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19 Commits
v1.6.0 ... main

Author SHA1 Message Date
Justin Mazzocchi 8a2e78ae43 Increment build number 2022-11-28 08:13:00 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi ce6d55042d Debounce refresh when resuming from background 2022-11-27 22:59:52 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi bdd63e2cfb Fix autolayout conflict 2022-11-27 22:49:32 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi 0e46a0eb28 Check for initial appearance 2022-11-27 22:42:27 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi 3a5ebddad5 Increment version number 2022-11-27 16:26:04 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi 576ddd866f CrowdIn updates 2022-11-27 16:25:01 -08:00
Thomas 8692b8c9e8
Fix crash when muting account (#245)
* Workaround crash when muting account

* Refactoring

Co-authored-by: Justin Mazzocchi <>
2022-11-27 14:19:44 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi b42dd286e6 Increment build number 2022-11-21 22:12:58 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi d39303d8bf Crowdin updates 2022-11-21 22:10:42 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi 9f8dc1b9b2 Increment build number 2022-11-21 21:15:45 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi eb276c06f0 Remove cleaning limit 2022-11-21 21:15:08 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi 822fa06046 Formatting 2022-11-21 20:46:18 -08:00
Josh 3808a04d87
Add https check to accountSettings/editProfileURL (#134) 2022-11-21 18:06:23 -08:00
Stephen Radachy 6abc8e20d6
Add SwipeableNavigationController (#148) 2022-11-21 17:49:31 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi d495fac795 Update README, CONTRIBUTING, PR template 2022-11-21 08:18:09 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi 014437cef5 Crowdin updates 2022-11-20 19:42:52 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi 2f7ff858e0 Crowdin updates 2022-11-20 19:18:50 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi 8dcd7e0d97 Increment version number 2022-11-20 17:27:30 -08:00
Justin Mazzocchi 27fff58fea Do not clean on main thread 2022-11-20 17:25:04 -08:00
40 changed files with 4391 additions and 332 deletions

View File

@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ request, mention that information here.
Thanks for contributing to Metatext! -->
- [ ] I have signed [Metabolist's Contributor License Agreement](
- [ ] The proposed changes are limited in scope to fixing bugs, or I have discussed larger scope changes via email

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
See the [architecture section]( of Metatext's README for an overview of Metatext's code. Make sure you have [SwiftLint]( installed and there are no warnings.
Note that capacity for reviewing pull requests is currently very limited. For now, please limit the scope of proposed changes to fixing bugs and not added features, settings, or behavior, thanks. If you are interested in doing a larger scope change, please propose it via email at first.
## Sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA)
In order to publish Metatext's source code under the GNU General Public License and be able to dual-license Metatext to Apple for distribution on the App Store, Metabolist must be the sole copyright holder to Metatext's source code. You will need to [sign Metabolist's CLA]( before your pull request can be merged.

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ public struct ContentDatabase {
private let id: Identity.Id
private let databaseWriter: DatabaseWriter
private let useHomeTimelineLastReadId: Bool
public init(id: Identity.Id,
useHomeTimelineLastReadId: Bool,
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ public struct ContentDatabase {
appGroup: String,
keychain: Keychain.Type) throws { = id
self.useHomeTimelineLastReadId = useHomeTimelineLastReadId
if inMemory {
databaseWriter = try DatabaseQueue()
@ -31,10 +33,6 @@ public struct ContentDatabase {
try Self.clean(
useHomeTimelineLastReadId: useHomeTimelineLastReadId)
activeFiltersPublisher = ValueObservation.tracking {
try Filter.filter(Filter.Columns.expiresAt == nil || Filter.Columns.expiresAt > Date()).fetchAll($0)
@ -121,6 +119,28 @@ public extension ContentDatabase {
func cleanHomeTimelinePublisher() -> AnyPublisher<Never, Error> {
databaseWriter.mutatingPublisher {
try NotificationRecord.deleteAll($0)
try ConversationRecord.deleteAll($0)
try StatusAncestorJoin.deleteAll($0)
try StatusDescendantJoin.deleteAll($0)
try AccountList.deleteAll($0)
if useHomeTimelineLastReadId {
try TimelineRecord.filter( !=$0)
try StatusRecord.filter(Self.statusIdsToDeleteForPositionPreservingClean(db: $0)
try AccountRecord.filter(Self.accountIdsToDeleteForPositionPreservingClean(db: $0)
} else {
try TimelineRecord.deleteAll($0)
try StatusRecord.deleteAll($0)
try AccountRecord.deleteAll($0)
func insert(context: Context, parentId: Status.Id) -> AnyPublisher<Never, Error> {
databaseWriter.mutatingPublisher {
for (index, status) in context.ancestors.enumerated() {
@ -651,7 +671,6 @@ public extension ContentDatabase {
private extension ContentDatabase {
static let cleanAfterLastReadIdCount = 40
static let cleanLimit = 100
static let ephemeralTimelines = NSCountedSet()
static func fileURL(id: Identity.Id, appGroup: String) throws -> URL {
@ -681,9 +700,8 @@ private extension ContentDatabase {
let statusIdsToKeep = Set(statusIds).union(reblogStatusIds)
let allStatusIds = try Status.Id.fetchSet(db,
let staleStatusIds = allStatusIds.subtracting(statusIdsToKeep)
return Set(Array(staleStatusIds).prefix(Self.cleanLimit))
return allStatusIds.subtracting(statusIdsToKeep)
static func accountIdsToDeleteForPositionPreservingClean(db: Database) throws -> Set<Account.Id> {
@ -694,31 +712,7 @@ private extension ContentDatabase {
&& AccountRecord.Columns.movedId != nil)
let allAccountIds = try Account.Id.fetchSet(db,
let staleAccountIds = allAccountIds.subtracting(accountIdsToKeep)
return Set(Array(staleAccountIds).prefix(Self.cleanLimit))
static func clean(_ databaseWriter: DatabaseWriter,
useHomeTimelineLastReadId: Bool) throws {
try databaseWriter.write {
try NotificationRecord.deleteAll($0)
try ConversationRecord.deleteAll($0)
try StatusAncestorJoin.deleteAll($0)
try StatusDescendantJoin.deleteAll($0)
try AccountList.deleteAll($0)
if useHomeTimelineLastReadId {
try TimelineRecord.filter( !=$0)
try StatusRecord.filter(statusIdsToDeleteForPositionPreservingClean(db: $0)
try AccountRecord.filter(accountIdsToDeleteForPositionPreservingClean(db: $0)
} else {
try TimelineRecord.deleteAll($0)
try StatusRecord.deleteAll($0)
try AccountRecord.deleteAll($0)
return allAccountIds.subtracting(accountIdsToKeep)

View File

@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "Preferències";
"" = "Preferències de l'App";
"" = "Icona de la App";
"" = "Appearance";
"" = "Dark";
"" = "Light";
"" = "System";
"" = "Aparença";
"" = "Fosc";
"" = "Clar";
"" = "Sistema";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Dominis Bloquejats";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Usuaris Bloquejats";
"" = "Multimèdia";

View File

@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
"notifications.mentions" = "Zmínky";
"ok" = "Ok";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Váš účet čeká na potvrzení";
"post" = "Přidat příspěvek";
"post" = "Příspěvek";
"preferences" = "Nastavení";
"" = "Nastavení aplikace";
"" = "Ikona aplikace";

View File

@ -5,88 +5,88 @@
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "Made by Metabolist";
"about.official-account" = "Offizieller Account";
"about.rate-the-app" = "Die App bewerten";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Quellcode & Fehler Tracker";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Quellcode & Fehler-Tracker";
"about.translations" = "Übersetzungen";
"" = "Webseite";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "Link: %@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "Kopiere Text";
"account.%@-followers" = "%@'s Folgende";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "Text kopieren";
"account.%@-followers" = "Folgende von %@";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Folgeanfrage annehmen";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "Hinzufügen/Entfernen aus Listen";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "Aus Listen hinzufügen oder entfernen";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "Avatar: %@";
"account.block" = "Sperren";
"account.block-and-report" = "Sperren & melden";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "Sperre %@?";
"account.blocked" = "Gesperrt";
"account.block" = "Blockieren";
"account.block-and-report" = "Blockieren & Melden";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "%@ blockieren?";
"account.blocked" = "Blockiert";
"" = "Direktnachricht";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "Sperre Domain %@";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "Sperre Domain %@?";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Entsperre Domain %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "Entsperre Domain %@?";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "Domain %@ blockieren";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "Domain %@ blockieren?";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Blockierung der Domain %@ aufheben";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "Blockierung der Domain %@ aufheben?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "Verifiziere %@";
"account.follow" = "Folgen";
"account.following" = "Folgen";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld werden gefolgt";
"account.following" = "Folge ich";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld gefolgt";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Gefolgt von %@";
"account.follows-you" = "Folgt dir";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Banner: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Verstecke Boosts";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Verstecke Boosts von %@?";
"account.joined-%@" = "%@ beigetreten";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Boosts ausblenden";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Boosts von %@ ausblenden?";
"account.joined-%@" = "Am %@ beigetreten";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Gesperrter Account";
"account.mute" = "Stumm";
"account.mute" = "Stummschalten";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Unbegrenzt";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "Bist du sicher das du %@ stummschalten willst?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Dies wird Beiträge von ihnen bzw Beiträge die sie erwähnen ausblenden, aber deine Beiträge können immer noch gesehen werden und sie können dir weiterhin folgen.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "Mitteilungen von diesem Nutzer ausblenden?";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "Bist du sicher, dass du %@ stummschalten willst?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Dies wird dessen Beiträge sowie Beiträge, die diesen Account erwähnen, ausblenden. Der Account kann aber weiterhin deine Beiträge sehen und dir folgen.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "Mitteilungen von diesem Account ausblenden?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Dauer";
"" = "%@ stummschalten";
"account.muted" = "Stummgeschaltet";
"account.notify" = "Mitteilungen einschalten";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Anfrage zum Folgen ablehnen";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Folgeanfrage ablehnen";
"account.request" = "Anfrage";
"account.request.cancel" = "Anfrage zum Folgen abbrechen";
"account.request.cancel" = "Folgeanfrage abbrechen";
"" = "Beiträge";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Toots";
"" = "Beiträge & Antworten";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "Toots & Antworten";
"" = "Medien";
"" = "Zeige Boosts";
"" = "Zeige Boosts von %@?";
"account.unavailable" = "Profile nicht verfügbar";
"account.unblock" = "Entsperren";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "%@ entsperren?";
"" = "Boosts anzeigen";
"" = "Boosts von %@ anzeigen?";
"account.unavailable" = "Profil nicht verfügbar";
"account.unblock" = "Blockierung aufheben";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "Blockierung von %@ aufheben?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "%@ entfolgen?";
"account.unmute" = "laut schalten";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "%@ laut schalten?";
"account.unmute" = "Stummschaltung aufheben";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "Möchtest du die Stummschaltung von %@ aufheben?";
"account.unnotify" = "Mitteilungen ausschalten";
"" = "Im Standardbrowser öffnen";
"add" = "Hinzufügen";
"announcement.insert-emoji" = "Emoji einfügen";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "Remote-Status konnte nicht abgerufen werden";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Versuche es später erneut.";
"apns-default-message" = "Neue Mitteilungen";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "Brutalist";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Regenbogen Brutalist";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Regenbogen-Brutalist";
"app-icon.classic" = "Klassisch";
"app-icon.malow" = "Malow";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "Regenbogen";
"add-identity.get-started" = "Jetzt loslegen";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "Instanz URL";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "Instanz-URL";
"add-identity.log-in" = "Einloggen";
"add-identity.browse" = "Durchsuchen";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "Um allen Benutzern ein sicheres Erlebnis zu bieten und die App Store Review Guidelines einzuhalten, wird diese Instanz nicht unterstützt.";
"add-identity.join" = "Beitreten";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Geben Sie die URL der Mastodon-Instanz ein, mit der Sie sich verbinden möchten:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "Einladung anfordern";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Verbindung zur Instanz kann nicht hergestellt werden";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Willkommen zu Metatext";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Gib die URL deiner Mastodon-Instanz ein:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "Einladung anfragen";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Verbindung zur Instanz kann nicht hergestellt werden. Überprüfe, ob die Instanz-URL richtig ist und versuche es erneut.";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Willkommen bei Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "Was ist Mastodon?";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Beschreiben Sie für Sehbehinderte";
"" = "Beschreiben Sie für Menschen mit Hörverlust";
"" = "Beschreiben Sie für Menschen mit Hör- oder Sehbehinderung";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Beschreibung für sehbehinderte Menschen hinzufügen";
"" = "Beschreibung für hörbehinderte Menschen hinzufügen";
"" = "Beschreibung für seh- oder hörbehinderte Menschen hinzufügen";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "Text aus Bild erkennen";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Medien bearbeiten";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Ziehen Sie den Kreis in der Vorschau auf den Punkt, welcher in allen Vorschaubildern sichtbar seinen soll.";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Ziehe den Kreis auf den Punkt, welcher in allen Vorschaubildern sichtbar sein soll.";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Heikler Inhalt";
"" = "Versteckte Medien";
"attachment.type.image" = "Bild";
@ -97,21 +97,21 @@
"bookmarks" = "Lesezeichen";
"" = "Link";
"camera-access.title" = "Kamerazugriff benötigt";
"camera-access.description" = "Öffne Systemeinstellungen um Zugriff auf die Kamera zu erlauben";
"" = "Öffne Systemeinstellungen";
"camera-access.description" = "Öffne die Systemeinstellungen, um den Kamerazugriff zu erlauben";
"" = "Systemeinstellungen öffnen";
"cancel" = "Abbrechen";
"" = "Weiteren Beitrag hinzufügen";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Weiteren toot hinzufügen";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Weiteren Toot hinzufügen";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "Hochladen des Anhangs abbrechen";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "Anhang bearbeiten";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "Anhang entfernen";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "Unbeschriftet";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "lade hoch";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "Beschreibung fehlt";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "Anhang wird hochgeladen";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "Anhang hinzufügen";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "Anhänge werden bei einem Kontenwechsel verworfen";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "Anhänge werden bei einem Accountwechsel verworfen";
"compose.browse" = "Durchsuchen";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "%ld verbleibende Zeichen";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "Antippen um mit einem anderen Konto zu posten";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "Antippen, um mit einem anderen Account zu posten";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "Inhaltswarnung hinzufügen";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "Inhaltswarnung entfernen";
"compose.emoji-button" = "Emoji-Auswahl";
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "Hinzufügen";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "Mehrfachauswahl erlauben";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "Umfrage hinzufügen";
"compose.prompt" = "Woran denken Sie?";
"compose.prompt" = "Was möchtest du erzählen?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "Foto oder Video aufnehmen";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "Privatsphäre: %@";
"" = "Beitrag verfassen";
@ -132,9 +132,9 @@
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "Standardmäßiger Hautton";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "Standardhautton auswählen";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "Häufig benutzt";
"" = "Suche Emoji";
"" = "Emoji suchen";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "Smileys & Emotionen";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "Menschen & Körper";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "Menschen & Aktivitäten";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "Komponenten";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "Tiere & Natur";
"" = "Essen & Trinken";
@ -143,37 +143,37 @@
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "Objekte";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "Symbole";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "Flaggen";
"explore.trending" = "Jetzt trendend";
"explore.trending" = "Aktuelle Trends";
"explore.instance" = "Instanz";
"explore.profile-directory" = "Profilverzeichnis";
"error" = "Fehler";
"favorites" = "Favoriten";
"follow-requests" = "Anfragen zu Folgen";
"" = "Bitte lesen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzrichtlinie von %@ durch, um fortzufahren";
"follow-requests" = "Folgeanfragen";
"" = "Bitte lies die Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzrichtlinie von %@ durch, um fortzufahren";
"registration.username" = "Benutzername";
"" = "E-Mail";
"registration.password" = "Passwort";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "Passwort bestätigen";
"registration.reason-%@" = "Warum möchten Sie %@ beitreten?";
"registration.reason-%@" = "Warum möchtest du %@ beitreten?";
"registration.server-rules" = "Serverregeln";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "Nutzungsbedingungen";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "Ich stimme den Serverregeln und Nutzungsbedingungen zu";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "Das Passwort und die Passwortbestätigung stimmen nicht überein";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "Über diese App";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Konto verwalten";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Account verwalten";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "Accounts";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "Profil bearbeiten";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "Listen";
"" = "Mein Profil";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "Einstellungen";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "Accountmenü";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "HTTP Fehler: Nicht-HTTP Antwort";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "HTTP Fehler: %ld";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "HTTP-Fehler: Nicht-HTTP-Antwort";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "HTTP-Fehler: %ld";
"identities.accounts" = "Accounts";
"identities.browsing" = "Durchsuchen";
"identities.log-out" = "Ausloggen";
"identities.pending" = "Ausstehend";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "Kann Bild nicht laden";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "Bild kann nicht geladen werden";
"" = "Neuer Listentitel";
"load-more" = "Mehr laden";
"" = "Lade Beiträge von oben";
@ -186,27 +186,27 @@
"main-navigation.notifications" = "Benachrichtigungen";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "Nachrichten";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "Profil anschauen";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "Profil anzeigen";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "Eingeloggt als %@";
"" = "Neue Nachricht";
"notification.poll" = "Eine Umfrage, an der Sie teilgenommen haben ist beendet";
"notification.poll" = "Eine Umfrage, an der du teilgenommen hast, wurde beendet";
"notification.poll.own" = "Ihre Umfrage ist beendet";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "Eine Umfrage wurde beendet";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ hat geposted";
"notifications.all" = "Alle";
"notifications.mentions" = "Erwähnungen";
"ok" = "OK";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Ihr Konto ist noch nicht bestätigt";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Dein Account ist noch nicht bestätigt";
"post" = "Posten";
"preferences" = "Einstellungen";
"" = "App Einstellungen";
"" = "App Icon";
"" = "App-Einstellungen";
"" = "App-Icon";
"" = "Erscheinungsbild";
"" = "Dunkel";
"" = "Hell";
"" = "System";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Gesperrte Domains";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Gesperrte Nutzer";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Blockierte Domains";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Blockierte Accounts";
"" = "Medien";
"" = "Avatare";
"" = "Animierte Avatare";
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"" = "Im Profil";
"" = "Niemals";
"" = "Benutzerdefiniertes Emoji animieren";
"" = "Profilbanner animieren";
"" = "Profilbilder animieren";
"" = "Automatische Wiedergabe";
"" = "GIFs automatisch wiedergeben";
"" = "Videos automatisch wiedergeben";
@ -226,72 +226,72 @@
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "Inhalt standardmäßig als heikel markieren";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "Medien erweitern";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Heikle ausblenden";
"" = "Alle zeigen";
"" = "Alle anzeigen";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Alle ausblenden";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Inhaltswarnungen immer erweitern";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Inhalt trotz Warnung immer anzeigen";
"preferences.filters" = "Filter";
"" = "Links im Standardbrowser öffnen";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Links in anderen Apps öffnen, wenn verfügbar";
"preferences.notification-types" = "Benachrichtigungsarten";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "Folgen";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Favoriten";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Anfrage zum Folgen";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Folgeanfrage";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Antwort";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Erwähnung";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Umfrage";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Abonnement";
"preferences.notifications" = "Benachrichtigung";
"preferences.notifications" = "Benachrichtigungen";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Mit Accountnamen";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Mit Bildern";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "Töne";
"preferences.muted-users" = "Stumme Nutzer";
"preferences.muted-users" = "Stummgeschaltete Accounts";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "Position der eigenen Zeitleiste beim Start";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "Position der Benachrichtigungen beim Start";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "Position merken";
"preferences.position.newest" = "Lade neuste";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Doppelklick zum antworten";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Doppelklick zum favorisieren";
"" = "Zeige Boosts und Favoriten";
"preferences.position.newest" = "Neueste laden";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Doppelklick zum Antworten";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Doppelklick zum Favorisieren";
"" = "Boosts und Favoriten anzeigen";
"preferences.status-word" = "Statuswort";
"" = "Aktiv";
"filters.expired" = "Abgelaufen";
"filter.add-new" = "Neuer Filter";
"filter.edit" = "Filter bearbeiten";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "Schlüsselwort oder Phrase";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "Wort oder Formulierung";
"filter.never-expires" = "Läuft nie ab";
"filter.expire-after" = "Läuft ab nach";
"filter.contexts" = "Filterkontext";
"filter.irreversible" = "Fallenlassen statt verstecken";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "Gefilterte Beiträge verschwinden unwiderruflich, auch wenn der Filter später entfernt wird";
"filter.whole-word" = "Ganzes Wort";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "Wenn das Schlüsselwort oder die Phrase nur alphanumerisch ist, wird es/sie nur angewendet, wenn es/sie mit dem ganzen Wort übereinstimmt";
"filter.irreversible" = "Entfernen statt verstecken";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "Gefilterte Beiträge verschwinden unwiderruflich, auch wenn der Filter später gelöscht wird";
"filter.whole-word" = "Genaue Übereinstimmung";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "Wenn das Wort oder die Formulierung nur aus Zahlen und Buchstaben besteht, wird der Filter nur angewendet, wenn er genau damit übereinstimmt";
"" = "Änderungen speichern";
"filter.context.home" = "Home Zeitleiste";
"filter.context.home" = "Eigene Zeitleiste";
"filter.context.notifications" = "Benachrichtigungen";
"filter.context.public" = "Öffentliche Zeitleiste";
"filter.context.thread" = "Konversationen";
"filter.context.account" = "Profile";
"filter.context.unknown" = "Unbekannter Inhalt";
"more-results.accounts" = "Mehr Leute";
"more-results.accounts" = "Mehr Personen";
"" = "Mehr Posts";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "Mehr Toots";
"more-results.tags" = "Mehr Hashtags";
"notifications" = "Benachrichtungen";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ boosteten Ihren Beitrag";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ favorisierten ihren Beitrag";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ folgten ihnen";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Eine Umfrage, an der Sie teilgenommen haben, wurde beendet";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Ihre Umfrage ist beendet";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ hat deinen Beitrag geboosted";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ hat deinen Beitrag favorisiert";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ folgt dir jetzt";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Eine Umfrage, an der du teilgenommen hast, wurde beendet";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Deine Umfrage ist beendet";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Benachrichtigung von %@";
"remove" = "Entfernen";
"report" = "Melden";
"report.additional-comments" = "Zusätzliche Anmerkungen";
"report.hint" = "Der Bericht wird an die Moderatoren Ihres Servers gesendet. Sie können unten eine Erklärung angeben, warum Sie dieses Konto melden:";
"report.hint" = "Die Meldung wird an die Moderatorinnen und Moderatoren deines Servers gesendet. Du kannst hier einen Grund für deine Meldung angeben:";
"" = "%@ melden";
"report.forward.hint" = "Das Konto ist von einem anderen Server. Möchten Sie eine anonymisierte Kopie des Berichts auch dorthin senden?";
"report.forward-%@" = "Bericht weiterleiten an %@";
"" = "Wählen Sie zusätzliche Beiträge zum Melden aus:";
"" = "Wählen Sie zusätzliche Toots zum Melden aus:";
"report.forward.hint" = "Der Account ist von einem anderen Server. Möchtest du eine anonymisierte Kopie deiner Meldung auch dorthin senden?";
"report.forward-%@" = "Meldung weiterleiten an %@";
"" = "Weitere Beiträge zum Melden auswählen:";
"" = "Weitere Toots zum Melden auswählen:";
"search.scope.all" = "Alle";
"search.scope.accounts" = "Personen";
"" = "Beiträge";
@ -301,45 +301,45 @@
"send" = "Senden";
"share" = "Teilen";
"" = "Account nicht gefunden";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "Profil des Autors ansehen";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "Profil von Booster ansehen";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "Teil eines Threads";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "Profil der Autorin bwz. des Autors ansehen";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "Profil der Boosterin bzw. des Boosters ansehen";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "Teil einer Konversation";
"status.bookmark" = "Lesezeichen";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "IW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "Inhaltswarnung";
"status.delete" = "Löschen";
"" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Beitrag löschen möchten?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Toot löschen möchten?";
"" = "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag löschen möchtest?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Toot löschen möchtest?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "Löschen & neu verfassen";
"" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Beitrag löschen und neu verfassen möchten? Favoriten und Boosts gehen verloren, und Antworten auf den ursprünglichen Beitrag werden verwaist sein.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Toot löschen und neu verfassen möchten? Favoriten und Boosts gehen dabei verloren, und Antworten auf den ursprünglichen Toot werden verwaist sein.";
"status.mute" = "Konversation stumm schalten";
"" = "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag löschen und neu verfassen möchtest? Favoriten und Boosts gehen dabei verloren, und Antworten auf den ursprünglichen Beitrag verlieren den Zusammenhang.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Toot löschen und neu verfassen möchtest? Favoriten und Boosts gehen dabei verloren, und Antworten auf den ursprünglichen Beitrag verlieren den Zusammenhang.";
"status.mute" = "Konversation stummschalten";
"" = "Neue Beiträge";
"" = "Neue Toots";
"" = "In Profil anpinnen";
"" = "Am Profil anpinnen";
"" = "Gepinnter Post";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Gepinnter Toot";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "Umfrage";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "Option %ld";
"" = "Wählen";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ übrig";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Neuladen";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Aktualisieren";
"status.poll.closed" = "Geschlossen";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ geboostet";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ hat geboostet";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Antworten";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "Boosten";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Unboost";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Nicht mehr boosten";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "Favorisieren";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Entfavorisieren";
"" = "Zeige mehr";
"" = "Zeige mehr für alle";
"" = "Weniger zeigen";
"" = "Weniger für alle zeigen";
"" = "Zeige Konversation";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "Schreiben Sie hier Ihre Warnung";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Nicht mehr favorisieren";
"" = "Mehr anzeigen";
"" = "Mehr für alle anzeigen";
"" = "Weniger anzeigen";
"" = "Weniger für alle anzeigen";
"" = "Konversation anzeigen";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "Schreibe hier deine Warnung";
"status.unbookmark" = "Lesezeichen entfernen";
"status.unmute" = "Konversation nicht mehr stummschalten";
"status.unpin" = "Pin von Profil entfernen";
"status.unpin" = "Nicht mehr anpinnen";
"status.visibility.public" = "Öffentlich";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Ungelistet";
"status.visibility.private" = "Nur Folgende";
@ -347,10 +347,10 @@
"status.visibility.public.description" = "Sichtbar für alle, in öffentlichen Zeitleisten enthalten";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "Sichtbar für alle, aber nicht in öffentlichen Zeitleisten enthalten";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Nur für Folgende sichtbar";
"" = "Nur für erwähnte Nutzer sichtbar";
"" = "Nur für erwähnte Accounts sichtbar";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "%ld jüngste Verwendungen";
"" = "Zeige mit Trend verbundene Beiträge";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "Zeige mit Trend verbundene Toots";
"" = "Beiträge passend zum Trend anzeigen";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "Toots passend zum Trend anzeigen";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld pro Woche";
"timelines.home" = "Startseite";
"timelines.local" = "Lokal";

