# Shareon
> Lightweight, stylish, and ethical share buttons
- **Small.** Dependency-free. CSS+JS bundle is under 7.7 KiB minified and brotlied.
- **Stylish.** Uses official vector logos and colours with no visual mess.
- **Ethical.** Embeds no tracking code. JS is required only for the setup.
See the live demo at [shareon.js.org](https://shareon.js.org)
## Install
Simply load the needed files from the CDN:
- `defer` makes sure Shareon is loaded after HTML is parsed
- `init` will automatically initialize Shareon buttons
### Do not auto-initialize
Remove the `init` attribute and initialize Shareon when you need it:
### Use ESM build
There is also a ESM build for the browsers, which doesn't support
### Bundle with Node
You can also install Shareon using your favourite package manager and include it
in your source files:
pnpm add shareon # or `npm install`, or `yarn add`
import { init } from "shareon";
import "shareon/css"; // most bundlers will transpile this CSS
CommonJS imports are also supported:
const Shareon = require("shareon");
require("shareon/css"); // most bundlers will transpile this CSS
## Usage
Create a container with class `shareon` and populate it with elements, class
names of which match the names of the social networks (or `copy-url`, for the
'Copy URL' button, or `print` for the 'Print' button):