This is a simple debian image with the ZoneMinder installed following the official "Debian 10 Buster with Zoneminder 1.34.x from the ZM Release-1.34 Repo" instructions. Because of the ssmtp deprecation the mail server installed is msmtp and a default configuration file prepared for GMail will be created in /config/msmtprc. Furthermore the image is prepared for working with SWAG(let's encrypt) image or there is an environment for the self-signed certificate option.
Image available at
Feel free to consider donating if my work helped you!
Tested on my Raspberry Pi 4 with SWAG
Just run the image publishing the port and setting the ENV variables, the shm dedicated and mounting the folder you wish to map.
docker run -d \
--name=ZoneMinder \
-p 443:443/tcp \
-e TZ=Europe/Rome \
-e FQDN=your.fqdn \
--shm-size=1.5g \
-v /mystorage/ZoneMinder/config:/config \
-v /mystorage/ZoneMinder/zmcache:/var/cache/zoneminder \
-v /mystorage/Swag/etc/letsencrypt/live:/sslcert/live \
-v /mystorage/Swag/etc/letsencrypt/archive:/sslcert/archive \
--restart unless-stopped \
The SELFSIGNED flag will , the FQDN will be used for configuring Apache2 and, in case of using the SWAG certificate, find the correct folder and the /config folder will contain msmtp and mysql configuration.
The shm-size will be the quantity of RAM dedicated to /dev/shm.* be sure to not reserve too much RAM to this machine or the docker server wil start to paging and eventually becoming unresponsible
To access the Zoneminder gui, browse to: https://your.fqdn:443/zm
If you need to transfer your data from another instance this method worked for me
Backup the old DB
root@oldSystem# mysqldump -p zm > /config/zm-dbbackup.sql
Restore into the new DB
root@newSystem# mysql -p zm < /config/zm-dbbackup.sql
Sync folders
root@newSystem# rsync -r -t -p -o -g -v --progress --delete user@oldSystem:/var/cache/zoneminder/* /var/cache/zoneminder/
Init / cleanup
Environment variable used for the configuration
Variable | Description | Default |
SELFSIGNED | switch between using a self-signed certificate and the one in sslcert/live folder | 0 |
FQDN | the FQDN Apache2 will be listening to, sslcert/live subfolder if SELFSIGNED is 0 | localhost |