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// swiftlint:disable all
// Generated using SwiftGen — https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen
import Foundation
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public enum L10n {
public enum Common {
public enum Alerts {
public enum BlockDomain {
/// Block Domain
public static let blockEntireDomain = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.BlockDomain.BlockEntireDomain")
/// Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire %@? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable. You will not see content from that domain and any of your followers from that domain will be removed.
public static func title(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.BlockDomain.Title", String(describing: p1))
public enum CleanCache {
/// Successfully cleaned %@ cache.
public static func message(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.CleanCache.Message", String(describing: p1))
/// Clean Cache
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.CleanCache.Title")
public enum Common {
/// Please try again.
public static let pleaseTryAgain = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.Common.PleaseTryAgain")
/// Please try again later.
public static let pleaseTryAgainLater = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.Common.PleaseTryAgainLater")
public enum DeletePost {
/// Are you sure you want to delete this post?
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.DeletePost.Message")
/// Delete Post
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.DeletePost.Title")
public enum DiscardPostContent {
/// Confirm to discard composed post content.
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.DiscardPostContent.Message")
/// Discard Draft
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.DiscardPostContent.Title")
public enum EditProfileFailure {
/// Cannot edit profile. Please try again.
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.EditProfileFailure.Message")
/// Edit Profile Error
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.EditProfileFailure.Title")
public enum PublishPostFailure {
/// Failed to publish the post.\nPlease check your internet connection.
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.Message")
/// Publish Failure
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.Title")
public enum AttachmentsMessage {
/// Cannot attach more than one video.
public static let moreThanOneVideo = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.AttachmentsMessage.MoreThanOneVideo")
/// Cannot attach a video to a post that already contains images.
public static let videoAttachWithPhoto = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.AttachmentsMessage.VideoAttachWithPhoto")
public enum SavePhotoFailure {
/// Please enable the photo library access permission to save the photo.
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.SavePhotoFailure.Message")
/// Save Photo Failure
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.SavePhotoFailure.Title")
public enum ServerError {
/// Server Error
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.ServerError.Title")
public enum SignOut {
/// Sign Out
public static let confirm = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.SignOut.Confirm")
/// Are you sure you want to sign out?
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message")
/// Sign Out
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.SignOut.Title")
public enum SignUpFailure {
/// Sign Up Failure
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title")
public enum VoteFailure {
/// The poll has ended
public static let pollEnded = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded")
/// Vote Failure
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title")
public enum Controls {
public enum Actions {
/// Add
public static let add = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Add")
/// Back
public static let back = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Back")
/// Block %@
public static func blockDomain(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.BlockDomain", String(describing: p1))
/// Cancel
public static let cancel = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Cancel")
/// Compose
public static let compose = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Compose")
/// Confirm
public static let confirm = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Confirm")
/// Continue
public static let `continue` = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Continue")
/// Copy Photo
public static let copyPhoto = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.CopyPhoto")
/// Delete
public static let delete = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Delete")
/// Discard
public static let discard = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Discard")
/// Done
public static let done = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Done")
/// Edit
public static let edit = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Edit")
/// Find people to follow
public static let findPeople = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.FindPeople")
/// Manually search instead
public static let manuallySearch = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.ManuallySearch")
/// Next
public static let next = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Next")
/// OK
public static let ok = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Ok")
/// Open
public static let `open` = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Open")
/// Open in Browser
public static let openInBrowser = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.OpenInBrowser")
/// Open in Safari
public static let openInSafari = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.OpenInSafari")
/// Preview
public static let preview = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Preview")
/// Previous
public static let previous = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Previous")
/// Remove
public static let remove = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Remove")
/// Reply
public static let reply = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Reply")
/// Report %@
public static func reportUser(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.ReportUser", String(describing: p1))
/// Save
public static let save = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Save")
/// Save Photo
public static let savePhoto = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.SavePhoto")
/// See More
public static let seeMore = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.SeeMore")
/// Settings
public static let settings = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Settings")
/// Share
public static let share = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Share")
/// Share Post
public static let sharePost = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.SharePost")
/// Share %@
public static func shareUser(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.ShareUser", String(describing: p1))
/// Sign In
public static let signIn = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.SignIn")
/// Sign Up
public static let signUp = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.SignUp")
/// Skip
public static let skip = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.Skip")
/// Take Photo
public static let takePhoto = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.TakePhoto")
/// Try Again
public static let tryAgain = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.TryAgain")
/// Unblock %@
public static func unblockDomain(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Actions.UnblockDomain", String(describing: p1))
public enum Friendship {
/// Block
public static let block = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.Block")
/// Block %@
public static func blockDomain(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.BlockDomain", String(describing: p1))
/// Blocked
public static let blocked = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.Blocked")
/// Block %@
public static func blockUser(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.BlockUser", String(describing: p1))
