shannon 77f3c5a64d Combine AuthenticationService into AuthenticationServiceProvider
Also, AppContext, APIService, and AuthenticationServiceProvider are now more obviously singletons.

And AuthenticationServiceProvider can now be asked for the current active user, instead of every caller assuming the first element of a list of users is the active user.
2024-11-14 16:30:51 -05:00

151 lines
5.2 KiB

// Copyright © 2023 Mastodon gGmbH. All rights reserved.
import WidgetKit
import SwiftUI
import Intents
import MastodonSDK
import MastodonCore
import MastodonLocalization
struct FollowersCountWidgetProvider: IntentTimelineProvider {
private let followersHistory = FollowersCountHistory.shared
func placeholder(in context: Context) -> FollowersCountEntry {
func getSnapshot(for configuration: FollowersCountIntent, in context: Context, completion: @escaping (FollowersCountEntry) -> ()) {
loadCurrentEntry(for: configuration, in: context, completion: completion)
func getTimeline(for configuration: FollowersCountIntent, in context: Context, completion: @escaping (Timeline<FollowersCountEntry>) -> ()) {
loadCurrentEntry(for: configuration, in: context) { entry in
completion(Timeline(entries: [entry], policy: .after(.now)))
struct FollowersCountEntry: TimelineEntry {
let date: Date
let account: FollowersEntryAccountable?
let configuration: FollowersCountIntent
static var placeholder: Self {
date: .now,
account: FollowersEntryAccount(
followersCount: 99_900,
displayNameWithFallback: "Mastodon",
acct: "mastodon",
avatarImage: UIImage(named: "missingAvatar")!,
domain: "mastodon"
configuration: FollowersCountIntent()
static var unconfigured: Self {
date: .now,
account: nil,
configuration: FollowersCountIntent()
struct FollowersCountWidget: Widget {
private var availableFamilies: [WidgetFamily] {
return [.systemSmall, .accessoryRectangular, .accessoryCircular]
var body: some WidgetConfiguration {
IntentConfiguration(kind: "Followers", intent: FollowersCountIntent.self, provider: FollowersCountWidgetProvider()) { entry in
FollowersCountWidgetView(entry: entry)
.contentMarginsDisabled() // Disable excessive margins (only effective for iOS >= 17.0
private extension FollowersCountWidgetProvider {
func loadCurrentEntry(for configuration: FollowersCountIntent, in context: Context, completion: @escaping (FollowersCountEntry) -> Void) {
Task {
await AuthenticationServiceProvider.shared.prepareForUse()
let authBox = AuthenticationServiceProvider.shared.activeAuthentication
else {
guard !context.isPreview else {
return completion(.placeholder)
return completion(.unconfigured)
let desiredAccount = configuration.account ?? authBox.authentication.account()?.acctWithDomain
else {
return completion(.unconfigured)
let resultingAccount = try await AppContext.shared
.search(query: .init(q: desiredAccount, type: .accounts), authenticationBox: authBox)
.first(where: { $0.acctWithDomainIfMissing(authBox.domain) == desiredAccount })
else {
return completion(.unconfigured)
let imageData = try await resultingAccount.avatarImageURLWithFallback(domain: authBox.domain)).0
let entry = FollowersCountEntry(
date: Date(),
account: FollowersEntryAccount.from(
mastodonAccount: resultingAccount,
domain: authBox.domain,
avatarImage: UIImage(data: imageData) ?? UIImage(named: "missingAvatar")!
configuration: configuration
account: entry.account!,
count: resultingAccount.followersCount
protocol FollowersEntryAccountable {
var followersCount: Int { get }
var displayNameWithFallback: String { get }
var acct: String { get }
var avatarImage: UIImage { get }
var domain: String { get }
struct FollowersEntryAccount: FollowersEntryAccountable {
let followersCount: Int
let displayNameWithFallback: String
let acct: String
let avatarImage: UIImage
let domain: String
static func from(mastodonAccount: Mastodon.Entity.Account, domain: String, avatarImage: UIImage) -> Self {
followersCount: mastodonAccount.followersCount,
displayNameWithFallback: mastodonAccount.displayNameWithFallback,
acct: mastodonAccount.acct,
avatarImage: avatarImage,
domain: domain