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<string>%ld Person sprechen drüber</string>
<string>%ld Personen sprechen darüber</string>
<string>%ld Personen sprechen drüber</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
"about" = "Σχετικά";
"about.acknowledgments" = "Ευχαριστίες";
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "Δημιουργήθηκε από τον Metabolist";
"about.official-account" = "Επίσημος Λογαριασμός";
"about.rate-the-app" = "Βαθμολόγησε την εφαρμογή";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Πηγαίος Κώδικας & Παρακολούθηση Προβλημάτων";
"about.translations" = "Μεταφράσεις";
"" = "Ιστότοπος";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "Σύνδεσμος: %@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "Αντιγραφή κειμένου";
"account.%@-followers" = "Ακόλουθοι του %@";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Αποδοχή αιτήματος ακολούθου";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "Προσθήκη/αφαίρεση από λίστες";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "Φωτογραφία προφίλ: %@";
"account.block" = "Αποκλεισμός";
"account.block-and-report" = "Αποκλεισμός & αναφορά";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "Αποκλεισμός %@;";
"account.blocked" = "Αποκλεισμένος";
"" = "Προσωπικό μήνυμα";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "Αποκλεισμός domain %@";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "Αποκλεισμός domain %@;";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Άρση αποκλεισμού domain %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "Άρση αποκλεισμού domain %@;";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "Επαληθευμένος %@";
"account.follow" = "Ακολούθησε";
"account.following" = "Ακολουθεί";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld Ακολουθεί";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Ακολουθείται από %@";
"account.follows-you" = "Σε ακολουθεί";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Εικόνα κεφαλίδας: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Απόκρυψη boosts";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Απόκρυψη των boosts από %@;";
"account.joined-%@" = "Έγινε μέλος %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Κλειδωμένος λογαριασμός";
"account.mute" = "Σίγαση";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Επ᾽ αόριστον";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "Είσαι βέβαιος ότι θέλεις να κάνεις σίγαση τον %@;";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Αυτό θα κρύψει δημοσιεύσεις από αυτούς και δημοσιεύσεις που τους αναφέρουν, αλλά θα εξακολουθούν να μπορούν να βλέπουν τις δημοσιεύσεις σου και να σε ακολουθούν.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "Απόκρυψη ειδοποιήσεων από αυτόν τον χρήστη;";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Διάρκεια";
"" = "Σίγαση %@";
"account.muted" = "Σε σίγαση";
"account.notify" = "Ενεργοποίηση ειδοποιήσεων";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Απόρριψη αιτήματος ακολούθου";
"account.request" = "Αίτημα";
"account.request.cancel" = "Ακύρωση αιτήματος ακολούθου";
"" = "Δημοσιεύσεις";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Toots";
"" = "Δημοσιεύσεις & Απαντήσεις";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "Toots & Απαντήσεις";
"" = "Πολυμέσα";
"" = "Προβολή των boosts";
"" = "Προβολή των boosts από %@;";
"account.unavailable" = "Μη διαθέσιμο προφίλ";
"account.unblock" = "Άρση αποκλεισμού";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "Άρση αποκλεισμού %@;";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "Σταμάτα να ακολουθείς τον %@;";
"account.unmute" = "Άρση σίγασης";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "Άρση σίγασης %@;";
"account.unnotify" = "Απενεργοποίηση ειδοποιήσεων";
"" = "Άνοιγμα στο προεπιλεγμένο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης";
"add" = "Προσθήκη";
"announcement.insert-emoji" = "Εισαγωγή emoji";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "Δεν είναι δυνατή η λήψη της απομακρυσμένης κατάστασης";
"apns-default-message" = "Νέα ειδοποίηση";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "Brutalist";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Brutalist ουράνιο τόξο";
"app-icon.classic" = "Κλασικό";
"app-icon.malow" = "Malow";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "Ουράνιο τόξο";
"add-identity.get-started" = "Ξεκίνα";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "Διεύθυνση URL διακομιστή";
"add-identity.log-in" = "Σύνδεση";
"add-identity.browse" = "Περιήγηση";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "Για την παροχή μιας ασφαλούς εμπειρίας σε όλους τους χρήστες και τη συμμόρφωση με τους κανονισμούς του App Store, αυτός ο διακομιστής δεν υποστηρίζεται.";
"add-identity.join" = "Εγγραφή";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Συμπλήρωσε τη διεύθυνση URL του διακομιστή του Mastodon στον οποία θέλεις να συνδεθείς:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "Αίτηση μιας πρόσκλησης";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Δεν είναι δυνατή η σύνδεση με τον διακομιστή";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Καλώς ήλθες στο Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "Τι είναι το Mastodon;";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Περιγραφή για άτομα με προβλήματα όρασης";
"" = "Περιγραφή για άτομα με προβλήματα ακοής";
"" = "Περιγραφή για άτομα με προβλήματα ακοής ή όρασης";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "Αναγνώριση κειμένου από την εικόνα";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Επεξεργασία πολυμέσων";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Σύρε τον κύκλο στην προεπισκόπηση για να επιλέξεις το σημείο εστίασης που θα είναι πάντα ορατό σε όλες τις μικρογραφίες";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Ευαίσθητο περιεχόμενο";
"" = "Κρυμμένα πολυμέσα";
"attachment.type.image" = "Εικόνα";
"" = "Αρχείο ήχου";
"" = "Βίντεο";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "Συνημμένο";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "Δεν είναι δυνατή η εξαγωγή πολυμέσων";
"bookmarks" = "Σελιδοδείκτες";
"" = "Σύνδεσμος";
"camera-access.title" = "Απαιτείται πρόσβαση στην κάμερα";
"camera-access.description" = "Άνοιξε τις ρυθμίσεις συστήματος για να επιτρέψεις την πρόσβαση στην κάμερα";
"" = "Άνοιγμα ρυθμίσεων συστήματος";
"cancel" = "Ακύρωση";
"" = "Προσθήκη άλλης δημοσίευσης";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Προσθήκη άλλου toot";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "Ακύρωση μεταφόρτωσης συνημμένου";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "Επεξεργασία συνημμένου";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "Αφαίρεση συνημμένου";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "Χωρίς λεζάντες";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "Γίνεται μεταφόρτωση";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "Προσθήκη συνημμένου";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "Τα συνημμένα θα απορρίπτονται στην αλλαγή λογαριασμών";
"compose.browse" = "Περιήγηση";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "%ld χαρακτήρες απομένουν";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "Πάτησε για δημοσίευση με διαφορετικό λογαριασμό";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "Προσθήκη προειδοποίησης περιεχομένου";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "Αφαίρεση προειδοποίησης περιεχομένου";
"compose.emoji-button" = "Επιλογέας emoji";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Σήμανση πολυμέσων ως ευαίσθητα";
"" = "Βιβλιοθήκη Φωτογραφιών";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "Επιτρέπονται πολλαπλές επιλογές";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "Προσθήκη επιλογής";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "Να επιτρέπονται πολλαπλές επιλογές";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "Προσθήκη δημοσκόπησης";
"compose.prompt" = "Τι έχεις στο μυαλό σου;";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "Λήψη Φωτογραφίας ή Βίντεο";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "Ιδιωτικότητα: %@";
"" = "Σύνταξη Δημοσίευσης";
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "Σύνταξη Toot";
"conversation.unread" = "Μη αναγνωσμένα";
"dismiss" = "Απόρριψη";
"emoji.custom" = "Προσαρμοσμένο";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "Προεπιλεγμένος τόνος δέρματος";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "Επιλογή προεπιλεγμένου τόνου δέρματος";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "Χρησιμοποιούνται συχνά";
"" = "Αναζήτηση Emoji";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "Φατσούλες & Συναίσθημα";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "Άτομα & Σώμα";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "Στοιχεία";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "Ζώα & Φύση";
"" = "Φαγητό & Ποτό";
"" = "Ταξίδια & Τοποθεσίες";
"emoji.system-group.activites" = "Δραστηριότητες";
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "Αντικείμενα";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "Σύμβολα";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "Σημαίες";
"explore.trending" = "Τάσεις Τώρα";
"explore.instance" = "Διακομιστής";
"explore.profile-directory" = "Κατάλογος Προφίλ";
"error" = "Σφάλμα";
"favorites" = "Αγαπημένα";
"follow-requests" = "Αιτήματα Ακολούθων";
"" = "Παρακαλούμε εξετάστε τους Όρους Χρήσης και την Πολιτική Απορρήτου του %@ για να συνεχίσετε";
"registration.username" = "Όνομα χρήστη";
"" = "Email";
"registration.password" = "Κωδικός πρόσβασης";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "Επιβεβαίωση κωδικού πρόσβασης";
"registration.reason-%@" = "Γιατί θέλεις να συμμετέχεις στο %@;";
"registration.server-rules" = "Κανόνες διακομιστή";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "Όροι παροχής υπηρεσιών";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "Συμφωνώ με τους κανόνες και τους όρους παροχής υπηρεσιών του διακομιστή";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης και η επιβεβαίωση κωδικού πρόσβασης δεν ταιριάζουν";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "Σχετικά με την Εφαρμογή";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Ρυθμίσεις Λογαριασμού";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "Λογαριασμοί";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "Επεξεργασία προφίλ";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "Λίστες";
"" = "Το Προφίλ μου";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "Προτιμήσεις";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "Μενού Λογαριασμού";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "Σφάλμα HTTP: Μη HTTP απάντηση";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "Σφάλμα HTTP: %ld";
"identities.accounts" = "Λογαριασμοί";
"identities.browsing" = "Περιήγηση";
"identities.log-out" = "Αποσύνδεση";
"identities.pending" = "Εκκρεμεί";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "Δεν είναι δυνατή η φόρτωση της εικόνας";
"" = "Τίτλος Νέας Λίστας";
"load-more" = "Φόρτωση Περισσότερων";
"" = "Φόρτωση από δημοσίευση παραπάνω";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "Φόρτωση από toot παραπάνω";
"" = "Φόρτωση από δημοσίευση παρακάτω";
"load-more.below.accessibility.toot" = "Φόρτωση από toot παρακάτω";
"main-navigation.announcements" = "Ανακοινώσεις";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "Ροές";
"main-navigation.explore" = "Εξερεύνηση";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "Ειδοποιήσεις";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "Μηνύματα";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "Εμφάνιση προφίλ";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "Συνδεδεμένος ως %@";
"" = "Νέες ειδοποιήσεις";
"notification.poll" = "Μια δημοσκόπηση στην οποία ψήφισες έχει λήξει";
"notification.poll.own" = "Η δημοσκόπησή σου έχει λήξει";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "Μια δημοσκόπηση έχει λήξει";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ μόλις δημοσίευσε";
"notifications.all" = "Όλα";
"notifications.mentions" = "Αναφορές";
"ok" = "Εντάξει";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Ο λογαριασμός σας εκκρεμεί επιβεβαίωση";
"post" = "Δημοσίευση";
"preferences" = "Προτιμήσεις";
"" = "Προτιμήσεις Εφαρμογής";
"" = "Εικονίδιο Εφαρμογής";
"" = "Εμφάνιση";
"" = "Σκουρόχρωμο";
"" = "Ανοιχτόχρωμο";
"" = "Σύστημα";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Αποκλεισμένα Domains";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Αποκλεισμένοι Χρήστες";
"" = "Πολυμέσα";
"" = "Φωτογραφίες προφίλ";
"" = "Κινούμενες φωτογραφίες προφίλ";
"" = "Παντού";
"" = "Στα προφίλ";
"" = "Ποτέ";
"" = "Κίνηση προσαρμοσμένων emoji";
"" = "Κίνηση κεφαλίδων προφίλ";
"" = "Αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή";
"" = "Αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή των GIFs";
"" = "Αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή των βίντεο";
"" = "Πάντα";
"" = "Στο Wi-Fi";
"" = "Ποτέ";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "Χρήση προτιμήσεων από τον διακομιστή";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "Προεπιλεγμένη ορατότητα";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "Επισήμανση περιεχομένου ως ευαίσθητο από προεπιλογή";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "Επέκταση πολυμέσων";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Απόκρυψη ευαίσθητων";
"" = "Προβολή όλων";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Aπόκρυψη όλων";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Να γίνεται πάντα επέκταση των προειδοποιήσεω περιεχομένου";
"preferences.filters" = "Φίλτρα";
"" = "Άνοιγμα συνδέσμων στο προεπιλεγμένο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Άνοιγμα συνδέσμων σε άλλες εφαρμογές όταν είναι διαθέσιμες";
"preferences.notification-types" = "Είδη Ειδοποιήσεων";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "Ακολούθησε";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Αγαπημένο";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Αιτήματα Ακολούθου";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Αναδημοσίευση";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Αναφορά";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Δημοσκόπηση";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Συνδρομή";
"preferences.notifications" = "Ειδοποιήσεις";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Συμπερίληψη ονόματος λογαριασμού";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Συμπερίληψη εικόνων";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "Ήχοι";
"preferences.muted-users" = "Χρήστες σε Σίγαση";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "Αρχική θέση ροής κατά την εκκίνηση";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "Θέση ειδοποιήσεων κατά την εκκίνηση";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "Απομνημόνευση θέσης";
"preferences.position.newest" = "Φόρτωση νεότερου";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Να απαιτείται διπλό πάτημα για αναδημοσίευση";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Να απαιτείται διπλό πάτημα για προσθήκη στα αγαπημένα";
"" = "Εμφάνιση μετρήσεων των boosts και αγαπημένων";
"preferences.status-word" = "Λέξη κατάστασης";
"" = "Ενεργό";
"filters.expired" = "Έληξε";
"filter.add-new" = "Προσθήκη Νέου Φίλτρου";
"filter.edit" = "Επεξεργασία Φίλτρου";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "Λέξη-κλειδί ή φράση";
"filter.never-expires" = "Δε λήγει ποτέ";
"filter.expire-after" = "Λήξη μετά από";
"filter.contexts" = "Φιλτράρισμα πλαισίων";
"filter.irreversible" = "Πέταμα αντί για απόκρυψη";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "Οι φιλτραρισμένες καταστάσεις θα εξαφανιστούν αμετάκλητα, ακόμα και αν το φίλτρο αφαιρεθεί αργότερα";
"filter.whole-word" = "Ολόκληρη λέξη";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "Όταν η λέξη-κλειδί ή η φράση είναι μόνο αλφαριθμητική, θα εφαρμοστεί μόνο αν ταιριάζει με ολόκληρη τη λέξη";
"" = "Αποθήκευση Αλλαγών";
"filter.context.home" = "Αρχική ροή";
"filter.context.notifications" = "Ειδοποιήσεις";
"filter.context.public" = "Δημόσιες ροές";
"filter.context.thread" = "Συνομιλίες";
"filter.context.account" = "Προφίλ";
"filter.context.unknown" = "Άγνωστο πλαίσιο";
"more-results.accounts" = "Περισσότερα άτομα";
"" = "Περισσότερες δημοσιεύσεις";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "Περισσότερα toots";
"more-results.tags" = "Περισσότερα hashtags";
"notifications" = "Ειδοποιήσεις";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ έκανε boost την κατάστασή σου";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ πρόσθεσε την κατάστασή σου στα αγαπημένα";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ σε ακολούθησε";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Μια δημοσκόπηση στην οποία ψήφισες έχει λήξει";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Η δημοσκόπησή σου έχει λήξει";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Ειδοποίηση από %@";
"remove" = "Αφαίρεση";
"report" = "Αναφορά";
"report.additional-comments" = "Επιπρόσθετα σχόλια";
"report.hint" = "Η αναφορά θα σταλεί στους συντονιστές του διακομιστή σου. Μπορείς να παρέχεις μια επεξήγηση για τον λόγο που αναφέρεις αυτόν τον λογαριασμό παρακάτω:";
"" = "Αναφορά %@";
"report.forward.hint" = "Ο λογαριασμός είναι από άλλον διακομιστή. Να γίνει αποστολή ενός ανώνυμου αντιγράφου της αναφοράς και εκεί;";
"report.forward-%@" = "Προώθηση αναφοράς σε %@";
"" = "Επιλέξτε επιπλέον δημοσιεύσεις για να αναφέρετε:";
"" = "Επιλέξτε επιπλέον toots για να αναφέρετε:";
"search.scope.all" = "Όλα";
"search.scope.accounts" = "Άτομα";
"" = "Δημοσιεύσεις";
"search.scope.statuses.toot" = "Toots";
"search.scope.tags" = "Hashtags";
"selected" = "Επιλεγμένο";
"send" = "Αποστολή";
"share" = "Κοινοποίηση";
"" = "Δε βρέθηκε λογαριασμός";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "Προβολή προφίλ συγγραφέα";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "Προβολή προφίλ του booster";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "Μέρος ενός νήματος";
"status.bookmark" = "Προσθήκη στους σελιδοδείκτες";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "CW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "Προειδοποίηση περιεχομένου";
"status.delete" = "Διαγραφή";
"" = "Είσαι βέβαιος ότι θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτή τη δημοσίευση;";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "Είσαι βέβαιος ότι θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτό το toot;";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "Διαγραφή & επανασύνταξη";
"" = "Είσαι βέβαιος ότι θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτή τη δημοσίευση και να την επανασυντάξεις; Τα αγαπημένα και τα boosts θα χαθούν, και οι απαντήσεις στην αρχική δημοσίευση θα μείνουν ορφανές.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Είσαι βέβαιος ότι θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτή τη δημοσίευση και να την επανασυντάξεις; Τα αγαπημένα και τα boosts θα χαθούν, και οι απαντήσεις στην αρχική δημοσίευση θα μείνουν ορφανές.";
"status.mute" = "Σίγαση συνομιλίας";
"" = "Νέες δημοσιεύσεις";
"" = "Νέα toots";
"" = "Καρφίτσωμα στο προφίλ";
"" = "Καρφιτσωμένη δημοσίευση";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Καρφιτσωμένο toot";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "Δημοσκόπηση";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "Επιλογή %ld";
"" = "Ψήφισε";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ απομένουν";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Ανανέωση";
"status.poll.closed" = "Κλειστή";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ έκανε boost";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Απάντηση";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "Boost";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Άρση Boost";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "Προσθήκη στα αγαπημένα";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Αφαίρεση από αγαπημένα";
"" = "Εμφάνιση Περισσότερων";
"" = "Εμφάνιση περισσότερων για όλα";
"" = "Εμφάνιση Λιγότερων";
"" = "Εμφάνιση λιγότερων για όλα";
"" = "Εμφάνιση νήματος";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "Γράψε την προειδοποίησή σου εδώ";
"status.unbookmark" = "Αφαίρεση σελιδοδείκτη";
"status.unmute" = "Αναίρεση σίγασης συνομιλίας";
"status.unpin" = "Ξεκαρφίτσωμα από το προφίλ";
"status.visibility.public" = "Δημόσιο";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Μη καταχωρημένο";
"status.visibility.private" = "Μόνο ακόλουθοι";
"" = "Απευθείας";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "Ορατό για όλους, εμφανίζεται σε δημόσιες ροές";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "Ορατό για όλους, αλλά όχι σε δημόσιες ροές";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Ορατό μόνο για τους ακολούθους";
"" = "Ορατό μόνο για αναφερόμενους χρήστες";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "%ld πρόσφατες χρήσεις";
"" = "Προβολή δημοσιεύσεων που σχετίζονται με την τάση";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "Προβολή toots που σχετίζονται με την τάση";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld ανά εβδομάδα";
"timelines.home" = "Αρχική";
"timelines.local" = "Τοπικό";
"timelines.federated" = "Ομοσπονδιακό";
"toot" = "Toot";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>%ld άτομο μιλάει</string>
<string>%ld άτομα μιλούν</string>
<string>%ld άτομο</string>
<string>%ld άτομα</string>
<string>%ld Boost</string>
<string>%ld Boosts</string>