/// Edit Info
public static let editInfo = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.EditInfo")
/// Follow
public static let follow = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.Follow")
/// Following
public static let following = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.Following")
/// Mute
public static let mute = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.Mute")
/// Muted
public static let muted = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.Muted")
/// Mute %@
public static func muteUser(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.MuteUser", String(describing: p1))
/// Pending
public static let pending = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.Pending")
/// Request
public static let request = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.Request")
/// Unblock
public static let unblock = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.Unblock")
/// Unblock %@
public static func unblockUser(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.UnblockUser", String(describing: p1))
/// Unmute
public static let unmute = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.Unmute")
/// Unmute %@
public static func unmuteUser(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Friendship.UnmuteUser", String(describing: p1))
public enum Keyboard {
public enum Common {
/// Compose New Post
public static let composeNewPost = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Common.ComposeNewPost")
/// Open Settings
public static let openSettings = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Common.OpenSettings")
/// Show Favorites
public static let showFavorites = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Common.ShowFavorites")
/// Switch to %@
public static func switchToTab(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Common.SwitchToTab", String(describing: p1))
public enum SegmentedControl {
/// Next Section
public static let nextSection = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.SegmentedControl.NextSection")
/// Previous Section
public static let previousSection = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.SegmentedControl.PreviousSection")
public enum Timeline {
/// Next Post
public static let nextStatus = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.NextStatus")
/// Open Author's Profile
public static let openAuthorProfile = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.OpenAuthorProfile")
/// Open Reblogger's Profile
public static let openRebloggerProfile = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.OpenRebloggerProfile")
/// Open Post
public static let openStatus = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.OpenStatus")
/// Preview Image
public static let previewImage = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.PreviewImage")
/// Previous Post
public static let previousStatus = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.PreviousStatus")
/// Reply to Post
public static let replyStatus = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ReplyStatus")
/// Toggle Content Warning
public static let toggleContentWarning = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleContentWarning")
/// Toggle Favorite on Post
public static let toggleFavorite = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleFavorite")
/// Toggle Reblog on Post
public static let toggleReblog = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleReblog")
public enum Status {
/// Content Warning
public static let contentWarning = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.ContentWarning")
/// Tap anywhere to reveal
public static let mediaContentWarning = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.MediaContentWarning")
/// Sensitive Content
public static let sensitiveContent = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.SensitiveContent")
/// Show Post
public static let showPost = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost")
/// Show user profile
public static let showUserProfile = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.ShowUserProfile")
/// Tap to reveal
public static let tapToReveal = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.TapToReveal")
/// %@ reblogged
public static func userReblogged(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.UserReblogged", String(describing: p1))
/// Replied to %@
public static func userRepliedTo(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.UserRepliedTo", String(describing: p1))
public enum Actions {
/// Favorite
public static let favorite = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Favorite")
/// Hide
public static let hide = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Hide")
/// Menu
public static let menu = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Menu")
/// Reblog
public static let reblog = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Reblog")
/// Reply
public static let reply = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Reply")
/// Show GIF
public static let showGif = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Actions.ShowGif")
/// Show image
public static let showImage = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Actions.ShowImage")
/// Show video player
public static let showVideoPlayer = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Actions.ShowVideoPlayer")
/// Tap then hold to show menu
public static let tapThenHoldToShowMenu = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Actions.TapThenHoldToShowMenu")
/// Unfavorite
public static let unfavorite = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Unfavorite")
/// Undo reblog
public static let unreblog = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Unreblog")
public enum Poll {
/// Closed
public static let closed = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed")
/// Vote
public static let vote = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote")
public enum Tag {
/// Email
public static let email = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Email")
/// Emoji
public static let emoji = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Emoji")
/// Hashtag
public static let hashtag = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Hashtag")
/// Link
public static let link = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Link")
/// Mention
public static let mention = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Mention")
/// URL
public static let url = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Url")
public enum Visibility {
/// Only mentioned user can see this post.
public static let direct = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Visibility.Direct")
/// Only their followers can see this post.
public static let `private` = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Visibility.Private")
/// Only my followers can see this post.
public static let privateFromMe = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Visibility.PrivateFromMe")
/// Everyone can see this post but not display in the public timeline.
public static let unlisted = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Visibility.Unlisted")
public enum Tabs {
/// Home
public static let home = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Tabs.Home")
/// Notification
public static let notification = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Tabs.Notification")
/// Profile
public static let profile = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Tabs.Profile")
/// Search
public static let search = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Tabs.Search")
public enum Timeline {
/// Filtered
public static let filtered = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered")
public enum Header {
/// You can’t view this user’s profile\nuntil they unblock you.
public static let blockedWarning = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning")
/// You can’t view this user's profile\nuntil you unblock them.\nYour profile looks like this to them.
public static let blockingWarning = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockingWarning")
/// No Post Found
public static let noStatusFound = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.NoStatusFound")
/// This user has been suspended.
