# Conflicts: # Mastodon/Protocol/Provider/DataSourceProvider+NotificationTableViewCellDelegate.swift # Mastodon/Scene/Notification/NotificationTimeline/NotificationTimelineViewController+DataSourceProvider.swift # MastodonSDK/Sources/MastodonCore/DataController/FeedDataController.swift # MastodonSDK/Sources/MastodonUI/View/Content/StatusView+Configuration.swift
203 lines
8.6 KiB
203 lines
8.6 KiB
import Foundation
import UIKit
import Combine
import MastodonSDK
import os.log
final public class FeedDataController {
private let logger = Logger(subsystem: "FeedDataController", category: "Data")
private static let entryNotFoundMessage = "Failed to find suitable record. Depending on the context this might result in errors (data not being updated) or can be discarded (e.g. when there are mixed data sources where an entry might or might not exist)."
@Published public var records: [MastodonFeed] = []
private let context: AppContext
private let authContext: AuthContext
public init(context: AppContext, authContext: AuthContext) {
self.context = context
self.authContext = authContext
public func loadInitial(kind: MastodonFeed.Kind) {
Task {
records = try await load(kind: kind, maxID: nil)
public func loadNext(kind: MastodonFeed.Kind) {
Task {
guard let lastId = records.last?.status?.id else {
return loadInitial(kind: kind)
records += try await load(kind: kind, maxID: lastId)
public func update(status: MastodonStatus, intent: MastodonStatus.UpdateIntent) {
switch intent {
case .delete:
case .edit:
case let .bookmark(isBookmarked):
updateBookmarked(status, isBookmarked)
case let .favorite(isFavorited):
updateFavorited(status, isFavorited)
case let .reblog(isReblogged):
updateReblogged(status, isReblogged)
case let .toggleSensitive(isVisible):
updateSensitive(status, isVisible)
private func delete(_ status: MastodonStatus) {
records.removeAll { $0.id == status.id }
private func updateEdited(_ status: MastodonStatus) {
var newRecords = Array(records)
guard let index = newRecords.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == status.id }) else {
let existingRecord = newRecords[index]
let newStatus = status.inheritSensitivityToggled(from: existingRecord.status)
newRecords[index] = .fromStatus(newStatus, kind: existingRecord.kind)
records = newRecords
private func updateBookmarked(_ status: MastodonStatus, _ isBookmarked: Bool) {
var newRecords = Array(records)
guard let index = newRecords.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == status.id }) else {
let existingRecord = newRecords[index]
let newStatus = status.inheritSensitivityToggled(from: existingRecord.status)
newRecords[index] = .fromStatus(newStatus, kind: existingRecord.kind)
records = newRecords
private func updateFavorited(_ status: MastodonStatus, _ isFavorited: Bool) {
var newRecords = Array(records)
if let index = newRecords.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == status.id }) {
// Replace old status entity
let existingRecord = newRecords[index]
let newStatus = status.inheritSensitivityToggled(from: existingRecord.status).withOriginal(status: existingRecord.status?.originalStatus)
newRecords[index] = .fromStatus(newStatus, kind: existingRecord.kind)
} else if let index = newRecords.firstIndex(where: { $0.status?.reblog?.id == status.id }) {
// Replace reblogged entity of old "parent" status
let newStatus: MastodonStatus
if let existingEntity = newRecords[index].status?.entity {
newStatus = .fromEntity(existingEntity)
newStatus.originalStatus = newRecords[index].status?.originalStatus
newStatus.reblog = status
} else {
newStatus = status
newRecords[index] = .fromStatus(newStatus, kind: newRecords[index].kind)
} else {
records = newRecords
private func updateReblogged(_ status: MastodonStatus, _ isReblogged: Bool) {
var newRecords = Array(records)
switch isReblogged {
case true:
let index: Int
if let idx = newRecords.firstIndex(where: { $0.status?.reblog?.id == status.reblog?.id }) {
index = idx
} else if let idx = newRecords.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == status.reblog?.id }) {
index = idx
} else {
let existingRecord = newRecords[index]
newRecords[index] = .fromStatus(status.withOriginal(status: existingRecord.status), kind: existingRecord.kind)
case false:
let index: Int
if let idx = newRecords.firstIndex(where: { $0.status?.reblog?.id == status.id }) {
index = idx
} else if let idx = newRecords.firstIndex(where: { $0.status?.id == status.id }) {
index = idx
} else {
let existingRecord = newRecords[index]
let newStatus = existingRecord.status?.originalStatus ?? status.inheritSensitivityToggled(from: existingRecord.status)
newRecords[index] = .fromStatus(newStatus, kind: existingRecord.kind)
records = newRecords
private func updateSensitive(_ status: MastodonStatus, _ isVisible: Bool) {
var newRecords = Array(records)
if let index = newRecords.firstIndex(where: { $0.status?.reblog?.id == status.id }), let existingEntity = newRecords[index].status?.entity {
let existingRecord = newRecords[index]
let newStatus: MastodonStatus = .fromEntity(existingEntity)
newStatus.reblog = status
newRecords[index] = .fromStatus(newStatus, kind: existingRecord.kind)
} else if let index = newRecords.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == status.id }), let existingEntity = newRecords[index].status?.entity {
let existingRecord = newRecords[index]
let newStatus: MastodonStatus = .fromEntity(existingEntity)
.inheritSensitivityToggled(from: status)
newRecords[index] = .fromStatus(newStatus, kind: existingRecord.kind)
} else {
records = newRecords
private extension FeedDataController {
func load(kind: MastodonFeed.Kind, maxID: MastodonStatus.ID?) async throws -> [MastodonFeed] {
switch kind {
case .home:
await context.authenticationService.authenticationServiceProvider.fetchAccounts(apiService: context.apiService)
return try await context.apiService.homeTimeline(maxID: maxID, authenticationBox: authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox)
.value.map { .fromStatus(.fromEntity($0), kind: .home) }
case .notificationAll:
return try await getFeeds(with: .everything)
case .notificationMentions:
return try await getFeeds(with: .mentions)
private func getFeeds(with scope: APIService.MastodonNotificationScope) async throws -> [MastodonFeed] {
let notifications = try await context.apiService.notifications(maxID: nil, scope: scope, authenticationBox: authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox).value
let accounts = notifications.map { $0.account }
let relationships = try await context.apiService.relationship(forAccounts: accounts, authenticationBox: authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox).value
let notificationsWithRelationship: [(notification: Mastodon.Entity.Notification, relationship: Mastodon.Entity.Relationship?)] = notifications.compactMap { notification in
guard let relationship = relationships.first(where: {$0.id == notification.account.id }) else { return (notification: notification, relationship: nil)}
return (notification: notification, relationship: relationship)
let feeds = notificationsWithRelationship.compactMap({ (notification: Mastodon.Entity.Notification, relationship: Mastodon.Entity.Relationship?) in
MastodonFeed.fromNotification(notification, relationship: relationship, kind: .notificationAll)
return feeds