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145 lines
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// Initialize welcome message and context menu entry on extension load
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function (details) {
// Show welcome message
if (details.reason === 'install' || details.reason === 'update') {
// Set message
const notification = {
type: 'basic',
iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('img/icon_x128.png'),
title: 'Share to Mastodon ' + chrome.runtime.getManifest().version + ' installed!',
buttons: [
title: 'Open Settings'
title: 'Join Discord'
message: "Click here to see what's new in this version."
// Send notification
chrome.notifications.create(notification, () => {
// Handle notification click
chrome.notifications.onClicked.addListener(function () {
chrome.tabs.create({ url: 'https://corbin.io/introducing-share-to-mastodon/' })
// Handle notification button clicks
chrome.notifications.onButtonClicked.addListener(function (_, buttonIndex) {
if (buttonIndex === 0) {
} else if (buttonIndex === 1) {
// Open Discord
chrome.tabs.create({ url: 'https://discord.com/invite/59wfy5cNHw' })
// Initialize context menu
// Migrate data if needed
// Function for migrating data from version 1.0
// Version 1.0 saved a single server in a "userServer" string
async function migrateOldData() {
var data = await chrome.storage.sync.get()
if (data.userServer) {
var oldServer = data.userServer
console.log('Migrating server selection ' + oldServer + ' to new format...')
// Move data
await chrome.storage.sync.set({ serverList: [oldServer] })
// Delete old data
await chrome.storage.sync.remove('userServer')
console.log('Migration complete!')
// Function for creating context menu entries
async function createContextMenu() {
// Remove existing entries if they exist
await chrome.contextMenus.removeAll()
// Create a menu entry for each saved server
var data = await chrome.storage.sync.get()
if ((!data.serverList) || (data.serverList.length === 0)) {
// Create generic menu item because no servers are set yet
id: "generic",
title: 'Share to Mastodon',
contexts: ['selection', 'link', 'page']
} else {
// Create menu item for each saved server
for (server in data.serverList) {
var serverUrl = data.serverList[server]
id: serverUrl,
title: 'Share to ' + serverUrl,
contexts: ['selection', 'link', 'page']
// Add seperator and link to settings
id: 'none',
type: 'separator',
contexts: ['selection', 'link', 'page']
id: 'edit-servers',
title: 'Edit server list',
contexts: ['selection', 'link', 'page']
// Function for handling context menu clicks
chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(async function (info, tab) {
// Open settings page if requested
if (info.menuItemId === 'edit-servers') {
return false
// Set link and description
var shareLink = ''
var shareText = ''
if (info.linkUrl) {
shareLink = info.linkUrl
shareText = 'Type something here'
} else if (info.selectionText) {
shareLink = info.pageUrl
shareText = '"' + info.selectionText + '"'
} else {
shareLink = info.pageUrl
shareText = 'Type something here'
// Open popup
createPopup(info.menuItemId, shareLink, shareText, tab)
// Reload context menu options on storage change (e.g. when added or removed on settings page)
chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(function () {
// Function for creating share popup
function createPopup(serverUrl, shareLink, shareText, tab) {
var popupPage = chrome.runtime.getURL('share.html') + '?server=' + serverUrl + '&link=' + encodeURIComponent(shareLink) + '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(shareText)
var popupWidth = 500
var popupHeight = 500
var y = Math.round((tab.height / 2) - (popupHeight / 2))
var x = Math.round((tab.width / 2) - (popupWidth / 2))
console.log(popupWidth, popupHeight, y, x)
url: popupPage,
width: popupWidth,
height: popupHeight,
left: x,
top: y,
type: 'popup'
// Function for action button
chrome.action.onClicked.addListener(async function (tab) {
createPopup('generic', tab.url, tab.title, tab)
}) |