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Per favor, intenta-lo de nuevo." }, "sign_out": { "title": "Zarrar Sesión", "message": "Yes seguro de que quiers zarrar la sesión?", "confirm": "Zarrar Sesión" }, "block_domain": { "title": "Yes realment seguro, de verdat, que quiers blocar %s a lo completo? En a mayoría d'os casos, uns pocos bloqueyos u silenciaus concretos son suficients y preferibles. No veyerás conteniu d'ixe dominio y totz los tuyos seguidores d'ixe dominio serán eliminaus.", "block_entire_domain": "Blocar Dominio" }, "save_photo_failure": { "title": "Error en Alzar Foto", "message": "Per favor, activa lo permiso d'acceso a la biblioteca de fotos pa alzar la foto." }, "delete_post": { "title": "Yes seguro de que quiers eliminar esta publicación?", "message": "Yes seguro de que quiers borrar esta publicación?" }, "clean_cache": { "title": "Limpiar Caché", "message": "S'ha limpiau con exito %s de caché." }, "translation_failed": { "title": "Note", "message": "Translation failed. Maybe the administrator has not enabled translations on this server or this server is running an older version of Mastodon where translations are not yet supported.", "button": "OK" } }, "controls": { "actions": { "back": "Dezaga", "next": "Siguient", "previous": "Anterior", "open": "Ubrir", "add": "Anyadir", "remove": "Eliminar", "edit": "Editar", "save": "Alzar", "ok": "Acceptar", "done": "Feito", "confirm": "Confirmar", "continue": "Continar", "compose": "Redactar", "cancel": "Cancelar", "discard": "Descartar", "try_again": "Intenta-lo de nuevo", "take_photo": "Prener foto", "save_photo": "Alzar foto", "copy_photo": "Copiar foto", "sign_in": "Iniciar sesión", "see_more": "Veyer mas", "preview": "Vista previa", "copy": "Copy", "share": "Compartir", "share_user": "Compartir %s", "share_post": "Compartir publicación", "open_in_safari": "Ubrir en Safari", "open_in_browser": "Ubrir en o navegador", "find_people": "Troba chent a la quala seguir", "manually_search": "Millor fer una busqueda manual", "skip": "Omitir", "reply": "Responder", "report_user": "Reportar a %s", "block_domain": "Blocar %s", "unblock_domain": "Desbloquiar %s", "settings": "Configuración", "delete": "Borrar", "translate_post": { "title": "Translate from %s", "unknown_language": "Unknown" }, "edit_post": "Edit", "bookmark": "Bookmark", "remove_bookmark": "Remove Bookmark", "follow": "Follow %s", "unfollow": "Unfollow %s" }, "tabs": { "home": "Inicio", "search_and_explore": "Search and Explore", "notifications": "Notificacions", "profile": "Perfil", "a11y": { "search": "Search", "explore": "Explore" } }, "keyboard": { "common": { "switch_to_tab": "Cambiar a %s", "compose_new_post": "Escribir Nueva Publicación", "show_favorites": "Amostrar Favoritos", "open_settings": "Ubrir Configuración" }, "timeline": { "previous_status": "Publicación Anterior", "next_status": "Siguient Publicación", "open_status": "Ubrir Publicación", "open_author_profile": "Ubrir Perfil de l'Autor", "open_reblogger_profile": "Ubrir Perfil d'o Reblogueador", "reply_status": "Responder Publicación", "toggle_reblog": "Commutar lo Reblogueo en a Publicación", "toggle_favorite": "Commutar la Marca de Favorito en a Publicación", "toggle_content_warning": "Alternar l'Alvertencia de Conteniu", "preview_image": "Previsualizar Imachen" }, "segmented_control": { "previous_section": "Sección Anterior", "next_section": "Siguient Sección" } }, "status": { "user_reblogged": "%s lo reblogueó", "user_replied_to": "En respuesta a %s", "show_post": "Amostrar Publicación", "show_user_profile": "Amostrar perfil de l'usuario", "content_warning": "Alvertencia de Conteniu", "sensitive_content": "Conteniu sensible", "media_content_warning": "Preta en qualsequier puesto pa amostrar", "tap_to_reveal": "Tocar pa revelar", "load_embed": "Load Embed", "link_via_user": "%s via %s", "poll": { "vote": "Vota", "closed": "Zarrau" }, "meta_entity": { "url": "Vinclo: %s", "hashtag": "Hashtag: %s", "mention": "Amostrar lo perfil: %s", "email": "Adreza de correu: %s" }, "actions": { "reply": "Responder", "reblog": "Rebloguear", "unreblog": "Desfer reblogueo", "favorite": "Favorito", "unfavorite": "No favorito", "menu": "Menú", "hide": "Amagar", "show_image": "Amostrar imachen", "show_gif": "Amostrar GIF", "show_video_player": "Amostrar reproductor de video", "share_link_in_post": "Share Link in Post", "tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Toca, dimpués mantiene pa amostrar lo