<string>%ld Αγαπημένο</string>
<string>%ld Αγαπημένα</string>
<string>%ld Απάντηση</string>
<string>%ld Απαντήσεις</string>
<string>%ld Δημοσίευση</string>
<string>%ld Δημοσιεύσεις</string>
<string>%ld Toot</string>
<string>%ld Toots</string>
<string>%ld Ακόλουθος</string>
<string>%ld Ακόλουθοι</string>
<string>%ld εικόνα</string>
<string>%ld εικόνες</string>
<string>%ld αρχείο ήχου</string>
<string>%ld αρχεία ήχου</string>
<string>%ld αρχείο βίντεο</string>
<string>%ld αρχεία βίντεο</string>
<string>%ld συνημμένο</string>
<string>%ld συνημμένα</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
"about" = "Honi buruz";
"about.acknowledgments" = "Aitorpena eta eskerrak";
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "Metabolistek egina";
"about.official-account" = "Kontu ofiziala";
"about.rate-the-app" = "Baloratu aplikazioa";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Iturburu kodea eta akatsen jarraipena";
"about.translations" = "Itzulpenak";
"" = "Webgunea";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "Esteka: %@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "Kopiatu testua";
"account.%@-followers" = "%@(r)en jarraitzaileak";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Onartu jarraipen-eskaerak";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "Gehitu edo kendu zerrendetatik";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "Abatarra: %@";
"account.block" = "Blokeatu";
"account.block-and-report" = "Blokeatu eta salatu";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "%@ blokeatu?";
"account.blocked" = "Blokeatuta";
"" = "Mezu zuzena";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "Blokeatu %@ domeinua";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "%@ domeinua blokeatu?";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Desblokeatu %@ domeinua";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "%@ domeinua desblokeatu?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "%@ egiaztatuta";
"account.follow" = "Jarraitu";
"account.following" = "Jarraitzen";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld jarraitzen";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "%@ jarraitzaile";
"account.follows-you" = "Jarraitzen zaitu";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Goiburuko irudia: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Ezkutatu bultzadak";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "%@(r)en bultzadak ezkutatu?";
"account.joined-%@" = "%@(e)an sortutako kontua";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Babestutako kontua";
"account.mute" = "Mututu";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Zehaztu gabe";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "Ziur %@ mututu nahi duzula?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Beraien bidalketak eta beraiei buruzko aipamenak ezkutatuko ditu, baina zure bidalketak ikus ditzakete eta zu jarrai zaitzakete.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "Erabiltzaile honen jakinarazpenak ezkutatu?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Iraupena";
"" = "Mututu %@";
"account.muted" = "Mutututa";
"account.notify" = "Piztu jakinarazpenak";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Baztertu jarraipen-eskaerak";
"account.request" = "Egin eskaera";
"account.request.cancel" = "Ezeztatu jarraipen-eskaera";
"" = "Bidalketak";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Tutak";
"" = "Bidalketak eta erantzunak";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "Tutak eta erantzunak";
"" = "Multimedia";
"" = "Erakutsi bultzadak";
"" = "%@(r)en bultzadak erakutsi?";
"account.unavailable" = "Profila ez dago eskuragarri";
"account.unblock" = "Desblokeatu";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "%@ desblokeatu?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "%@ jarraitzeari utzi?";
"account.unmute" = "Utzi mututzeari";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "%@ mututzeari utzi?";
"account.unnotify" = "Itzali jakinarazpenak";
"" = "Ireki defektuzko nabigatzailean";
"add" = "Gehitu";
"announcement.insert-emoji" = "Txertatu emojia";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "Ezin izan da zerbitzari horretako egoera atzitu";
"apns-default-message" = "Jakinarazpen berria";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "Brutalista";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Ostadar brutalista";
"app-icon.classic" = "Klasikoa";
"app-icon.malow" = "Malow";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "Ostadarra";
"add-identity.get-started" = "Hasi erabiltzen";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "Instantziaren URLa";
"add-identity.log-in" = "Hasi saioa";
"add-identity.browse" = "Arakatu";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "Erabiltzaile guztientzako esperientzia sanoa bermatzeko eta App Storearen lerroekin bat egiteko, instantzia hau ezin da erabili.";
"add-identity.join" = "Eman izena";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Sartu erabili nahi duzun Mastodon instantziaren URLa:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "Eskatu gonbidapena";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Ezin izan da instantziarekin konektatu";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Ongi etorri Metatextera";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "Zer da Mastodon?";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Deskribatu ikusmen urritasuna dutenentzat";
"" = "Deskribatu entzumen urritasuna dutenentzat";
"" = "Deskribatu entzumen edo ikusmen urritasuna dutenentzat";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "Antzeman irudiko testua";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Editatu multimedia";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Eraman zirkulua irudian garrantzia duen eremura, iruditxoetan beti ikusgai egon dadin";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Eduki hunkigarria";
"" = "Multimedia ezkutatu da";
"attachment.type.image" = "Irudia";
"" = "Audio fitxategia";
"" = "Bideoa";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "Eranskina";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "Ezin izan da multimedia esportatu";
"bookmarks" = "Laster-markak";
"" = "Esteka";
"camera-access.title" = "Kamera erabiltzeko baimena behar da";
"camera-access.description" = "Ireki sistemaren ezarpenak kameraren atzipena baimentzeko";
"" = "Ireki sistemaren ezarpenak";
"cancel" = "Ezeztatu";
"" = "Gehitu beste bidalketa bat";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Gehitu beste tut bat";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "Ezeztatu eranskinaren igoera";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "Editatu eranskina";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "Kendu eranskina";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "Ez dago azalpenik";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "Igotzen";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "Gehitu eranskina";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "Kontua aldatuz gero eranskinak baztertuko dira";
"compose.browse" = "Arakatu";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "Gehienez %ld karaktere";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "Egin tap beste kontu batekin bidaltzeko";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "Gehitu edukiari buruzko oharra";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "Kendu edukiari buruzko oharra";
"compose.emoji-button" = "Emoji hautatzailea";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Markatu multimedia hunkigarri gisa";
"" = "Argazki liburutegia";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "Aukera bat baino gehiago onartzen da";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "Gehitu aukera bat";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "Onartu aukera bat baino gehiago";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "Gehitu inkesta";
"compose.prompt" = "Zer duzu buruan?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "Egin argazkia edo bideoa";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "Pribatutasuna: %@";
"" = "Idatzi bidalketa";
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "Idatzi tuta";
"conversation.unread" = "Irakurri gabea";
"dismiss" = "Baztertu";
"emoji.custom" = "Pertsonalizatuak";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "Berezko azal kolorea";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "Hautatu berezko azal kolorea";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "Maiz erabilitakoak";
"" = "Bilatu emojia";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "Emotikonoak";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "Jendea";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "Osagarriak";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "Animaliak eta natura";
"" = "Janaria eta edaria";
"" = "Garraioa";
"emoji.system-group.activites" = "Jarduerak";
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "Bulegoa";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "Ikurrak";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "Banderak";
"explore.trending" = "Oraingo joerak";
"explore.instance" = "Instantzia";
"explore.profile-directory" = "Profilen direktorioa";
"error" = "Errorea";
"favorites" = "Gogokoak";
"follow-requests" = "Jarraipen-eskaerak";
"" = "Irakurri %@(r)en erabilera- eta pribatutasun-baldintzak jarraitu ahal izateko";
"registration.username" = "Erabiltzaile-izena";
"" = "ePosta";
"registration.password" = "Pasahitza";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "Berretsi pasahitza";
"registration.reason-%@" = "Zergatik eman nahi duzu izena %@(e)n?";
"registration.server-rules" = "Zerbitzariaren arauak";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "Zerbitzu-baldintzak";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "Bat egiten dut zerbitzariaren arau eta baldintzekin";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "Pasahitzak ez datoz bat";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "Aplikazioari buruz";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Kontuaren ezarpenak";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "Kontuak";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "Editatu profila";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "Zerrendak";
"" = "Nire profila";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "Hobespenak";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "Kontuaren hobespenak";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "HTTP errorea: erantzuna ez da HTTP izan";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "HTTP errorea: %ld";
"identities.accounts" = "Kontuak";
"identities.browsing" = "Arakatzen";
"identities.log-out" = "Amaitu saioa";
"identities.pending" = "Zain";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "Ezin izan da irudia kargatu";
"" = "Zerrenda berriaren izena";
"load-more" = "Kargatu gehiago";
"" = "Goitik behera kargatu";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "Goitik behera kargatu";
"" = "Behetik gora kargatu";
"load-more.below.accessibility.toot" = "Behetik gora kargatu";
"main-navigation.announcements" = "Iragarpenak";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "Denbora-lerroak";
"main-navigation.explore" = "Esploratu";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "Jakinarazpenak";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "Mezuak";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "Ikusi profila";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "%@ gisa hasi duzu saioa";
"" = "Jakinarazpen berriak";
"notification.poll" = "Erantzun duzun inkesta bat amaitu da";
"notification.poll.own" = "Zure inkesta amaitu da";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "Inkesta bat amaitu da";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@(e)k argitaratu berri du";
"notifications.all" = "Guztia";
"notifications.mentions" = "Aipamenak";
"ok" = "Ados";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Zure kontua baieztapenaren zain dago";
"post" = "Bidali";
"preferences" = "Hobespenak";
"" = "Aplikazioaren hobespenak";
"" = "Aplikazioaren ikonoa";
"" = "Itxura";
"" = "Iluna";
"" = "Argia";
"" = "Sistemak darabilena";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Blokeatutako domeinuak";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Blokeatutako erabiltzaileak";
"" = "Multimedia";
"" = "Abatarrak";
"" = "Mugitu abatarrak";
"" = "Edonon";
"" = "Profiletan";
"" = "Inon ez";
"" = "Mugitu emoji pertsonalizatuak";
"" = "Mugitu profil-goiburuak";
"" = "Erreproduzitu automatikoki";
"" = "Err. automatikoki GIFak";
"" = "Err. automatikoki bideoak";
"" = "Beti";
"" = "Wi-Fia erabiltzerakoan";
"" = "Inoiz ez";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "Erabili zerbitzariaren hobespenak";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "Ikusgarritasuna, defektuz";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "Markatu edukia hunkigarri gisa, defektuz";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "Ireki multimedia";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Ezkutatu hunkigarria";
"" = "Erakutsi guztia";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Ezkutatu guztia";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Erakutsi beti edukiari buruzko oharrak";
"preferences.filters" = "Iragazkiak";
"" = "Ireki estekak hobetsitako nabegatzailean";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Ireki estekak beste aplikazio batzuetan erabilgarri daudenean";
"preferences.notification-types" = "Jakinarazpen motak";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "Jarraipenak";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Gogokoak";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Jarraipen eskaerak";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Bultzadak";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Aipamenak";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Inkestak";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Harpidetzak";
"preferences.notifications" = "Jakinarazpenak";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Erakutsi kontuen izenak";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Erakutsi irudiak";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "Soinuak";
"preferences.muted-users" = "Mutututako erabiltzaileak";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "Hasierako denbora-lerroaren kokapena aplikazioa irekitzerakoan";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "Jakinarazpenen kokapena aplikazioa irekitzerakoan";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "Gogoratu kokapena";
"preferences.position.newest" = "Kargatu berrienak";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Bultzatzeko birritan sakatu behar da";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Gogoko egiteko birritan sakatu behar da";
"" = "Erakutsi bultzada eta gogoko kopurua";
"preferences.status-word" = "Nahiago duzun hitza";
"" = "Aktibo";
"filters.expired" = "Iraungita";
"filter.add-new" = "Gehitu iragazki berria";
"filter.edit" = "Editatu iragazkia";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "Hitz gakoa edo esaldia";
"filter.never-expires" = "Ez da inoiz iraungiko";
"filter.expire-after" = "Iraungitze-data";
"filter.contexts" = "Iragazkien testuinguruak";
"filter.irreversible" = "Bota ezkutatu ordez";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "Iragazitako tutak betiko desagertuko dira, etorkizunean iragazkia kentzen bada ere";
"filter.whole-word" = "Hitz osoa";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "Hitz gakoa edo esaldia alfanumerikoa soilik bada, hitz osoarekin bat datorrenean bakarrik aplikatuko da";
"" = "Gorde aldaketak";
"filter.context.home" = "Hasierako denbora-lerroa";
"filter.context.notifications" = "Jakinarazpenak";
"filter.context.public" = "Denbora-lerro publikoak";
"filter.context.thread" = "Elkarrizketak";
"filter.context.account" = "Profilak";
"filter.context.unknown" = "Testuinguru ezezaguna";
"more-results.accounts" = "Jende gehiago";
"" = "Bidalketa gehiago";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "Tut gehiago";
"more-results.tags" = "Traola gehiago";
"notifications" = "Jakinarazpenak";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@(e)k tuta bultzatu du";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@(e)k tuta gogoko egin du";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@(e)k jarraitu zaitu";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Erantzun duzun inkesta bat amaitu da";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Zure inkesta amaitu da";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "%@(r)en jakinarazpena";
"remove" = "Kendu";
"report" = "Salatu";
"report.additional-comments" = "Iruzkin gehigarriak";
"report.hint" = "Salaketa zure zerbitzariko administratzaileari bidaliko zaio. Ondorengo kontua zergatik salatzen ari zaren azaldu dezakezu:";
"" = "Salatu %@";
"report.forward.hint" = "Kontua beste zerbitzari batekoa da. Salaketaren kopia anonimo bat bidali nahi duzu zerbitzati horretara?";
"report.forward-%@" = "Birbidali %@(r)i salaketa";
"" = "Hautatu salatzeko bidalketa gehiago:";
"" = "Hautatu salatzeko tut gehiago:";
"search.scope.all" = "Guztia";
"search.scope.accounts" = "Jendea";
"" = "Bidalketak";
"search.scope.statuses.toot" = "Tutak";
"search.scope.tags" = "Traolak";
"selected" = "Hautatuak";
"send" = "Bidali";
"share" = "Partekatu";
"" = "Ez da konturik aurkitu";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "Ikusi egilearen profila";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "Ikusi bultzatzailearen profila";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "Hari baten zati da";
"status.bookmark" = "Laster-marka";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "CW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "Edukiari buruzko oharra";
"status.delete" = "Ezabatu";
"" = "Ziur bidalketa ezabatu nahi duzula?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "Ziur tuta ezabatu nahi duzula?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "Ezabatu eta berridatzi";
"" = "Ziur bidalketa ezabatu eta berridatzi nahi duzula? Gogokoak eta bultzadak galduko dira eta jaso dituen erantzunak umezurtz geratuko dira.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Ziur tuta ezabatu eta berridatzi nahi duzula? Gogokoak eta bultzadak galduko dira eta jaso dituen erantzunak umezurtz geratuko dira.";
"status.mute" = "Mututu elkarrizketa";
"" = "Bidalketa berriak";
"" = "Tut berriak";
"" = "Finkatu profilean";
"" = "Finkatutako bidalketa";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Finkatutako tuta";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "Inkesta";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "%ld aukera";
"" = "Eman botoa";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ falta da amaitzeko";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Freskatu";
"status.poll.closed" = "Amaituta";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@(e)k bultzatuta";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Erantzun";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "Bultzatu";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Kendu bultzada";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "Gogoko";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Kendu gogokoa";
"" = "Erakutsi gehiago";
"" = "Erakutsi gehiago guztientzat";
"" = "Erakutsi gutxiago";
"" = "Erakutsi gutxiago guztientzat";
"" = "Erakutsi haria";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "Idatzi hemen ohartarazpena";
"status.unbookmark" = "Kendu laster-marka";
"status.unmute" = "Utzi elkarrizketa mututzeari";
"status.unpin" = "Kendu profilean finkatutakoa";
"status.visibility.public" = "Publikoa";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Zerrendatu gabea";
"status.visibility.private" = "Jarraitzaileak soilik";
"" = "Zuzena";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "Denentzat ikusgai, denbora-lerro publikoetan ikusten da";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "Denentzat ikusgai, baina ez da denbora-lerro publikoetan ikusten";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Jarraitzaileentzat soilik ikusgai";
"" = "Aipatutako erabiltzaileentzat soilik ikusgai";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "Azken %ld erabilerak";
"" = "Ikusi joera honi lotutako bidalketak";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "Ikusi joera honi lotutako tutak";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld asteko";
"timelines.home" = "Hasiera";
"timelines.local" = "Lokala";
"timelines.federated" = "Federatua";
"toot" = "Bidali";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Pertsona %ld hitz egiten</string>
<string>%ld pertsona hitz egiten</string>
<string>Pertsona %ld</string>
<string>%ld pertsona</string>
<string>Bultzada %ld</string>
<string>%ld bultzada</string>
<string>Gogoko %ld</string>
<string>%ld gogoko</string>
<string>Erantzun %ld</string>
<string>%ld erantzun</string>
<string>Bidalketa %ld</string>
<string>%ld bidalketa</string>
<string>Tut %ld</string>
<string>%ld tut</string>
<string>Jarraitzaile %ld</string>
<string>%ld jarraitzaile</string>
<string>Irudi %ld</string>
<string>%ld irudi</string>
<string>Audio fitxategi %ld</string>
<string>%ld audio fitxategi</string>
<string>Bideo fitxategi %ld</string>
<string>%ld bideo fitxategi</string>
<string>Eranskin %ld</string>
<string>%ld eranskin</string>

