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// Copyright © 2023 Mastodon gGmbH. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Combine
import CoreDataStack
import MastodonSDK
import KeychainAccess
import MastodonCommon
import os.log
public class AuthenticationServiceProvider: ObservableObject {
private let logger = Logger(subsystem: "AuthenticationServiceProvider", category: "Authentication")
public static let shared = AuthenticationServiceProvider()
private static let keychain = Keychain(service: "org.joinmastodon.app.authentications", accessGroup: AppName.groupID)
private let userDefaults: UserDefaults = .shared
private init() {}
@Published public var authentications: [MastodonAuthentication] = [] {
didSet {
persist() // todo: Is this too heavy and too often here???
func update(instance: Instance, where domain: String) {
authentications = authentications.map { authentication in
guard authentication.domain == domain else { return authentication }
return authentication.updating(instance: instance)
func delete(authentication: MastodonAuthentication) throws {
try Self.keychain.remove(authentication.persistenceIdentifier)
authentications.removeAll(where: { $0 == authentication })
func activateAuthentication(in domain: String, for userID: String) {
authentications = authentications.map { authentication in
guard authentication.domain == domain, authentication.userID == userID else {
return authentication
return authentication.updating(activatedAt: Date())
func getAuthentication(in domain: String, for userID: String) -> MastodonAuthentication? {
authentications.first(where: { $0.domain == domain && $0.userID == userID })
// MARK: - Public
public extension AuthenticationServiceProvider {
func getAuthentication(matching userAccessToken: String) -> MastodonAuthentication? {
authentications.first(where: { $0.userAccessToken == userAccessToken })
func authenticationSortedByActivation() -> [MastodonAuthentication] { // fixme: why do we need this?
return authentications.sorted(by: { $0.activedAt > $1.activedAt })
func restore() {
authentications = Self.keychain.allKeys().compactMap {
let encoded = Self.keychain[$0],
let data = Data(base64Encoded: encoded)
else { return nil }
return try? JSONDecoder().decode(MastodonAuthentication.self, from: data)
func migrateLegacyAuthentications(in context: NSManagedObjectContext) {
do {
let legacyAuthentications = try context.fetch(MastodonAuthenticationLegacy.sortedFetchRequest)
let migratedAuthentications = legacyAuthentications.compactMap { auth -> MastodonAuthentication? in
return MastodonAuthentication(
identifier: auth.identifier,
domain: auth.domain,
username: auth.username,
appAccessToken: auth.appAccessToken,
userAccessToken: auth.userAccessToken,
clientID: auth.clientID,
clientSecret: auth.clientSecret,
createdAt: auth.createdAt,
updatedAt: auth.updatedAt,
activedAt: auth.activedAt,
userID: auth.userID
if migratedAuthentications.count != legacyAuthentications.count {
logger.log(level: .default, "Not all account authentications could be migrated.")
} else {
logger.log(level: .default, "All account authentications were successful.")
self.authentications = migratedAuthentications
userDefaults.didMigrateAuthentications = true
} catch {
userDefaults.didMigrateAuthentications = false
logger.log(level: .error, "Could not migrate legacy authentications")
var authenticationMigrationRequired: Bool {
userDefaults.didMigrateAuthentications == false
// MARK: - Private
private extension AuthenticationServiceProvider {
func persist() {
for authentication in authentications {
Self.keychain[authentication.persistenceIdentifier] = try? JSONEncoder().encode(authentication).base64EncodedString()