menú", "a11y_labels": { "reblog": "Re-blog", "unreblog": "Undo re-blog" } }, "tag": { "url": "URL", "mention": "Mención", "link": "Vinclo", "hashtag": "Etiqueta", "email": "E-mail", "emoji": "Emoji" }, "visibility": { "unlisted": "Totz pueden veyer este post pero no amostrar-lo en una linia de tiempo publica.", "private": "Nomás los suyos seguidores pueden veyer este mensache.", "private_from_me": "Nomás los míos seguidores pueden veyer este mensache.", "direct": "Nomás l'usuario mencionau puede veyer este mensache." }, "translation": { "translated_from": "Translated from %s using %s", "unknown_language": "Unknown", "unknown_provider": "Unknown", "show_original": "Show Original" }, "media": { "accessibility_label": "%s, attachment %d of %d", "expand_image_hint": "Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions", "expand_gif_hint": "Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions", "expand_video_hint": "Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions" }, "posted_via_application": "%s via %s", "buttons": { "reblogs_title": "Reblogs", "favorites_title": "Favorites", "edit_history_title": "Edit History", "edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s" }, "edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s", "edit_history": { "title": "Edit History", "original_post": "Original Post · %s" } }, "friendship": { "follow": "Seguir", "following": "Seguindo", "request": "Solicitut", "pending": "Pendient", "block": "Blocar", "block_user": "Blocar a %s", "block_domain": "Block domain %s", "unblock": "Desbloquiar", "unblock_user": "Desbloquiar a %s", "blocked": "Blocau", "domain_blocked": "Domain Blocked", "mute": "Silenciar", "mute_user": "Silenciar a %s", "unmute": "Desmutear", "unmute_user": "Desmutear a %s", "muted": "Silenciau", "edit_info": "Editar Info", "show_reblogs": "Amostrar los retuts", "hide_reblogs": "Amagar los reblogs" }, "timeline": { "filtered": "Filtrau", "timestamp": { "now": "Agora" }, "loader": { "load_missing_posts": "Cargar publicacions faltantes", "loading_missing_posts": "Cargando publicacions faltantes...", "show_more_replies": "Amostrar mas respuestas" }, "header": { "no_status_found": "No s'ha trobau garra publicación", "blocking_warning": "No puetz veyer lo perfil d'este usuario\n dica que lo desbloqueyes.\nLo tuyo perfil se veye asinas pa ell.", "user_blocking_warning": "No puetz veyer lo perfil de %s\n dica que lo desbloqueyes.\nLo tuyo perfil se veye asinas pa ell.", "blocked_warning": "No puetz veyer lo perfil d'este usuario\n dica que te desbloqueye.", "user_blocked_warning": "No puetz veyer lo perfil de %s\n dica que te desbloqueye.", "suspended_warning": "Este usuario ha estau suspendiu.", "user_suspended_warning": "La cuenta de %s ha estau suspendida." } } }, "user_list": { "no_verified_link": "No verified link", "followers_count": "%@ followers" } }, "scene": { "welcome": { "log_in": "Iniciar sesión", "learn_more": "Learn more", "join_default_server": "Join %@", "pick_server": "Pick another server", "separator": { "or": "or" }, "education": { "mastodon": { "title": "Welcome to Mastodon", "description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. It’s made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together." }, "servers": { "title": "What are servers?", "description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server." }, "a11y": { "what_is_mastodon": { "title": "What is Mastodon?" } } } }, "login": { "title": "Welcome back", "subtitle": "Dentrar en o servidor an que creyiés la cuenta.", "server_search_field": { "placeholder": "Escribir la URL u buscar lo tuyo servidor" } }, "server_picker": { "title": "Pick Server", "button": { "language": "Language", "signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed", "category": { "all": "Totas", "all_accessiblity_description": "Categoría: Totas", "academia": "academicos", "activism": "activismo", "food": "minchada", "furry": "furry", "games": "chuegos", "general": "cheneral", "journalism": "periodismo", "lgbt": "lgbt", "regional": "rechional", "art": "arte", "music": "mosica", "tech": "tecnolochía" }, "see_less": "Veyer Menos", "see_more": "Veyer Más" }, "label": { "language": "IDIOMA", "users": "USUARIOS", "category": "CATEGORÍA" }, "input": { "search_servers_or_enter_url": "Mirar comunidatz u escribir URL" }, "empty_state": { "finding_servers": "Trobando servidors disponibles...", "bad_network": "Bella cosa ha iu malament en cargar los datos. Compreba la tuya connexión a Internet.", "no_results": "Sin