public static let suspendedWarning = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.SuspendedWarning")
/// You can’t view %@’s profile\nuntil they unblock you.
public static func userBlockedWarning(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserBlockedWarning", String(describing: p1))
/// You can’t view %@’s profile\nuntil you unblock them.\nYour profile looks like this to them.
public static func userBlockingWarning(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserBlockingWarning", String(describing: p1))
/// %@’s account has been suspended.
public static func userSuspendedWarning(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserSuspendedWarning", String(describing: p1))
public enum Loader {
/// Loading missing posts...
public static let loadingMissingPosts = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadingMissingPosts")
/// Load missing posts
public static let loadMissingPosts = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadMissingPosts")
/// Show more replies
public static let showMoreReplies = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.ShowMoreReplies")
public enum Timestamp {
/// Now
public static let now = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now")
public enum Scene {
public enum AccountList {
/// Add Account
public static let addAccount = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.AccountList.AddAccount")
/// Dismiss Account Switcher
public static let dismissAccountSwitcher = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.AccountList.DismissAccountSwitcher")
/// Current selected profile: %@. Double tap then hold to show account switcher
public static func tabBarHint(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.AccountList.TabBarHint", String(describing: p1))
public enum Compose {
/// Publish
public static let composeAction = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.ComposeAction")
/// Type or paste what’s on your mind
public static let contentInputPlaceholder = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.ContentInputPlaceholder")
/// replying to %@
public static func replyingToUser(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.ReplyingToUser", String(describing: p1))
public enum Accessibility {
/// Add Attachment
public static let appendAttachment = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendAttachment")
/// Add Poll
public static let appendPoll = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendPoll")
/// Custom Emoji Picker
public static let customEmojiPicker = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker")
/// Disable Content Warning
public static let disableContentWarning = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning")
/// Enable Content Warning
public static let enableContentWarning = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning")
/// Post Visibility Menu
public static let postVisibilityMenu = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu")
/// Remove Poll
public static let removePoll = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.RemovePoll")
public enum Attachment {
/// This %@ is broken and can’t be\nuploaded to Mastodon.
public static func attachmentBroken(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken", String(describing: p1))
/// Describe the photo for the visually-impaired...
public static let descriptionPhoto = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Attachment.DescriptionPhoto")
/// Describe the video for the visually-impaired...
public static let descriptionVideo = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Attachment.DescriptionVideo")
/// photo
public static let photo = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Attachment.Photo")
/// video
public static let video = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Attachment.Video")
public enum AutoComplete {
/// Space to add
public static let spaceToAdd = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.AutoComplete.SpaceToAdd")
public enum ContentWarning {
/// Write an accurate warning here...
public static let placeholder = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.ContentWarning.Placeholder")
public enum Keyboard {
/// Add Attachment - %@
public static func appendAttachmentEntry(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Keyboard.AppendAttachmentEntry", String(describing: p1))
/// Discard Post
public static let discardPost = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Keyboard.DiscardPost")
/// Publish Post
public static let publishPost = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Keyboard.PublishPost")
/// Select Visibility - %@
public static func selectVisibilityEntry(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Keyboard.SelectVisibilityEntry", String(describing: p1))
/// Toggle Content Warning
public static let toggleContentWarning = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Keyboard.ToggleContentWarning")
/// Toggle Poll
public static let togglePoll = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Keyboard.TogglePoll")
public enum MediaSelection {
/// Browse
public static let browse = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.MediaSelection.Browse")
/// Take Photo
public static let camera = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.MediaSelection.Camera")
/// Photo Library
public static let photoLibrary = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.MediaSelection.PhotoLibrary")
public enum Poll {
/// Duration: %@
public static func durationTime(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Poll.DurationTime", String(describing: p1))
/// 1 Day
public static let oneDay = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Poll.OneDay")
/// 1 Hour
public static let oneHour = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Poll.OneHour")
/// Option %ld
public static func optionNumber(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Poll.OptionNumber", p1)
/// 7 Days
public static let sevenDays = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Poll.SevenDays")
/// 6 Hours
public static let sixHours = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Poll.SixHours")
/// 30 minutes
public static let thirtyMinutes = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Poll.ThirtyMinutes")
/// 3 Days
public static let threeDays = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Poll.ThreeDays")
public enum Title {
/// New Post
public static let newPost = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Title.NewPost")
/// New Reply
public static let newReply = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Title.NewReply")
public enum Visibility {
/// Only people I mention
public static let direct = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Visibility.Direct")
/// Followers only
public static let `private` = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Visibility.Private")
/// Public
public static let `public` = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Visibility.Public")
/// Unlisted
public static let unlisted = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Visibility.Unlisted")
public enum ConfirmEmail {
/// Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account.
public static let subtitle = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.Subtitle")
/// Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account
public static let tapTheLinkWeEmailedToYouToVerifyYourAccount = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.TapTheLinkWeEmailedToYouToVerifyYourAccount")
/// One last thing.
