2022-05-11 19:53:40 +08:00
2021-11-03 16:13:11 +08:00
2021-07-31 18:18:34 +08:00
2022-03-29 18:49:28 +08:00


CI Crowdin

Download on the App Store


This is the repository for the official iOS App for Mastodon. You can install it from the App Store now. You can build the app from source and file bug report here.

Read this blog post for this app to learn more.

Developing an official iOS app for Mastodon

Getting Start


Thanks to these open-sources projects listed here.


This project is released under the GPL-3 License. It is also dual-licensed to Apple for the purposes of publishing the app on the App Store. For this reason, any contributors are required to sign a Contributor License Agreement.

Questa è l'app ufficiale di Mastodon, gira su ios 14 o superiore. L'app ufficiale è rivolta ai nuovi utenti che non hanno familiarità con il Fediverso. Semplifica il processo di registrazione e nasconde alcune caratteristiche come la timeline Federata.
https://mastodon.it/it/Quale-app-mastodon-utilizzare Readme GPL-3.0 64 MiB
Swift 99.7%
Shell 0.2%
Ruby 0.1%