resultaus" }, "signup_speed": { "all": "All", "instant": "Instant Sign-up", "manually_reviewed": "Manual Review" }, "language": { "all": "All" }, "search": { "placeholder": "Search name or URL" }, "no_server_selected_hint": "We’ll pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection." }, "privacy": { "title": "Privacy", "description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your server’s privacy policy.", "policy": { "ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS", "server": "Privacy Policy - %s" }, "button": { "confirm": "I Agree" } }, "register": { "title": "Create Account", "input": { "avatar": { "delete": "Borrar" }, "username": { "placeholder": "nombre d'usuario", "duplicate_prompt": "Este nombre d'usuario ya ye en uso.", "suggestion": "amazing_%@" }, "display_name": { "placeholder": "nombre a amostrar" }, "email": { "placeholder": "correu electronico" }, "password": { "placeholder": "clau", "confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password", "require": "La tuya clau ha de contener como minimo:", "character_limit": "8 caracters", "accessibility": { "checked": "marcau", "unchecked": "sin marcar" }, "hint": "La tuya clau ameneste tener a lo menos ueito caracters" }, "invite": { "registration_user_invite_request": "Per qué quiers unir-te?" } }, "error": { "item": { "username": "Nombre d'usuario", "email": "Correu electronico", "password": "Clau", "agreement": "Acceptación", "locale": "Idioma", "reason": "Motivo" }, "reason": { "blocked": "%s contiene un furnidor de correu no permitiu", "unreachable": "%s pareixe no existir", "taken": "%s is already taken. How about:", "reserved": "%s ye una parola clau reservada", "accepted": "%s ha d'estar acceptau", "blank": "Se requiere %s", "invalid": "%s no ye valido", "too_long": "%s ye masiau largo", "too_short": "%s ye masiau tallo", "inclusion": "%s no ye una valor admitida" }, "special": { "username_invalid": "Lo nombre d'usuario solo puede contener caracters alfanumericos y guións baixos", "username_too_long": "Lo nombre d'usuario ye masiau largo (no puede tener mas de 30 caracters)", "email_invalid": "Esta no ye una adreza de correu electronico valida", "password_too_short": "La clau ye masiau curta (ha de tener a lo menos 8 caracters)" } } }, "server_rules": { "title": "Qualques reglas basicas.", "subtitle": "Estas reglas son establidas per los administradors de %s.", "prompt": "Si continas serás sucheto a los termins de servicio y la politica de privacidat de %s.", "terms_of_service": "termins d'o servicio", "privacy_policy": "politica de privacidat", "button": { "confirm": "I Agree" } }, "confirm_email": { "title": "Check Your Inbox", "tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. We’ll wait right here.", "button": { "resend": "Reninviar" }, "dont_receive_email": { "title": "Check your Email", "description": "Compreba que la tuya adreza de correu electronico sía correcta y revisa la carpeta de correu no deseyau si no l'has feito ya.", "resend_email": "Tornar a Ninviar Correu Electronico" }, "open_email_app": { "title": "Check your Inbox.", "description": "T'acabamos de ninviar un correu electronico. Revisa la tuya carpeta de correu no deseyau si no l'has feito ya.", "mail": "Correu", "open_email_client": "Ubrir Client de Correu Electronico" }, "didnt_get_link": { "prefix": "Didn’t get a link?", "resend_in": "Resend (%@)", "resend_now": "Resend now." } }, "home_timeline": { "title": "Inicio", "navigation_bar_state": { "offline": "Sin Connexión", "new_posts": "Veyer nuevas publicacions", "published": "Publicau!", "Publishing": "Publicación en curso...", "accessibility": { "logo_label": "Mastodon", "logo_hint": "Toca pa desplazar-te enta alto y toca de nuevo pa la localización anterior" } } }, "suggestion_account": { "title": "Popular on Mastodon", "follow_all": "Follow all" }, "compose": { "title": { "new_post": "Nueva Publicación", "new_reply": "Nueva Respuesta", "edit_post": "Edit Post" }, "media_selection": { "camera": "Fer Foto", "photo_library": "Galería de Fotos", "browse": "Explorar" }, "content_input_placeholder": "Escribe u apega lo que tiengas en mente", "compose_action": 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cosa que los moderadors habrían de saber sobre este reporte?", "report_sent_title": "Gracias per denunciar, estudiaremos esto.", "send": "Ninviar Denuncia", "skip_to_send": "Ninviar sin comentarios", "text_placeholder": "Escribe u apega comentarios