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synced 2024-12-08 22:56:41 +01:00
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// Copyright © 2023 Mastodon gGmbH. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import MastodonSDK
struct FollowersCountHistoryDay: Codable {
let dstring: String
let day: Int
let count: Int
func copy(count: Int) -> Self {
FollowersCountHistoryDay(dstring: dstring, day: day, count: count)
class FollowersCountHistory {
static let shared = FollowersCountHistory()
private let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
private let calendar = Calendar.current
private let followersCountCacheDateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyyMMdd"
return formatter
private func elapsedFollowersCountDateStrings() -> [String] {
(-7...0).map { elapsedDay in
let date = calendar.date(byAdding: .day, value: elapsedDay, to: .now)!
return followersCountCacheDateFormatter.string(from: date)
private func userDefaultsKey(for account: FollowersEntryAccountable) -> String {
if account.acct.contains("@") {
return account.acct
return "\(account.acct)@\(account.domain)"
private func emptyHistoricDataForToday(for account: FollowersEntryAccountable) -> [FollowersCountHistoryDay] {
elapsedFollowersCountDateStrings().enumerated().map { FollowersCountHistoryDay(dstring: $0.element, day: $0.offset, count: account.followersCount) }
private func followersHistorySorted(for account: FollowersEntryAccountable) -> [FollowersCountHistoryDay] {
let jsonData = userDefaults.string(forKey: userDefaultsKey(for: account))?.data(using: .utf8),
let jsonObject = try? JSONDecoder().decode([FollowersCountHistoryDay].self, from: jsonData)
else {
return emptyHistoricDataForToday(for: account)
return jsonObject
func updateFollowersTodayCount(account: FollowersEntryAccountable, count: Int) {
let relevantDays = elapsedFollowersCountDateStrings()
let existingHistory = followersHistorySorted(for: account)
var newHistory = existingHistory
/// first we're going to update the existing day and remove legacy days (older than 7)
existingHistory.forEach { existingDay in
if !relevantDays.contains(where: { $0 == existingDay.dstring }) {
/// remove legacy data/
newHistory.removeAll(where: { $0.dstring == existingDay.dstring })
relevantDays.enumerated().forEach { index, day in
if !newHistory.contains(where: { $0.dstring == day }) {
FollowersCountHistoryDay(dstring: day, day: index, count: account.followersCount),
at: index
/// then we're going to update the history dataset with new value, if this is the first encounter
if let last = newHistory.popLast()?.copy(count: count) {
if let jsonData = try? JSONEncoder().encode(newHistory), let jsonString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8) {
userDefaults.set(jsonString, forKey: userDefaultsKey(for: account))
func chartValues(for account: FollowersEntryAccountable) -> [Double] {
followersHistorySorted(for: account).map { Double($0.count) }
func increaseCountString(for account: FollowersEntryAccountable) -> String? {
let history = followersHistorySorted(for: account)
let relevantDays = elapsedFollowersCountDateStrings()
let today = relevantDays.last!
let followersToday = history.first(where: { $0.dstring == today })?.count ?? account.followersCount
let followersYesterday = history[safe: history.count-2]?.count ?? account.followersCount
let followersChange = followersToday - followersYesterday
switch followersChange {
case ..<0:
return "\(followersChange)"
case 0:
return nil
return "+\(followersChange)"