using Gtk; [GtkTemplate (ui = "/com/github/bleakgrey/tootle/ui/dialogs/list_editor.ui")] public class Tootle.Dialogs.ListEditor: Adw.Window { [GtkTemplate (ui = "/com/github/bleakgrey/tootle/ui/widgets/list_editor_item.ui")] class Item : ListBoxRow { public ListEditor editor { get; construct set; } public API.Account acc { get; construct set; } public bool committed { get; construct set; } [GtkChild] unowned Widgets.RichLabel label; [GtkChild] unowned Widgets.RichLabel handle; [GtkChild] unowned ToggleButton status; public Item (ListEditor editor, API.Account acc, bool committed) { this.editor = editor; this.acc = acc; this.committed = committed; acc.bind_property ("display-name", label, "text", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); acc.bind_property ("handle", handle, "text", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); = committed; status.sensitive = true; } [GtkCallback] void on_toggled () { if (!status.sensitive) return; if ( { debug (@"To add: $("); editor.to_add.add (; editor.to_remove.remove (; } else { debug (@"To remove: $("); editor.to_add.remove (; editor.to_remove.add (; } committed =; if (!editor.working) editor.dirty = true; } } public API.List list { get; set; } public bool working { get; set; default = false; } public bool exists { get; set; default = false; } public bool dirty { get; set; default = false; } Soup.Message? search_req = null; public Gee.ArrayList to_add = new Gee.ArrayList (); public Gee.ArrayList to_remove = new Gee.ArrayList (); [GtkChild] unowned Button save_btn; [GtkChild] unowned Stack save_btn_stack; [GtkChild] unowned Entry name_entry; [GtkChild] unowned SearchEntry search_entry; [GtkChild] unowned ListBox listbox; [GtkChild] unowned InfoBar infobar; [GtkChild] unowned Label infobar_label; public signal void done (); construct { transient_for = app.main_window; show (); } public ListEditor.empty () { var obj = new API.List () { title = _("Untitled") }; Object (list: obj); init (); } public ListEditor (API.List list) { Object (list: list, working: true, exists: true); init (); new Request.GET (@"/api/v1/lists/$(") .with_account ( .with_ctx (this) .on_error (on_error) .then ((sess, msg) => { Network.parse_array (msg, node => { var acc = API.Account.from (node); add_account (acc, true); }); working = false; }) .exec (); } void init () { notify["working"].connect (on_state_changed); list.bind_property ("title", name_entry, "text", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); ulong dirty_sigid = 0; dirty_sigid = name_entry.changed.connect (() => { dirty = true; name_entry.disconnect (dirty_sigid); }); on_state_changed (null); } void on_state_changed (ParamSpec? p) { save_btn_stack.visible_child_name = working ? "working" : "done"; save_btn.sensitive = search_entry.sensitive = name_entry.sensitive = !working; } void on_error (int32 code, string msg) { warning (msg); infobar_label.label = msg; infobar.revealed = true; } [GtkCallback] void infobar_response (int i) { infobar.revealed = false; } void request_search (string q) { debug (@"Searching for: \"$q\"..."); if (search_req != null) { network.cancel (search_req); search_req = null; } search_req = new Request.GET ("/api/v1/accounts/search") .with_account ( .with_ctx (this) .with_param ("resolve", "false") .with_param ("limit", "8") .with_param ("following", "true") .with_param ("q", q) .then ((sess, msg) => { Network.parse_array (msg, node => { var acc = API.Account.from (node); add_account (acc, false, 0); }); }) .on_error (on_error) .exec (); } void add_account (API.Account acc, bool added, int order = -1) { var exists = false; // listbox.@foreach (w => { // var i = w as Item; // if (i != null) { // if ( == // exists = true; // } // }); if (!exists) { var item = new Item (this, acc, added); listbox.insert (item, order); } } void invalidate () { // listbox.@foreach (w => { // var i = w as Item; // if (i != null) { // if (!i.committed) // i.destroy (); // } // }); } [GtkCallback] void validate () { var has_title = name_entry.text.replace (" ", "") != ""; save_btn.sensitive = has_title; } [GtkCallback] void on_cancel_clicked () { if (dirty) { var yes = app.question ( _("Discard changes?"), _("You need to save the list if you want to keep them."), this ); if (yes) destroy (); } else destroy (); } [GtkCallback] void on_search_changed () { var q = search_entry.text.chug ().chomp (); if (q.char_count () < 3) invalidate (); else if (q != "") { invalidate (); request_search (q); } } [GtkCallback] void on_save_clicked () { working = true; transaction.begin ((obj, res) => { try { transaction.end (res); done (); destroy (); } catch (Error e) { working = false; on_error (0, e.message); } }); } async void transaction () throws Error { if (!exists) { message ("Creating list..."); var req = new Request.POST ("/api/v1/lists") .with_account ( .with_param ("title", name_entry.text); yield req.await (); message ("Received new List entity"); var node = network.parse_node (req); list = API.List.from (node); } else { message ("Updating list title..."); yield new Request.PUT (@"/api/v1/lists/$(") .with_account ( .with_param ("title", name_entry.text) .await (); } if (!to_add.is_empty) { message ("Adding accounts to list..."); var id_array = Request.array2string (to_add, "account_ids"); yield new Request.POST (@"/api/v1/lists/$($id_array") .with_account ( .await (); } if (!to_remove.is_empty) { message ("Removing accounts from list..."); var id_array = Request.array2string (to_remove, "account_ids"); yield new Request.DELETE (@"/api/v1/lists/$($id_array") .with_account ( .await (); } message ("OK: List updated"); list.title = name_entry.text; } }