package main import ( "bufio" "context" "flag" "fmt" "math" "os" "strings" "time" mastodon "" "" ) var ( client *mastodon.Client self *mastodon.Account topN = flag.Int("top", 10, "shows the top N items in each category") maxToots = flag.Int("recent", 0, "only account for the N most recent toots (excl replies & boosts)") columns = flag.Int("columns", 80, "displays tables with N columns") configFile = flag.String("config", "mastodon.json", "uses the specified config file") search = flag.String("search", "", "searches toots containing string") // user = flag.String("user", "", "shows stats for this user") ) func registerApp(config *Config) (string, error) { app, err := mastodon.RegisterApp(context.Background(), &mastodon.AppConfig{ Server: config.Value("instance").(string), ClientName: "statootstics", Scopes: "read", Website: "", }) if err != nil { return "", err } config.Set("id", app.ClientID) config.Set("secret", app.ClientSecret) config.Set("redirectURI", app.RedirectURI) return app.AuthURI, nil } func initClient() error { var err error var instance, token, redirectURI, authURI, id, secret string config, err := LoadConfig(*configFile) if err == nil { instance = config.Value("instance").(string) id = config.Value("id").(string) secret = config.Value("secret").(string) token = config.Value("token").(string) redirectURI = config.Value("redirectURI").(string) } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) if len(instance) == 0 { fmt.Print("Which instance to connect to (e.g. ") scanner.Scan() if scanner.Err() != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Can't open input: %s", err) } instance = scanner.Text() config.Set("instance", instance) } if len(id) == 0 { authURI, err = registerApp(&config) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Can't register app: %s", err) } id = config.Value("id").(string) secret = config.Value("secret").(string) redirectURI = config.Value("redirectURI").(string) } mConfig := &mastodon.Config{ AccessToken: token, Server: instance, ClientID: id, ClientSecret: secret, } client = mastodon.NewClient(mConfig) if len(mConfig.AccessToken) == 0 { fmt.Printf("Please visit %s and enter the generated token: ", authURI) scanner.Scan() if scanner.Err() != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Can't open input: %s", err) } code := scanner.Text() err = client.AuthenticateToken(context.Background(), code, redirectURI) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Can't retrieve authentication token: %s", err) } config.Set("token", mConfig.AccessToken) err = config.Save(*configFile) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Can't save config: %s", err) } } return nil } func searchToots() error { pb := &goprogressbar.ProgressBar{ Text: fmt.Sprintf("Searching toots for %s", *search), Total: self.StatusesCount, PrependTextFunc: func(p *goprogressbar.ProgressBar) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d of %d", p.Current, int64(math.Max(float64(p.Current), float64(self.StatusesCount)))) }, Current: 0, Width: 40, } var pg mastodon.Pagination for { pg.Limit = 40 statuses, err := client.GetAccountStatuses(context.Background(), self.ID, &pg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Can't retrieve statuses: %s", err) } abort := false for _, s := range statuses { if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(cleanupContent(s.Content)), *search) { fmt.Println("\nFound toot:", cleanupContent(s.Content)) fmt.Println() } pb.Current += 1 pb.LazyPrint() } // For some reason, either because it's Pleroma or because I have too few toots, // `pg.MaxID` never equals `""` and we get stuck looping forever. Add a simple // break condition on "no statuses fetched" to avoid the issue. if abort || pg.MaxID == "" || len(statuses) == 0 { break } } return nil } func gatherStats() error { stats := &stats{ DaysActive: int(time.Since(self.CreatedAt).Hours() / 24), Followers: self.FollowersCount, Following: self.FollowingCount, Toots: make(map[string]*tootStat), Tags: make(map[string]*tootStat), Replies: make(map[string]*tootStat), Mentions: make(map[string]int64), Boosts: make(map[string]int64), Responses: make(map[string]int64), } pb := &goprogressbar.ProgressBar{ Text: fmt.Sprintf("Loading toots for %s", self.Username), Total: self.StatusesCount, PrependTextFunc: func(p *goprogressbar.ProgressBar) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d of %d", p.Current, int64(math.Max(float64(p.Current), float64(self.StatusesCount)))) }, Current: 0, Width: 40, } var pg mastodon.Pagination for { pg.Limit = 40 statuses, err := client.GetAccountStatuses(context.Background(), self.ID, &pg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Can't retrieve statuses: %s", err) } abort := false for _, s := range statuses { err = parseToot(s, stats) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Can't parse toot: %s", err) } pb.Current += 1 pb.LazyPrint() if *maxToots > 0 && len(stats.Toots) >= *maxToots { abort = true break } } // For some reason, either because it's Pleroma or because I have too few toots, // `pg.MaxID` never equals `""` and we get stuck looping forever. Add a simple // break condition on "no statuses fetched" to avoid the issue. if abort || pg.MaxID == "" || len(statuses) == 0 { break } } // print out stats we gathered fmt.Printf("\n\n") printAccountStats(stats) printInteractionStats(stats) printTootStats(stats) printTagStats(stats) return nil } func main() { flag.Parse() *search = strings.ToLower(*search) if err := initClient(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } var err error self, err = client.GetAccountCurrentUser(context.Background()) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Can't retrieve user: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } /* accounts, err := client.AccountsSearch(context.Background(), *user, 1) if err != nil { panic(err) } self = accounts[0] */ if len(*search) > 0 { err = searchToots() } else { err = gatherStats() } if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } }