Share to Mastodon
Share to Mastodon is a browser extension for quickly sharing links and tabs to the Mastodon social network. You can click the Mastodon button in the top bar (or the keyboard shortcut) to share the current tab, or right-click a link on any page. You can also select text and pick Mastodon in the context (right-click) menu to share a snippet.
The extension displays a popup window, where you can edit the pre-filled message, and then publish to your account. It works with any Mastodon server, and it uses the share dialog hosted by the selected server, so no API access is required.
Download for Chrome (WIP)
Download for Microsoft Edge (WIP)
Firefox support is blocked by limited Manifest V3 support. This project is not affilated with the Mastodon project or Mastodon gGmbH.