A material metaphor is the unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion.
- The material is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by the study of paper and ink, yet
- technologically advanced and open to imagination and magic.
- Surfaces and edges of the material provide visual cues that are grounded in reality. The
- use of familiar tactile attributes helps users quickly understand affordances. Yet the
- flexibility of the material creates new affordances that supercede those in the physical
- world, without breaking the rules of physics.
- The fundamentals of light, surface, and movement are key to conveying how objects move,
- interact, and exist in space and in relation to each other. Realistic lighting shows
- seams, divides space, and indicates moving parts.
- Bold, graphic, intentional.
- The foundational elements of print based design typography, grids, space, scale, color,
- and use of imagery guide visual treatments. These elements do far more than please the
- eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, and focus. Deliberate color choices, edge to edge
- imagery, large scale typography, and intentional white space create a bold and graphic
- interface that immerse the user in the experience.
- An emphasis on user actions makes core functionality immediately apparent and provides
- waypoints for the user.
- Motion provides meaning.
- Motion respects and reinforces the user as the prime mover. Primary user actions are
- inflection points that initiate motion, transforming the whole design.
- All action takes place in a single environment. Objects are presented to the user without
- breaking the continuity of experience even as they transform and reorganize.
- Motion is meaningful and appropriate, serving to focus attention and maintain continuity.
- Feedback is subtle yet clear. Transitions are efficient yet coherent.
- 3D world.
- The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z
- dimensions. The z-axis is perpendicularly aligned to the plane of the display, with the
- positive z-axis extending towards the viewer. Every sheet of material occupies a single
- position along the z-axis and has a standard 1dp thickness.
- On the web, the z-axis is used for layering and not for perspective. The 3D world is
- emulated by manipulating the y-axis.
- Light and shadow.
- Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene. Key lights create
- directional shadows, while ambient light creates soft shadows from all angles.
- Shadows in the material environment are cast by these two light sources. In Android
- development, shadows occur when light sources are blocked by sheets of material at
- various positions along the z-axis. On the web, shadows are depicted by manipulating the
- y-axis only. The following example shows the card with a height of 6dp.
- Resting elevation.
- All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation
- that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting
- elevation as soon as possible.
- Component elevations.
- The resting elevation for a component type is consistent across apps (e.g., FAB elevation
- does not vary from 6dp in one app to 16dp in another app).
- Components may have different resting elevations across platforms, depending on the depth
- of the environment (e.g., TV has a greater depth than mobile or desktop).
- Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets.
- Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response
- to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation
- changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.
- Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative
- to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent
- across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have
- the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.
- Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting
- elevation.
- Avoiding elevation interference.
- Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between
- their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass
- through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways,
- whether on a per component basis or using the entire app layout.
- On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference.
- For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off screen before a
- user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.
- On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference.
- For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere
- when a user tries to pick up one of cards.
- "
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml
index 5f0a9f5f7..bfedaf4d6 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
Lehenetsitako bereizmena
Kodirekin erreproduzitu
Kore aplikazioa ez da aurkitu. Kore beharrezkoa da Kodi multimedia zentroarekin bideoak erreproduzitzeko.
- Kore instalatu
\"Kodirekin erreproduzitu\" aukera erakutsi
Kodi multimedia zentroarekin bideoa erreproduzitzeko aukera erakusten du.
@@ -48,8 +47,6 @@
"Orrialdea bilatu: "
Kanpoko bideo erreproduzitzailea erabili
Kanpoko audio erreproduzitzailea erabili
- Intent bidez automatikoki erreproduzitu
- Bideoa automatikoki hasten du beste aplikazio batetik deitu denean.
Atzeko planoan erreproduzitzen
Ukitu bilaketa hasteko
Audioa deskargatzeko kokapena
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index cad6350ff..b9f368548 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- Lire automatiquement une vidéo lorsqu’elle a été appelée depuis une autre application.
Choisir un navigateur
Définition par défaut
@@ -10,11 +9,9 @@
Entrer le chemin de téléchargement des vidéos
Chemin de stockage des vidéos téléchargées.
- Installer Kore
L’application Kore est introuvable. Installer Kore ?
Aucun lecteur de flux réseau trouvé. Installer VLC ?
Ouvrir dans le navigateur
- Lecture automatique via Intent
Lire avec Kodi
@@ -26,7 +23,6 @@
Afficher l’option « Lire avec Kodi »
Ajoutée le %1$s
- Utiliser un lecteur externe
%1$s vues
Format audio par défaut
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml
index e161f511e..6078fa29c 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml
@@ -16,16 +16,12 @@
Válasszon böngészőt
- Külső lejátszó használata
Videófájlok letöltési helye
Útvonal a letöltött videók tárolásához.
Adja meg a videófájlok letöltési helyét
- Automatikus lejátszás Intent-en keresztül
- Videó automatikus lejátszása külső alkalmazással való megnyitás esetén.
Alapértelmezett felbontás
Lejátszás Kodi-val
A Kore alkalmazás nem található. Feltelepíti a Kore lejátszót?
- Kore telepítése
\"Lejátszás Kodi-val\" opció mutatása
Mutat egy opciót a videók Kodi médiaközponttal való lejátszására.