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.Title")
public enum Button {
/// Open Email App
public static let openEmailApp = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.Button.OpenEmailApp")
/// Resend
public static let resend = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.Button.Resend")
public enum DontReceiveEmail {
/// Check if your email address is correct as well as your junk folder if you haven’t.
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.Description")
/// Resend Email
public static let resendEmail = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.ResendEmail")
/// Check your email
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.Title")
public enum OpenEmailApp {
/// We just sent you an email. Check your junk folder if you haven’t.
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.Description")
/// Mail
public static let mail = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.Mail")
/// Open Email Client
public static let openEmailClient = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.OpenEmailClient")
/// Check your inbox.
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.Title")
public enum Discovery {
/// These are the posts gaining traction in your corner of Mastodon.
public static let intro = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Discovery.Intro")
public enum Tabs {
/// Community
public static let community = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Discovery.Tabs.Community")
/// For You
public static let forYou = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Discovery.Tabs.ForYou")
/// Hashtags
public static let hashtags = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Discovery.Tabs.Hashtags")
/// News
public static let news = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Discovery.Tabs.News")
/// Posts
public static let posts = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Discovery.Tabs.Posts")
public enum Familiarfollowers {
/// Followed by %@
public static func followedByNames(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Familiarfollowers.FollowedByNames", String(describing: p1))
/// Followers you familiar
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Familiarfollowers.Title")
public enum Favorite {
/// Your Favorites
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Favorite.Title")
public enum FavoritedBy {
/// Favorited By
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.FavoritedBy.Title")
public enum Follower {
/// Followers from other servers are not displayed.
public static let footer = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Follower.Footer")
/// follower
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Follower.Title")
public enum Following {
/// Follows from other servers are not displayed.
public static let footer = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Following.Footer")
/// following
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Following.Title")
public enum HomeTimeline {
/// Home
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.HomeTimeline.Title")
public enum NavigationBarState {
/// See new posts
public static let newPosts = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.NewPosts")
/// Offline
public static let offline = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Offline")
/// Published!
public static let published = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Published")
/// Publishing post...
public static let publishing = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Publishing")
public enum Accessibility {
/// Tap to scroll to top and tap again to previous location
public static let logoHint = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Accessibility.LogoHint")
/// Logo Button
public static let logoLabel = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Accessibility.LogoLabel")
public enum Notification {
public enum FollowRequest {
/// Accept
public static let accept = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.FollowRequest.Accept")
/// Accepted
public static let accepted = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.FollowRequest.Accepted")
/// reject
public static let reject = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.FollowRequest.Reject")
/// Rejected
public static let rejected = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.FollowRequest.Rejected")
public enum Keyobard {
/// Show Everything
public static let showEverything = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.Keyobard.ShowEverything")
/// Show Mentions
public static let showMentions = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.Keyobard.ShowMentions")
public enum NotificationDescription {
/// favorited your post
public static let favoritedYourPost = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.FavoritedYourPost")
/// followed you
public static let followedYou = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.FollowedYou")
/// mentioned you
public static let mentionedYou = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.MentionedYou")
/// poll has ended
public static let pollHasEnded = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.PollHasEnded")
/// reblogged your post
public static let rebloggedYourPost = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.RebloggedYourPost")
/// request to follow you
public static let requestToFollowYou = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.RequestToFollowYou")
public enum Title {
/// Everything
public static let everything = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.Title.Everything")
/// Mentions
public static let mentions = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Notification.Title.Mentions")
public enum Preview {
public enum Keyboard {
/// Close Preview
public static let closePreview = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ClosePreview")
/// Show Next
public static let showNext = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowNext")
/// Show Previous
public static let showPrevious = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowPrevious")
public enum Profile {
public enum Accessibility {
/// Double tap to open the list
public static let doubleTapToOpenTheList = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Accessibility.DoubleTapToOpenTheList")
/// Edit avatar image
public static let editAvatarImage = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Accessibility.EditAvatarImage")
/// Show avatar image
public static let showAvatarImage = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Accessibility.ShowAvatarImage")
/// Show banner image
public static let showBannerImage = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Accessibility.ShowBannerImage")
public enum Dashboard {
/// followers
public static let followers = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Followers")
/// following
public static let following = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Following")
/// posts
public static let posts = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Posts")
public enum Fields {
/// Add Row
public static let addRow = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Fields.AddRow")
public enum Placeholder {
/// Content
public static let content = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Fields.Placeholder.Content")
/// Label
public static let label = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Fields.Placeholder.Label")
public enum Header {
/// Follows You
public static let followsYou = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Header.FollowsYou")
public enum RelationshipActionAlert {
public enum ConfirmBlockUser {
/// Confirm to block %@
public static func message(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmBlockUser.Message", String(describing: p1))
/// Block Account
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmBlockUser.Title")
public enum ConfirmMuteUser {
