mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 10:47:35 +01:00
* Copynpaste cell to logout all accounts (IOS-245) * Show cell (IOS-245) * Logout of all accounts (IOS-245) * Use iOS-formsheet to present account-list (IOS-245) * Remove dead code (IOS-245) * Don't animate account-switches (IOS-245) * Remove panModal (IOS-245) * UI-fixes (IOS-245) * Add swipe-to-logout-action (IOS-245) * Localize (IOS-245) * Add a little bit of margin (IOS-245) * Fix separator-insets (IOS-245) * Don't crash on iPad when logging out of all accounts (IOS-245)
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163 lines
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// AuthenticationService.swift
// Mastodon
// Created by MainasuK Cirno on 2021/2/3.
import Foundation
import Combine
import CoreData
import CoreDataStack
import MastodonSDK
private typealias IterativeResponse = (ids: [String], maxID: String?)
public final class AuthenticationService: NSObject {
var disposeBag = Set<AnyCancellable>()
// input
weak var apiService: APIService?
let managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext // read-only
let backgroundManagedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext
let authenticationServiceProvider = AuthenticationServiceProvider.shared
// output
@Published public var mastodonAuthenticationBoxes: [MastodonAuthenticationBox] = []
private func fetchFollowedBlockedUserIds(
_ authBox: MastodonAuthenticationBox,
_ previousFollowingIDs: [String]? = nil,
_ maxID: String? = nil
) async throws {
guard let apiService else { return }
let followingResponse = try await fetchFollowing(maxID, apiService, authBox)
let followingIds = (previousFollowingIDs ?? []) + followingResponse.ids
if let nextMaxID = followingResponse.maxID {
return try await fetchFollowedBlockedUserIds(authBox, followingIds, nextMaxID)
let blockedIds = try await apiService.getBlocked(
authenticationBox: authBox
).value.map { $0.id }
let followRequestIds = try await apiService.pendingFollowRequest(userID: authBox.userID,
authenticationBox: authBox)
.value.map { $0.id }
authBox.inMemoryCache.followRequestedUserIDs = followRequestIds
authBox.inMemoryCache.followingUserIds = followingIds
authBox.inMemoryCache.blockedUserIds = blockedIds
private func fetchFollowing(
_ maxID: String?,
_ apiService: APIService,
_ mastodonAuthenticationBox: MastodonAuthenticationBox
) async throws -> IterativeResponse {
let response = try await apiService.following(
userID: mastodonAuthenticationBox.userID,
maxID: maxID,
authenticationBox: mastodonAuthenticationBox
let ids: [String] = response.value.map { $0.id }
let maxID: String? = response.link?.maxID
return (ids, maxID)
public func fetchFollowingAndBlockedAsync() {
/// We're dispatching this as a separate async call to not block the caller
/// Also we'll only be updating the current active user as the state will be reflesh upon user-change anyways
Task {
if let authBox = mastodonAuthenticationBoxes.first {
do { try await fetchFollowedBlockedUserIds(authBox) }
catch {}
public let updateActiveUserAccountPublisher = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext,
backgroundManagedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext,
apiService: APIService
) {
self.managedObjectContext = managedObjectContext
self.backgroundManagedObjectContext = backgroundManagedObjectContext
self.apiService = apiService
.throttle(for: 3, scheduler: DispatchQueue.main, latest: true)
.sink { [weak self] boxes in
Task { [weak self] in
for authBox in boxes {
do { try await self?.fetchFollowedBlockedUserIds(authBox) }
catch {}
.store(in: &disposeBag)
// TODO: verify credentials for active authentication
.map { authentications -> [MastodonAuthenticationBox] in
return authentications
.sorted(by: { $0.activedAt > $1.activedAt })
.compactMap { authentication -> MastodonAuthenticationBox? in
return MastodonAuthenticationBox(authentication: authentication)
.assign(to: &$mastodonAuthenticationBoxes)
AuthenticationServiceProvider.shared.authentications = AuthenticationServiceProvider.shared.authenticationSortedByActivation()
extension AuthenticationService {
public func activeMastodonUser(domain: String, userID: String) async throws -> Bool {
var isActive = false
AuthenticationServiceProvider.shared.activateAuthentication(in: domain, for: userID)
isActive = true
return isActive
public func signOutMastodonUser(authentication: MastodonAuthentication) async throws {
try AuthenticationServiceProvider.shared.delete(authentication: authentication)
_ = try await apiService?.cancelSubscription(domain: authentication.domain, authorization: authentication.authorization)
public func signOutMastodonUser(authenticationBox: MastodonAuthenticationBox) async throws {
do {
try AuthenticationServiceProvider.shared.delete(authentication: authenticationBox.authentication)
} catch {
assertionFailure("Failed to delete Authentication: \(error)")
// cancel push notification subscription
do {
_ = try await apiService?.cancelSubscription(
domain: authenticationBox.domain,
authorization: authenticationBox.userAuthorization
} catch {
// do nothing