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-id/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-id/strings.xml
index 8f9dfc41f..2c14f099f 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-id/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-id/strings.xml
@@ -151,143 +151,6 @@
Laporan pengguna
- "
- Material is the metaphor.
- A material metaphor is the unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion.
- The material is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by the study of paper and ink, yet
- technologically advanced and open to imagination and magic.
- Surfaces and edges of the material provide visual cues that are grounded in reality. The
- use of familiar tactile attributes helps users quickly understand affordances. Yet the
- flexibility of the material creates new affordances that supercede those in the physical
- world, without breaking the rules of physics.
- The fundamentals of light, surface, and movement are key to conveying how objects move,
- interact, and exist in space and in relation to each other. Realistic lighting shows
- seams, divides space, and indicates moving parts.
- Bold, graphic, intentional.
- The foundational elements of print based design typography, grids, space, scale, color,
- and use of imagery guide visual treatments. These elements do far more than please the
- eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, and focus. Deliberate color choices, edge to edge
- imagery, large scale typography, and intentional white space create a bold and graphic
- interface that immerse the user in the experience.
- An emphasis on user actions makes core functionality immediately apparent and provides
- waypoints for the user.
- Motion provides meaning.
- Motion respects and reinforces the user as the prime mover. Primary user actions are
- inflection points that initiate motion, transforming the whole design.
- All action takes place in a single environment. Objects are presented to the user without
- breaking the continuity of experience even as they transform and reorganize.
- Motion is meaningful and appropriate, serving to focus attention and maintain continuity.
- Feedback is subtle yet clear. Transitions are efficient yet coherent.
- 3D world.
- The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z
- dimensions. The z-axis is perpendicularly aligned to the plane of the display, with the
- positive z-axis extending towards the viewer. Every sheet of material occupies a single
- position along the z-axis and has a standard 1dp thickness.
- On the web, the z-axis is used for layering and not for perspective. The 3D world is
- emulated by manipulating the y-axis.
- Light and shadow.
- Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene. Key lights create
- directional shadows, while ambient light creates soft shadows from all angles.
- Shadows in the material environment are cast by these two light sources. In Android
- development, shadows occur when light sources are blocked by sheets of material at
- various positions along the z-axis. On the web, shadows are depicted by manipulating the
- y-axis only. The following example shows the card with a height of 6dp.
- Resting elevation.
- All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation
- that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting
- elevation as soon as possible.
- Component elevations.
- The resting elevation for a component type is consistent across apps (e.g., FAB elevation
- does not vary from 6dp in one app to 16dp in another app).
- Components may have different resting elevations across platforms, depending on the depth
- of the environment (e.g., TV has a greater depth than mobile or desktop).
- Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets.
- Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response
- to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation
- changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.
- Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative
- to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent
- across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have
- the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.
- Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting
- elevation.
- Avoiding elevation interference.
- Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between
- their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass
- through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways,
- whether on a per component basis or using the entire app layout.
- On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference.
- For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off screen before a
- user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.
- On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference.
- For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere
- when a user tries to pick up one of cards.
- "
Rintangan reCAPTCHA
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
index 302dfd7f1..30f171f22 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -16,16 +16,12 @@
Scegli browser
- Usa un riproduttore video esterno
Cartella dei video scaricati
Percorso dove memorizzare i video scaricati.
Inserisci il percorso per i download
- Auto riproduzione attraverso internet
- Avvia automaticamente un video quando è stato chiamato da un\'altra applicazione.
Risoluzione predefinita
Riproduci con Kodi
L\'applicazione Kore non è stata trovata. Kore è necessario per riprodurre video con Kodi media center. Vorresti installarlo?
- Installa Kore
Mostra l\'opzione \"Riproduci con Kodi\"
Mostra un opzione per riprodurre un video attraverso Kodi media center.
@@ -39,8 +35,6 @@
Video simili
Lingua preferita per i contenuti
Video e Audio
Anteprima video
Anteprima video
@@ -164,143 +158,6 @@
- "
- Material is the metaphor.
- A material metaphor is the unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion.
- The material is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by the study of paper and ink, yet
- technologically advanced and open to imagination and magic.
- Surfaces and edges of the material provide visual cues that are grounded in reality. The
- use of familiar tactile attributes helps users quickly understand affordances. Yet the
- flexibility of the material creates new affordances that supercede those in the physical
- world, without breaking the rules of physics.
- The fundamentals of light, surface, and movement are key to conveying how objects move,
- interact, and exist in space and in relation to each other. Realistic lighting shows
- seams, divides space, and indicates moving parts.
- Bold, graphic, intentional.
- The foundational elements of print based design typography, grids, space, scale, color,
- and use of imagery guide visual treatments. These elements do far more than please the
- eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, and focus. Deliberate color choices, edge to edge
- imagery, large scale typography, and intentional white space create a bold and graphic
- interface that immerse the user in the experience.
- An emphasis on user actions makes core functionality immediately apparent and provides
- waypoints for the user.
- Motion provides meaning.
- Motion respects and reinforces the user as the prime mover. Primary user actions are
- inflection points that initiate motion, transforming the whole design.