View File

@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "Paramètres";
"" = "Paramètres de l'application";
"" = "Icône de lapplication";
"" = "Appearance";
"" = "Dark";
"" = "Light";
"" = "System";
"" = "Apparence";
"" = "Sombre";
"" = "Clair";
"" = "Système";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Domaines bloqués";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Utilisateur·ices bloqué·es";
"" = "Médias";
@ -234,12 +234,12 @@
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Ouvrir les liens dans d'autres applications lorsque disponible";
"preferences.notification-types" = "Types de notifications";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "Abonnement";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Ajouter aux favoris";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Ajouté aux favoris";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Demande d'abonnement";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Partager";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Mentionner";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Partagé";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Mentionné";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Sondage";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Abonnement";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Autre notification";
"preferences.notifications" = "Notifications";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Inclure le nom du compte";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Inclure les images";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"" = "Voir les publications associées à la tendance";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "Voir les pouets associés à la tendance";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld par semaine";
"timelines.home" = "Accueil";
"timelines.local" = "Locale";
"timelines.federated" = "Fédérées";
"timelines.home" = "Global";
"timelines.local" = "Local";
"timelines.federated" = "Fédéré";
"toot" = "Pouet";

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Dì-bhac an àrainn %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson an àrainn %@ a dhì-bhacadh?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "%@ air a dhearbhadh";
"account.follow" = "Lean air";
"account.follow" = "Lean";
"account.following" = "Ga leantainn";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "Tha %ld ga leantainn";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Ga leantainn le %@";
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"account.mute" = "Mùch";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Gun chrìoch";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson %@ a mhùchadh?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Cuiridh seo na postaichean uapa s na postaichean a bheir iomradh orra am falach ach chì iad-san na postaichean agad fhathast is faodaidh iad leantainn ort.";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Cuiridh seo na postaichean uapa s na postaichean a bheir iomradh orra am falach ach chì iad-san na postaichean agad fhathast is faodaidh iad gad leantainn.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "A bheil thu airson na brathan fhalach on chleachdaiche seo?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Faide";
"" = "Mùch %@";
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
"account.unavailable" = "Chan eil a phròifil ri làimh";
"account.unblock" = "Dì-bhac";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson %@ a dhì-bhacadh?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson sgur de leantainn air %@?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson sgur de %@ a leantainn?";
"account.unmute" = "Dì-mhùch";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson %@ a dhì-mhùchadh?";
"account.unnotify" = "Cuir na brathan dheth";
@ -160,9 +160,9 @@
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "Gabhaidh mi ri riaghailtean an fhrithealaiche s teirmichean na seirbheise";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "Chan eil an dà fhacal-faire co-ionnann";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "Mun aplacaid seo";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Account Settings";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Roghainean a chunntais";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "Cunntasan";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "Edit Profile";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "Deasaich a phroifil";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "Liostaichean";
"" = "A phròifil agam";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "Roghainnean";
@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "Roghainnean";
"" = "Roghainnean na h-aplacaide";
"" = "Ìomhaigheag na h-aplacaide";
"" = "Appearance";
"" = "Dark";
"" = "Light";
"" = "System";
"" = "Coltas";
"" = "Dorcha";
"" = "Soilleir";
"" = "Siostam";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Àrainnean bacte";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Cleachdaichean bacte";
"" = "Meadhanan";
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
"notifications" = "Brathan";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "Bhrosnaich %@ am post agad";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "Chuir %@ am post agad ris na h-annsachdan";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "Lean %@ ort";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "Lean %@ thu";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Thàinig cunntas-bheachd sa bhòt thu gu crìoch";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Thàinig an cunntas-bheachd agad gu crìoch";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Brath o %@";
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Na brosnaich tuilleadh";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "Cuir ris na h-annsachdan";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Thoir air falbh o na h-annsachdan";
"" = "Seall barrachd dheth";
"" = "Faic barrachd";
"" = "Seall barrachd dhen a h-uile";
"" = "Seall nas lugha dheth";
"" = "Seall nas lugha dhen a h-uile";
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
"" = "Dìreach";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "Chì a h-uile duine seo s e ga shealltainn air loidhnichean-ama poblach";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "Chì a h-uile duine seo ach cha dèid a shealltainn air loidhnichean-ama poblach";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Chan fhaic ach na daoine a tha a leantainn ort seo";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Chan fhaic ach na daoine a tha gad leantainn seo";
"" = "Chan fhaic ach na cleachdaichean le iomradh orra seo";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "Chaidh a chleachdadh %ld tura(i)s o chionn ghoirid";
"" = "Seall na postaichean co-cheangailte ris an treand";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
"about" = "אודות";
"about.acknowledgments" = "קרדיטים";
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "נוצר ע\"י Metabolist";
"about.official-account" = "חשבון רשמי";
"about.rate-the-app" = "דירוג האפליקציה";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "קוד מקור ומעקב אחר באגים";
"about.translations" = "תרגומים";
"" = "אתר אינטרנט";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "לינק: %@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "העתק טקסט";
"account.%@-followers" = "העוקבים של %@";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "קבלת בקשת מעקב";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "הוספה/הסרה מרשימות";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "תמונת פרופיל: %@";
"account.block" = "חסימה";
"account.block-and-report" = "חסימה ודיווח";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "לחסום את %@?";
"account.blocked" = "חסום";
"" = "הודעה ישירה";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "חסום דומיין %@";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "חסום דומיין %@?";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "בטל חסימת דומיין %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "בטל חסימת דומיין %@?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "מאומת %@";
"account.follow" = "עקוב";
"account.following" = "במעקב";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld במעקב";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "במעקב על ידי %@";
"account.follows-you" = "עוקב.ת אחריך";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "תמונת כותרת: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "הסתרת הדהודים";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "להסתיר הדהודים מאת %@?";
"account.joined-%@" = "הצטרף/ה %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "חשבון נעול";
"account.mute" = "השתקה";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "ללא תאריך סיום";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "להשתיק את %@?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "זה יסתיר הודעות שלהם והודעות שמאזכרות אותם, אבל עדיין יאפשר להם לראות הודעות שלך ולעקוב אחריך.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "להסתיר התראות מחשבון זה?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "משך זמן";
"" = "השתק את %@";
"account.muted" = "מושתק";
"account.notify" = "הפעל התראות";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "סרב לבקשת מעקב";
"account.request" = "בקשה";
"account.request.cancel" = "בטל בקשת מעקב";
"" = "פוסטים";
"account.statuses.toot" = "חיצרוצים";
"" = "פוסטים ותגובות";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "חיצרוצים ותגובות";
"" = "מדיה";
"" = "הצגת הידהודים";
"" = "להציג הדהודים מאת %@?";
"account.unavailable" = "פרופיל לא זמין";
"account.unblock" = "שחרור חסימה";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "לשחרר חסימה עבור %@?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "להפסיק לעקוב אחרי %@?";
"account.unmute" = "ביטול השתקה";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "להפסיק השתקה של %@?";
"account.unnotify" = "השבתת התראות";
"" = "פתיחה בדפדפן";
"add" = "הוספה";
"announcement.insert-emoji" = "הכנס אימוג'י";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "לא ניתן למשוך סטטוס מרחוק";
"apns-default-message" = "התראה חדשה";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "ברוטליסטי";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "ברוטליסטי קשת";
"app-icon.classic" = "קלאסי";
"app-icon.malow" = "חלמית";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "קשת";
"add-identity.get-started" = "להתחיל";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "כתובת השרת";
"add-identity.log-in" = "התחברות";
"add-identity.browse" = "דיפדוף";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "כדי לאפשר חויה בטוחה לכל המשתמשים, ובכדי לעמוד בדרישות חנות האפליקציות, שרת זה לא נתמך.";
"add-identity.join" = "הצטרפות";
"add-identity.prompt" = "יש להקליד את כתובת שרת המסטודון שברצונך להתחבר אליו:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "בקשת הזמנה";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "לא ניתן להתחבר לשרת";
"add-identity.welcome" = "ברוכים הבאים ל Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "מה זה מסטודון?";
"attachment.edit.description" = "הסבר עבור קשי ראיה";
"" = "הסבר עבור לקויי שמיעה";
"" = "הסבר עבור לקויי שמיעה או לקויי ראייה";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "זיהוי טקסט מתמונה";
"attachment.edit.title" = "עריכת מדיה";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "על מנת לבחור את נקודת המוקד שתיראה תמיד בכל התמונות הממוזערות, יש להקליק או לגרור את המעגל על גבי התצוגה המקדימה";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "תוכן רגיש";
"" = "מדיה הוסתרה";
"attachment.type.image" = "תמונה";
"" = "קובץ שמע";
"" = "וידאו";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "קובץ מצורף";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "לא ניתן לייצא מדיה";
"bookmarks" = "סימניות";
"" = "קישור";
"camera-access.title" = "נדרשת גישה למצלמה";
"camera-access.description" = "כדי לאפשר גישה למצלמה יש לגשת להגדרות המערכת";
"" = "פתח.י את הגדרות המערכת";
"cancel" = "ביטול";
"" = "הוספת פוסט";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "הוספת חיצרוץ";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "ביטול העלאת קובץ מצורף";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "עריכת קובץ מצורף";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "הסרת קובץ מצורף";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "ללא כתובית";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "מעלה";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "צירוף קובץ";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "קבצים מצורפים ימחקו בעת שינוי חשבון";
"compose.browse" = "דיפדוף";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "%ld תווים נותרו";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "לפרסום מחשבון אחר";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "הוספת אזהרת תוכן";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "הסרת אזהרת תוכן";
"compose.emoji-button" = "בחירת אימוג'י";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "סימון כרגיש";
"" = "ספריית תמונות";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "בחירות מרובות מותרות";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "הוספת אפשרות";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "לאפשר בחירות מרובות";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "הוספת סקר";
"compose.prompt" = "על מה את.ה חושב.ת ?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "צילום תמונה או סרטון";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "פרטיות: %@";
"" = "ניסוח פוסט";
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "ניסוח חצרוץ";
"conversation.unread" = "לא נקראו";
"dismiss" = "התעלמות";
"emoji.custom" = "מותאם אישית";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "ברירת מחדל צבע עור";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "בחירת צבע עור כברירת מחדל";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "בשימוש שכיח";
"" = "חיפוש אימוג'י";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "סמיילים ורגשות";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "אנשים וחלקי גוף";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "רכיבים";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "חיות וטבע";
"" = "אוכל ושתייה";
"" = "נסיעות ומקומות";
"emoji.system-group.activites" = "פעילויות";
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "חפצים";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "סמלים";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "דגלים";
"explore.trending" = "נושאים חמים";
"explore.instance" = "שרת";
"explore.profile-directory" = "ספריית פרופילים";
"error" = "שגיאה";
"favorites" = "מועדפים";
"follow-requests" = "בקשות מעקב";
"" = "יש לקרוא את תנאי השימוש ומדיניות הפרטיות של %@ כדי להמשיך";
"registration.username" = "שם משתמש.ת";
"" = "דוא\"ל";
"registration.password" = "סיסמה";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "אימות סיסמא";
"registration.reason-%@" = "למה את.ה מעוניינ.ת להצטרף ל %@?";
"registration.server-rules" = "חוקי השרת";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "תנאי השימוש";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "אני מסכימ.ה לחוקי השרת ולתנאי השימוש";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "הסיסמה ואימות הסיסמה אינם תואמים";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "אודות יישום זה";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "הגדרות חשבון";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "חשבונות";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "עריכת פרופיל";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "רשימות";
"" = "הפרופיל שלי";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "העדפות";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "תפריט חשבון";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "HTTP Error: Non-HTTP response";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "HTTP Error: %ld";
"identities.accounts" = "חשבונות";
"identities.browsing" = "דיפדוף";
"identities.log-out" = "התנתקות";
"identities.pending" = "בהמתנה";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "לא ניתן לטעון את התמונה";
"" = "כותרת הרשימה החדשה";
"load-more" = "טעינת פוסטים נוספים";
"" = "טעינה מהפוסט שלמעלה";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "טעינה מהחיצרוץ שלמעלה";
"" = "טעינה מהפוסט שלמטה";
"load-more.below.accessibility.toot" = "טעינה מהחיצרוץ שלמטה";
"main-navigation.announcements" = "הכרזות";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "פידים";
"main-navigation.explore" = "דיפדוף";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "התראות";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "הודעות";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "הצגת פרופיל";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "מחובר/ת בתור %@";
"" = "התראות חדשות";
"notification.poll" = "סקר שהצבעת בו הסתיים";
"notification.poll.own" = "הסקר שלך הסתיים";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "סקר הסתיים";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ חיצרצ.ה עכשיו";
"notifications.all" = "הכל";
"notifications.mentions" = "איזכורים";
"ok" = "אישור";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "החשבון שלך ממתין לאישור";
"post" = "פרסום";
"preferences" = "העדפות";
"" = "העדפות אפליקציה";
"" = "סמל אפליקציה";
"" = "נראות";
"" = "כהה";
"" = "בהיר";
"" = "מערכת";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "שרתים חסומים";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "משתמשים חסומים";
"" = "מדיה";
"" = "תמונת פרופיל";
"" = "תמונת פרופיל מונפשת";
"" = "בכל מקום";
"" = "בפרופילים";
"" = "אף פעם";
"" = "הנפשת אמוג'י מותאם אישית";
"" = "הנפשת תמונת כותרת";
"" = "ניגון אוטומטי";
"" = "ניגון ג'יפים באופן אוטומטי";
"" = "ניגון וידיאו באופן אוטומטי";
"" = "תמיד";
"" = "ע\"ג Wi-Fi";
"" = "אף פעם";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "השתמש בהעדפות מהשרת";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "נראות ברירת מחדל";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "סמן תוכן כרגיש כברירת מחדל";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "הרחב מדיה";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "הסתר תוכן רגיש";
"" = "הצג הכל";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "הסתר הכל";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "תמיד להרחיב אזהרות תוכן";
"preferences.filters" = "מסננים";
"" = "פתיחת קישורים בדפדפן";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "פתיחת קישורים באפליקציות כאשר רלוונטי";
"preferences.notification-types" = "סוגי התראות";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "עקוב";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "מועדף";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "בקשת מעקב";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "הידהוד";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "איזכור";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "סקר";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "מינוי";
"preferences.notifications" = "התראות";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "כולל שם משתמש";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "כולל תמונות";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "צלילים";
"preferences.muted-users" = "חשבונות מושתקים";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "מצב פיד הבית בהפעלת האפליקציה";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "מצב פיד ההתראות בהפעלת האפליקציה";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "זכור מיקום";
"preferences.position.newest" = "טעינת החדשים ביותר";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "דרוש לחיצה כפולה כדי להדהד";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "דרוש לחיצה כפולה כדי להדהד";
"" = "הצג מספר הדהודים וחיבובים";
"preferences.status-word" = "מילת סטטוס";
"" = "פעיל";
"filters.expired" = "פג תוקף";
"filter.add-new" = "הוספת מסנן חדש";
"filter.edit" = "עריכת מסנן";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "מילת מפתח או ביטוי";
"filter.never-expires" = "ללא תאריך תפוגה";
"filter.expire-after" = "פג לאחר";
"filter.contexts" = "סינון לפי הקשר";
"filter.irreversible" = "הסרה במקום הסתרה";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "הודעות מסוננות יעלמו באופן בלתי הפיך, אפילו אם מאוחר יותר יוסר המסנן";
"filter.whole-word" = "מילה שלמה";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "אם מילת מפתח או ביטוי הם אלפאנומריים בלבד, הם יופעלו רק אם נמצאה התאמה למילה שלמה";
"" = "שמירת שינויים";
"filter.context.home" = "פיד הבית";
"filter.context.notifications" = "התראות";
"filter.context.public" = "פידים פומביים";
"filter.context.thread" = "שיחות";
"filter.context.account" = "פרופילים";
"filter.context.unknown" = "הקשר לא ידוע";
"more-results.accounts" = "אנשים נוספים";
"" = "פוסטים נוספים";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "חיצרוצים נוספים";
"more-results.tags" = "עוד תגיות";
"notifications" = "התראות";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "הסטטוס שלך הודהד על ידי %@";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "הסטטוס שלך חובב על ידי %@";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ עוקב.ת אחריך";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "סקר שהצבעת בו הסתיים";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "הסקר שלך הסתיים";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "התראה מ %@";
"remove" = "הסרה";
"report" = "דיווח";
"report.additional-comments" = "הערות נוספות";
"report.hint" = "הדיווח ישלח למנהלי הקהילה. ביכולתך להוסיף הסבר לסיבת הדיווח על חשבון זה כאן למטה:";
"" = "דיווח על %@";
"report.forward.hint" = "חשבון זה הוא משרת אחר. האם לשלוח בנוסף עותק אנונימי של הדיווח לשרת האחר?";
"report.forward-%@" = "העבר דיווח ל %@";
"" = "בחירת פוסטים נוספים לדיווח:";
"" = "בחירת חיצרוצים נוספים לדיווח:";
"search.scope.all" = "הכל";
"search.scope.accounts" = "א.נשים";
"" = "פוסטים";
"search.scope.statuses.toot" = "חיצרוצים";
"search.scope.tags" = "תגיות";
"selected" = "נבחר";
"send" = "שליחה";
"share" = "שיתוף";
"" = "לא נמצא חשבון";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "צפיה בפרופיל של כותב הפוסט";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "צפה בפרופיל המהדהד";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "חלק משרשור";
"status.bookmark" = "סימניה";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "א\"ת";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "אזהרת תוכן";
"status.delete" = "מחיקה";
"" = "האם ברצונך למחוק את הפוסט הזה?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "האם ברצונך למחוק חיצרוץ זה?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "מחיקה ועריכה מחדש";
"" = "למחוק ולהתחיל טיוטה חדשה? חיבובים והדהודים יאבדו, ותגובות להודעה המקורית ישארו יתומות.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "למחוק ולהתחיל טיוטה חדשה? חיבובים והדהודים יאבדו, ותגובות להודעה המקורית ישארו יתומות.";
"status.mute" = "השתקת שיחה";
"" = "פוסטים חדשים";
"" = "חיצרוצים חדשים";
"" = "הצמדה לפרופיל";
"" = "פוסט מוצמד";
"status.pinned.toot" = "חיצרוץ מוצמד";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "סקר";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "אופציה %ld";
"" = "הצבעה";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ נותר";
"status.poll.refresh" = "רענון";
"status.poll.closed" = "סגור";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ הידהד";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "תגובה";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "הידהוד";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "הסרת הידהוד";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "חיבוב";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "הסרת חיבוב";
"" = "הצג עוד";
"" = "להציג יותר מהכל";
"" = "הצג פחות";
"" = "להציג פחות מהכל";
"" = "הצג שרשור";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "כתיבת האזהרה שלך כאן";
"status.unbookmark" = "הסרת סימניה";
"status.unmute" = "ביטול השתקת שיחה";
"status.unpin" = "ביטול הצמדה לפרופיל";
"status.visibility.public" = "ציבורי";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "לא מפורסם";
"status.visibility.private" = "עוקבים בלבד";
"" = "ישיר";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "גלוי לכל ומפורסם בפיד הציבורי";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "גלוי לכל, אך לא מפורסם בפיד הציבורי";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "גלוי לעוקבים בלבד";
"" = "גלוי למשתמשים מאוזכרים בלבד";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "%ld שימושים אחרונים";
"" = "הצג פוסטים המשויכים לטרנד";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "הצג פוסטים המשויכים לטרנד";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld לפי שבוע";
"timelines.home" = "בית";
"timelines.local" = "מקומי";
"timelines.federated" = "בפדרציה";
"toot" = "חיצרוץ";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
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<string>%ld מדבר.ת</string>
<string>%ld א.נשים מדברים/ות</string>
<string>%ld א.נשים מדברים/ות</string>
<string>%ld א.נשים מדברים/ות</string>
<string>%ld איש.ה</string>
<string>%ld א.נשים</string>
<string>%ld א.נשים</string>
<string>%ld א.נשים</string>
<string>%ld הידהוד</string>
<string>%ld הידהודים</string>
<string>%ld הידהודים</string>
<string>%ld הידהודים</string>
<string>%ld חיבוב</string>
<string>%ld חיבובים</string>
<string>%ld חיבובים</string>
<string>%ld חיבובים</string>
<string>%ld תגובה</string>
<string>%ld תגובות</string>
<string>%ld תגובות</string>
<string>%ld תגובות</string>
<string>%ld פוסט</string>
<string>%ld תגובות</string>
<string>%ld תגובות</string>
<string>%ld פוסטים</string>
<string>%ld חיצרוץ</string>
<string>%ld חיצרוצים</string>
<string>%ld חיצרוצים</string>
<string>%ld חיצרוצים</string>
<string>%ld עוקב.ת</string>
<string>%ld עוקבים/ות</string>
<string>%ld עוקבים/ות</string>
<string>%ld עוקבים/ות</string>
<string>%ld תמונה</string>
<string>%ld תמונות</string>
<string>%ld תמונות</string>
<string>%ld תמונות</string>
<string>%ld קובץ שמע</string>
<string>%ld קבצי שמע</string>
<string>%ld קבצי שמע</string>
<string>%ld קבצי שמע</string>
<string>%ld קובץ וידיאו</string>
<string>%ld קבצי וידיאו</string>
<string>%ld קבצי וידיאו</string>
<string>%ld קבצי וידיאו</string>
<string>%ld קובץ מצורף</string>
<string>%ld קבצים מצורפים</string>
<string>%ld קבצים מצורפים</string>
<string>%ld קבצים מצורפים</string>

View File

@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "環境設定";
"" = "アプリ環境設定";
"" = "アプリアイコン";
"" = "Appearance";
"" = "Dark";
"" = "Light";
"" = "System";
"" = "外観モード";
"" = "ダーク";
"" = "ライト";
"" = "システム";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "ブロックしたドメイン";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "ブロックしたユーザー";
"" = "メディア";
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
"" = "アカウントが見つかりません";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "作者のプロフィールを見る";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "フーストした人のプロフィールを見る";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "Part of a thread";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "スレッドの一部";
"status.bookmark" = "ブックマーク";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "CW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "コンテンツの警告";

