using Gtk; namespace Tootle { public errordomain Oopsie { USER, PARSING, INSTANCE, INTERNAL } public static Application app; public static Dialogs.MainWindow? window; public static Dialogs.NewAccount? new_account_window; public static Window window_dummy; public static Settings settings; public static AccountStore accounts; public static Network network; public static Cache cache; public static Streams streams; public static bool start_hidden = false; public class Application : Gtk.Application { // These are used for the GTK Inspector public Settings app_settings { get {return Tootle.settings; } } public AccountStore app_accounts { get {return Tootle.accounts; } } public Network app_network { get {return; } } public Cache app_cache { get {return Tootle.cache; } } public Streams app_streams { get {return Tootle.streams; } } public signal void refresh (); public signal void toast (string title); public CssProvider css_provider = new CssProvider (); public CssProvider zoom_css_provider = new CssProvider (); public const GLib.OptionEntry[] app_options = { { "hidden", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref start_hidden, "Do not show main window on start", null }, { null } }; public const GLib.ActionEntry[] app_entries = { { "about", about_activated }, { "compose", compose_activated }, { "back", back_activated }, { "refresh", refresh_activated }, { "search", search_activated }, { "switch-timeline", switch_timeline_activated, "i" } }; construct { application_id = Build.DOMAIN; flags = ApplicationFlags.HANDLES_OPEN; } public string[] ACCEL_ABOUT = {"F1"}; public string[] ACCEL_NEW_POST = {"T"}; public string[] ACCEL_BACK = {"BackSpace", "Left"}; public string[] ACCEL_REFRESH = {"R", "F5"}; public string[] ACCEL_SEARCH = {"F"}; public string[] ACCEL_TIMELINE_0 = {"1"}; public string[] ACCEL_TIMELINE_1 = {"2"}; public string[] ACCEL_TIMELINE_2 = {"3"}; public string[] ACCEL_TIMELINE_3 = {"4"}; public static int main (string[] args) { Gtk.init (ref args); try { var opt_context = new OptionContext ("- Options"); opt_context.add_main_entries (app_options, null); opt_context.parse (ref args); } catch (GLib.OptionError e) { warning (e.message); } app = new Application (); return (args); } protected override void startup () { base.startup (); try { Build.print_info (); Hdy.init (); settings = new Settings (); streams = new Streams (); network = new Network (); cache = new Cache (); accounts = Build.get_account_store (); accounts.init (); css_provider.load_from_resource (@"$(Build.RESOURCES)app.css"); StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen (Gdk.Screen.get_default (), css_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen (Gdk.Screen.get_default (), zoom_css_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); window_dummy = new Window (); add_window (window_dummy); } catch (Error e) { var msg = _("Could not start application: %s").printf (e.message); inform (Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, _("Error"), msg); error (msg); } set_accels_for_action ("app.about", ACCEL_ABOUT); set_accels_for_action ("app.compose", ACCEL_NEW_POST); set_accels_for_action ("app.back", ACCEL_BACK); set_accels_for_action ("app.refresh", ACCEL_REFRESH); set_accels_for_action ("", ACCEL_SEARCH); set_accels_for_action ("app.switch-timeline(0)", ACCEL_TIMELINE_0); //TODO: There's no action for handling these set_accels_for_action ("app.switch-timeline(1)", ACCEL_TIMELINE_1); set_accels_for_action ("app.switch-timeline(2)", ACCEL_TIMELINE_2); set_accels_for_action ("app.switch-timeline(3)", ACCEL_TIMELINE_3); add_action_entries (app_entries, this); } protected override void activate () { present_window (); if (start_hidden) { start_hidden = false; return; } } public override void open (File[] files, string hint) { foreach (File file in files) { string uri = file.get_uri (); if (new_account_window != null) new_account_window.redirect (uri); else warning (@"Received an unexpected uri to open: $uri"); return; } } public void present_window () { if (accounts.saved.is_empty) { message ("Presenting NewAccount dialog"); if (new_account_window == null) new Dialogs.NewAccount (); new_account_window.present (); } else { message ("Presenting MainWindow"); if (window == null) window = new Dialogs.MainWindow (this); window.present (); } } public bool on_window_closed () { if (!settings.work_in_background || accounts.saved.is_empty) app.remove_window (window_dummy); return false; } void compose_activated () { new Dialogs.Compose (); } void back_activated () { window.back (); } void search_activated () { window.open_view (new Views.Search ()); } void refresh_activated () { refresh (); } void switch_timeline_activated (SimpleAction a, Variant? v) { int32 num = v.get_int32 (); window.switch_timeline (num); } void about_activated () { new Dialogs.About (); } public void inform (Gtk.MessageType type, string text, string? msg = null, Gtk.Window? win = window){ var dlg = new Gtk.MessageDialog ( win, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, type, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, null ); dlg.text = text; dlg.secondary_text = msg; dlg.transient_for = win; (); dlg.destroy (); } public bool question (string text, string? msg = null, Gtk.Window? win = window) { var dlg = new Gtk.MessageDialog ( win, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO, null ); dlg.text = text; dlg.secondary_text = msg; dlg.transient_for = win; var i = (); dlg.destroy (); return i == ResponseType.YES; } } }