
127 lines
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// µ.swift
// Mastodon
// Created by MainasuK Cirno on 2021/2/3.
import Foundation
import Combine
import CoreData
import CoreDataStack
import MastodonSDK
public extension Foundation.Notification.Name {
static let userFetched = Notification.Name(rawValue: "")
extension APIService {
public func homeTimeline(
sinceID: Mastodon.Entity.Status.ID? = nil,
maxID: Mastodon.Entity.Status.ID? = nil,
limit: Int = onceRequestStatusMaxCount,
local: Bool? = nil,
authenticationBox: MastodonAuthenticationBox
) async throws -> Mastodon.Response.Content<[Mastodon.Entity.Status]> {
let domain = authenticationBox.domain
let authorization = authenticationBox.userAuthorization
let query = Mastodon.API.Timeline.HomeTimelineQuery(
maxID: maxID,
sinceID: sinceID,
minID: nil, // prefer sinceID
limit: limit,
local: local
let response = try await Mastodon.API.Timeline.home(
session: session,
domain: domain,
query: query,
authorization: authorization
let managedObjectContext = self.backgroundManagedObjectContext
// FIXME: This is a dirty hack to make the performance-stuff work.
// Problem is, that we don't persist the user on disk anymore. So we have to fetch
// it when we need it to display on the home timeline.
// We need this (also) for the Account-list, but it might be the wrong place. App Startup might be more appropriate
for authentication in AuthenticationServiceProvider.shared.authentications {
_ = try? await accountInfo(domain: authentication.domain,
userID: authentication.userID,
authorization: Mastodon.API.OAuth.Authorization(accessToken: authentication.userAccessToken)).value
} .userFetched, object: nil)
try await managedObjectContext.performChanges {
guard let me = authenticationBox.authentication.user(in: managedObjectContext) else {
// persist status
var statuses: [Status] = []
for entity in response.value {
let result = Persistence.Status.createOrMerge(
in: managedObjectContext,
context: Persistence.Status.PersistContext(
domain: domain,
entity: entity,
me: me,
statusCache: nil, // TODO: add cache
userCache: nil, // TODO: add cache
networkDate: response.networkDate
// locate anchor status
let anchorStatus: Status? = {
guard let maxID = maxID else { return nil }
let request = Status.sortedFetchRequest
request.predicate = Status.predicate(domain: domain, id: maxID)
request.fetchLimit = 1
return try? managedObjectContext.fetch(request).first
// update hasMore flag for anchor status
let acct = Feed.Acct.mastodon(domain: authenticationBox.domain, userID: authenticationBox.userID)
if let anchorStatus = anchorStatus,
let feed = anchorStatus.feed(kind: .home, acct: acct) {
feed.update(hasMore: false)
// persist Feed relationship
let sortedStatuses = statuses.sorted(by: { $0.createdAt < $1.createdAt })
let oldestStatus = sortedStatuses.first
for status in sortedStatuses {
let _feed = status.feed(kind: .home, acct: acct)
if let feed = _feed {
feed.update(updatedAt: response.networkDate)
} else {
let feedProperty = Feed.Property(
acct: acct,
kind: .home,
hasMore: false,
createdAt: status.createdAt,
updatedAt: response.networkDate
let feed = Feed.insert(into: managedObjectContext, property: feedProperty)
status.attach(feed: feed)
// set hasMore on oldest status if is new feed
if status === oldestStatus {
feed.update(hasMore: true)
return response