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"account.follow" = "팔로우";
"account.following" = "팔로잉";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld 팔로잉";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "%@ 님이 팔로우 중이에요!";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "%@ 님이 팔로우해요";
"account.follows-you" = "나를 팔로우 하고 있어요";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "헤더 이미지: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "부스트 숨기기";
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
"" = "미디어";
"" = "부스트 표시";
"" = "%@ 님의 부스트를 표시할까요?";
"account.unavailable" = "프로필이 존재하지 않아요";
"account.unavailable" = "존재하지 않는 프로필이에요";
"account.unblock" = "차단 해제";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "%@ 님을 차단 해제할까요?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "%@ 님을 언팔로우 할까요?";
@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
"app-icon.malow" = "마로우";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "레인보우";
"add-identity.get-started" = "시작하기";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "인스턴스 주소";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "인스턴스 URL";
"add-identity.log-in" = "로그인";
"add-identity.browse" = "검색";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "마스토돈의 모든 사용자에게 안전한 경험을 제공하고, App Store 심사 지침을 준수하기 위해 이 인스턴스는 지원되지 않아요.";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "모든 사용자에게 안전한 경험을 제공하고 App Store 심사 지침을 준수하기 위해 이 인스턴스를 지원하지 않습니다.";
"add-identity.join" = "가입";
"add-identity.prompt" = "연결하려는 마스토돈의 인스턴스 주소를 입력해 주세요:";
"add-identity.prompt" = "연결할 마스토돈 인스턴스의 URL을 입력하세요.";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "초대 요청";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "인스턴스에 연결할 수 없어요";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Metatext에 오신 것을 환영해요!";
@ -84,13 +84,13 @@
"attachment.edit.description" = "시각 장애인을 위한 설명";
"" = "난청이 있는 사용자를 위한 설명";
"" = "난청 또는 시각 장애인을 위한 설명";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "사진에서 텍스트 감지";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "이미지에서 텍스트 추출";
"attachment.edit.title" = "미디어 편집";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "미리 보기에서 원을 드래그해서 항상 표시될 부분을 선택해 주세요";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "표지로 사용될 부분을 설정하기 위해 미리 보기를 클릭하거나 드래그해 초점을 맞춰주세요";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "민감한 콘텐츠";
"" = "숨겨진 미디어";
"attachment.type.image" = "이미지";
"" = "음성 파일";
"" = "오디오 파일";
"" = "비디오";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "첨부 파일";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "미디어를 내보낼 수 없어요";
@ -112,15 +112,15 @@
"compose.browse" = "검색";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "%ld자 남음";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "다른 계정으로 게시하려면 탭 하세요";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "콘텐츠 경고 추가";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "콘텐츠 경고 제거";
"compose.emoji-button" = "모지 선택기";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "열람 주의 문구 추가";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "열람 주의 문구 삭제";
"compose.emoji-button" = "모지 선택기";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "민감한 미디어로 표시";
"" = "사진 라이브러리";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "복수 선택 허용";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "선택 항목 추가";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "복수 선택 허용";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "선택 추가";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "복수 선택 허용";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "설문 추가";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "투표 추가";
"compose.prompt" = "지금 무엇을 하고 있나요?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "사진 또는 비디오 촬영";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "공개 범위: %@";
@ -128,13 +128,13 @@
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "툿 작성";
"conversation.unread" = "읽지 않음";
"dismiss" = "삭제";
"emoji.custom" = "커스텀";
"emoji.custom" = "사용자화";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "기본 피부색";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "기본 피부색 선택";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "자주 사용되는 모지";
"" = "모지 검색";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "자주 사용되는 모지";
"" = "모지 검색";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "웃는 얼굴 및 이모티콘";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "사람";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "사람 및 신체";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "구성 요소";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "동물 및 자연";
"" = "음식 및 음료";
@ -143,27 +143,27 @@
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "사물";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "기호";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "깃발";
"explore.trending" = "지금 뜨고 있는 트렌드";
"explore.trending" = "실시간 트렌드";
"explore.instance" = "인스턴스";
"explore.profile-directory" = "프로필 둘러보기";
"error" = "오류";
"favorites" = "즐겨찾기";
"follow-requests" = "팔로우 요청";
"" = "계속하려면 %@의 이용 약관 및 개인정보처리방침을 확인해야 해요";
"" = "계속하려면 %@의 이용 약관 및 개인정보처리방침을 확인합니다";
"registration.username" = "유저 이름";
"" = "이메일";
"registration.password" = "비밀번호";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "비밀번호 확인";
"registration.reason-%@" = "%@에 가입하려는 이유는 무엇인가요?";
"registration.server-rules" = "서버 규칙";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "개인정보처리방침";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "서버 규칙 및 개인정보처리방침에 동의해요";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "서비스 이용약관";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "서버 규칙과 서비스 이용약관에 동의합니다";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "입력한 비밀번호가 일치하지 않아요";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "이 앱에 대해서";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "계정 설정";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "계정";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "프로필 편집";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "목록";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "리스트";
"" = "내 프로필";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "설정";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "계정 메뉴";
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
"identities.log-out" = "로그아웃";
"identities.pending" = "보류 중";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "이미지를 불러올 수 없어요";
"" = "새 목록 타이틀";
"" = "새 리스트 제목";
"load-more" = "더 보기";
"" = "위의 게시글에서 불러오기";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "위의 툿에서 불러오기";
@ -187,12 +187,12 @@
"main-navigation.conversations" = "메시지";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "프로필 보기";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "%@(으)로 로그인";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "%@ 계정으로 로그인함";
"" = "새 알림";
"notification.poll" = "투표한 설문이 종료되었어요";
"notification.poll.own" = "내 설문이 종료되었어요";
"notification.poll" = "내가 참여한 투표가 끝났습니다";
"notification.poll.own" = "내 투표가 끝났습니다";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "설문이 종료되었어요";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ 님이 방금 막 포스트 했어요";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ 님이 게시글을 올렸어요";
"notifications.all" = "모두";
"notifications.mentions" = "멘션";
"ok" = "확인";
@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "설정";
"" = "앱 설정";
"" = "앱 아이콘";
"" = "Appearance";
"" = "Dark";
"" = "Light";
"" = "System";
"" = "화면 스타일";
"" = "다크 모드";
"" = "라이트 모드";
"" = "기기 설정을 따름";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "차단된 도메인";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "차단된 사용자";
"" = "미디어";
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
"" = "항상";
"" = "프로필을 볼 때만";
"" = "안 함";
"" = "움직이는 커스텀 모지";
"" = "움직이는 커스텀 모지";
"" = "움직이는 프로필 헤더";
"" = "자동 재생";
"" = "GIF 자동 재생";
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
"" = "안 함";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "서버의 기본 설정 사용";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "기본 공개 범위";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "민감한 미디어로 기본 설정";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "민감한 콘텐츠로 기본 설정";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "미디어 표시";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "민감한 미디어 숨기기";
"" = "모두 보기";
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "팔로우 요청";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "부스트";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "멘션";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "설문";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "새 글 알림";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "투표";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "구독";
"preferences.notifications" = "알림";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "계정 이름 포함";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "이미지 포함";
@ -247,14 +247,14 @@
"preferences.muted-users" = "뮤트된 사용자";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "앱을 실행할 때 타임라인 위치";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "앱을 실행할 때 알림 위치";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "현재 위치 기억";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "위치 기억하기";
"preferences.position.newest" = "최신 항목 불러오기";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "두 번 탭 해서 부스트";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "두 번 탭 해서 즐겨찾기";
"" = "부스트 및 즐겨찾기 수 표시";
"preferences.status-word" = "상태를 나타내는 말";
"" = "활성화";
"filters.expired" = "만료된 필터";
"filters.expired" = "만료";
"filter.add-new" = "새 필터 추가";
"filter.edit" = "필터 편집";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "키워드 또는 문구";
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
"filter.expire-after" = "만료 기한";
"filter.contexts" = "필터 적용 대상";
"filter.irreversible" = "숨기는 대신 삭제";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "필터링 된 툿은 나중에 필터를 제거해도 돌아오지 않아요";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "필터링 된 게시물은 나중에 필터를 제거해도 돌아오지 않게 됩니다";
"filter.whole-word" = "단어 전체에 매칭";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "키워드 또는 문구가 영문과 숫자로만 이루어졌다면, 단어 전체가 일치할 때에만 작동해요";
"" = "변경 사항 저장";
@ -272,26 +272,26 @@
"filter.context.thread" = "대화";
"filter.context.account" = "프로필";
"filter.context.unknown" = "알 수 없는 컨텍스트";
"more-results.accounts" = "더 많은 유저 표시";
"" = "게시글 더 보기";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "툿 더 보기";
"more-results.tags" = "해시 태그 보기";
"more-results.accounts" = "더 많은 사용자 보기";
"" = "더 많은 게시물 보기";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "더 많은 툿 보기";
"more-results.tags" = "더 많은 해시태그 보기";
"notifications" = "알림";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ 님이 부스트 했어요";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ 님이 즐겨찾기 했어요";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ 님이 나를 팔로우하고 있어요!";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ 님이 나를 팔로우 합니다";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "투표한 설문이 종료되었어요";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "내 설문이 종료되었어요";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "%@ 님이 보낸 알림이 도착했어요";
"remove" = "제거";
"report" = "신고";
"report.additional-comments" = "답글 추가";
"report.hint" = "신고 내용은 서버 중재자에게 전송돼요. 아래에 신고 사유를 입력해주세요:";
"report.hint" = "신고 내용은 나의 서버 중재자에게 전송됩니다. 아래에 신고 사유를 입력할 수 있어요.";
"" = "%@ 님 신고하기";
"report.forward.hint" = "이 계정은 다른 서버에 소속되어 있어요. 신고 내용을 익명으로 전송할까요?";
"report.forward.hint" = "이 계정은 다른 서버 소속입니다. 해당 서버에 익명으로 신고 내용을 전송할까요?";
"report.forward-%@" = "%@ 에 전달";
"" = "신고할 게시글 추가";
"" = "신고할 툿 추가:";
"" = "신고할 툿 추가";
"search.scope.all" = "모두";
"search.scope.accounts" = "유저";
"" = "게시글";
@ -308,21 +308,21 @@
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "CW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "콘텐츠 경고";
"status.delete" = "삭제";
"" = "정말 이 게시글을 삭제하시겠어요?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "정말 이 툿을 삭제해도 될까요?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "지우고 다시 쓰기";
"" = "게시글을 지우고 다시 작성하면 이전에 받은 부스트와 즐겨찾기는 삭제되고 답글은 분리돼요. 그래도 진행할까요?";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "툿을 지우고 다시 작성하면 이전에 받은 부스트와 즐겨찾기는 삭제되고 답글은 분리돼요. 그래도 진행할까요?";
"" = "이 게시글을 삭제할까요?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "이 툿을 삭제할까요?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "삭제하고 다시 쓰기";
"" = "게시글을 삭제하고 다시 쓰면 즐겨찾기와 부스트가 삭제되고 답글이 분리됩니다. 그래도 진행할까요?";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "툿을 삭제하고 다시 쓰면 즐겨찾기와 부스트가 삭제되고 답글이 분리됩니다. 그래도 진행할까요?";
"status.mute" = "대화 뮤트";
"" = "새로운이 있어요!";
"" = "새 게시글";
"" = "새 툿이 있어요!";
"" = "프로필에 고정하기";
"" = "프로필에 고정";
"" = "고정된 게시글";
"status.pinned.toot" = "고정된 툿";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "설문";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "옵션 %ld";
"" = "투표";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ 남음";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "나머지 %@";
"status.poll.refresh" = "다시 불러오기";
"status.poll.closed" = "마감됨";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ 님이 부스트 했어요";
@ -330,19 +330,19 @@
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "부스트 하기";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "부스트 취소";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "즐겨찾기 등록";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "즐겨찾기 제";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "즐겨찾기에서";
"" = "펼치기";
"" = "모든 항목 펼치기";
"" = "모 펼치기";
"" = "접기";
"" = "모든 항목 접기";
"" = "스레드 보기";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "경고 문구는 여기에 작성해요";
"status.unbookmark" = "북마크 제";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "여기에 주의사항을 적어주세요";
"status.unbookmark" = "북마크에서";
"status.unmute" = "대화 뮤트 해제";
"status.unpin" = "프로필에서 고정 해제";
"status.visibility.public" = "공개";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "타임라인에 비표시";
"status.visibility.private" = "비공개";
"status.visibility.private" = "팔로워만";
"" = "다이렉트";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "누구나 볼 수 있고, 연합 타임라인에 표시돼요";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "누구나 볼 수 있지만, 연합 타임라인에는 표시되지 않아요";
@ -355,4 +355,4 @@
"timelines.home" = "홈";
"timelines.local" = "로컬";
"timelines.federated" = "연합";
"toot" = "툿!";
"toot" = "툿";

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<string>%ld님이 입력하고 있어요</string>
<string>%ld명이 말하고 있어요</string>
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
<string>%ld개의 답글</string>
<string>%ld 답글</string>
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
<string>%ld개의 게시글</string>
<string>%ld 게시글</string>
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
<string>%ld개의 툿</string>
<string>%ld 툿</string>

View File

@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "Właściwości";
"" = "Ustawienia aplikacji";
"" = "Ikona aplikacji";
"" = "Appearance";
"" = "Dark";
"" = "Light";
"" = "System";
"" = "Motyw";
"" = "Ciemny";
"" = "Jasny";
"" = "Systemowy";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Zablokowane domeny";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Zablokowane profile";
"" = "Media";
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "Opcja %ld";
"" = "Głosuj";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ zostało";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Odświerz";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Odśwież";
"status.poll.closed" = "Zakończona";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ podbił/a";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Odpowiedz";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
"about" = "Sobre";
"about.acknowledgments" = "Licenças";
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "Feito por Metabolist";
"about.official-account" = "Conta Oficial";
"about.rate-the-app" = "Avalie o app";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Código fonte & rastreador de bugs";
"about.translations" = "Traduções";
"" = "Site";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "Link: %@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "Copiar texto";
"account.%@-followers" = "Seguidores de %@";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Aceitar solicitação para seguir";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "Adicionar/remover de listas";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "Avatar: %@";
"account.block" = "Bloquear";
"account.block-and-report" = "Bloquear e reportar";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "Bloquear %@?";
"account.blocked" = "Bloqueado";
"" = "Mensagem direta";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "Bloquear domínio %@";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "Bloquear domínio %@?";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Desbloquear domínio %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "Desbloquear domínio %@?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "Verificado %@";
"account.follow" = "Seguir";
"account.following" = "Seguindo";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld Seguindo";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Seguido por %@";
"account.follows-you" = "Segue você";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Cabeçalho: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Esconder boosts";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Esconder boosts de %@?";
"account.joined-%@" = "Entrou em %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Conta privada";
"account.mute" = "Silenciar";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Indefinido";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "Tem certeza de que deseja silenciar %@?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Isso esconderá posts deste usuário e posts mencionando este usuário, mas ele ainda poderá ver seus posts e seguir você.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "Esconder notificações deste usuário?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Duração";
"" = "Silenciar %@";
"account.muted" = "Silenciado";
"account.notify" = "Ativar notificações";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Rejeitar solicitação para seguir";
"account.request" = "Solicitar";
"account.request.cancel" = "Cancelar solicitação para seguir";
"" = "Posts";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Toots";
"" = "Posts e Respostas";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "Toots e Respostas";
"" = "Mídia";
"" = "Mostrar boosts";
"" = "Mostrar boosts de %@?";
"account.unavailable" = "Perfil indisponível";
"account.unblock" = "Desbloquear";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "Desbloquear %@?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "Parar de seguir %@?";
"account.unmute" = "Desativar silêncio";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "Desativar silêncio de %@?";
"account.unnotify" = "Desativar notificações";
"" = "Abrir no navegador padrão";
"add" = "Adicionar";
"announcement.insert-emoji" = "Inserir emoji";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "Unable to fetch remote status";
"apns-default-message" = "Nova notificação";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "Brutalista";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Brutalista Arco-íris";
"app-icon.classic" = "Clássico";
"app-icon.malow" = "Malow";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "Arco-íris";
"add-identity.get-started" = "Introdução";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "URL da Instância";
"add-identity.log-in" = "Efetuar sessão";
"add-identity.browse" = "Navegar";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "A fim de fornecer uma experiência segura para todos os usuários e cumprir as Diretrizes de Revisão da App Store, essa instância não é suportada.";
"add-identity.join" = "Inscreva-se";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Digite a URL da instância do Mastodon que você quer se conectar:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "Solicitar um convite";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Não foi possível conectar à instância";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Bem-vindo ao Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "O que é Mastodon?";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Escrever texto alternativo";
"" = "Escrever audiodescrição";
"" = "Escrever audiodescrição ou texto alternativo";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "Detectar texto da imagem";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Editar mídia";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Desenhe um círculo na pré-visualização pra selecionar o ponto focal das miniaturas";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Conteúdo sensível";
"" = "Mídia oculta";
"attachment.type.image" = "Imagem";
"" = "Arquivo de áudio";
"" = "Vídeo";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "Anexo";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "Não foi possível exportar a mídia";
"bookmarks" = "Marcadores";
"" = "Link";
"camera-access.title" = "Acesso à câmera necessário";
"camera-access.description" = "Abra as configurações do sistema para permitir o acesso à câmera";
"" = "Abrir configurações do sistema";
"cancel" = "Cancelar";
"" = "Adicionar outro post";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Adicionar outro toot";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "Cancelar carregamento de anexo";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "Editar anexo";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "Remover anexo";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "Sem descrição";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "Carregando";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "Adicionar anexo";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "Anexos serão descartados ao trocar de conta";
"compose.browse" = "Navegar";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "%ld caracteres restantes";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "Toque para publicar com uma conta diferente";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "Adicionar alerta de conteúdo";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "Remover alerta de conteúdo";
"compose.emoji-button" = "Seletor de emoji";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Marcar mídia como sensível";
"" = "Fototeca";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "Múltipla escolha permitida";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "Adicionar uma escolha";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "Permitir múltipla escolha";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "Adicionar enquete";
"compose.prompt" = "O que você está pensando?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "Tire Foto ou Vídeo";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "Privacidade: %@";
"" = "Escrever Post";
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "Escrever Toot";
"conversation.unread" = "Não lido";
"dismiss" = "Dispensar";
"emoji.custom" = "Personalizado";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "Tom de pele padrão";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "Definir tom de pele padrão";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "Usados frequentemente";
"" = "Pesquisar Emoji";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "Sorrisos e Emoções";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "Pessoas";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "Componentes";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "Animais e Natureza";
"" = "Comidas e Bebidas";
"" = "Viagens e Lugares";
"emoji.system-group.activites" = "Atividades";
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "Objetos";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "Símbolos";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "Bandeiras";
"explore.trending" = "Tendências";
"explore.instance" = "Instância";
"explore.profile-directory" = "Diretório de Perfis";
"error" = "Erro";
"favorites" = "Favoritos";
"follow-requests" = "Solicitações para Seguir";
"" = "Por favor revise os Termos de Uso e Políticas de Privacidade de %@ para continuar";
"registration.username" = "Nome de Usuário";
"" = "E-mail";
"registration.password" = "Senha";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "Confirme a senha";
"registration.reason-%@" = "Por que você quer se juntar a %@?";
"registration.server-rules" = "Regras do servidor";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "Temos de serviço";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "Eu concordo com as regras do servidor e termos de serviço";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "Senha e confirmação de senha não conferem";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "Sobre este app";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Definições da Conta";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "Contas";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "Editar Perfil";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "Listas";
"" = "Meu Perfil";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "Preferências";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "Menu da Conta";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "HTTP Error: Non-HTTP response";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "HTTP Error: %ld";
"identities.accounts" = "Contas";
"identities.browsing" = "Navegação";
"identities.log-out" = "Sair";
"identities.pending" = "Pendente";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "Não foi possível carregar a imagem";
"" = "Título de Lista Nova";
"load-more" = "Carregar Mais";
"" = "Carregar do post acima";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "Carregar do toot acima";
"" = "Carregar do post abaixo";
"load-more.below.accessibility.toot" = "Carregar do toot abaixo";
"main-navigation.announcements" = "Anúncios";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "Linhas do tempo";
"main-navigation.explore" = "Explorar";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "Notificações";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "Mensagens";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "Ver perfil";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "Conectado como %@";
"" = "Novas notificações";
"notification.poll" = "Uma enquete que você votou terminou";
"notification.poll.own" = "Sua enquete terminou";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "Uma enquete terminou";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ acabou de postar";
"notifications.all" = "Tudo";
"notifications.mentions" = "Menções";
"ok" = "OK";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Sua conta está com a confirmação pendente";
"post" = "Post";
"preferences" = "Preferências";
"" = "Preferências do App";
"" = "Ícone do App";
"" = "Aparência";
"" = "Escuro";
"" = "Claro";
"" = "Sistema";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Domínios Bloqueados";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Usuários Bloqueados";
"" = "Mídia";
"" = "Avatares";
"" = "Avatares animados";
"" = "Em todo lugar";
"" = "Em perfis";
"" = "Nunca";
"" = "Animar emoji personalizados";
"" = "Animar capas de perfil";
"" = "Reprodução automática";
"" = "Reproduzir GIFs automaticamente";
"" = "Reproduzir vídeos automaticamente";
"" = "Sempre";
"" = "No Wi-Fi";
"" = "Nunca";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "Usar preferências do servidor";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "Visibilidade padrão";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "Marcar conteúdo como sensível por padrão";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "Expandir mídia";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Ocultar sensível";
"" = "Mostrar tudo";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Ocultar tudo";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Sempre expandir alertas de conteúdo";
"preferences.filters" = "Filtros";
"" = "Abrir links no navegador padrão";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Abrir links em outros aplicativos quando disponível";
"preferences.notification-types" = "Tipos de Notificação";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "Seguir";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Favorito";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Solicitação para Seguir";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Reblogar";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Menção";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Enquete";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Inscrição";
"preferences.notifications" = "Notificações";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Incluir nome da conta";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Incluir imagens";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "Sons";
"preferences.muted-users" = "Usuários Silenciados";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "Posição inicial da linha do tempo ao iniciar";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "Posição das notificações ao iniciar";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "Lembrar posição";
"preferences.position.newest" = "Carregar mais recentes";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Exigir toque duplo para republicar";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Solicitar toque duplo para favoritar";
"" = "Mostrar contagem de boosts e favoritos";
"preferences.status-word" = "Estado da palavra";
"" = "Ativo";
"filters.expired" = "Expirados";
"filter.add-new" = "Adicionar Novo Filtro";
"filter.edit" = "Editar Filtro";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "Palavra-chave ou frase";
"filter.never-expires" = "Nunca expira";
"filter.expire-after" = "Expira após";
"filter.contexts" = "Filtrar contextos";
"filter.irreversible" = "Apagar em vez de ocultar";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "As publicações filtradas desaparecerão irreversivelmente, mesmo se o filtro for removido depois";
"filter.whole-word" = "Palavra inteira";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "Quando a palavra-chave ou frase for apenas alfanumérica, ela será aplicada apenas se corresponder a palavra inteira";
"" = "Salvar Alterações";
"filter.context.home" = "Página inicial";
"filter.context.notifications" = "Notificações";
"filter.context.public" = "Linhas do tempo públicas";
"filter.context.thread" = "Conversas";
"filter.context.account" = "Perfis";
"filter.context.unknown" = "Contexto desconhecido";
"more-results.accounts" = "Mais pessoas";
"" = "Mais publicações";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "Mais publicações";
"more-results.tags" = "Mais marcadores";
"notifications" = "Notificações";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ impulsionou seu status";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ marcou seu status como favorito";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ seguiu você";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Uma enquete que você votou foi encerrada";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Sua enquete foi encerrada";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Notificação de %@";
"remove" = "Remover";
"report" = "Denunciar";
"report.additional-comments" = "Comentários adicionais";
"report.hint" = "A denúncia será enviada aos moderadores da sua instância. Você pode fornecer uma explicação do motivo da denúncia à conta a seguir:";
"" = "Denunciar %@";
"report.forward.hint" = "A conta é de outro servidor. Enviar uma cópia anônima do relatório para lá também?";
"report.forward-%@" = "Encaminhar denúncia para %@";
"" = "Selecionar publicações adicionais para denunciar:";
"" = "Selecionar publicações adicionais para denunciar:";
"search.scope.all" = "Tudo";
"search.scope.accounts" = "Pessoas";
"" = "Publicações";
"search.scope.statuses.toot" = "Publicações";
"search.scope.tags" = "Marcadores";
"selected" = "Selecionado";
"send" = "Enviar";
"share" = "Compartilhar";
"" = "Nenhuma conta encontrada";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "Ver perfil do autor";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "Ver perfil do autor do boost";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "Parte de um tópico";
"status.bookmark" = "Marcador";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "AC";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "Alerta de conteúdo";
"status.delete" = "Apagar";
"" = "Você tem certeza de que quer apagar esse post?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "Você tem certeza de que quer apagar esse toot?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "Apagar e rascunhar";
"" = "Você tem certeza de que quer apagar esse post e rascunhá-lo? Favoritos e boosts serão perdidos, respostas ao post original serão desvinculadas.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Você tem certeza de que quer apagar esse toot e rascunhá-lo? Favoritos e boosts serão perdidos, respostas ao toot original serão desvinculadas.";
"status.mute" = "Silenciar conversa";
"" = "Novos posts";
"" = "Novos toots";
"" = "Afixar no perfil";
"" = "Post afixado";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Publicação fixa";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "Enquete";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "Opção %ld";
"" = "Votar";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ restantes";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Atualizar";
"status.poll.closed" = "Fechado";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ otimizado";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Responder";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "Boost";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Unboost";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "Favorito";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Remover favorito";
"" = "Mostrar Mais";
"" = "Mostrar mais para todos";
"" = "Mostrar menos";
"" = "Mostrar menos para todos";
"" = "Show thread";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "Write your warning here";
"status.unbookmark" = "Unbookmark";
"status.unmute" = "Unmute conversation";
"status.unpin" = "Unpin from profile";
"status.visibility.public" = "Público";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Não listado";
"status.visibility.private" = "Somente seguidores";
"" = "Direct";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "Visível para todos, mostrado em linhas do tempo públicas";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "Visível para todos, mas não em linhas do tempo públicas";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Visível somente para seguidores";
"" = "Visível somente para usuários mencionados";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "%ld recent uses";
"" = "View posts associated with trend";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "View toots associated with trend";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld por semana";
"timelines.home" = "Início";
"timelines.local" = "Localização";
"timelines.federated" = "Federated";
"toot" = "Toot";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>%ld pessoa conversando</string>
<string>%ld pessoas conversando</string>
<string>%ld pessoa</string>
<string>%ld pessoas</string>
<string>%ld Impulso</string>
<string>%ld Impulsos</string>
<string>%ld Favorito</string>
<string>%ld Favoritos</string>
<string>%ld Resposta</string>
<string>%ld Respostas</string>
<string>%ld Post</string>
<string>%ld Publicações</string>
<string>%ld Toot</string>
<string>%ld Publicações</string>
<string>%ld Seguidor</string>
<string>%ld Seguidor</string>
<string>%ld imagem</string>
<string>%ld imagens</string>
<string>%ld arquivo de áudio</string>
<string>%ld arquivos de áudio</string>
<string>%ld arquivo de vídeo</string>
<string>%ld arquivos de vídeo</string>
<string>%ld anexo</string>
<string>%ld anexos</string>

