using Gtk; [GtkTemplate (ui = "/com/github/bleakgrey/tootle/ui/widgets/accounts_button.ui")] public class Tootle.Widgets.AccountsButton : Gtk.MenuButton, IAccountHolder { protected InstanceAccount? account { get; set; default = null; } [GtkTemplate (ui = "/com/github/bleakgrey/tootle/ui/widgets/accounts_button_item.ui")] class Item : ListBoxRow { AccountsButton button; InstanceAccount account; [GtkChild] Stack stack; [GtkChild] Widgets.Avatar avatar; [GtkChild] Label title; [GtkChild] Label handle; [GtkChild] Button forget_button; public Item (InstanceAccount account, AccountsButton btn) { this.account = account; this.button = btn; avatar.account = account; title.label = account.display_name; handle.label = account.handle; } public Item.add_new () { forget_button.destroy (); stack.visible_child_name = "new"; selectable = false; } [GtkCallback] void forget () { var forget = app.question ( _("Forget %s?".printf (handle.label)), _("This account will be removed from the application."), window ); if (forget) { = false; try { accounts.remove (account); } catch (Error e) { warning (e.message); app.inform (Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, _("Error"), e.message); } } } [GtkCallback] void open_profile () { = false; account.resolve_open (; } } bool invalidated = true; [GtkChild] Widgets.Avatar avatar; [GtkChild] ListBox account_list; [GtkChild] ModelButton item_accounts; [GtkChild] ModelButton item_prefs; [GtkChild] ModelButton item_refresh; [GtkChild] Button item_favs; [GtkChild] Button item_conversations; [GtkChild] Button item_bookmarks; [GtkChild] Button item_lists; construct { account_listener_init (); get_style_context ().add_class ("image-button"); item_refresh.clicked.connect (() => { app.refresh (); }); item_favs.clicked.connect (() => { window.open_view (new Views.Favorites ()); popover.popdown (); }); item_conversations.clicked.connect (() => { window.open_view (new Views.Conversations ()); popover.popdown (); }); item_bookmarks.clicked.connect (() => { window.open_view (new Views.Bookmarks ()); popover.popdown (); }); item_lists.clicked.connect (() => { window.open_view (new Views.Lists ()); popover.popdown (); }); item_prefs.clicked.connect (() => { (); popover.popdown (); }); notify["active"].connect (() => { if (active && invalidated) rebuild (); }); account_list.row_activated.connect (on_selection_changed); } ~AccountsButton () { account_listener_free (); } protected void on_selection_changed (ListBoxRow r) { var i = r.get_index (); if (i >= accounts.saved.size) { active = false; new Dialogs.NewAccount (); popover.popdown (); return; } var account = accounts.saved.@get (i); if ( == account) return; else accounts.activate (account); popover.popdown (); } public virtual void on_accounts_changed (Gee.ArrayList accounts) { invalidated = true; if (active) rebuild (); } public virtual void on_account_changed (InstanceAccount? account) { if (account == null) { avatar.account = null; item_accounts.text = "%s\n%s".printf ( _("Anonymous"), _("No active account")); } else { avatar.account = account; item_accounts.text = @"$(account.display_name)\n$(account.handle)"; } item_accounts.use_markup = true; } void rebuild () { account_list.@foreach (w => account_list.remove (w)); accounts.saved.@foreach (acc => { var row = new Item (acc, this); account_list.insert (row, -1); if ( == acc) row.activate (); return true; }); account_list.insert (new Item.add_new (), -1); invalidated = false; } }