// prettier-ignore /** * Map of social networks to their respective URL builders. * * The `d` argument of each builder is the object with the page metadata, such * as page title, URL, author name, etc. * * @type {{ [network: string]: (d: { * url: string, * title?: string, * media?: string, * text?: string, * via?: string, * fbAppId?: string * }) => string}} */ const urlBuilderMap = { facebook: (d) => `https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=${d.url}`, linkedin: (d) => `https://www.linkedin.com/sharing/share-offsite/?url=${d.url}`, mastodon: (d) => `https://toot.kytta.dev/?text=${d.title}%0D%0A${d.url}${d.text ? `%0D%0A%0D%0A${d.text}` : ''}${d.via ? `%0D%0A%0D%0A${d.via}` : ''}`, messenger: (d) => `https://www.facebook.com/dialog/send?app_id=${d.fbAppId}&link=${d.url}&redirect_uri=${d.url}`, odnoklassniki: (d) => `https://connect.ok.ru/offer?url=${d.url}&title=${d.title}${d.media ? `&imageUrl=${d.media}` : ''}`, pinterest: (d) => `https://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=${d.url}&description=${d.title}${d.media ? `&media=${d.media}` : ''}`, pocket: (d) => `https://getpocket.com/edit.php?url=${d.url}`, reddit: (d) => `https://www.reddit.com/submit?title=${d.title}&url=${d.url}`, telegram: (d) => `https://telegram.me/share/url?url=${d.url}${d.text ? `&text=${d.text}` : ''}`, twitter: (d) => `https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=${d.url}&text=${d.title}${d.via ? `&via=${d.via}` : ''}`, viber: (d) => `viber://forward?text=${d.title}%0D%0A${d.url}${d.text ? `%0D%0A%0D%0A${d.text}` : ''}`, vkontakte: (d) => `https://vk.com/share.php?url=${d.url}&title=${d.title}${d.media ? `&image=${d.media}` : ''}`, whatsapp: (d) => `https://wa.me/?text=${d.title}%0D%0A${d.url}${d.text ? `%0D%0A%0D%0A${d.text}` : ''}`, }; const openUrl = (buttonUrl) => () => { window.open(buttonUrl, "_blank", "noopener,noreferrer"); }; const initializeShareon = () => { const shareonContainers = document.querySelectorAll(".shareon"); // iterate over
for (const container of shareonContainers) { // iterate over children of
for (const child of container.children) { if (child) { const classListLength = child.classList.length; // iterate over classes of the child element for (let k = 0; k < classListLength; k += 1) { const cls = child.classList.item(k); // if it's one of the networks if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(urlBuilderMap, cls)) { const preset = { url: encodeURIComponent( child.dataset.url || container.dataset.url || window.location.href ), title: encodeURIComponent( child.dataset.title || container.dataset.title || document.title ), media: encodeURIComponent( child.dataset.media || container.dataset.media || "" ), text: encodeURIComponent( child.dataset.text || container.dataset.text || "" ), via: encodeURIComponent( child.dataset.via || container.dataset.via || "" ), fbAppId: encodeURIComponent( child.dataset.fbAppId || container.dataset.fbAppId || "" ), }; const url = urlBuilderMap[cls](preset); if (child.tagName.toLowerCase() === "a") { child.setAttribute("href", url); child.setAttribute("rel", "noopener noreferrer"); child.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); } else { child.addEventListener("click", openUrl(url)); } break; // once a network is detected we don't want to check further } } } } } }; export default initializeShareon;