adicionals", "reported": "DENUNCIAU", "step_one": { "step_1_of_4": "Paso 1 de 4", "whats_wrong_with_this_post": "Qué i hai de malo con esta publicación?", "whats_wrong_with_this_account": "Qué i hai de malo con esta cuenta?", "whats_wrong_with_this_username": "Qué i hai de malo con %s?", "select_the_best_match": "Tría la millor opción", "i_dont_like_it": "No me fa goyo", "it_is_not_something_you_want_to_see": "No ye bella cosa que quieras veyer", "its_spam": "Ye spam", "malicious_links_fake_engagement_or_repetetive_replies": "Vinclos maliciosos, compromisos falsos u respuestas repetitivas", "it_violates_server_rules": "Viola las reglas d'o servidor", "you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules": "Yes conscient de que infrinche las normas especificas", "its_something_else": "Ye bella cosa mas", "the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories": "Lo problema no encaixa en atras categorías" }, "step_two": { "step_2_of_4": "Paso 2 de 4", "which_rules_are_being_violated": "Qué normas se son violando?", "select_all_that_apply": "Tría totz los que correspondan", "i_just_don’t_like_it": "Nomás no me fa goyo" }, "step_three": { "step_3_of_4": "Paso 3 de 4", "are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "I hai bella publicación que refirme este informe?", "select_all_that_apply": "Tría totz los que correspondan" }, "step_four": { "step_4_of_4": "Paso 4 de 4", "is_there_anything_else_we_should_know": "I hai bella cosa mas que habríanos de saber?" }, "step_final": { "dont_want_to_see_this": "No quiers veyer esto?", "when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "Quan veigas bella cosa que no te fa goyo en Mastodon, puetz sacar a la persona d'a tuya experiencia.", "unfollow": "Deixar de seguir", "unfollowed": "Ha deixau de seguir-te", "unfollow_user": "Deixar de seguir a %s", "mute_user": "Silenciar a %s", "you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "No veyerás las suyas publicacions u reblogueos en a tuya linia temporal. No sabrán que han estau silenciaus.", "block_user": "Blocar a %s", "they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "Ya no podrán estar capaces de seguir-te u veyer las tuyas publicacions, pero pueden veyer si han estau blocaus.", "while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user": "Mientres revisamos esto, puetz prener medidas contra %s" } }, "preview": { "keyboard": { "close_preview": "Zarrar Previsualización", "show_next": "Amostrar Siguient", "show_previous": "Amostrar Anterior" } }, "account_list": { "tab_bar_hint": "Perfil triau actualment: %s. Fe un doble toque y mantiene pretau pa amostrar lo selector de cuentas", "dismiss_account_switcher": "Descartar lo selector de cuentas", "add_account": "Anyadir cuenta" }, "bookmark": { "title": "Marcapachinas" }, "followed_tags": { "title": "Followed Tags", "header": { "posts": "posts", "participants": "participants", "posts_today": "posts today" }, "actions": { "follow": "Follow", "unfollow": "Unfollow" } } }, "extension": { "open_in": { "invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link." } }, "widget": { "common": { "unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.", "user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account." }, "followers_count": { "configuration_display_name": "Followers", "configuration_description": "Show number of followers.", "title": "FOLLOWERS", "followers_today": "%s followers today" }, "multiple_followers": { "configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers", "configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.", "mock_user": { "display_name": "Another follower", "account_name": "another@follower.social" } }, "latest_followers": { "configuration_display_name": "Latest followers", "configuration_description": "Show latest followers.", "title": "Latest followers", "last_update": "Last update: %s" }, "hashtag": { "configuration": { "display_name": "Hashtag", "description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag." }, "not_found": { "account_name": "John Mastodon", "account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account", "content": "Sorry, we couldn’t find any posts with the hashtag #%@. Please try a #DifferentHashtag or check the widget settings." }, "placeholder": { "account_name": "John Mastodon", "account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account", "content": "This is how a post with a #hashtag would look. Pick whichever #hashtag you want in the widget settings." } } } }