LucasGGamerM c3e5f4d254 Changelog for 87 2023-01-21 16:11:14 -03:00
78.txt Making changelogs and stuff ready for fdroid release 2022-12-26 20:23:31 -03:00
79.txt Adding changelog for 79 2022-12-27 20:41:22 -03:00
80.txt More changes to the 80 changelog 2022-12-28 20:33:19 -03:00
81.txt Metada improvements for 81 2022-12-29 14:08:19 -03:00
82.txt Including @FineFindus on the changelog 2023-01-01 19:41:42 -03:00
83.txt Editing the 83 changelog once more 2023-01-02 12:53:39 -03:00
84.txt Updating 84 changelog 2023-01-02 13:47:42 -03:00
85.txt Adding 85 changelog 2023-01-05 13:44:24 -03:00
86.txt 86 changelog 2023-01-11 11:28:29 -03:00
87.txt Changelog for 87 2023-01-21 16:11:14 -03:00