View File

@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"account.following" = "Подписки";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld подписан";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Подписаны %@";
"account.follows-you" = "Подписан(-а) на вас";
"account.follows-you" = "Подписался(-ась) на вас";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Изображение заголовка: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Скрыть продвижения";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Скрыть продвижения от %@?";
"account.joined-%@" = "В сети с %@";
"account.joined-%@" = "Присоединился(ась) %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Закрытый аккаунт";
"account.mute" = "Игнорировать";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Бессрочный";
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"account.request" = "Запрос";
"account.request.cancel" = "Отменить запрос на подписку";
"" = "Посты";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Туты";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Посты";
"" = "Посты и ответы";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "Туты и ответы";
"" = "Медиафайлы";
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "Обнаружить текст на изображении";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Редактировать медиафайлы";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Для установки точки фокусировки во всех миниатюрах, переместите круг в области предварительного просмотра";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Деликатный контент";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Чувствительный контент";
"" = "Медиафайлы скрыты";
"attachment.type.image" = "Изображение";
"" = "Аудиозапись";
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "Добавить предупреждение о деликатном содержимом";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "Удалить предупреждение о деликатном содержимом";
"compose.emoji-button" = "Выбор эмодзи";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Пометить медиафайлы как деликатные";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Пометить медиафайлы как чувствительные";
"" = "Медиатека Фото";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "Разрешить выбор нескольких вариантов";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "Добавить вариант";
@ -219,13 +219,13 @@
"" = "Автовоспроизведение GIF";
"" = "Автовоспроизведение видео";
"" = "Всегда";
"" = "При Wi-Fi подключении";
"" = "При подключении Wi-Fi";
"" = "Никогда";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "Использовать настройки сервера";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "Видимость по умолчанию";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "Помечать контент деликатным по умолчанию";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "Развернуть медиафайлы";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Скрыть деликатные";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Скрыть чувствительные";
"" = "Показать всё";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Скрыть всё";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Всегда показывать деликатный контент";
@ -278,13 +278,13 @@
"more-results.tags" = "Больше хештегов";
"notifications" = "Уведомления";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ продвинул(-а) ваш статус";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ добавил(-а) ваш статус в избранное";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ подписался(-ась) на вас";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ добавил ваш статус в избранное";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ подписался на вас";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Опрос, в котором вы проголосовали, завершён";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Ваш опрос завершён";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Уведомление от %@";
"remove" = "Удалить";
"report" = "Пожаловаться";
"report" = "Жалоба";
"report.additional-comments" = "Дополнительный комментарий";
"report.hint" = "Отчёт будет отправлен модераторам вашего сервера. Вы можете объяснить, почему вы сообщаете об этом ниже:";
"" = "Пожаловаться на %@";
@ -312,10 +312,10 @@
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот тут?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "Удалить и переписать";
"" = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот пост и переписать его? Добавления в избранное и продвижения будут утеряны, а ответы на оригинальную запись осиротеют.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот тут и переписать его? Добавления в избранное и продвижения будут утеряны, а ответы на оригинальную запись осиротеют.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот пост и переписать его? Добавления в избранное и продвижения будут утеряны, а ответы на оригинальную запись осиротеют.";
"status.mute" = "Заглушить диалог";
"" = "Новые записи";
"" = "Новые туты";
"" = "Новые записи";
"" = "Закрепить в профиле";
"" = "Закреплённый пост";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Закреплённый тут";
@ -355,4 +355,4 @@
"timelines.home" = "Главная";
"timelines.local" = "Локальная";
"timelines.federated" = "Глобальная";
"toot" = "Тут";
"toot" = "Отправить";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
"about" = "Om";
"about.acknowledgments" = "Erkännanden";
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "Tillverkad av Metabolist";
"about.official-account" = "Officiellt konto";
"about.rate-the-app" = "Betygsätt appen";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Källkod och ärendehanterare";
"about.translations" = "Översättningar";
"" = "Hemsida";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "Länk: %@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "Kopiera text";
"account.%@-followers" = "%@s Följare";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Acceptera följarförfrågan";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "Lägg till eller ta bort från listor";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "Profilbild: %@";
"account.block" = "Blockera";
"account.block-and-report" = "Blockera & rapportera";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "Blockera %@?";
"account.blocked" = "Blockerad";
"" = "Direktmeddelande";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "Blockera domän %@";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "Blockera domän %@?";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Avblockera domän %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "Avblockera domän %@?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "Verifierad %@";
"account.follow" = "Följ";
"account.following" = "Följer";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld Följer";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Följs av %@";
"account.follows-you" = "Följer dig";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Sidhuvudsbild: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Dölj boosts";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Dölj boosts från %@?";
"account.joined-%@" = "Gick med %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Låst konto";
"account.mute" = "Tysta";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Permanent";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "Är du säker på att du vill tysta %@?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Detta kommer att dölja inlägg från dem och inlägg som nämner dem, men det kommer fortfarande att tillåta dem att se dina inlägg och följa dig.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "Dölj aviseringar från den här användaren?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Varaktighet";
"" = "Tysta %@";
"account.muted" = "Tystad";
"account.notify" = "Slå på aviseringar";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Avböj följarförfrågan";
"account.request" = "Begära att följa";
"account.request.cancel" = "Avbryt följarförfrågan";
"" = "Inlägg";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Toots";
"" = "Inlägg och svar";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "Toots och svar";
"" = "Media";
"" = "Visa boosts";
"" = "Visa boosts från %@?";
"account.unavailable" = "Profil ej tillgänglig";
"account.unblock" = "Avblockera";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "Avblockera %@?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "Sluta följa %@?";
"account.unmute" = "Sluta tysta";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "Sluta tysta %@?";
"account.unnotify" = "Stäng av aviseringar";
"" = "Öppna i standardwebbläsaren";
"add" = "Lägg till";
"announcement.insert-emoji" = "Lägg till emoji";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "Det gick inte att hämta fjärrstatus";
"apns-default-message" = "Ny avisering";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "Brutalist";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Brutalist (Regnbåge)";
"app-icon.classic" = "Klassiskt";
"app-icon.malow" = "Malow";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "Regnbåge";
"add-identity.get-started" = "Kom igång";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "Instansens URL";
"add-identity.log-in" = "Logga in";
"add-identity.browse" = "Bläddra";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "För att ge alla användare en säker upplevelse och följa riktlinjerna i App Store stöds inte den här instansen.";
"add-identity.join" = "Gå med";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Ange URL:en till Mastodon-instansen som du vill ansluta till:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "Begär en inbjudan";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Det går inte att ansluta till instans";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Välkommen till Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "Vad är Mastodon?";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Beskriv för synskadade";
"" = "Beskriv för personer med hörselnedsättning";
"" = "Beskriv för personer med hörsel- eller synnedsättning";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "Upptäck text från bild";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Redigera media";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Dra cirkeln i förhandsgranskningen till den punkt i bilden som ska kunna ses i alla miniatyrbilder";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Känsligt innehåll";
"" = "Media dolt";
"attachment.type.image" = "Bild";
"" = "Ljudfil";
"" = "Video";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "Bilaga";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "Det gick inte att exportera media";
"bookmarks" = "Bokmärken";
"" = "Länk";
"camera-access.title" = "Kameraåtkomst krävs";
"camera-access.description" = "Öppna systeminställningar för att tillåta kameraåtkomst";
"" = "Öppna systeminställningar";
"cancel" = "Avbryt";
"" = "Lägg till ytterligare inlägg";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Lägg till ytterligare en toot";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "Avbryt uppladdning av bilaga";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "Redigera bilaga";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "Ta bort bilaga";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "Otextad";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "Laddar upp";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "Lägg till bilaga";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "Bilagor kommer att kasseras vid byte av konton";
"compose.browse" = "Bläddra";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "%ld tecken kvar";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "Tryck för att publicera med ett annat konto";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "Lägg till innehållsvarning";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "Ta bort innehållsvarning";
"compose.emoji-button" = "Emoji-väljare";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Markera media som känsligt";
"" = "Fotobibliotek";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "Flera val tillåtna";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "Lägg till ett val";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "Tillåt flera val";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "Lägg till en omröstning";
"compose.prompt" = "Vad tänker du på?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "Ta foto eller video";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "Integritet: %@";
"" = "Skriv inlägg";
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "Skriv toot";
"conversation.unread" = "Oläst";
"dismiss" = "Avfärda";
"emoji.custom" = "Anpassad";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "Förvald hudfärg";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "Välj förvald hudfärg";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "Ofta använda";
"" = "Sök emoji";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "Smileys & Känsla";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "Personer & Kropp";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "Komponenter";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "Djur & Natur";
"" = "Mat & Dryck";
"" = "Resor & Platser";
"emoji.system-group.activites" = "Aktiviteter";
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "Objekt";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "Symboler";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "Flaggor";
"explore.trending" = "Trendar nu";
"explore.instance" = "Instans";
"explore.profile-directory" = "Profilkatalog";
"error" = "Fel";
"favorites" = "Favoritmarkerade";
"follow-requests" = "Följarförfrågningar";
"" = "Vänligen läs %@s användarvillkor och integritetspolicy för att fortsätta";
"registration.username" = "Användarnamn";
"" = "E-post";
"registration.password" = "Lösenord";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "Bekräfta lösenord";
"registration.reason-%@" = "Varför vill du gå med i %@?";
"registration.server-rules" = "Serverns regler";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "Användarvillkor";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "Jag samtycker till serverns regler och användarvillkor";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "Lösenord och lösenordsbekräftelse matchar inte";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "Om den här appen";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Kontoinställningar";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "Konton";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "Redigera profil";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "Listor";
"" = "Min profil";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "Inställningar";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "Kontomeny";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "HTTP-fel: Ej HTTP-svar";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "HTTP-fel: %ld";
"identities.accounts" = "Konton";
"identities.browsing" = "Bläddrar";
"identities.log-out" = "Logga ut";
"identities.pending" = "Väntande";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "Det gick inte att ladda in bilden";
"" = "Ny listtitel";
"load-more" = "Läs in fler";
"" = "Ladda från inlägget ovan";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "Ladda från toot ovan";
"" = "Ladda från inlägg nedan";
"load-more.below.accessibility.toot" = "Ladda från toot nedan";
"main-navigation.announcements" = "Tillkännagivanden";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "Tidslinjer";
"main-navigation.explore" = "Utforska";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "Aviseringar";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "Meddelanden";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "Visa profil";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "Inloggad som %@";
"" = "Nya aviseringar";
"notification.poll" = "En omröstning du röstat i har avslutats";
"notification.poll.own" = "Din omröstning har avslutats";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "En omröstning har avslutats";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ postade just";
"notifications.all" = "Alla";
"notifications.mentions" = "Omnämnanden";
"ok" = "OK";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Ditt konto är ännu inte bekräftat";
"post" = "Publicera";
"preferences" = "Inställningar";
"" = "Appinställningar";
"" = "Appikon";
"" = "Utseende";
"" = "Mörk";
"" = "Ljus";
"" = "System";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Blockerade domäner";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Blockerade användare";
"" = "Media";
"" = "Profilbilder";
"" = "Animerade profilbilder";
"" = "Överallt";
"" = "I profiler";
"" = "Aldrig";
"" = "Animera anpassad emoji";
"" = "Animera sidhuvudet på profiler";
"" = "Automatisk uppspelning";
"" = "Autospela GIFs";
"" = "Spela upp videor automatiskt";
"" = "Alltid";
"" = "På Wi-Fi";
"" = "Aldrig";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "Använd inställningar från servern";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "Standardsynlighet";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "Markera innehåll som känsligt som standard";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "Expandera media";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Dölj känsligt";
"" = "Visa alla";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Dölj alla";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Utöka alltid innehållsvarningar";
"preferences.filters" = "Filter";
"" = "Öppna länkar i standardwebbläsaren";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Öppna länkar i andra appar när det är möjligt";
"preferences.notification-types" = "Aviseringstyper";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "Följ";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Favoritmarkerad";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Följförfrågan";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Boosta";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Omnämnande";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Omröstning";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Prenumeration";
"preferences.notifications" = "Aviseringar";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Inkludera kontonamn";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Inkludera bilder";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "Ljud";
"preferences.muted-users" = "Tystade användare";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "Hem-tidslinjens position vid start";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "Position för aviseringar vid start";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "Kom ihåg position";
"preferences.position.newest" = "Ladda senaste";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Kräv dubbeltryck för att boosta";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Kräv dubbeltryck för att favoritmarkera";
"" = "Visa antal boosts och favoritmarkeringar";
"preferences.status-word" = "Statusord";
"" = "Aktiv";
"filters.expired" = "Upphört";
"filter.add-new" = "Lägg till nytt filter";
"filter.edit" = "Redigera filter";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "Nyckelord eller fras";
"filter.never-expires" = "Upphör aldrig";
"filter.expire-after" = "Upphör efter";
"filter.contexts" = "Filtrera sammanhang";
"filter.irreversible" = "Släpp istället för att gömma";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "Filtrerade inlägg kommer att försvinna oåterkalleligt, även om filter tas bort senare";
"filter.whole-word" = "Hela ord";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "När sökordet eller frasen endast är alfanumerisk, kommer det endast att tillämpas om det matchar hela ordet";
"" = "Spara ändringar";
"filter.context.home" = "Hemtidslinje";
"filter.context.notifications" = "Aviseringar";
"filter.context.public" = "Offentliga tidslinjer";
"filter.context.thread" = "Konversationer";
"filter.context.account" = "Profiler";
"filter.context.unknown" = "Okänt sammanhang";
"more-results.accounts" = "Fler personer";
"" = "Mer inlägg";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "Mer toots";
"more-results.tags" = "Mer hashtaggar";
"notifications" = "Aviseringar";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ boostade ditt inlägg";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ favoritmarkerade ditt inlägg";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ följer dig";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "En omröstning du röstat i har avslutats";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Din omröstning har avslutats";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Avisering från %@";
"remove" = "Ta bort";
"report" = "Rapportera";
"report.additional-comments" = "Ytterligare kommentarer";
"report.hint" = "Rapporten kommer att skickas till din servers moderatorer. Du kan ge en förklaring till varför du rapporterar detta konto nedan:";
"" = "Rapportera %@";
"report.forward.hint" = "Kontot kommer från en annan server. Vill du skicka en anonymiserad kopia av rapporten dit också?";
"report.forward-%@" = "Vidarebefordra rapport till %@";
"" = "Välj ytterligare inlägg att rapportera:";
"" = "Välj ytterligare toots att rapportera:";
"search.scope.all" = "Alla";
"search.scope.accounts" = "Personer";
"" = "Inlägg";
"search.scope.statuses.toot" = "Toots";
"search.scope.tags" = "Hashtaggar";
"selected" = "Valda";
"send" = "Skicka";
"share" = "Dela";
"" = "Inget konto hittades";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "Visa författarens profil";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "Visa boostarens profil";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "Ingår i en tråd";
"status.bookmark" = "Bokmärke";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "CW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "Innehållsvarning";
"status.delete" = "Ta bort";
"" = "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort det här inlägget?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna toot?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "Ta bort & återgå till utkast";
"" = "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort detta inlägg och lägga det i utkast? Favoritmarkeringar och boosts kommer att gå förlorade och svar på det ursprungliga inlägget kommer att bli föräldralösa.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna toot och lägga det i utkast? Favoritmarkeringar och boosts kommer att gå förlorade och svar på den ursprungliga tooten kommer att bli föräldralösa.";
"status.mute" = "Tysta konversation";
"" = "Nya inlägg";
"" = "Nya toots";
"" = "Fäst på profilen";
"" = "Fästa inlägg";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Fästa toots";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "Omröstning";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "Alternativ %ld";
"" = "Rösta";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ kvar";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Uppdatera";
"status.poll.closed" = "Avslutad";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ boostade";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Svara";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "Boosta";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Ta tillbaka boost";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "Favoritmarkera";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Ta bort favoritmarkering";
"" = "Visa mer";
"" = "Visa mer för alla";
"" = "Visa mindre";
"" = "Visa mindre för alla";
"" = "Visa tråd";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "Skriv din varning här";
"status.unbookmark" = "Ta bort bokmärke";
"status.unmute" = "Avtysta konversationen";
"status.unpin" = "Lossa från profil";
"status.visibility.public" = "Offentlig";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Olistad";
"status.visibility.private" = "Endast följare";
"" = "Direkt";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "Synlig för alla, visas i offentliga tidslinjer";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "Synlig för alla, men inte i offentliga tidslinjer";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Endast synligt för följare";
"" = "Endast synligt för nämnda användare";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "%ld senaste användningar";
"" = "Visa inlägg kopplade till trend";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "Visa toots kopplade till trend";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld per vecka";
"timelines.home" = "Hem";
"timelines.local" = "Lokalt";
"timelines.federated" = "Federerat";
"toot" = "Toot";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>%ld person som pratar</string>
<string>%ld personer som pratar</string>
<string>%ld person</string>
<string>%ld personer</string>
<string>%ld Boost</string>
<string>%ld Boosts</string>
<string>%ld Favoritmarkering</string>
<string>%ld Favoritmarkeringar</string>
<string>%ld Svar</string>
<string>%ld Svar</string>
<string>%ld Inlägg</string>
<string>%ld Inlägg</string>
<string>%ld Toot</string>
<string>%ld Toots</string>
<string>%ld Följare</string>
<string>%ld Följare</string>
<string>%ld bild</string>
<string>%ld bilder</string>
<string>%ld ljudfil</string>
<string>%ld ljudfiler</string>
<string>%ld videofil</string>
<string>%ld videofiler</string>
<string>%ld bilaga</string>
<string>%ld bilagor</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
"about" = "Про програму";
"about.acknowledgments" = "Подяки";
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "Зроблено Metabolist";
"about.official-account" = "Офіційний обліковий запис";
"about.rate-the-app" = "Оцінити додаток";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Вихідний код та Трекер помилок";
"about.translations" = "Локалізація";
"" = "Сайт";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "Посилання: %@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "Копіювати";
"account.%@-followers" = "Підписники %@";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Прийняти запит на підписку";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "Додати/видалити зі списків";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "Аватар: %@";
"account.block" = "Заблокувати";
"account.block-and-report" = "Заблокувати та поскаржитись";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "Заблокувати %@?";
"account.blocked" = "Заблоковано";
"" = "Приватне повідомлення";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "Заблокувати домен %@";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "Заблокувати домен %@?";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Розблокувати домен %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "Розблокувати домен %@?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "Підтверджено %@";
"account.follow" = "Підписатися";
"account.following" = "Підписки";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld підписаний";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Підписані %@";
"account.follows-you" = "Підписаний(-на) на вас";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Зображення заголовка: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Приховати просування";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Приховати просування від %@?";
"account.joined-%@" = "Приєднався(лась) %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Закритий обл. запис";
"account.mute" = "Ігнорувати";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Безстроковий";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "Ви впевнені, що бажаєте ігнорувати %@?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Це приховає їх дописи та дописи, у яких вони згадуються, але вони все одно зможуть переглядати ваші дописи та стежити за вами.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "Приховати сповіщення від цього користувача?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Тривалість";
"" = "Ігнорувати %@";
"account.muted" = "Ігноровано";
"account.notify" = "Увімкнути сповіщення";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Відхилити запит на підписку";
"account.request" = "Запит";
"account.request.cancel" = "Скасувати запит на підписку";
"" = "Дописи";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Гуки";
"" = "Дописи та відповіді";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "Гуки та відповіді";
"" = "Медіа";
"" = "Показати просування";
"" = "Показати просування від %@?";
"account.unavailable" = "Профіль недоступний";
"account.unblock" = "Розблокувати";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "Розблокувати %@?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "Відписатися від %@?";
"account.unmute" = "Не ігнорувати";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "Не ігнорувати %@?";
"account.unnotify" = "Вимкнути сповіщення";
"" = "Відкрити у типовому браузері";
"add" = "Додати";
"announcement.insert-emoji" = "Вставити емодзі";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "Не вдалося отримати віддалений статус";
"apns-default-message" = "Нове сповіщення";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "Brutalist";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Rainbow Brutalist";
"app-icon.classic" = "Класичний";
"app-icon.malow" = "Malow";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "Багатобарвний";
"add-identity.get-started" = "Розпочати";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "URL екземпляра";
"add-identity.log-in" = "Увійти";
"add-identity.browse" = "Огляд";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "Щоб забезпечити безпечний досвід для всіх користувачів і відповідати вказівкам App Store Review, цей екземпляр не підтримується.";
"add-identity.join" = "Приєднатися";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Введіть URL-адресу екземпляра Mastodon, до якого ви хочете підключитися:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "Надіслати запрошення";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Неможливо підключитися до екземпляра";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Ласкаво просимо в Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "Що таке Mastodon?";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Опис для людей з вадами зору";
"" = "Опис для людей із втратою слуху";
"" = "Опис для людей з порушенням слуху або зору";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "Визначити текст із зображення";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Редагувати медіа";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Перетягніть коло на попередньому перегляді, щоб вибрати фокусну точку, яка завжди буде видно на всіх мініатюрах";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Делікатний вміст";
"" = "Медіа приховано";
"attachment.type.image" = "Зображення";
"" = "Аудіофайл";
"" = "Відео";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "Вкладення";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "Не вдалося експортувати медіа";
"bookmarks" = "Закладки";