/// Confirm to mute %@
public static func message(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmMuteUser.Message", String(describing: p1))
/// Mute Account
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmMuteUser.Title")
public enum ConfirmUnblockUser {
/// Confirm to unblock %@
public static func message(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnblockUser.Message", String(describing: p1))
/// Unblock Account
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnblockUser.Title")
public enum ConfirmUnmuteUser {
/// Confirm to unmute %@
public static func message(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnmuteUser.Message", String(describing: p1))
/// Unmute Account
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnmuteUser.Title")
public enum SegmentedControl {
/// About
public static let about = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.About")
/// Media
public static let media = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Media")
/// Posts
public static let posts = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Posts")
/// Posts and Replies
public static let postsAndReplies = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.PostsAndReplies")
/// Replies
public static let replies = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies")
public enum RebloggedBy {
/// Reblogged By
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.RebloggedBy.Title")
public enum Register {
/// Let’s get you set up on %@
public static func letsGetYouSetUpOnDomain(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.LetsGetYouSetUpOnDomain", String(describing: p1))
/// Let’s get you set up on %@
public static func title(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Title", String(describing: p1))
public enum Error {
public enum Item {
/// Agreement
public static let agreement = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Item.Agreement")
/// Email
public static let email = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Item.Email")
/// Locale
public static let locale = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Item.Locale")
/// Password
public static let password = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Item.Password")
/// Reason
public static let reason = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Item.Reason")
/// Username
public static let username = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Item.Username")
public enum Reason {
/// %@ must be accepted
public static func accepted(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Accepted", String(describing: p1))
/// %@ is required
public static func blank(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Blank", String(describing: p1))
/// %@ contains a disallowed email provider
public static func blocked(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Blocked", String(describing: p1))
/// %@ is not a supported value
public static func inclusion(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Inclusion", String(describing: p1))
/// %@ is invalid
public static func invalid(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Invalid", String(describing: p1))
/// %@ is a reserved keyword
public static func reserved(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Reserved", String(describing: p1))
/// %@ is already in use
public static func taken(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Taken", String(describing: p1))
/// %@ is too long
public static func tooLong(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Reason.TooLong", String(describing: p1))
/// %@ is too short
public static func tooShort(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Reason.TooShort", String(describing: p1))
/// %@ does not seem to exist
public static func unreachable(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Unreachable", String(describing: p1))
public enum Special {
/// This is not a valid email address
public static let emailInvalid = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Special.EmailInvalid")
/// Password is too short (must be at least 8 characters)
public static let passwordTooShort = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Special.PasswordTooShort")
/// Username must only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores
public static let usernameInvalid = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Special.UsernameInvalid")
/// Username is too long (can’t be longer than 30 characters)
public static let usernameTooLong = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Error.Special.UsernameTooLong")
public enum Input {
public enum Avatar {
/// Delete
public static let delete = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.Avatar.Delete")
public enum DisplayName {
/// display name
public static let placeholder = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.DisplayName.Placeholder")
public enum Email {
/// email
public static let placeholder = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.Email.Placeholder")
public enum Invite {
/// Why do you want to join?
public static let registrationUserInviteRequest = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.Invite.RegistrationUserInviteRequest")
public enum Password {
/// 8 characters
public static let characterLimit = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.Password.CharacterLimit")
/// Your password needs at least eight characters
public static let hint = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.Password.Hint")
/// password
public static let placeholder = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.Password.Placeholder")
/// Your password needs at least:
public static let require = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.Password.Require")
public enum Accessibility {
/// checked
public static let checked = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.Password.Accessibility.Checked")
/// unchecked
public static let unchecked = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.Password.Accessibility.Unchecked")
public enum Username {
/// This username is taken.
public static let duplicatePrompt = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.Username.DuplicatePrompt")
/// username
public static let placeholder = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Register.Input.Username.Placeholder")
public enum Report {
/// Are there any other posts you’d like to add to the report?
public static let content1 = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.Content1")
/// Is there anything the moderators should know about this report?
public static let content2 = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.Content2")
public static let reported = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.Reported")
/// Thanks for reporting, we’ll look into this.
public static let reportSentTitle = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.ReportSentTitle")
/// Send Report
public static let send = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.Send")
/// Send without comment
public static let skipToSend = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.SkipToSend")
/// Step 1 of 2
public static let step1 = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.Step1")
/// Step 2 of 2
public static let step2 = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.Step2")
/// Type or paste additional comments
public static let textPlaceholder = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.TextPlaceholder")
/// Report %@
public static func title(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.Title", String(describing: p1))
/// Report
public static let titleReport = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.TitleReport")
public enum StepFinal {
/// Block %@
public static func blockUser(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFinal.BlockUser", String(describing: p1))
/// Don’t want to see this?