- All action takes place in a single environment. Objects are presented to the user without
- breaking the continuity of experience even as they transform and reorganize.
- Motion is meaningful and appropriate, serving to focus attention and maintain continuity.
- Feedback is subtle yet clear. Transitions are efficient yet coherent.
- 3D world.
- The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z
- dimensions. The z-axis is perpendicularly aligned to the plane of the display, with the
- positive z-axis extending towards the viewer. Every sheet of material occupies a single
- position along the z-axis and has a standard 1dp thickness.
- On the web, the z-axis is used for layering and not for perspective. The 3D world is
- emulated by manipulating the y-axis.
- Light and shadow.
- Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene. Key lights create
- directional shadows, while ambient light creates soft shadows from all angles.
- Shadows in the material environment are cast by these two light sources. In Android
- development, shadows occur when light sources are blocked by sheets of material at
- various positions along the z-axis. On the web, shadows are depicted by manipulating the
- y-axis only. The following example shows the card with a height of 6dp.
- Resting elevation.
- All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation
- that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting
- elevation as soon as possible.
- Component elevations.
- The resting elevation for a component type is consistent across apps (e.g., FAB elevation
- does not vary from 6dp in one app to 16dp in another app).
- Components may have different resting elevations across platforms, depending on the depth
- of the environment (e.g., TV has a greater depth than mobile or desktop).
- Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets.
- Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response
- to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation
- changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.
- Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative
- to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent
- across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have
- the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.
- Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting
- elevation.
- Avoiding elevation interference.
- Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between
- their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass
- through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways,
- whether on a per component basis or using the entire app layout.
- On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference.
- For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off screen before a
- user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.
- On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference.
- For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere
- when a user tries to pick up one of cards.
- "
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml
index 9fb0d33e1..17c9f8aad 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml
@@ -15,16 +15,12 @@
- 外部プレーヤーを使用する
- インテントで自動再生
- 他のアプリケーションから呼び出されたとき、自動的に動画再生を開始します。
Kodi で再生
Koreが見つかりません。Kore を入手しますか。
- Kore をインストール
\"Kodi で再生\" 設定を表示
Kodi メディアセンター経由で動画を再生するための設定を表示します
@@ -162,143 +158,6 @@
アプリ/UI がクラッシュしました
何:\\n提案:\\nコンテンツ言語:\\nサービス:\\nGMT 時間:\\nパッケージ:\\nバージョン:\\nOS バージョン:\\nグローバル IP 範囲:
- "
- Material is the metaphor.
- A material metaphor is the unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion.
- The material is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by the study of paper and ink, yet
- technologically advanced and open to imagination and magic.
- Surfaces and edges of the material provide visual cues that are grounded in reality. The
- use of familiar tactile attributes helps users quickly understand affordances. Yet the
- flexibility of the material creates new affordances that supercede those in the physical
- world, without breaking the rules of physics.
- The fundamentals of light, surface, and movement are key to conveying how objects move,
- interact, and exist in space and in relation to each other. Realistic lighting shows
- seams, divides space, and indicates moving parts.
- Bold, graphic, intentional.
- The foundational elements of print based design typography, grids, space, scale, color,
- and use of imagery guide visual treatments. These elements do far more than please the
- eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, and focus. Deliberate color choices, edge to edge
- imagery, large scale typography, and intentional white space create a bold and graphic
- interface that immerse the user in the experience.
- An emphasis on user actions makes core functionality immediately apparent and provides
- waypoints for the user.
- Motion provides meaning.
- Motion respects and reinforces the user as the prime mover. Primary user actions are
- inflection points that initiate motion, transforming the whole design.
- All action takes place in a single environment. Objects are presented to the user without
- breaking the continuity of experience even as they transform and reorganize.
- Motion is meaningful and appropriate, serving to focus attention and maintain continuity.
- Feedback is subtle yet clear. Transitions are efficient yet coherent.
- 3D world.
- The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z
- dimensions. The z-axis is perpendicularly aligned to the plane of the display, with the
- positive z-axis extending towards the viewer. Every sheet of material occupies a single
- position along the z-axis and has a standard 1dp thickness.
- On the web, the z-axis is used for layering and not for perspective. The 3D world is
- emulated by manipulating the y-axis.
- Light and shadow.
- Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene. Key lights create
- directional shadows, while ambient light creates soft shadows from all angles.
- Shadows in the material environment are cast by these two light sources. In Android
- development, shadows occur when light sources are blocked by sheets of material at
- various positions along the z-axis. On the web, shadows are depicted by manipulating the
- y-axis only. The following example shows the card with a height of 6dp.
- Resting elevation.
- All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation
- that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting
- elevation as soon as possible.
- Component elevations.
- The resting elevation for a component type is consistent across apps (e.g., FAB elevation
- does not vary from 6dp in one app to 16dp in another app).
- Components may have different resting elevations across platforms, depending on the depth
- of the environment (e.g., TV has a greater depth than mobile or desktop).
- Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets.
- Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response
- to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation
- changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.
- Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative
- to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent
- across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have
- the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.
- Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting
- elevation.
- Avoiding elevation interference.
- Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between
- their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass
- through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways,
- whether on a per component basis or using the entire app layout.