"" = "Посилання";
"camera-access.title" = "Потрібен доступ до камери";
"camera-access.description" = "Відкрийте налаштування системи, щоб надати доступ до камери";
"" = "Відкрити налаштування системи";
"cancel" = "Скасувати";
"" = "Додати ще один допис";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Додайте ще один гук";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "Скасувати завантаження вкладення";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "Редагувати вкладення";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "Видалити вкладення";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "Без заголовка";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "Завантаження";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "Додати вкладення";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "При зміні облікового запису вкладення буде видалено";
"compose.browse" = "Огляд";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "Залишилося %ld символів";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "Натисніть, щоб опублікувати з іншого облікового запису";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "Додати попередження про вміст";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "Видалити попередження про вміст";
"compose.emoji-button" = "Вибір емодзі";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Позначити медіа як конфіденційне";
"" = "Бібліотека фотографій";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "Дозволити вибір кількох варіантів";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "Додати варіант";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "Дозволити кілька варіантів";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "Створити опитування";
"compose.prompt" = "Що у вас на думці?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "Зробити фото або відео";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "Конфіденційність: %@";
"" = "Написати допис";
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "Написати гук";
"conversation.unread" = "Непрочитане";
"dismiss" = "Відхилити";
"emoji.custom" = "Користувацький";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "Тон шкіри за замовчуванням";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "Виберіть колір шкіри за замовчуванням";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "Часто використовується";
"" = "Пошук емодзі";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "Смайлики та емоції";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "Люди та частини тіла";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "Компоненти";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "Тварини та природа";
"" = "Їжа та напої";
"" = "Подорожі та місця";
"emoji.system-group.activites" = "Активність";
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "Об'єкти";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "Символи";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "Прапори";
"explore.trending" = "Популярне зараз";
"explore.instance" = "Екземпляр";
"explore.profile-directory" = "Каталог профілю";
"error" = "Помилка";
"favorites" = "Вибране";
"follow-requests" = "Запити на підписку";
"" = "Щоб продовжити, перегляньте Умови використання та Політику конфіденційності %@";
"registration.username" = "Ім'я користувача";
"" = "Електронна пошта";
"registration.password" = "Пароль";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "Підтвердьте пароль";
"registration.reason-%@" = "Чому ви хочете приєднатися до %@?";
"registration.server-rules" = "Правила сервера";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "Умови використання";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "Я приймаю правила та умови використання сервера";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "Паролі не збігаються";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "Про додаток";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Налаштування обл. запису";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "Облікові записи";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "Редагувати профіль";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "Списки";
"" = "Мій профіль";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "Налаштування";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "Меню облікового запису";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "Помилка HTTP: Non-HTTP response";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "Помилка HTTP: %ld";
"identities.accounts" = "Облікові записи";
"identities.browsing" = "Перегляд";
"identities.log-out" = "Вийти";
"identities.pending" = "Очікування";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "Не вдалося завантажити зображення";
"" = "Новий заголовок списку";
"load-more" = "Завантажити ще";
"" = "Завантажити з допису вище";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "Завантажити гук вище";
"" = "Завантажити з допису нижче";
"load-more.below.accessibility.toot" = "Завантажити гук нижче";
"main-navigation.announcements" = "Оголошення";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "Стрічка";
"main-navigation.explore" = "Огляд";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "Сповіщення";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "Повідомлення";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "Перегляд профілю";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "Ви увійшли як %@";
"" = "Нові сповіщення";
"notification.poll" = "Опитування, у якому ви проголосували, завершено";
"notification.poll.own" = "Ваше опитування завершено";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "Опитування завершено";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ щойно опублікував(-ла)";
"notifications.all" = "Всі";
"notifications.mentions" = "Згадування";
"ok" = "Гаразд";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Ваш обліковий запис очікує на підтвердження";
"post" = "Допис";
"preferences" = "Налаштування";
"" = "Налаштування додатку";
"" = "Значок додатку";
"" = "Зовнішній вигляд";
"" = "Темний";
"" = "Світлий";
"" = "Системний";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Заблоковані домени";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Заблоковані користувачі";
"" = "Медіа";
"" = "Аватари";
"" = "Анімовані аватари";
"" = "Всюди";
"" = "В профілях";
"" = "Ніколи";
"" = "Анімація користувацьких емодзі";
"" = "Анімація заголовків профілю";
"" = "Автовідтворення";
"" = "Автовідтворення GIF";
"" = "Автовідтворення відео";
"" = "Завжди";
"" = "При підключенні Wi-Fi";
"" = "Ніколи";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "Використовувати налаштування сервера";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "Типова видимість";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "Позначити вміст як конфіденційний за замовчуванням";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "Розгорнути медіа";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Приховати конфіденційні";
"" = "Показати всі";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Приховати всі";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Завжди показувати попередження про вміст";
"preferences.filters" = "Фільтри";
"" = "Відкривати посилання в браузері за замовчуванням";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Відкривати посилання в інших програмах, якщо вони доступні";
"preferences.notification-types" = "Типи сповіщень";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "Підписатися";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Вибране";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Запити на підписку";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Просування";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Згадування";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Опитування";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Підписки";
"preferences.notifications" = "Сповіщення";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Включати ім'я обл. запису";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Включати зображення";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "Звуки";
"preferences.muted-users" = "Ігноровані користувачі";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "Положення стрічки під час запуску";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "Положення сповіщень під час запуску";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "Запам'ятати положення";
"preferences.position.newest" = "Завантажити нові";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Потрібен подвійне натискання для просування";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Потрібне подвійне натискання для додавання до вибраного";
"" = "Показати просування та кількість вибраного";
"preferences.status-word" = "Назва статусів";
"" = "Активний";
"filters.expired" = "Закінчився";
"filter.add-new" = "Додати новий фільтр";
"filter.edit" = "Редагувати фільтр";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "Ключове слово або фраза";
"filter.never-expires" = "Ніколи не закінчується";
"filter.expire-after" = "Закінчується після";
"filter.contexts" = "Умова фільтра";
"filter.irreversible" = "Видаляти замість того, щоб ховати";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "Відфільтровані статуси зникнуть безповоротно, навіть якщо фільтр пізніше буде видалено";
"filter.whole-word" = "Ціле слово";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "Якщо ключове слово або фраза є лише буквено-цифровим, воно буде застосовано, лише якщо воно відповідає цілому слову";
"" = "Зберегти зміни";
"filter.context.home" = "Домашня стрічка";
"filter.context.notifications" = "Сповіщення";
"filter.context.public" = "Публічні стрічки";
"filter.context.thread" = "Обговорення";
"filter.context.account" = "Профілі";
"filter.context.unknown" = "Невідомий контекст";
"more-results.accounts" = "Більше людей";
"" = "Більше дописів";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "Більше гуків";
"more-results.tags" = "Більше хештегів";
"notifications" = "Сповіщення";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ просунув(-ла) ваш статус";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ додав(-ла) ваш статус у вибране";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ підписався(-лась) на вас";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Опитування, у якому ви проголосували, завершено";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Ваше опитування завершено";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Сповіщення від %@";
"remove" = "Видалити";
"report" = "Скарга";
"report.additional-comments" = "Додаткові коментарі";
"report.hint" = "Скаргу буде надіслано модераторам вашого сервера. Ви можете надати пояснення, чому ви поскаржились на цей обліковий запис, нижче:";
"" = "Поскаржитись на %@";
"report.forward.hint" = "Обліковий запис з іншого сервера. Надіслати туди також анонімну копію скарги?";
"report.forward-%@" = "Переслати скаргу %@";
"" = "Виберіть додаткові дописи, щоб поскаржитись:";
"" = "Виберіть додаткові гуки, щоб поскаржитись:";
"search.scope.all" = "Все";
"search.scope.accounts" = "Користувачі";
"" = "Дописи";
"search.scope.statuses.toot" = "Гуки";
"search.scope.tags" = "Хештеги";
"selected" = "Вибрано";
"send" = "Надіслати";
"share" = "Поділитися";
"" = "Обліковий запис не знайдено";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "Переглянути профіль автора";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "Перегляд профілю просунутого";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "Частина обговорення";
"status.bookmark" = "В закладки";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "ПВ";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "Попередження про вміст";
"status.delete" = "Видалити";
"" = "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цей допис?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цей гук?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "Видалити та переписати";
"" = "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цей допис та переписати його? Додавання у вибране та просування буде втрачено, а відповіді на оригінальний допис залишаться сиротами.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Ви впевнені, що бажаєте видалити цей гук та переписати його? Додавання у вибране та просування буде втрачено, а відповіді на оригінальний гук стануть сиротами.";
"status.mute" = "Вимкнути обговорення";
"" = "Нові дописи";
"" = "Нові гуки";
"" = "Закріпити в профілі";
"" = "Закріплений допис";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Закріплений гук";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "Опитування";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "Варіант %ld";
"" = "Проголосувати";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "Залишилося %@";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Оновити";
"status.poll.closed" = "Закрито";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ просунув(-ла)";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Відповісти";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "Просувати";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Не просувати";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "У вибране";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Вилучити з вибраного";
"" = "Розгорнути";
"" = "Розгорнути для всіх";
"" = "Згорнути";
"" = "Згорнути для всіх";
"" = "Показати обговорення";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "Напишіть попередження тут";
"status.unbookmark" = "Вилучити з закладок";
"status.unmute" = "Активувати обговорення";
"status.unpin" = "Відкріпити від профілю";
"status.visibility.public" = "Публічний";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Не в списку";
"status.visibility.private" = "Лише для підписників";
"" = "Особисте";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "Видимий для всіх, показується у публічній стрічці";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "Видимий для всіх, але не у публічних стрічках";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Видно лише для підписників";
"" = "Видно лише для згаданих користувачів";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "%ld останніх використань";
"" = "Перегляд дописів, пов’язаних із трендом";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "Перегляд гуків, пов’язаних із трендом";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld на тиждень";
"timelines.home" = "Головна";
"timelines.local" = "Локальна";
"timelines.federated" = "Глобальна";
"toot" = "Гук";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>%ld людина говорить</string>
<string>%ld людини говорять</string>
<string>%ld людей говорять</string>
<string>%ld людей говорять</string>
<string>%ld людина</string>
<string>%ld людини</string>
<string>%ld людей</string>
<string>%ld людини</string>
<string>%ld просування</string>
<string>%ld просування</string>
<string>%ld просувань</string>
<string>%ld просування</string>
<string>%ld вибраних</string>
<string>%ld вибраних</string>
<string>%ld вибраних</string>
<string>%ld вибраних</string>
<string>%ld відповів(-ла)</string>
<string>%ld відповіли</string>
<string>%ld відповіли</string>
<string>%ld відповіли</string>
<string>%ld допис</string>
<string>%ld дописи</string>
<string>%ld дописів</string>
<string>%ld дописів</string>
<string>%ld гук</string>
<string>%ld гуки</string>
<string>%ld гуків</string>
<string>%ld гука</string>
<string>%ld підписник</string>
<string>%ld підписники</string>
<string>%ld підписників</string>
<string>%ld підписника</string>
<string>%ld зображення</string>
<string>%ld зображень</string>
<string>%ld зображень</string>
<string>%ld зображень</string>
<string>%ld аудіофайл</string>
<string>%ld аудіофайли</string>
<string>%ld аудіофайлів</string>
<string>%ld аудіофайлів</string>
<string>%ld відеофайл</string>
<string>%ld відеофайли</string>
<string>%ld відеофайлів</string>
<string>%ld відеофайлів</string>
<string>%ld вкладення</string>
<string>%ld вкладень</string>
<string>%ld вкладень</string>
<string>%ld вкладень</string>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
"about" = "關於";
"about.acknowledgments" = "致謝";
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "由 Metabolist 製作";
"about.official-account" = "官方帳號";
"about.rate-the-app" = "為應用程式評分";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "源代碼和問題跟蹤器";
"about.translations" = "翻譯";
"" = "網站";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "連結:%@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "複製文字";
"account.%@-followers" = "%@ 的追蹤者";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "接受追蹤請求";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "從列表中新增或移除";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "頭像:%@";
"account.block" = "封鎖";
"account.block-and-report" = "封鎖及檢舉";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "封鎖 %@";
"account.blocked" = "已封鎖";
"" = "私訊";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "封鎖域名 %@";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "封鎖域名 %@";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "解除封鎖域名 %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "解除封鎖域名 %@";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "已驗證 %@";
"account.follow" = "追蹤";
"account.following" = "正在追蹤";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld 正在追蹤";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "被 %@ 追蹤";
"account.follows-you" = "追蹤你";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "標題圖片:%@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "隱藏轉發";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "隱藏 %@ 的轉發嗎?";
"account.joined-%@" = "加入於 %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "已鎖定帳戶";
"account.mute" = "靜音";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "無期限";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "你確定要將 %@ 靜音嗎?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "這將會隱藏他們的帖文與通知,但他們仍然可以查閱你的帖文和追蹤你。";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "需要隱藏來自這使用者的通知嗎?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "期限";
"" = "將 %@ 靜音";
"account.muted" = "已靜音";
"account.notify" = "開啟通知";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "拒絕追蹤請求";
"account.request" = "請求";
"account.request.cancel" = "取消追蹤請求";
"" = "帖文";
"account.statuses.toot" = "帖文";
"" = "帖文與回覆";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "帖文與回覆";
"" = "媒體";
"" = "顯示轉發";
"" = "顯示 %@ 的轉發?";
"account.unavailable" = "無法使用個人檔案";
"account.unblock" = "解除封鎖";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "解除封鎖 %@ 嗎?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "取消追蹤 %@ 嗎?";
"account.unmute" = "解除靜音";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "取消靜音 %@";
"account.unnotify" = "關閉通知";
"" = "在預設瀏覽器中打開";
"add" = "新增";
"announcement.insert-emoji" = "加入表情符號";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "無法獲取遠端狀態";
"apns-default-message" = "新通知";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "粗獷";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "彩色粗獷";
"app-icon.classic" = "經典";
"app-icon.malow" = "Malow";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "彩色";
"add-identity.get-started" = "開始使用";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "伺服器網址";
"add-identity.log-in" = "登入";
"add-identity.browse" = "瀏覽";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "為了向所有使用者提供安全的體驗,並遵守 App Store 審核指南,這伺服器將不獲支援。";
"add-identity.join" = "加入";
"add-identity.prompt" = "輸入你想連接的 Mastodon 伺服器網址:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "請求邀請";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "無法連線到伺服器";
"add-identity.welcome" = "歡迎來到 Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "Mastodon 是什麼?";
"attachment.edit.description" = "為視障人士描述";
"" = "為聽障人士描述";
"" = "為聽障或視障人士描述";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "從圖片中偵測文字";
"attachment.edit.title" = "編輯媒體";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "拖曳預覽上的圓圈來選擇要聚焦的縮圖";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "敏感內容";
"" = "已隱藏媒體";
"attachment.type.image" = "圖片";
"" = "音訊檔案";
"" = "影片";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "附件";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "無法匯出媒體";
"bookmarks" = "書籤";
"" = "連結";
"camera-access.title" = "需要相機的存取權限";
"camera-access.description" = "打開系統設定以允許存取相機";
"" = "打開系統設定";
"cancel" = "取消";
"" = "新增另一篇帖文";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "新增另一篇帖文";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "取消上傳附件";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "編輯附件";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "移除附件";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "沒有說明";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "上傳中";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "新增附件";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "變更帳戶時,附件被丟丟棄";
"compose.browse" = "瀏覽";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "剩餘 %ld 個字符";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "點擊使用不同帳戶發文";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "加入內容警告";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "移除內容警告";
"compose.emoji-button" = "表情符號選擇器";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "標記媒體為敏感內容";
"" = "照片庫";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "允許選擇多項";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "新增選項";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "允許多項選擇";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "建立投票";
"compose.prompt" = "你在想甚麼呢?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "拍照或錄影";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "私隱:%@";
"" = "撰寫帖文";
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "撰寫帖文";
"conversation.unread" = "未讀";
"dismiss" = "關閉";
"emoji.custom" = "自訂";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "預設膚色";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "選擇預設膚色";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "經常使用";
"" = "搜尋表情符號";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "笑臉和表情";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "人物與身體";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "元件";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "動物與自然";
"" = "飲食";
"" = "旅遊景物";
"emoji.system-group.activites" = "活動";
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "物件";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "符號";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "旗幟";
"explore.trending" = "今期流行";
"explore.instance" = "伺服器";
"explore.profile-directory" = "個人檔案目錄";
"error" = "錯誤";
"favorites" = "最愛";
"follow-requests" = "追蹤請求";
"" = "請查閱 %@ 的使用條款及私隱政策以繼續";
"registration.username" = "用戶名稱";
"" = "電郵";
"registration.password" = "密碼";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "確認密碼";
"registration.reason-%@" = "你為甚麼想加入 %@";
"registration.server-rules" = "伺服器規則";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "服務條款";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "我同意伺服器規則及服務條款";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "密碼和確認密碼不一致";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "關於此應用程式";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "帳號設定";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "帳號";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "編輯個人檔案";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "列表";
"" = "個人檔案";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "偏好設定";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "帳號菜單";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "HTTP 錯誤:非 HTTP 回應";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "HTTP 錯誤:%ld";
"identities.accounts" = "帳號";
"identities.browsing" = "瀏覽";
"identities.log-out" = "登出";
"identities.pending" = "待定";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "無法載入圖片";
"" = "新列表標題";
"load-more" = "載入更多";
"" = "從上面的帖文載入";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "從上面的帖文載入";
"" = "從下面的帖文載入";
"load-more.below.accessibility.toot" = "從下面的帖文載入";
"main-navigation.announcements" = "公告";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "時間軸";
"main-navigation.explore" = "探索";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "通知";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "訊息";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "查看個人檔案";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "登入為 %@";
"" = "新通知";
"notification.poll" = "你參與的投票已結束";
"notification.poll.own" = "你的投票已結束";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "投票已結束";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ 剛發佈";
"notifications.all" = "全部";
"notifications.mentions" = "提及";
"ok" = "確定";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "你的帳號正在等待確認";
"post" = "投稿";
"preferences" = "偏好設定";
"" = "程式偏好設定";
"" = "應用程式圖示";
"" = "外觀";
"" = "深色";
"" = "淺色";
"" = "系統";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "已封鎖域名";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "已封鎖使用者";
"" = "媒體";
"" = "頭像";
"" = "動態圖像";
"" = "所有位置";
"" = "僅在個人檔案中";
"" = "從不";
"" = "播放自訂表情符號";
"" = "播放個人檔案頁面頂端";
"" = "自動播放";
"" = "自動播放 GIF";
"" = "自動播放影片";
"" = "總是";
"" = "僅限 Wi-Fi";
"" = "永不";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "使用伺服器的設定";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "預設可見範圍";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "預設將內容標記為敏感內容";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "展開媒體";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "隱藏敏感內容";
"" = "顯示全部";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "隱藏全部";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "總是展開內容警告";
"preferences.filters" = "篩選器";
"" = "在預設瀏覽器中打開連結";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "在其他可用的應用程式中打開連結";
"preferences.notification-types" = "通知類型";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "追蹤";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "最愛";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "追蹤請求";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "轉發";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "提及";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "投票";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "訂閱";
"preferences.notifications" = "通知";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "包含帳戶名稱";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "包含圖片";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "音效";
"preferences.muted-users" = "已靜音用戶";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "啟動時的主頁時間軸位置";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "啟動時的通知位置";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "記住位置";
"preferences.position.newest" = "載入最新";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "需要雙擊來轉發";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "需要雙擊來加入最愛";
"" = "顯示轉發及加入最愛的次數";
"preferences.status-word" = "狀態文字";
"" = "已啟用";
"filters.expired" = "已過期";
"filter.add-new" = "新增篩選器";
"filter.edit" = "編輯篩選器";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "關鍵字或片語";
"filter.never-expires" = "永不過期";
"filter.expire-after" = "過期後";
"filter.contexts" = "篩選情境";
"filter.irreversible" = "丟棄而非隱藏";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "即使刪除篩選器,被篩選的狀態依然會消失,不會還原";
"filter.whole-word" = "整個詞語";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "當關鍵字或短語只有字母或數字時,只有符合整個單詞時才會套用";
"" = "儲存變更";
"filter.context.home" = "首頁時間軸";
"filter.context.notifications" = "通知";
"filter.context.public" = "公共時間軸";
"filter.context.thread" = "對話";
"filter.context.account" = "個人檔案";
"filter.context.unknown" = "未知文義";
"more-results.accounts" = "更多用戶";
"" = "更多帖文";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "更多帖文";
"more-results.tags" = "更多標籤";
"notifications" = "通知";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ 轉發了你的狀態";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ 把你的狀態加入最愛";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ 追蹤了你";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "你參與的投票已結束";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "你的投票已結束";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "來自 %@ 的通知";
"remove" = "移除";
"report" = "檢舉";
"report.additional-comments" = "補充意見";
"report.hint" = "該檢舉會發送到你伺服器的管理員。你可以在下方提供檢舉該帳戶的理由:";
"" = "檢舉 %@";
"report.forward.hint" = "該帳號來自另一個伺服器。要把匿名的檢舉副本也寄到那裏嗎?";
"report.forward-%@" = "轉發檢舉至 %@";
"" = "選擇其他要檢舉的帖文:";
"" = "選擇其他要檢舉的帖文:";
"search.scope.all" = "全部";
"search.scope.accounts" = "用戶";
"" = "帖文";
"search.scope.statuses.toot" = "帖文";
"search.scope.tags" = "標籤";
"selected" = "已選擇";
"send" = "發送";
"share" = "分享";
"" = "未找到帳戶";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "查看作者的個人檔案";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "查看轉發者的個人檔案";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "討論串的一部分";
"status.bookmark" = "書籤";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "CW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "內容警告";
"status.delete" = "刪除";
"" = "你確定要刪除這篇帖文嗎?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "你確定要刪除這篇帖文嗎?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "刪除並重新起草";
"" = "你確定要刪除這篇帖文並重新起草嗎?你將會失去相關的最愛和轉發,原帖的回覆也將會變成孤兒。";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "你確定要刪除這篇帖文並重新起草嗎?你將會失去相關的最愛和轉發,原帖的回覆也將會變成孤兒。";
"status.mute" = "靜音對話";
"" = "新帖文";
"" = "新帖文";
"" = "釘選到個人檔案";
"" = "釘選的帖文";
"status.pinned.toot" = "釘選的帖文";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "投票";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "選項 %ld";
"" = "投票";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "剩餘 %@";
"status.poll.refresh" = "重新整理";
"status.poll.closed" = "已關閉";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ 轉發";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "回覆";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "轉發";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "取消轉發";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "最愛";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "取消最愛";
"" = "顯示更多";
"" = "總是顯示更多";
"" = "顯示較少";
"" = "總是顯示較少";
"" = "顯示討論串";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "在此處寫下警告";
"status.unbookmark" = "移除書籤";
"status.unmute" = "解除此對話的靜音";
"status.unpin" = "取消釘選在個人檔案";
"status.visibility.public" = "公開";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "不公開";
"status.visibility.private" = "僅追蹤者";
"" = "私訊";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "公開,顯示在公共時間軸上";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "公開,但不顯示在公共時間軸上";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "僅追蹤者看到";
"" = "僅被提及者看到";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "最近使用 %ld 次";
"" = "查看與今期流行相關的帖文";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "查看與今期流行相關的帖文";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "每週 %ld 次";
"timelines.home" = "首頁";
"timelines.local" = "本站";
"timelines.federated" = "聯邦宇宙";
"toot" = "帖文";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>%ld 人在討論</string>
<string>%ld 人</string>
<string>%ld 次轉發</string>
<string>%ld 次加入最愛</string>
<string>%ld 則回覆</string>
<string>%ld 則帖文</string>
<string>%ld 則帖文</string>
<string>%ld 位追蹤者</string>
<string>%ld 張圖片</string>
<string>%ld 個音訊檔案</string>
<string>%ld 影片檔案</string>
<string>%ld 個附件</string>