public static let dontWantToSeeThis = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFinal.DontWantToSeeThis")
/// Mute %@
public static func muteUser(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFinal.MuteUser", String(describing: p1))
/// They will no longer be able to follow or see your posts, but they can see if they’ve been blocked.
public static let theyWillNoLongerBeAbleToFollowOrSeeYourPostsButTheyCanSeeIfTheyveBeenBlocked = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFinal.TheyWillNoLongerBeAbleToFollowOrSeeYourPostsButTheyCanSeeIfTheyveBeenBlocked")
/// Unfollow
public static let unfollow = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFinal.Unfollow")
/// Unfollowed
public static let unfollowed = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFinal.Unfollowed")
/// Unfollow %@
public static func unfollowUser(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFinal.UnfollowUser", String(describing: p1))
/// When you see something you don’t like on Mastodon, you can remove the person from your experience.
public static let whenYouSeeSomethingYouDontLikeOnMastodonYouCanRemoveThePersonFromYourExperience = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFinal.WhenYouSeeSomethingYouDontLikeOnMastodonYouCanRemoveThePersonFromYourExperience.")
/// While we review this, you can take action against %@
public static func whileWeReviewThisYouCanTakeActionAgainstUser(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFinal.WhileWeReviewThisYouCanTakeActionAgainstUser", String(describing: p1))
/// You won’t see their posts or reblogs in your home feed. They won’t know they’ve been muted.
public static let youWontSeeTheirPostsOrReblogsInYourHomeFeedTheyWontKnowTheyVeBeenMuted = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFinal.YouWontSeeTheirPostsOrReblogsInYourHomeFeedTheyWontKnowTheyVeBeenMuted")
public enum StepFour {
/// Is there anything else we should know?
public static let isThereAnythingElseWeShouldKnow = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFour.IsThereAnythingElseWeShouldKnow")
/// Step 4 of 4
public static let step4Of4 = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepFour.Step4Of4")
public enum StepOne {
/// I don’t like it
public static let iDontLikeIt = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.IDontLikeIt")
/// It is not something you want to see
public static let itIsNotSomethingYouWantToSee = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.ItIsNotSomethingYouWantToSee")
/// It’s something else
public static let itsSomethingElse = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.ItsSomethingElse")
/// It’s spam
public static let itsSpam = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.ItsSpam")
/// It violates server rules
public static let itViolatesServerRules = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.ItViolatesServerRules")
/// Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetetive replies
public static let maliciousLinksFakeEngagementOrRepetetiveReplies = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.MaliciousLinksFakeEngagementOrRepetetiveReplies")
/// Select the best match
public static let selectTheBestMatch = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.SelectTheBestMatch")
/// Step 1 of 4
public static let step1Of4 = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.Step1Of4")
/// The issue does not fit into other categories
public static let theIssueDoesNotFitIntoOtherCategories = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.TheIssueDoesNotFitIntoOtherCategories")
/// What's wrong with this account?
public static let whatsWrongWithThisAccount = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.WhatsWrongWithThisAccount")
/// What's wrong with this post?
public static let whatsWrongWithThisPost = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.WhatsWrongWithThisPost")
/// What's wrong with %@?
public static func whatsWrongWithThisUsername(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.WhatsWrongWithThisUsername", String(describing: p1))
/// You are aware that it breaks specific rules
public static let youAreAwareThatItBreaksSpecificRules = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepOne.YouAreAwareThatItBreaksSpecificRules")
public enum StepThree {
/// Are there any posts that back up this report?
public static let areThereAnyPostsThatBackUpThisReport = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepThree.AreThereAnyPostsThatBackUpThisReport")
/// Select all that apply
public static let selectAllThatApply = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepThree.SelectAllThatApply")
/// Step 3 of 4
public static let step3Of4 = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepThree.Step3Of4")
public enum StepTwo {
/// I just don’t like it
public static let iJustDonTLikeIt = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepTwo.IJustDon’tLikeIt")
/// Select all that apply
public static let selectAllThatApply = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepTwo.SelectAllThatApply")
/// Step 2 of 4
public static let step2Of4 = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepTwo.Step2Of4")
/// Which rules are being violated?
