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// Collection.swift
// Created by MainasuK on 2021-12-7.
import Foundation
// https://gist.github.com/DougGregor/92a2e4f6e11f6d733fb5065e9d1c880f
extension Collection {
public func parallelMap<T>(
parallelism requestedParallelism: Int? = nil,
_ transform: @escaping (Element) async throws -> T
) async rethrows -> [T] {
let defaultParallelism = 2
let parallelism = requestedParallelism ?? defaultParallelism
let n = count
if n == 0 {
return []
return try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: (Int, T).self, returning: [T].self) { group in
var result = [T?](repeatElement(nil, count: n))
var i = self.startIndex
var submitted = 0
func submitNext() async throws {
if i == self.endIndex { return }
group.addTask { [submitted, i] in
let value = try await transform(self[i])
return (submitted, value)
submitted += 1
formIndex(after: &i)
// submit first initial tasks
for _ in 0 ..< parallelism {
try await submitNext()
// as each task completes, submit a new task until we run out of work
while let (index, taskResult) = try await group.next() {
result[index] = taskResult
try Task.checkCancellation()
try await submitNext()
assert(result.count == n)
return Array(result.compactMap { $0 })
func parallelEach(
parallelism requestedParallelism: Int? = nil,
_ work: @escaping (Element) async throws -> Void
) async rethrows {
_ = try await parallelMap {
try await work($0)