- On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference.
- For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off screen before a
- user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.
- On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference.
- For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere
- when a user tries to pick up one of cards.
- "
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
index 50709b3b3..855db8f26 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -16,16 +16,12 @@
브라우저 선택
- 외부 플레이어 사용
비디오 다운로드 위치
다운로드된 비디오가 저장될 경로를 선택하세요.
비디오 다운로드 경로 입력
- 인텐트로 경유할 경우 자동 재생
- 다른 앱으로부터 호출되었을 경우에 비디오를 자동으로 재생합니다.
기본 해상도
Kodi로 재생
Kore 앱이 발견되지 않았습니다. Kore를 설치할까요?
- Kore 설치
\"Kodi로 재생\" 옵션 표시
비디오를 Kodi media center를 사용해 재생하는 옵션을 표시합니다.
@@ -39,8 +35,6 @@
유사한 비디오
선호하는 컨텐츠 언어
비디오 & 오디오
- 정보
- 기타
비디오 미리보기 썸네일
비디오 미리보기 썸네일
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-nb-rNO/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-nb-rNO/strings.xml
index 6315b61fd..f5befe193 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-nb-rNO/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-nb-rNO/strings.xml
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
Sti å lagre nedlastet lyd i.
Skriv inn nedlastingssti for lydfiler.
- Automatisk avspilling av video når det blir forespurt fra et annet program.
Forvalgt oppløsning
Spill av med Kodi
Kore-programmet ble ikke funnet. Installer Kore?
@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@
Kan ikke opprette nedlastingsmappe \'%1$s\'
Opprettet nedlastingsmappen \'%1$s\'
-Automatisk avspilling med Intent
Trykk for å komme i gang
Automatisk avspilling når forespurt av et annet program
Automatisk avspilling av video når NewPipe blir forespurt av et annet program.
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml
index 1d1e8a4f0..1e0d80673 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml
@@ -16,16 +16,12 @@
Kies een browser
- Gebruik externe speler
Downloadlocatie voor video\'s
Locatie om gedownloade video\'s in op te slaan.
Voer downloadlocatie in voor video\'s
- Speel automatisch via Intent
- Speel een video automatisch af indien geopend vanuit een andere app.
Afspelen met Kodi
Kore-app niet gevonden. Kore installeren?
- Installeer Kore
Toon \"Afspelen met Kodi\"-optie
Toont een optie om een video op een Kodi media center af te spelen.
@@ -157,143 +153,6 @@
- "
- Material is the metaphor.
- A material metaphor is the unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion.
- The material is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by the study of paper and ink, yet
- technologically advanced and open to imagination and magic.
- Surfaces and edges of the material provide visual cues that are grounded in reality. The
- use of familiar tactile attributes helps users quickly understand affordances. Yet the
- flexibility of the material creates new affordances that supercede those in the physical
- world, without breaking the rules of physics.
- The fundamentals of light, surface, and movement are key to conveying how objects move,
- interact, and exist in space and in relation to each other. Realistic lighting shows
- seams, divides space, and indicates moving parts.
- Bold, graphic, intentional.
- The foundational elements of print based design typography, grids, space, scale, color,
- and use of imagery guide visual treatments. These elements do far more than please the
- eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, and focus. Deliberate color choices, edge to edge
- imagery, large scale typography, and intentional white space create a bold and graphic
- interface that immerse the user in the experience.
- An emphasis on user actions makes core functionality immediately apparent and provides
- waypoints for the user.
- Motion provides meaning.
- Motion respects and reinforces the user as the prime mover. Primary user actions are
- inflection points that initiate motion, transforming the whole design.
- All action takes place in a single environment. Objects are presented to the user without
- breaking the continuity of experience even as they transform and reorganize.
- Motion is meaningful and appropriate, serving to focus attention and maintain continuity.
- Feedback is subtle yet clear. Transitions are efficient yet coherent.
- 3D world.
- The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z
- dimensions. The z-axis is perpendicularly aligned to the plane of the display, with the
- positive z-axis extending towards the viewer. Every sheet of material occupies a single
- position along the z-axis and has a standard 1dp thickness.
- On the web, the z-axis is used for layering and not for perspective. The 3D world is
- emulated by manipulating the y-axis.
- Light and shadow.
- Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene. Key lights create
- directional shadows, while ambient light creates soft shadows from all angles.
- Shadows in the material environment are cast by these two light sources. In Android
- development, shadows occur when light sources are blocked by sheets of material at
- various positions along the z-axis. On the web, shadows are depicted by manipulating the
- y-axis only. The following example shows the card with a height of 6dp.
- Resting elevation.
- All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation
- that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting
- elevation as soon as possible.
- Component elevations.
- The resting elevation for a component type is consistent across apps (e.g., FAB elevation
- does not vary from 6dp in one app to 16dp in another app).
- Components may have different resting elevations across platforms, depending on the depth
- of the environment (e.g., TV has a greater depth than mobile or desktop).
- Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets.
- Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response
- to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation
- changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.
- Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative
- to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent
- across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have
- the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.
- Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting
- elevation.
- Avoiding elevation interference.
- Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between
- their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass
- through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways,
- whether on a per component basis or using the entire app layout.