public static let whichRulesAreBeingViolated = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Report.StepTwo.WhichRulesAreBeingViolated")
public enum Search {
/// Search
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Title")
public enum Recommend {
/// See All
public static let buttonText = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Recommend.ButtonText")
public enum Accounts {
/// You may like to follow these accounts
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Recommend.Accounts.Description")
/// Follow
public static let follow = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Recommend.Accounts.Follow")
/// Accounts you might like
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Recommend.Accounts.Title")
public enum HashTag {
/// Hashtags that are getting quite a bit of attention
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Recommend.HashTag.Description")
/// %@ people are talking
public static func peopleTalking(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Recommend.HashTag.PeopleTalking", String(describing: p1))
/// Trending on Mastodon
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Recommend.HashTag.Title")
public enum SearchBar {
/// Cancel
public static let cancel = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.SearchBar.Cancel")
/// Search hashtags and users
public static let placeholder = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.SearchBar.Placeholder")
public enum Searching {
/// Clear
public static let clear = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Searching.Clear")
/// Recent searches
public static let recentSearch = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Searching.RecentSearch")
public enum EmptyState {
/// No results
public static let noResults = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Searching.EmptyState.NoResults")
public enum Segment {
/// All
public static let all = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Searching.Segment.All")
/// Hashtags
public static let hashtags = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Searching.Segment.Hashtags")
/// People
public static let people = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Searching.Segment.People")
/// Posts
public static let posts = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Search.Searching.Segment.Posts")
public enum ServerPicker {
/// Pick a server based on your interests, region, or a general purpose one.
public static let subtitle = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Subtitle")
/// Pick a server based on your interests, region, or a general purpose one. Each server is operated by an entirely independent organization or individual.
public static let subtitleExtend = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.SubtitleExtend")
/// Mastodon is made of users in different servers.
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Title")
public enum Button {
/// See Less
public static let seeLess = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.SeeLess")
/// See More
public static let seeMore = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.SeeMore")
public enum Category {
/// academia
public static let academia = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Academia")
/// activism
public static let activism = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Activism")
/// All
public static let all = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.All")
/// Category: All
public static let allAccessiblityDescription = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.AllAccessiblityDescription")
/// art
public static let art = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Art")
/// food
public static let food = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Food")
/// furry
public static let furry = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Furry")
/// games
public static let games = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Games")
/// general
public static let general = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.General")
/// journalism
public static let journalism = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Journalism")
/// lgbt
public static let lgbt = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Lgbt")
/// music
public static let music = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Music")
/// regional
public static let regional = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Regional")
/// tech
public static let tech = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Tech")
public enum EmptyState {
/// Something went wrong while loading the data. Check your internet connection.
public static let badNetwork = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.EmptyState.BadNetwork")
/// Finding available servers...
public static let findingServers = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.EmptyState.FindingServers")
/// No results
public static let noResults = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.EmptyState.NoResults")
public enum Input {
/// Search servers
public static let placeholder = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Input.Placeholder")
/// Search servers or enter URL
public static let searchServersOrEnterUrl = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Input.SearchServersOrEnterUrl")
public enum Label {
public static let category = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Label.Category")
public static let language = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Label.Language")
public static let users = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerPicker.Label.Users")
public enum ServerRules {
/// privacy policy
public static let privacyPolicy = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerRules.PrivacyPolicy")
/// By continuing, you’re subject to the terms of service and privacy policy for %@.
public static func prompt(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerRules.Prompt", String(describing: p1))
/// These are set and enforced by the %@ moderators.
public static func subtitle(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerRules.Subtitle", String(describing: p1))
/// terms of service
public static let termsOfService = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerRules.TermsOfService")
/// Some ground rules.
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerRules.Title")
public enum Button {
/// I Agree
public static let confirm = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.ServerRules.Button.Confirm")
public enum Settings {
/// Settings
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Title")
public enum Footer {
/// Mastodon is open source software. You can report issues on GitHub at %@ (%@)
public static func mastodonDescription(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Footer.MastodonDescription", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2))
public enum Keyboard {
/// Close Settings Window
public static let closeSettingsWindow = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Keyboard.CloseSettingsWindow")
public enum Section {
public enum Appearance {
/// Automatic
public static let automatic = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Appearance.Automatic")
/// Always Dark
public static let dark = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Appearance.Dark")
/// Always Light
public static let light = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Appearance.Light")
/// Appearance
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Appearance.Title")
public enum BoringZone {
/// Account Settings
public static let accountSettings = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.BoringZone.AccountSettings")
/// Privacy Policy
public static let privacy = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.BoringZone.Privacy")
/// Terms of Service
public static let terms = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.BoringZone.Terms")
/// The Boring Zone
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.BoringZone.Title")
public enum LookAndFeel {
/// Light
public static let light = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.LookAndFeel.Light")
/// Really Dark
public static let reallyDark = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.LookAndFeel.ReallyDark")
/// Sorta Dark
public static let sortaDark = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.LookAndFeel.SortaDark")
/// Look and Feel
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.LookAndFeel.Title")
/// Use System
public static let useSystem = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.LookAndFeel.UseSystem")
public enum Notifications {
/// Reblogs my post
public static let boosts = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Boosts")
/// Favorites my post
public static let favorites = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Favorites")
/// Follows me
public static let follows = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Follows")
/// Mentions me
public static let mentions = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Mentions")
/// Notifications
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Title")
public enum Trigger {
/// anyone
public static let anyone = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Anyone")
/// anyone I follow
public static let follow = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Follow")
/// a follower
public static let follower = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Follower")
/// no one
public static let noone = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Noone")
/// Notify me when
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Title")
public enum Preference {
/// Disable animated avatars
public static let disableAvatarAnimation = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.DisableAvatarAnimation")
/// Disable animated emojis
public static let disableEmojiAnimation = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.DisableEmojiAnimation")
/// Open links in Mastodon
public static let openLinksInMastodon = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.OpenLinksInMastodon")
/// Preferences
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.Title")
/// True black dark mode
public static let trueBlackDarkMode = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.TrueBlackDarkMode")
/// Use default browser to open links
public static let usingDefaultBrowser = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.UsingDefaultBrowser")
public enum SpicyZone {
/// Clear Media Cache
public static let clear = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.SpicyZone.Clear")
/// Sign Out
public static let signout = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.SpicyZone.Signout")
/// The Spicy Zone
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Settings.Section.SpicyZone.Title")
public enum SuggestionAccount {
/// When you follow someone, you’ll see their posts in your home feed.
