using Gtk; using Gdk; public class Tootle.Widgets.Avatar : Bin { Cache.Reference? cached; Hdy.Avatar avatar; public int size { get { return avatar.size; } set { avatar.size = value; } } public API.Account? account { get; set; } construct { avatar = new Hdy.Avatar (48, null, true); avatar.destroy.connect (() => { avatar.set_image_load_func (null); }); add (avatar); show_all (); notify["account"].connect (on_invalidated); on_invalidated (); } ~Avatar () { notify["account"].disconnect (on_invalidated); cache.unload (ref cached); } void on_invalidated () { if (cached != null) cache.unload (ref cached); if (account != null) cache.load (account.avatar, on_cache_result); else on_cache_result (null); } void on_cache_result (Cache.Reference? result) { cached = result; if (account == null) { // This exact string makes the avatar grey. // // If left null, *each* blank Hdy.Avatar receives // a random color and hurts my eyes. No bueno. avatar.text = "abc"; avatar.show_initials = false; } else if (cached != null) { avatar.text = account.display_name; avatar.show_initials = true; } avatar.set_image_load_func (avatar_set_pixbuf); } Pixbuf? avatar_set_pixbuf (int size) { if (cached == null || == null) return null; else { var pb =; if (pb.width != size) return pb.scale_simple (size, size, InterpType.BILINEAR); else return pb; } } }