- On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference.
- For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off screen before a
- user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.
- On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference.
- For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere
- when a user tries to pick up one of cards.
- "
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
index fcdf32240..84394a32f 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -21,12 +21,9 @@
Descarga de vídeos
Local para guardar os vídeos descarregados.
Digite o caminho para os vídeos
- Reproduzir através de Intent
- Reproduzir automaticamente o vídeo se invocado por outra aplicação.
Resolução padrão
Reproduzir com Kodi
Aplicação não encontrada. Instalar o Kore?
- Instalar o Kore
Mostrar opção \"Reproduzir com Kodi\"
Mostra uma opção para reproduzir o vídeo com o Kodi.
@@ -40,8 +37,6 @@
Vídeos similares
Idioma preferencial do conteúdo
Vídeo e áudio
- Informações
- Outras
Miniatura de vídeos
Miniatura de vídeos
@@ -158,143 +153,6 @@
Aplicação encerrada
O quê:\\nPedido:\\nIdioma do conteúdo:\\nServiço:\\nHora GMT:\\nPacote:\\nVersão:\\nVersão do SO:\\nIP global:
Atividade do canal
- "
- Material is the metaphor.
- A material metaphor is the unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion.
- The material is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by the study of paper and ink, yet
- technologically advanced and open to imagination and magic.
- Surfaces and edges of the material provide visual cues that are grounded in reality. The
- use of familiar tactile attributes helps users quickly understand affordances. Yet the
- flexibility of the material creates new affordances that supercede those in the physical
- world, without breaking the rules of physics.
- The fundamentals of light, surface, and movement are key to conveying how objects move,
- interact, and exist in space and in relation to each other. Realistic lighting shows
- seams, divides space, and indicates moving parts.
- Bold, graphic, intentional.
- The foundational elements of print based design typography, grids, space, scale, color,
- and use of imagery guide visual treatments. These elements do far more than please the
- eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, and focus. Deliberate color choices, edge to edge
- imagery, large scale typography, and intentional white space create a bold and graphic
- interface that immerse the user in the experience.
- An emphasis on user actions makes core functionality immediately apparent and provides
- waypoints for the user.
- Motion provides meaning.
- Motion respects and reinforces the user as the prime mover. Primary user actions are
- inflection points that initiate motion, transforming the whole design.
- All action takes place in a single environment. Objects are presented to the user without
- breaking the continuity of experience even as they transform and reorganize.
- Motion is meaningful and appropriate, serving to focus attention and maintain continuity.
- Feedback is subtle yet clear. Transitions are efficient yet coherent.
- 3D world.
- The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z
- dimensions. The z-axis is perpendicularly aligned to the plane of the display, with the
- positive z-axis extending towards the viewer. Every sheet of material occupies a single
- position along the z-axis and has a standard 1dp thickness.
- On the web, the z-axis is used for layering and not for perspective. The 3D world is
- emulated by manipulating the y-axis.
- Light and shadow.
- Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene. Key lights create
- directional shadows, while ambient light creates soft shadows from all angles.
- Shadows in the material environment are cast by these two light sources. In Android
- development, shadows occur when light sources are blocked by sheets of material at
- various positions along the z-axis. On the web, shadows are depicted by manipulating the
- y-axis only. The following example shows the card with a height of 6dp.
- Resting elevation.
- All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation
- that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting
- elevation as soon as possible.
- Component elevations.
- The resting elevation for a component type is consistent across apps (e.g., FAB elevation
- does not vary from 6dp in one app to 16dp in another app).
- Components may have different resting elevations across platforms, depending on the depth
- of the environment (e.g., TV has a greater depth than mobile or desktop).
- Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets.
- Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response
- to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation
- changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.
- Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative
- to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent
- across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have
- the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.
- Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting
- elevation.
- Avoiding elevation interference.
- Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between
- their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass
- through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways,
- whether on a per component basis or using the entire app layout.
- On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference.
- For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off screen before a
- user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.
- On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference.
- For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere
- when a user tries to pick up one of cards.
- "
Abrir no modo “popup“
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
index 3a6a64f86..6c28f910b 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
Locul în care se vor stoca fișierele audio descărcate
Introduceți calea de descărcare pentru fișierele audio.
- Redare automată intenționată
- Redați automat un videoclip atunci când este chemat din altă aplicație.
Rezoluție implicită
Redați folosind Kodi
Aplicația Kore nu a fost găsită. Instalați Kore?
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
index 288b1137a..dcb8221a7 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -16,16 +16,12 @@
Выбрать браузер
- Использовать внешний проигрыватель
Место для загрузок
Папка для хранения загруженных видео
Введите путь к папке для загрузки видео
- Автопроигрывание через интернет
- Автоматически воспроизводить видео, открытое через другое приложение
Разрешение по-умолчанию
Воспроизвести с помощью Kodi
Приложение Kore не наидено. Установить Kore?
- Установить Kore
Показывать опцию \"Воспроизвести с помощью Kodi\"
Показать опцию воспроизведения видео через Kodi media center
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml
index ec90d8727..0ace30a7e 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
Vložte cestu kam sa budú ukladať zvukové súbory.