public static let followExplain = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.SuggestionAccount.FollowExplain")
/// Find People to Follow
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.SuggestionAccount.Title")
public enum Thread {
/// Post
public static let backTitle = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Thread.BackTitle")
/// Post from %@
public static func title(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Thread.Title", String(describing: p1))
public enum Welcome {
/// Get Started
public static let getStarted = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Welcome.GetStarted")
/// Log In
public static let logIn = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Welcome.LogIn")
/// Social networking\nback in your hands.
public static let slogan = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Welcome.Slogan")
public enum Wizard {
/// Double tap to dismiss this wizard
public static let accessibilityHint = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Wizard.AccessibilityHint")
/// Switch between multiple accounts by holding the profile button.
public static let multipleAccountSwitchIntroDescription = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Wizard.MultipleAccountSwitchIntroDescription")
/// New in Mastodon
public static let newInMastodon = L10n.tr("Localizable", "Scene.Wizard.NewInMastodon")
public enum A11y {
public enum Plural {
public enum Count {
/// Plural format key: "Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@"
public static func inputLimitExceeds(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "a11y.plural.count.input_limit_exceeds", p1)
/// Plural format key: "Input limit remains %#@character_count@"
public static func inputLimitRemains(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "a11y.plural.count.input_limit_remains", p1)
public enum Unread {
/// Plural format key: "%#@notification_count_unread_notification@"
public static func notification(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "a11y.plural.count.unread.notification", p1)
public enum Date {
public enum Day {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_day_left@"
public static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.day.left", p1)
public enum Ago {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_day_ago_abbr@"
public static func abbr(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.day.ago.abbr", p1)
public enum Hour {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_hour_left@"
public static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.hour.left", p1)
public enum Ago {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_hour_ago_abbr@"
public static func abbr(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.hour.ago.abbr", p1)
public enum Minute {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_minute_left@"
public static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.minute.left", p1)
public enum Ago {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_minute_ago_abbr@"
public static func abbr(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.minute.ago.abbr", p1)
public enum Month {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_month_left@"
public static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.month.left", p1)
public enum Ago {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_month_ago_abbr@"
public static func abbr(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.month.ago.abbr", p1)
public enum Second {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_second_left@"
public static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.second.left", p1)
public enum Ago {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_second_ago_abbr@"
public static func abbr(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.second.ago.abbr", p1)
public enum Year {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_year_left@"
public static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.year.left", p1)
public enum Ago {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_year_ago_abbr@"
public static func abbr(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "date.year.ago.abbr", p1)
public enum Plural {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_people_talking@"
public static func peopleTalking(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.people_talking", p1)
public enum Count {
/// Plural format key: "%#@favorite_count@"
public static func favorite(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.count.favorite", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@names@%#@count_mutual@"
public static func followedByAndMutual(_ p1: Int, _ p2: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.count.followed_by_and_mutual", p1, p2)
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_follower@"
public static func follower(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.count.follower", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_following@"
public static func following(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.count.following", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@media_count@"
public static func media(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.count.media", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@post_count@"
public static func post(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.count.post", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@reblog_count@"
public static func reblog(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.count.reblog", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@reply_count@"
public static func reply(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.count.reply", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@vote_count@"
public static func vote(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.count.vote", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@voter_count@"
public static func voter(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.count.voter", p1)
public enum MetricFormatted {
/// Plural format key: "%@ %#@post_count@"
public static func post(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Int) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "plural.count.metric_formatted.post", String(describing: p1), p2)
// swiftlint:enable explicit_type_interface function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length
// swiftlint:enable nesting type_body_length type_name vertical_whitespace_opening_braces
// MARK: - Implementation Details
extension L10n {
private static func tr(_ table: String, _ key: String, _ args: CVarArg...) -> String {
let format = Bundle.module.localizedString(forKey: key, value: nil, table: table)
return String(format: format, locale: Locale.current, arguments: args)