plugins { id "java-library" id "kotlin" id "" } lintOptions { htmlReport(true) htmlOutput(file("lint-report.html")) textReport(true) absolutePaths(false) ignoreTestSources(true) } jar { manifest { attributes("Lint-Registry-v2": "app.pachli.lint.checks.LintRegistry") } } dependencies { compileOnly("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:1.3.61") // Derived from the AGP version. If the AGP version is X.Y.Z the version // here must by X+23.Y.Z. // See def lintVersion = "31.1.2" // = AGP 8.1.2 // For a description of the below dependencies, see the main project README compileOnly("$lintVersion") compileOnly("$lintVersion") testImplementation("$lintVersion") testImplementation("$lintVersion") testImplementation("junit:junit:4.13.2") }