Cesta kam sa bude ukladať prevzaté audio
- Automatické prehrávanie na vyžiadanie
- Automatický prehrá video na žiadosť z inej aplikácie.
Štandardné rozlíšenie
Prehrať cez Kodi
Aplikácia Kore nenajdená. Inštalovať Kore?
@@ -155,143 +153,6 @@
Aktivita kanálov
- "
- Materiál je metaforou.
- Materiál metafora je zjednocujúci teórie racionálne priestoru a systém pohybu.
- Materiál je zakotvená v taktilné skutočnosti, inšpirované štúdiom papiera a atramentu, ale napriek tomu
- technologicky pokročilé a otvorené fantáziu a mágiu.
- Povrchy a hrany materiálu poskytujú vizuálnu pokyny, ktoré sú zakotvené v realite.
- Použitie známych hmatových vlastností, pomáha používateľom rýchlo pochopiť affordances. napriek tomu
- Pružnosť materiálu vytvára nové affordances že nadradené tie fyzické
- svet bez toho, aby porušenie pravidiel fyziky.
- Základy svetla, povrchu a pohyb sú kľúčom k dopravovanie, ako sa objekty pohybovať,
- komunikovať, a existujú v priestore a vo vzťahu k sebe navzájom. Realistické svetelné šou
- švy, rozdeľuje priestor, a indikuje pohyblivých častí.
- Bold, kreslený, úmyselné.
- Foundational prvky tlače na dizajn typografie, rošty, priestor, mierka, farby,
- a používanie metafor riadiť vizuálne procedúry. Tieto prvky robiť oveľa viac, než potešiť
- oko. Vytvárajú hierarchie, zmysel a zameranie. výber farieb úmyselné, od okraja k okraju
- snímok, rozsiahle typografie a úmyselné biely priestor vytvoriť tučný a grafický
- rozhranie, ktoré ponorí užívateľov v zážitku.
- Dôraz na užívateľských akcií činí základné funkcie okamžite zrejmé a poskytuje
- waypointy pre užívateľov.
- Motion poskytuje význam.
- Návrh rešpektuje a posilňuje užívateľa ako hnacia sila. Primárne akcie užívateľa sú
- inflexné body, ktoré iniciujú pohyb, transformáciu celej konštrukcie.
- Celá akcia prebieha v jedinom prostredí. Objekty sú prezentované užívateľovi bez toho,
- prelomenie kontinuity skúseností, aj keď ich transformáciu a reorganizáciu.
- Pohyb je zmysluplné a vhodné, slúžiace sústrediť pozornosť a zachovanie kontinuity.
- Spätná väzba je jemné, ale napriek tomu jasné. Prechody sú ef fi točné ešte koherentné.
- 3D svet.
- Materiál prostredie je 3D priestore, čo znamená, že všetky objekty majú X, Y, a Z
- rozmery. Os je kolmo zarovnaný k rovine zobrazenie, s
- kladná os rozširuje smerom k divákovi. Každý list materiálu, umiestnené v jednom
- poloha pozdĺž osi a má štandardnú hrúbku 1DP.
- Na webe, os sa používa pre vrstvenie a nie pre perspektívy. 3D svet
- emuloval tým, že manipuluje os y.
- Svetlo a tieň.
- V hmotnom prostredí, virtuálne svetlá osvetľujú scénu. Kľúčové svetla vytvárajú
- smerové tiene, zatiaľ čo okolité svetlo vytvára mäkké tiene zo všetkých strán.
- Tiene v hmotnom prostredí sú obsadené týmito dvoma svetelnými zdrojmi. v Android
- vývoj, dochádza tiene, keď sú svetelné zdroje blokované plechového materiálu, na
- Rôzne pozície pozdĺž osi. Na webe tiene sú znázornené manipuláciou
- Iba os y. Nasledujúci príklad ukazuje kartu s výškou 6dp.
- Odpočíva nadmorskú výšku.
- Všetky významné objekty, bez ohľadu na ich veľkosť, majú výšku odpočíva, alebo predvolené výšku
- to nič nemení. V prípade, že objekt sa mení výšku, mal by sa vrátiť do svojej pokojovej
- nadmorskej výšky čo najskôr.
- Component výškach.
- Pokojová nadmorská výška pre typ komponentu je konzistentné naprieč aplikáciami (napr FAB elevácie
- nelíši od 6dp v jednej aplikácii na 16dp v inej aplikácii).
- Zložky môžu mať rôzne pokojovej výšky medzi platformami, v závislosti od hĺbky
- životného prostredia (napr televízor má väčšiu hĺbku, ako mobilný telefón alebo plochy).
- Citlivé nadmorská výška a dynamické elevácie offsety.
- Niektoré typy komponentov majú citlivejší výšku, čo znamená, že meniť výšku v odozve
- na vstup používateľa (napríklad normálny priebeh, sa zameral, a lisované), alebo systémové udalosti. tieto elevácie
- Zmeny sa vykonávali dôsledne používať dynamické výškové posuny.
- Dynamické výškové posuny sú cieľom nadmorská výška, ktorá zložka sa pohybuje smerom, relatívna
- do pokojového stavu súčasti. Zaisťujú, že zmeny elevácie sú v súlade
- naprieč akcií a typov komponentov. Napríklad všetky súčasti, ktoré vlek na lise majú
- rovnaká zmena prevýšenie vo vzťahu k ich prevýšenie odpočinku.
