#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu myself="$(basename "$0")" version_file="$(pwd)/mobilizon_reshare/VERSION" pyproject_toml="$(pwd)/pyproject.toml" docker_compose_yml="$(pwd)/docker-compose.yml" completion_dir="$(pwd)/etc" current_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" current_commit="$(git log -1 --format='%H')" dryrun=0 verbose=0 publish=0 bump="INVALID" required_commands=("getopt" "pysemver" "git") valid_types=('major' 'minor' 'patch' 'prerelease' 'build') error() { echo -e "$@" >/dev/fd/2 } crash() { [ "$#" -gt 0 ] && error "$1" exit 1 } check-dependencies() { for com in "${required_commands[@]}"; do if ! command -v "$com" >/dev/null; then error "$com not found but it's required! Please install it with your favourite package manager." crash "\n\t\t\t\tOr just use Guix ;)\n" fi done } usage() { cat < [-hpbvd] Release a new version of Mobilizon Reshare according to https://semver.org -h, --help Show this help message. -b, --bump Select a version bump type -p, --publish Publish current release to PyPI. -d, --dryrun Show operations, instead of carrying them out. --list-types List all valid version bump types. -v, --verbose Run script in verbose mode. Will print out each step of execution. EOF } validate-bump-type() { if [[ ${valid_types[*]} =~ (^|[[:space:]])"$1"($|[[:space:]]) ]]; then true else crash "Invalid bump type: $1" fi } validate-pypi-token() { if [ -z ${PYPI_TOKEN+x} ]; then crash "The PYPI_TOKEN environment variable is required but unset. Please set it to upload the new release to PyPI." fi } current-version() { cat "${version_file}" } release-new-version() { current="$(current-version)" next="$(pysemver bump "$1" "$current")" echo "RELEASING VERSION: ${next}" [ "$verbose" = "1" ] && echo "Updating ${version_file}..." [ "$dryrun" = "0" ] && printf "%s" "$next" >"$version_file" [ "$verbose" = "1" ] && echo "Updating ${pyproject_toml}..." [ "$dryrun" = "0" ] && sed -i -E "s/version.*=.*\"${current}\"$/version = \"${next}\"/" "$pyproject_toml" [ "$verbose" = "1" ] && echo "Updating ${docker_compose_yml}..." [ "$dryrun" = "0" ] && sed -i "s/${current}/${next}/" "$docker_compose_yml" [ "$verbose" = "1" ] && echo "Generating completion scripts in ${completion_dir}..." [ "$dryrun" = "0" ] && scripts/generate_completion_scripts.sh [ "$verbose" = "1" ] && echo "Committing ${pyproject_toml}, ${completion_dir}, ${docker_compose_yml} and ${version_file}" [ "$dryrun" = "0" ] && git add "$docker_compose_yml" \ "${pyproject_toml}" \ "${completion_dir}" \ "${version_file}" && \ git commit -m "Release v${next}." [ "$verbose" = "1" ] && echo "Tagging Git HEAD with v${next}" [ "$dryrun" = "0" ] && git tag "v${next}" [ "$verbose" = "1" ] && echo "Building package..." [ "$dryrun" = "0" ] && poetry build } restore-git-state () { # This way we can go back to a # detached HEAD state as well. if [ "${current_branch}" = "HEAD" ]; then git checkout "${current_commit}" else git checkout "${current_branch}" fi } parse-args() { [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && crash "$(usage)" options=$(getopt -l "help,publish,bump:,list-types,verbose,dryrun" -o "hpb:vd" -- "$@") # set --: # If no arguments follow this option, then the positional parameters are unset. Otherwise, the positional parameters # are set to the arguments, even if some of them begin with a ‘-’. eval set -- "$options" while true; do case $1 in -h | --help) usage exit 0 ;; --list-types) echo "${valid_types[@]}" exit 0 ;; -v | --verbose) verbose=1 set -vx ;; -d | --dryrun) dryrun=1 verbose=1 ;; -p | --publish) publish=1 ;; -b | --bump) shift bump="$1" ;; --) shift break ;; esac shift done if [ "$bump" = "INVALID" ] && [ "$publish" = "0" ]; then error "You can either build a new release or publish the current release to PyPI." crash "See ${myself} -h for more information." fi } parse-args "$@" if [ "$bump" != "INVALID" ]; then check-dependencies validate-bump-type "$bump" release-new-version "$bump" fi if [ "$publish" = "1" ]; then validate-pypi-token # We make sure to actually publish the tagged version git checkout "v$(current-version)" set +e # If this command fails we still want to go back to the # branch we were on. poetry publish -u "__token__" -p "$PYPI_TOKEN" set -e restore-git-state fi exit 0