mirror of https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon-ios.git synced 2025-02-03 18:57:46 +01:00
Nathan Mattes f373506aa3 Remove user from UserItem-lists (IOS-192)
Also: Remove CoreData and replace User with Account in several places
2023-12-31 12:57:56 +01:00

125 lines
4.9 KiB

// UserView+ViewModel.swift
// Created by MainasuK on 2022-1-19.
import CoreDataStack
import UIKit
import Combine
import MetaTextKit
import MastodonCore
import MastodonMeta
import MastodonAsset
import MastodonLocalization
import MastodonSDK
extension UserView {
public final class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
public var disposeBag = Set<AnyCancellable>()
public var observations = Set<NSKeyValueObservation>()
@Published public var authorAvatarImage: UIImage?
@Published public var authorAvatarImageURL: URL?
@Published public var authorName: MetaContent?
@Published public var authorUsername: String?
@Published public var authorFollowers: Int?
@Published public var authorVerifiedLink: String?
@Published public var account: Mastodon.Entity.Account?
@Published public var relationship: Mastodon.Entity.Relationship?
extension UserView.ViewModel {
private static var metricFormatter = MastodonMetricFormatter()
func bind(userView: UserView) {
// avatar
.sink { image, url in
let configuration: AvatarImageView.Configuration = {
if let image = image {
return AvatarImageView.Configuration(image: image)
} else {
return AvatarImageView.Configuration(url: url)
userView.avatarButton.avatarImageView.configure(configuration: configuration)
userView.avatarButton.avatarImageView.configure(cornerConfiguration: .init(corner: .fixed(radius: 7)))
.store(in: &disposeBag)
// name
.sink { metaContent in
let metaContent = metaContent ?? PlaintextMetaContent(string: " ")
userView.authorNameLabel.configure(content: metaContent)
.store(in: &disposeBag)
// username
let displayUsername = $authorUsername
.map { text -> String in
guard let text = text else { return "" }
return "@\(text)"
.sink { username in
let metaContent = PlaintextMetaContent(string: username)
userView.authorUsernameLabel.configure(content: metaContent)
.store(in: &disposeBag)
Publishers.CombineLatest($authorName, displayUsername)
.sink { name, username in
if let name {
userView.accessibilityLabel = "\(name.string), \(username)"
} else {
userView.accessibilityLabel = username
.store(in: &disposeBag)
.sink { count in
guard let count = count else {
userView.authorFollowersLabel.text = nil
userView.authorFollowersLabel.attributedText = NSAttributedString(
format: NSAttributedString(string: L10n.Common.UserList.followersCount("%@"), attributes: [.font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .body).scaledFont(for: .systemFont(ofSize: 15, weight: .regular))]),
args: NSAttributedString(string: Self.metricFormatter.string(from: count) ?? count.formatted(), attributes: [.font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .body).scaledFont(for: .systemFont(ofSize: 15, weight: .bold))])
.store(in: &disposeBag)
.sink { link in
userView.authorVerifiedImageView.image = link == nil ? UIImage(systemName: "questionmark.circle") : UIImage(systemName: "checkmark")
switch link {
case let .some(link):
userView.authorVerifiedImageView.tintColor = Asset.Colors.Brand.blurple.color
userView.authorVerifiedLabel.textColor = Asset.Colors.Brand.blurple.color
do {
let mastodonContent = MastodonContent(content: link, emojis: [:])
let content = try MastodonMetaContent.convert(document: mastodonContent)
userView.authorVerifiedLabel.configure(content: content)
} catch {
let content = PlaintextMetaContent(string: link)
userView.authorVerifiedLabel.configure(content: content)
case .none:
userView.authorVerifiedImageView.tintColor = .secondaryLabel
userView.authorVerifiedLabel.configure(content: PlaintextMetaContent(string: L10n.Common.UserList.noVerifiedLink))
userView.authorVerifiedLabel.textColor = .secondaryLabel
.store(in: &disposeBag)