This update redesigns the settings menu, fixes a few bugs, improves support for Calckey and Misskey, and other changes. Check out the full changelog for more details.
You can click the Mastodon icon in your browser's toolbar to share the current tab in a Mastodon post. You can also right-click anywhere on the page to share a link to the current tab. If you right-click a link, Share to Mastodon will use that link instead of the current page. If you select some text, then right-click and share to a Mastodon server, the text snippet will be included with the link in the post.
Share to Mastodon can save multiple servers in the settings, and give you a list to choose from each time you want to share. The list of servers can be updated from the settings.
Share to Mastodon also works with servers running some social media platforms besides Mastodon, such as Calckey and Misskey. Try adding the server and see what happens! You can also add the Elk web client if you use that.
If you find Share to Mastodon useful, please donate to support continued development. It would mean a lot!
Share to Mastodon is developed by Corbin Davenport.
If something isn't working, or if you just want to chat with other Share to Mastodon users, create an issue on GitHub or join the Discord server.