View File

@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "偏好设置";
"" = "应用偏好设置";
"" = "应用图标";
"" = "Appearance";
"" = "Dark";
"" = "Light";
"" = "System";
"" = "外观";
"" = "暗色";
"" = "亮色";
"" = "跟随系统";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "已屏蔽的域名";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "已屏蔽的用户";
"" = "媒体";

View File

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
"" = "網址";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "連結:%@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "複製文字";
"account.%@-followers" = "%@ 關注者";
"account.%@-followers" = "%@ 關注者";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "接受關注請求";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "從名單中添加/移除";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "從列表中新增/刪除";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "大頭貼:%@";
"account.block" = "封鎖";
"account.block-and-report" = "封鎖並檢舉";
@ -26,14 +26,14 @@
"account.field.verified-%@" = "已驗證 %@";
"account.follow" = "關注";
"account.following" = "已關注";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "被 %ld 人關注";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld 個關注";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "%@ 關注了您";
"account.follows-you" = "關注了您";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "頁面頂端圖片:%@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "隱藏轉嘟";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "隱藏來自 %@ 的轉嘟嗎?";
"account.joined-%@" = "加入於 %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "已鎖定帳";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "已鎖定帳";
"account.mute" = "靜音";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "永不過期";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "確定要將 %@ 靜音嗎?";
@ -53,14 +53,14 @@
"" = "媒體";
"" = "顯示轉嘟";
"" = "要顯示來自 %@ 的轉嘟嗎?";
"account.unavailable" = "個人資料無法使用";
"account.unavailable" = "個人檔案無法使用";
"account.unblock" = "解除封鎖";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "要解除對 %@ 的封鎖嗎?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "要取消關注 %@ 嗎?";
"account.unmute" = "解除靜音";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "要解除對 %@ 的靜音嗎?";
"account.unnotify" = "關閉通知";
"" = "使用預設的瀏覽器開";
"" = "使用預設的瀏覽器開";
"add" = "新增";
"announcement.insert-emoji" = "加入表情符號";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "無法獲取遠程狀態";
@ -97,23 +97,23 @@
"bookmarks" = "書籤";
"" = "連結";
"camera-access.title" = "需要相機的使用權限";
"camera-access.description" = "開系統設定允許 Metatext 使用您的相機";
"" = "開系統設定";
"camera-access.description" = "開系統設定允許 Metatext 使用您的相機";
"" = "開系統設定";
"cancel" = "取消";
"" = "新增另一篇嘟文";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "新增另一篇嘟文";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "取消上傳附件";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "編輯附件";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "除附件";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "除附件";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "無標題";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "上傳中";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "新增附件";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "變更帳時,先前上傳的附件檔案將被刪除";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "變更帳時,先前上傳的附件檔案將被刪除";
"compose.browse" = "瀏覽";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "剩餘 %ld 個字";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "點擊使用另一個帳號發佈";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "新增警告訊息";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "除警告訊息";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "除警告訊息";
"compose.emoji-button" = "表情符號選擇器";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "標記媒體為敏感內容";
"" = "照片圖庫";
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "旗幟";
"explore.trending" = "當前趨勢";
"explore.instance" = "伺服器";
"explore.profile-directory" = "個人資料目錄";
"explore.profile-directory" = "個人檔案目錄";
"error" = "錯誤";
"favorites" = "收藏";
"follow-requests" = "關注請求";
@ -161,20 +161,20 @@
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "輸入的密碼與確認的密碼不相同";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "關於此應用程式";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "帳號設定";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "帳";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "帳";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "編輯個人檔案";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "名單";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "列表";
"" = "我的個人資料";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "偏好設定";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "帳列表";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "帳列表";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "HTTP 錯誤:非 HTTP 響應";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "HTTP錯誤%ld";
"identities.accounts" = "帳";
"identities.accounts" = "帳";
"identities.browsing" = "瀏覽";
"identities.log-out" = "登出";
"identities.pending" = "等待中";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "無法載入圖片";
"" = "新名單標題";
"" = "新列表標題";
"load-more" = "載入更多";
"" = "從最上面的嘟文開始讀取";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "從最上面的嘟文開始讀取";
@ -183,10 +183,10 @@
"main-navigation.announcements" = "公告";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "時間軸";
"main-navigation.explore" = "探索";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "隱藏來自這位使用者的通知";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "通知";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "私訊";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "查看個人資料";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "查看個人檔案";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "%@ 已登入";
"" = "新通知";
"notification.poll" = "您參與過的投票已結束";
@ -196,32 +196,32 @@
"notifications.all" = "全部";
"notifications.mentions" = "提及";
"ok" = "確定";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "您的帳正在審核中";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "您的帳正在審核中";
"post" = "嘟文";
"preferences" = "偏好設定";
"" = "偏好設定";
"" = "應用程式圖標";
"" = "Appearance";
"" = "Dark";
"" = "Light";
"" = "System";
"" = "外觀";
"" = "暗色";
"" = "亮色";
"" = "系統";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "已封鎖的網域";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "已封鎖的用戶";
"" = "媒體";
"" = "大頭貼";
"" = "播放動態大頭貼";
"" = "所有位置";
"" = "在個人資料中";
"" = "在個人檔案中";
"" = "永不顯示";
"" = "播放自訂表情動畫";
"" = "播放個人資料頁面頂端動畫";
"" = "播放個人檔案頁面頂端動畫";
"" = "自動播放";
"" = "自動播放 GIF 動畫";
"" = "自動播放影片";
"" = "總是";
"" = "使用 Wi-Fi 網路時";
"" = "永不";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "使用來自服務器的預設選項";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "使用伺服器的預設選項";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "嘟文可見範圍";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "總是將媒體標記為敏感內容";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "顯示媒體內容";
@ -230,8 +230,8 @@
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "隱藏全部";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "總是顯示標為敏感的媒體";
"preferences.filters" = "篩選器";
"" = "使用預設的瀏覽器開連結";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "使用已安裝的應用程式打開連結";
"" = "使用預設的瀏覽器開連結";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "在其他應用程式中開啟連結";
"preferences.notification-types" = "通知類型";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "關注";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "最愛";
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "投票";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "訂閱";
"preferences.notifications" = "通知";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "包含帳名稱";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "包含帳名稱";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "包含圖片";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "音效";
"preferences.muted-users" = "已靜音用戶";
@ -260,9 +260,9 @@
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "關鍵字或片語";
"filter.never-expires" = "永不過期";
"filter.expire-after" = "失效時間";
"filter.contexts" = "過濾情境";
"filter.contexts" = "篩選上下文...";
"filter.irreversible" = "放棄而非隱藏";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "即使移除篩選器,已被過濾的狀態依然會消失。";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "已篩選的嘟文將會不可逆地消失,即便之後刪除過濾器也一樣";
"filter.whole-word" = "整個詞彙";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "如果關鍵字或詞組僅有字母與數字,則其將只在符合整個單字時才會套用";
"" = "儲存修改";
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
"filter.context.notifications" = "通知";
"filter.context.public" = "公開時間軸";
"filter.context.thread" = "會話";
"filter.context.account" = "個人資料";
"filter.context.account" = "個人檔案";
"filter.context.unknown" = "未知情境";
"more-results.accounts" = "更多使用者";
"" = "更多嘟文";
@ -283,12 +283,12 @@
"notifications.poll-ended" = "您參與過的投票已結束";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "您發起的投票已結束";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "來自 %@ 的通知";
"remove" = "移除";
"remove" = "刪除 ";
"report" = "檢舉";
"report.additional-comments" = "補充評論";
"report.hint" = "這項訊息會發送到您伺服器的管理員。您可以提供檢舉這個帳的原因:";
"report.hint" = "這項訊息會發送到您伺服器的管理員。您可以提供檢舉這個帳的原因:";
"" = "檢舉 %@";
"report.forward.hint" = "這個帳戶屬於其他伺服器。要向該伺服器發送匿名的檢舉訊息嗎?";
"report.forward.hint" = "這個帳號屬於其他伺服器,要向該伺服器發送匿名的檢舉訊息嗎?";
"report.forward-%@" = "轉發檢舉至 %@";
"" = "選擇更多要檢舉的嘟文:";
"" = "選擇更多要檢舉的嘟文:";
@ -300,9 +300,9 @@
"selected" = "已選擇";
"send" = "發送";
"share" = "分享";
"" = "未找到帳";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "查看作者的個人資料";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "查看轉嘟者的個人資料";
"" = "未找到帳";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "查看作者的個人檔案";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "查看轉嘟者的個人檔案";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "討論串的其中一部分";
"status.bookmark" = "書籤";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "CW";
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
"status.mute" = "靜音對話";
"" = "新嘟文";
"" = "新嘟文";
"" = "釘選到個人資料頁";
"" = "釘選到個人檔案";
"" = "釘選的嘟文";
"status.pinned.toot" = "釘選的嘟文";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "投票";
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "請在此處寫入警告訊息";
"status.unbookmark" = "移除書籤";
"status.unmute" = "解除此對話的靜音";
"status.unpin" = "從個人頁面解除釘選";
"status.unpin" = "從個人檔案解除釘選";
"status.visibility.public" = "公開";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "不公開";
"status.visibility.private" = "僅關注者";
@ -353,6 +353,6 @@
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "查看與趨勢相關的嘟文";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "每週 %ld 次";
"timelines.home" = "首頁";
"timelines.local" = "本";
"timelines.local" = "本";
"timelines.federated" = "聯邦宇宙";
"toot" = "嘟出去";

View File

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@ -1595,7 +1634,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = "Supporting Files/Metatext.entitlements";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
@ -1605,7 +1644,7 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.metabolist.metatext;
PRODUCT_NAME = Metatext;
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
@ -1623,7 +1662,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = "Supporting Files/Metatext.entitlements";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
@ -1633,7 +1672,7 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.metabolist.metatext;
PRODUCT_NAME = Metatext;
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
@ -1697,7 +1736,7 @@
buildSettings = {
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = "Share Extension/Share Extension.entitlements";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
INFOPLIST_FILE = "Share Extension/Info.plist";
@ -1707,7 +1746,7 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.metabolist.metatext.share-extension";
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
@ -1724,7 +1763,7 @@
buildSettings = {
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = "Share Extension/Share Extension.entitlements";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
INFOPLIST_FILE = "Share Extension/Info.plist";
@ -1734,7 +1773,7 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.metabolist.metatext.share-extension";
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
@ -1752,7 +1791,7 @@
buildSettings = {
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = "Notification Service Extension/Notification Service Extension.entitlements";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
INFOPLIST_FILE = "Notification Service Extension/Info.plist";
@ -1761,7 +1800,7 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.metabolist.metatext.notification-service-extension";
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
@ -1777,7 +1816,7 @@
buildSettings = {
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = "Notification Service Extension/Notification Service Extension.entitlements";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
INFOPLIST_FILE = "Notification Service Extension/Info.plist";
@ -1786,7 +1825,7 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.metabolist.metatext.notification-service-extension";
SDKROOT = iphoneos;

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ You can help translate Metatext on [CrowdIn](
See the [contribution guidelines](
Note that capacity for reviewing pull requests is currently very limited. For now, please limit the scope of proposed changes to fixing bugs and not added features, settings, or behavior, thanks. If you are interested in doing a larger scope change, please propose it via email at first.
## Building
To build Metatext:

View File

@ -28,7 +28,16 @@ public struct TimelineService {
self.timeline = timeline
self.mastodonAPIClient = mastodonAPIClient
self.contentDatabase = contentDatabase
sections = contentDatabase.timelinePublisher(timeline)
if case .home = timeline {
sections = contentDatabase.cleanHomeTimelinePublisher()
.flatMap { _ in contentDatabase.timelinePublisher(timeline) }
} else {
sections = contentDatabase.timelinePublisher(timeline)
navigationService = NavigationService(environment: environment,
mastodonAPIClient: mastodonAPIClient,
contentDatabase: contentDatabase)

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ final class MainNavigationViewController: UITabBarController {
.store(in: &cancellables)
NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIScene.willEnterForegroundNotification)
.debounce(for: .seconds(Self.refreshFromBackgroundDebounceInterval), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self] _ in self?.viewModel.refreshIdentity() }
.store(in: &cancellables)
@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ extension MainNavigationViewController: NavigationHandling {
private extension MainNavigationViewController {
static let secondaryNavigationViewTag = UUID().hashValue
static let newStatusViewTag = UUID().hashValue
static let refreshFromBackgroundDebounceInterval: TimeInterval = 30
func setupViewControllers(pending: Bool) {
var controllers: [UIViewController] = [
@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ private extension MainNavigationViewController {
controller.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = secondaryNavigationButton
viewControllers =
viewControllers =
func setupNewStatusButton() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// Copyright © 2022 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
// ref:
class SwipeableNavigationController: UINavigationController {
private lazy var fullWidthBackGestureRecognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer()
override func viewDidLoad() {
private func setupFullWidthBackGesture() {
guard let targets = interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.value(forKey: "targets") else { return }
// have fullWidthBackGestureRecognizer execute the same handler as interactivePopGestureRecognizer
fullWidthBackGestureRecognizer.setValue(targets, forKey: "targets")
fullWidthBackGestureRecognizer.delegate = self
extension SwipeableNavigationController: UIGestureRecognizerDelegate {
func gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.isEnabled == true && viewControllers.count > 1

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class TableViewController: UITableViewController {
private var shouldKeepPlayingVideoAfterDismissal = false
private var newItemsViewHiddenConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint?
private var newItemsViewVisibleConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint?
private var isPastInitialAppearance = false
private let insetBottom: Bool
private weak var parentNavigationController: UINavigationController?
@ -103,7 +104,11 @@ class TableViewController: UITableViewController {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if isPastInitialAppearance {
isPastInitialAppearance = true
override func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
@ -872,8 +877,8 @@ private extension TableViewController {
func hideNewItemsView() {
UIView.animate(withDuration: .zeroIfReduceMotion(.defaultAnimationDuration)) {
self.newItemsView.alpha = 0
self.newItemsViewHiddenConstraint?.isActive = true
self.newItemsViewVisibleConstraint?.isActive = false
self.newItemsViewHiddenConstraint?.isActive = true
} completion: { _ in

View File

@ -97,7 +97,11 @@ public class CollectionItemsViewModel: ObservableObject {
// swiftlint:disable:next function_body_length cyclomatic_complexity
public func viewModel(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Any {
public func viewModel(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Any? {
guard indexPath.section < lastUpdate.sections.count,
indexPath.item < lastUpdate.sections[indexPath.section].items.count
else { return nil }
let item = lastUpdate.sections[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.item]
let cachedViewModel = viewModelCache[item]

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public protocol CollectionViewModel {
func viewedAtTop(indexPath: IndexPath)
func select(indexPath: IndexPath)
func canSelect(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool
func viewModel(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Any
func viewModel(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Any?
func toggleExpandAll()
func applyAccountListEdit(viewModel: AccountViewModel, edit: CollectionItemEvent.AccountListEdit)

View File

@ -224,10 +224,18 @@ public extension NavigationViewModel {
private extension NavigationViewModel {
func accountSettingsURL(instanceURI: String) -> URL? {
URL(string: "https://\(instanceURI)/auth/edit")
if instanceURI.hasPrefix("https://") {
return URL(string: "\(instanceURI)/auth/edit")
} else {
return URL(string: "https://\(instanceURI)/auth/edit")
func editProfileURL(instanceURI: String) -> URL? {
URL(string: "https://\(instanceURI)/settings/profile")
if instanceURI.hasPrefix("https://") {
return URL(string: "\(instanceURI)/settings/profile")
} else {
return URL(string: "https://\(instanceURI)/settings/profile")

View File

@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ extension ProfileViewModel: CollectionViewModel {
collectionViewModel.value.canSelect(indexPath: indexPath)
public func viewModel(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Any {
public func viewModel(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Any? {
collectionViewModel.value.viewModel(indexPath: indexPath)