mirror of https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon-ios.git synced 2025-01-31 17:45:17 +01:00
Jed Fox 0a9689c67f
Add support for selecting the post language (#907)
* Basic fake language picker support

* Recognize languages from post text

* Exclude suggested languages from recents

* Load recent languages from Settings object

* Send the language to the API

* Persist the used language to settings

* Always show the currently selected language in the list

* Fix crash

* Add support for picking arbitrary lanuages

* Fix display of 3 letter language codes

* Improve label to include endonym too

* Limit to 3 recent languages

* Reduce lower bound for displaying language suggestions

* Fix saving recent language when publishing

* Fix tint color of language picker button

* Add a badge to prompt users to change language

* Dismiss the badge even if you pick the same language

* Read language names in the language if possible

* Use a compressed font for 3-letter codes

Also use `minimumScaleFactor` to shrink troublesome codes to fit

Co-Authored-By: samhenrigold <49251320+samhenrigold@users.noreply.github.com>

* Remove .vscode/launch.json

* Add message to fatalError()

Co-authored-by: samhenrigold <49251320+samhenrigold@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-01-24 01:50:10 +01:00

194 lines
7.5 KiB

// MastodonStatusPublisher.swift
// Created by MainasuK on 2021-12-1.
import os.log
import Foundation
import CoreData
import CoreDataStack
import MastodonCore
import MastodonSDK
public final class MastodonStatusPublisher: NSObject, ProgressReporting {
let logger = Logger(subsystem: "MastodonStatusPublisher", category: "Publisher")
// Input
// author
public let author: ManagedObjectRecord<MastodonUser>
// refer
public let replyTo: ManagedObjectRecord<Status>?
// content warning
public let isContentWarningComposing: Bool
public let contentWarning: String
// status content
public let content: String
// media
public let isMediaSensitive: Bool
public let attachmentViewModels: [AttachmentViewModel]
// poll
public let isPollComposing: Bool
public let pollOptions: [PollComposeItem.Option]
public let pollExpireConfigurationOption: PollComposeItem.ExpireConfiguration.Option
public let pollMultipleConfigurationOption: PollComposeItem.MultipleConfiguration.Option
// visibility
public let visibility: Mastodon.Entity.Status.Visibility
// language
public let language: String
// Output
let _progress = Progress()
public var progress: Progress { _progress }
@Published var _state: StatusPublisherState = .pending
public var state: Published<StatusPublisherState>.Publisher { $_state }
public var reactor: StatusPublisherReactor?
public init(
author: ManagedObjectRecord<MastodonUser>,
replyTo: ManagedObjectRecord<Status>?,
isContentWarningComposing: Bool,
contentWarning: String,
content: String,
isMediaSensitive: Bool,
attachmentViewModels: [AttachmentViewModel],
isPollComposing: Bool,
pollOptions: [PollComposeItem.Option],
pollExpireConfigurationOption: PollComposeItem.ExpireConfiguration.Option,
pollMultipleConfigurationOption: PollComposeItem.MultipleConfiguration.Option,
visibility: Mastodon.Entity.Status.Visibility,
language: String
) {
self.author = author
self.replyTo = replyTo
self.isContentWarningComposing = isContentWarningComposing
self.contentWarning = contentWarning
self.content = content
self.isMediaSensitive = isMediaSensitive
self.attachmentViewModels = attachmentViewModels
self.isPollComposing = isPollComposing
self.pollOptions = pollOptions
self.pollExpireConfigurationOption = pollExpireConfigurationOption
self.pollMultipleConfigurationOption = pollMultipleConfigurationOption
self.visibility = visibility
self.language = language
// MARK: - StatusPublisher
extension MastodonStatusPublisher: StatusPublisher {
public func publish(
api: APIService,
authContext: AuthContext
) async throws -> StatusPublishResult {
let idempotencyKey = UUID().uuidString
let publishStatusTaskStartDelayWeight: Int64 = 20
let publishStatusTaskStartDelayCount: Int64 = publishStatusTaskStartDelayWeight
let publishAttachmentTaskWeight: Int64 = 100
let publishAttachmentTaskCount: Int64 = Int64(attachmentViewModels.count) * publishAttachmentTaskWeight
let publishStatusTaskWeight: Int64 = 20
let publishStatusTaskCount: Int64 = publishStatusTaskWeight
let taskCount = [
].reduce(0, +)
progress.totalUnitCount = taskCount
progress.completedUnitCount = 0
// start delay
try? await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1 * .second)
progress.completedUnitCount += publishStatusTaskStartDelayWeight
// Task: attachment
var attachmentIDs: [Mastodon.Entity.Attachment.ID] = []
for attachmentViewModel in attachmentViewModels {
// set progress
progress.addChild(attachmentViewModel.progress, withPendingUnitCount: publishAttachmentTaskWeight)
// upload media
do {
guard let attachment = attachmentViewModel.uploadResult else {
// precondition: all media uploaded
throw AppError.badRequest
let caption = attachmentViewModel.caption
guard !caption.isEmpty else { continue }
_ = try await api.updateMedia(
domain: authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox.domain,
attachmentID: attachment.id,
query: .init(
file: nil,
thumbnail: nil,
description: caption,
focus: nil
mastodonAuthenticationBox: authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox
// TODO: allow background upload
// let attachment = try await attachmentViewModel.upload(context: uploadContext)
// let attachmentID = attachment.id
// attachmentIDs.append(attachmentID)
} catch {
logger.log(level: .debug, "\((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent, privacy: .public)[\(#line, privacy: .public)], \(#function, privacy: .public): upload attachment fail: \(error.localizedDescription)")
_state = .failure(error)
throw error
let pollOptions: [String]? = {
guard self.isPollComposing else { return nil }
let options = self.pollOptions.compactMap { $0.text.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) }
return options.isEmpty ? nil : options
let pollExpiresIn: Int? = {
guard self.isPollComposing else { return nil }
guard pollOptions != nil else { return nil }
return self.pollExpireConfigurationOption.seconds
let inReplyToID: Mastodon.Entity.Status.ID? = try await api.backgroundManagedObjectContext.perform {
guard let replyTo = self.replyTo?.object(in: api.backgroundManagedObjectContext) else { return nil }
return replyTo.id
let query = Mastodon.API.Statuses.PublishStatusQuery(
status: content,
mediaIDs: attachmentIDs.isEmpty ? nil : attachmentIDs,
pollOptions: pollOptions,
pollExpiresIn: pollExpiresIn,
inReplyToID: inReplyToID,
sensitive: isMediaSensitive,
spoilerText: isContentWarningComposing ? contentWarning : nil,
visibility: visibility,
language: language
let publishResponse = try await api.publishStatus(
domain: authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox.domain,
idempotencyKey: idempotencyKey,
query: query,
authenticationBox: authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox
progress.completedUnitCount += publishStatusTaskCount
_state = .success
logger.log(level: .debug, "\((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent, privacy: .public)[\(#line, privacy: .public)], \(#function, privacy: .public): status published: \(publishResponse.value.id)")
return .mastodon(publishResponse)