from typing import Optional from urllib.parse import urljoin import requests from requests import Response from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from mobilizon_reshare.dataclasses import MobilizonEvent from mobilizon_reshare.formatting.description import html_to_markdown from mobilizon_reshare.publishers.abstract import ( AbstractPlatform, AbstractEventFormatter, ) from mobilizon_reshare.publishers.exceptions import ( InvalidBot, InvalidEvent, InvalidResponse, ZulipError, InvalidMessage, HTTPResponseError, ) class ZulipFormatter(AbstractEventFormatter): _conf = ("publisher", "zulip") def _validate_event(self, event: MobilizonEvent) -> None: text = event.description if not (text and text.strip()): self._log_error("No text was found", raise_error=InvalidEvent) def _validate_message(self, message: str) -> None: if len(message.encode("utf-8")) >= 10000: self._log_error("Message is too long", raise_error=InvalidMessage) def _preprocess_event(self, event: MobilizonEvent): event.description = html_to_markdown(event.description) = html_to_markdown( return event class ZulipPlatform(AbstractPlatform): """ Zulip publisher class. """ _conf = ("publisher", "zulip") api_uri = "api/v1/" name = "zulip" def _send(self, message: str, event: Optional[MobilizonEvent] = None) -> Response: """ Send stream messages """ return url=urljoin(self.conf.instance, self.api_uri) + "messages", auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self.conf.bot_email, self.conf.bot_token), data={ "type": "stream", "to": self.conf.chat_id, "subject": self.conf.subject, "content": message, }, ) def validate_credentials(self): conf = self.conf res = requests.get( auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self.conf.bot_email, self.conf.bot_token), url=urljoin(self.conf.instance, self.api_uri) + "users/me", ) data = self._validate_response(res) if not data["is_bot"]: self._log_error( "These user is not a bot", raise_error=InvalidBot, ) if not conf.bot_email == data["email"]: self._log_error( "Found a different bot than the expected one" f"\n\tfound: {data['email']}" f"\n\texpected: {conf.bot_email}", raise_error=InvalidBot, ) def _validate_response(self, response: Response) -> dict: try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: self._log_debug(str(response.text)) self._log_error( str(e), raise_error=HTTPResponseError, ) # See try: data = response.json() except Exception as e: self._log_error( f"Server returned invalid json data: {str(e)}", raise_error=InvalidResponse, ) if data["result"] == "error": self._log_error( f"{response.status_code} Error - {data['msg']}", raise_error=ZulipError, ) return data class ZulipPublisher(ZulipPlatform): _conf = ("publisher", "zulip") class ZulipNotifier(ZulipPlatform): _conf = ("notifier", "zulip")