- Akonáhle je vstupná udalosť dokončenie alebo zrušená, bude zložka vráti do svojej pokojovej
- nadmorská výška.
- Vyhnúť sa rušenie elevácie.
- Zložky s citlivými nadmorských výškach môže stretnúť s ďalšími komponentmi, ako sa pohybovať medzi
- ich odpočinku vyvýšeniny a dynamické výškové odsadenie. Vzhľadom k tomu, materiál nemôže prejsť
- prostredníctvom iného materiálu, komponenty nenarušovať spolu navzájom nejakom množstvo ciest,
- či už na úrovni jednotlivých komponentov alebo s použitím kompletné rozloženie aplikácie.
- Na úrovni komponentov môžu zložky presunúť alebo odstrániť skôr, než spôsobia rušenie.
- Napríklad tlačidlo plávajúce akcie (FAB) môžu zmiznúť alebo presunúť mimo obrazovku pred
- Užívateľ zdvihne kartu, alebo sa môže pohybovať, ak sa objaví snackbar.
- Na úrovni Usporiadanie, riešenie rozvrhnutie aplikácie, aby sa minimalizovalo príležitostí k rušeniu.
- Napríklad, umiestnenie FAB na jednej strane prúdu niekoľkých kariet, takže FAB nebude zasahovať
- ak sa užívateľ pokúsi vyzdvihnúť jednu z kariet.
- "
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml
index 6ee3e2f9a..653575e6e 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
Privzeta ločljivost
Predvajaj s Kodi
Programa Kore ni mogoče najti. Ali želite program namestiti?
- Namesti program Kore
Pokaži možnost \"Predvajaj s Kodi\"
Privzet zapis zvoka
@@ -40,10 +39,7 @@
Sličica predogleda videa
Sličica predogleda videa
Sličica pošiljalnika
- Samodejno predvajanje prek vmesnika Intent
- Začne samodejno predvajanje videa, ko je zagnan prek drugega programa.
Pokaže možnost predvajanja videa preko predstavnega središča Kodi.
- Drugo
Všeč mi je
Ni mi všeč
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml
index bc8098a95..933733ba4 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml
@@ -16,16 +16,12 @@
Отвори помоћу
- Користи спољашњи плејер
Одредиште преузимања за видео
Путања за упис преузетих видеа.
Унесите путању за преузимање видеа
- Аутопуштање преко интента
- Аутоматско пуштање видеа по позиву из друге апликације.
Подразумевана резолуција
Пусти помоћу Кодија
Апликација Кор (Kore) није нађена. Инсталирати Кор?
- Инсталирај Кор
Прикажи „Пусти помоћу Кодија“
Приказ опције за пуштање видеа у Коди медија центру.
@@ -164,143 +160,6 @@
Активност канала
- "
- Material is the metaphor.
- A material metaphor is the unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion.
- The material is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by the study of paper and ink, yet
- technologically advanced and open to imagination and magic.
- Surfaces and edges of the material provide visual cues that are grounded in reality. The
- use of familiar tactile attributes helps users quickly understand affordances. Yet the
- flexibility of the material creates new affordances that supercede those in the physical
- world, without breaking the rules of physics.
- The fundamentals of light, surface, and movement are key to conveying how objects move,
- interact, and exist in space and in relation to each other. Realistic lighting shows
- seams, divides space, and indicates moving parts.
- Bold, graphic, intentional.
- The foundational elements of print based design typography, grids, space, scale, color,
- and use of imagery guide visual treatments. These elements do far more than please the
- eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, and focus. Deliberate color choices, edge to edge
- imagery, large scale typography, and intentional white space create a bold and graphic
- interface that immerse the user in the experience.
- An emphasis on user actions makes core functionality immediately apparent and provides
- waypoints for the user.
- Motion provides meaning.
- Motion respects and reinforces the user as the prime mover. Primary user actions are
- inflection points that initiate motion, transforming the whole design.
- All action takes place in a single environment. Objects are presented to the user without
- breaking the continuity of experience even as they transform and reorganize.
- Motion is meaningful and appropriate, serving to focus attention and maintain continuity.
- Feedback is subtle yet clear. Transitions are efficient yet coherent.
- 3D world.
- The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z
- dimensions. The z-axis is perpendicularly aligned to the plane of the display, with the
- positive z-axis extending towards the viewer. Every sheet of material occupies a single
- position along the z-axis and has a standard 1dp thickness.
- On the web, the z-axis is used for layering and not for perspective. The 3D world is
- emulated by manipulating the y-axis.
- Light and shadow.
- Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene. Key lights create
- directional shadows, while ambient light creates soft shadows from all angles.
- Shadows in the material environment are cast by these two light sources. In Android
- development, shadows occur when light sources are blocked by sheets of material at
- various positions along the z-axis. On the web, shadows are depicted by manipulating the
- y-axis only. The following example shows the card with a height of 6dp.
- Resting elevation.
- All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation
- that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting
- elevation as soon as possible.
- Component elevations.
