import re from typing import Optional import pkg_resources import requests from requests import Response from mobilizon_reshare.event.event import MobilizonEvent from mobilizon_reshare.formatting.description import html_to_markdown from mobilizon_reshare.publishers.abstract import ( AbstractEventFormatter, AbstractPlatform, ) from mobilizon_reshare.publishers.exceptions import ( InvalidBot, InvalidEvent, InvalidResponse, InvalidMessage, ) class TelegramFormatter(AbstractEventFormatter): default_template_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mobilizon_reshare.publishers.templates", "telegram.tmpl.j2" ) default_recap_template_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mobilizon_reshare.publishers.templates", "telegram_recap.tmpl.j2" ) default_recap_header_template_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mobilizon_reshare.publishers.templates", "telegram_recap_header.tmpl.j2" ) _conf = ("publisher", "telegram") _escape_characters = [ "-", ".", "(", "!", ")", ] @staticmethod def restore_links(message: str) -> str: """The escape_message function should ignore actually valid links that involve square brackets and parenthesis. This function de-escapes actual links without altering other escaped square brackets and parenthesis""" def build_link(match): result = for character in TelegramFormatter._escape_characters: result = result.replace("\\" + character, character) return result return re.sub(r"\[(\w*)]\\\(([\w\-/\\.:]*)\\\)", build_link, message,) @staticmethod def escape_message(message: str) -> str: """Escape message to comply with Telegram standards""" for character in TelegramFormatter._escape_characters: message = message.replace(character, "\\" + character) # Telegram doesn't use headers so # can be removed message = message.replace("#", r"") return TelegramFormatter.restore_links(message) def _validate_event(self, event: MobilizonEvent) -> None: description = event.description if not (description and description.strip()): self._log_error("No description was found", raise_error=InvalidEvent) def _validate_message(self, message: str) -> None: if len(message) >= 4096: self._log_error("Message is too long", raise_error=InvalidMessage) def _preprocess_event(self, event: MobilizonEvent): event.description = html_to_markdown(event.description) = html_to_markdown( return event class TelegramPlatform(AbstractPlatform): """ Telegram publisher class. """ name = "telegram" def _preprocess_message(self, message: str): return TelegramFormatter.escape_message(message) def validate_credentials(self): res = requests.get(f"{self.conf.token}/getMe") data = self._validate_response(res) if not self.conf.username == data.get("result", {}).get("username"): self._log_error( "Found a different bot than the expected one", raise_error=InvalidBot, ) def _send(self, message: str, event: Optional[MobilizonEvent] = None) -> Response: return url=f"{self.conf.token}/sendMessage", json={ "chat_id": self.conf.chat_id, "text": message, "parse_mode": "markdownv2", }, ) def _validate_response(self, res): try: res.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: self._log_error( f"Server returned invalid data: {str(e)}", raise_error=InvalidResponse, ) try: data = res.json() except Exception as e: self._log_error( f"Server returned invalid json data: {str(e)}", raise_error=InvalidResponse, ) if not data.get("ok"): self._log_error( f"Invalid request (response: {data})", raise_error=InvalidResponse, ) return data class TelegramPublisher(TelegramPlatform): _conf = ("publisher", "telegram") class TelegramNotifier(TelegramPlatform): _conf = ("notifier", "telegram")