- The resting elevation for a component type is consistent across apps (e.g., FAB elevation
- does not vary from 6dp in one app to 16dp in another app).
- Components may have different resting elevations across platforms, depending on the depth
- of the environment (e.g., TV has a greater depth than mobile or desktop).
- Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets.
- Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response
- to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation
- changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.
- Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative
- to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent
- across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have
- the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.
- Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting
- elevation.
- Avoiding elevation interference.
- Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between
- their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass
- through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways,
- whether on a per component basis or using the entire app layout.
- On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference.
- For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off screen before a
- user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.
- On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference.
- For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere
- when a user tries to pick up one of cards.
- "
reCAPTCHA стопка
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index a0e17bb4a..83fd8a182 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@
Lütfen bir kullanılabilir indirme dizini seçin.
İndirme menüsü kurulamıyor.
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
index 70ce224d2..56429e262 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
- 刻意自动播放
- 当另一个程式发出要求时自动播放视频。
用 Kodi 播放
找不到 Kore 应用程式,您要安装 Kore 吗?
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml
index 225a7014c..2ff8465b2 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
- 刻意自動播放
- 當另一個程式發出要求時自動播放影片。
用 Kodi 播放
找不到 Kore 應用程式,您要安裝 Kore 嗎?
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
index 12049e0a2..c7cb3a9c4 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
- 刻意自動播放
- 當另一個程式發出要求時自動播放影片。
用 Kodi 播放
顯示以 Kodi 媒體中心播放影片的選項。
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
index f91c51f3f..13ca6c2bc 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -197,95 +197,6 @@
- "Material is the metaphor.\n\n"
- "A material metaphor is the unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion."
- "The material is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by the study of paper and ink, yet "
- "technologically advanced and open to imagination and magic.\n"
- "Surfaces and edges of the material provide visual cues that are grounded in reality. The "
- "use of familiar tactile attributes helps users quickly understand affordances. Yet the "
- "flexibility of the material creates new affordances that supercede those in the physical "
- "world, without breaking the rules of physics.\n"
- "The fundamentals of light, surface, and movement are key to conveying how objects move, "
- "interact, and exist in space and in relation to each other. Realistic lighting shows "
- "seams, divides space, and indicates moving parts.\n\n"
- "Bold, graphic, intentional.\n\n"
- "The foundational elements of print based design typography, grids, space, scale, color, "
- "and use of imagery guide visual treatments. These elements do far more than please the "
- "eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, and focus. Deliberate color choices, edge to edge "
- "imagery, large scale typography, and intentional white space create a bold and graphic "
- "interface that immerse the user in the experience.\n"
- "An emphasis on user actions makes core functionality immediately apparent and provides "
- "waypoints for the user.\n\n"
- "Motion provides meaning.\n\n"
- "Motion respects and reinforces the user as the prime mover. Primary user actions are "
- "inflection points that initiate motion, transforming the whole design.\n"
- "All action takes place in a single environment. Objects are presented to the user without "
- "breaking the continuity of experience even as they transform and reorganize.\n"
- "Motion is meaningful and appropriate, serving to focus attention and maintain continuity. "
- "Feedback is subtle yet clear. Transitions are efficient yet coherent.\n\n"
- "3D world.\n\n"
- "The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z "
- "dimensions. The z-axis is perpendicularly aligned to the plane of the display, with the "
- "positive z-axis extending towards the viewer. Every sheet of material occupies a single "
- "position along the z-axis and has a standard 1dp thickness.\n"
- "On the web, the z-axis is used for layering and not for perspective. The 3D world is "
- "emulated by manipulating the y-axis.\n\n"
- "Light and shadow.\n\n"
- "Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene. Key lights create "
- "directional shadows, while ambient light creates soft shadows from all angles.\n"
- "Shadows in the material environment are cast by these two light sources. In Android "
- "development, shadows occur when light sources are blocked by sheets of material at "
- "various positions along the z-axis. On the web, shadows are depicted by manipulating the "
- "y-axis only. The following example shows the card with a height of 6dp.\n\n"
- "Resting elevation.\n\n"
- "All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation "
- "that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting "
- "elevation as soon as possible.\n\n"
- "Component elevations.\n\n"
- "The resting elevation for a component type is consistent across apps (e.g., FAB elevation "
- "does not vary from 6dp in one app to 16dp in another app).\n"
- "Components may have different resting elevations across platforms, depending on the depth "
- "of the environment (e.g., TV has a greater depth than mobile or desktop).\n\n"
- "Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets.\n\n"
- "Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response "
- "to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation "
- "changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.\n"
- "Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative "
- "to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent "
- "across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have "
- "the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.\n"
- "Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting "
- "elevation.\n\n"
- "Avoiding elevation interference.\n\n"
- "Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between "
- "their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass "
- "through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways, "
- "whether on a per component basis or using the entire app layout.\n"
- "On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference. "
- "For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off screen before a "
- "user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.\n"
- "On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference. "
- "For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere "
- "when a user tries to pick up one of cards.\n\n"
reCAPTCHA Challenge
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml
index 9cf8160c3..06d5eb0e9 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml
@@ -7,13 +7,6 @@
- @android:color/black