// // ComposeContentViewModel.swift // // // Created by MainasuK on 22/9/30. // import UIKit import Combine import CoreDataStack import Meta import MetaTextKit import MastodonMeta import MastodonCore import MastodonSDK import MastodonLocalization public protocol ComposeContentViewModelDelegate: AnyObject { func composeContentViewModel(_ viewModel: ComposeContentViewModel, handleAutoComplete info: ComposeContentViewModel.AutoCompleteInfo) -> Bool } public final class ComposeContentViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject { public enum ComposeContext { case composeStatus case editStatus(status: Status, statusSource: Mastodon.Entity.StatusSource) } var disposeBag = Set() // tableViewCell let composeReplyToTableViewCell = ComposeReplyToTableViewCell() let composeContentTableViewCell = ComposeContentTableViewCell() // input let context: AppContext let composeContext: ComposeContext let destination: Destination weak var delegate: ComposeContentViewModelDelegate? @Published var viewLayoutFrame = ViewLayoutFrame() // author (me) @Published var authContext: AuthContext // auto-complete info @Published var autoCompleteRetryLayoutTimes = 0 @Published var autoCompleteInfo: AutoCompleteInfo? = nil // emoji var customEmojiPickerDiffableDataSource: UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource? // output // limit @Published public var maxTextInputLimit = 500 // content public weak var contentMetaText: MetaText? { didSet { guard let textView = contentMetaText?.textView else { return } customEmojiPickerInputViewModel.configure(textInput: textView) } } // allow dismissing the compose view without confirmation if content == intialContent @Published public var initialContent = "" @Published public var content = "" @Published public var contentWeightedLength = 0 @Published public var isContentEmpty = true @Published public var isContentValid = true @Published public var isContentEditing = false // content warning weak var contentWarningMetaText: MetaText? { didSet { guard let textView = contentWarningMetaText?.textView else { return } customEmojiPickerInputViewModel.configure(textInput: textView) } } @Published public var isContentWarningActive = false @Published public var contentWarning = "" @Published public var contentWarningWeightedLength = 0 // set 0 when not composing @Published public var isContentWarningEditing = false // author @Published var avatarURL: URL? @Published var name: MetaContent = PlaintextMetaContent(string: "") @Published var username: String = "" // attachment @Published public var attachmentViewModels: [AttachmentViewModel] = [] @Published public var maxMediaAttachmentLimit = 4 @Published public internal(set) var maxImageMediaSizeLimitInByte = 10 * 1024 * 1024 // 10 MiB // poll @Published public var isPollActive = false @Published public var pollOptions: [PollComposeItem.Option] = { // initial with 2 options var options: [PollComposeItem.Option] = [] options.append(PollComposeItem.Option()) options.append(PollComposeItem.Option()) return options }() @Published public var pollExpireConfigurationOption: PollComposeItem.ExpireConfiguration.Option = .oneDay @Published public var pollMultipleConfigurationOption: PollComposeItem.MultipleConfiguration.Option = false @Published public var maxPollOptionLimit = 4 // emoji @Published var isEmojiActive = false let customEmojiViewModel: EmojiService.CustomEmojiViewModel? let customEmojiPickerInputViewModel = CustomEmojiPickerInputViewModel() @Published var isLoadingCustomEmoji = false // visibility @Published public var visibility: Mastodon.Entity.Status.Visibility @Published public var isVisibilityButtonEnabled = false // language @Published public var language: String @Published public private(set) var recentLanguages: [String] // UI & UX @Published var replyToCellFrame: CGRect = .zero @Published var contentCellFrame: CGRect = .zero @Published var contentTextViewFrame: CGRect = .zero @Published var scrollViewState: ScrollViewState = .fold @Published var characterCount: Int = 0 @Published public private(set) var isPublishBarButtonItemEnabled = true @Published var isAttachmentButtonEnabled = false @Published var isPollButtonEnabled = false @Published public private(set) var shouldDismiss = true // size limit public var sizeLimit: AttachmentViewModel.SizeLimit { AttachmentViewModel.SizeLimit( image: maxImageMediaSizeLimitInByte, video: nil ) } public init( context: AppContext, authContext: AuthContext, composeContext: ComposeContext, destination: Destination, initialContent: String ) { self.context = context self.authContext = authContext self.destination = destination self.composeContext = composeContext self.visibility = { // default private when user locked var visibility: Mastodon.Entity.Status.Visibility = { guard let author = authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox.authenticationRecord.object(in: context.managedObjectContext)?.user else { return .public } return author.locked ? .private : .public }() // set visibility for reply post if case .reply(let record) = destination { context.managedObjectContext.performAndWait { guard let status = record.object(in: context.managedObjectContext) else { assertionFailure() return } let repliedStatusVisibility = status.visibility switch repliedStatusVisibility { case .public, .unlisted: // keep default break case .private: visibility = .private case .direct: visibility = .direct case ._other: assertionFailure() break } } } return visibility }() self.customEmojiViewModel = context.emojiService.dequeueCustomEmojiViewModel( for: authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox.domain ) if case let ComposeContext.editStatus(status, _) = composeContext { if status.isContentSensitive { isContentWarningActive = true contentWarning = status.spoilerText ?? "" } if let poll = status.poll { isPollActive = !poll.expired pollMultipleConfigurationOption = poll.multiple if let pollExpiresAt = poll.expiresAt { pollExpireConfigurationOption = .init(closestDateToExpiry: pollExpiresAt) } pollOptions = poll.options.sortedByIndex().map { let option = PollComposeItem.Option() option.text = $0.title return option } } } let recentLanguages = context.settingService.currentSetting.value?.recentLanguages ?? [] self.recentLanguages = recentLanguages self.language = recentLanguages.first ?? Locale.current.languageCode ?? "en" super.init() // end init // setup initial value let initialContentWithSpace = initialContent.isEmpty ? "" : initialContent + " " switch destination { case .reply(let record): context.managedObjectContext.performAndWait { guard let status = record.object(in: context.managedObjectContext) else { assertionFailure() return } let author = authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox.authenticationRecord.object(in: context.managedObjectContext)?.user var mentionAccts: [String] = [] if author?.id != status.author.id { mentionAccts.append("@" + status.author.acct) } let mentions = status.mentions .filter { author?.id != $0.id } for mention in mentions { let acct = "@" + mention.acct guard !mentionAccts.contains(acct) else { continue } mentionAccts.append(acct) } for acct in mentionAccts { UITextChecker.learnWord(acct) } if let spoilerText = status.spoilerText, !spoilerText.isEmpty { self.isContentWarningActive = true self.contentWarning = spoilerText } let initialComposeContent = mentionAccts.joined(separator: " ") let preInsertedContent = initialComposeContent.isEmpty ? "" : initialComposeContent + " " self.initialContent = preInsertedContent + initialContentWithSpace self.content = preInsertedContent + initialContentWithSpace } case .topLevel: self.initialContent = initialContentWithSpace self.content = initialContentWithSpace } // set limit let _configuration: Mastodon.Entity.Instance.Configuration? = { var configuration: Mastodon.Entity.Instance.Configuration? = nil context.managedObjectContext.performAndWait { guard let authentication = authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox.authenticationRecord.object(in: context.managedObjectContext) else { return } configuration = authentication.instance?.configuration } return configuration }() if let configuration = _configuration { // set character limit if let maxCharacters = configuration.statuses?.maxCharacters { maxTextInputLimit = maxCharacters } // set media limit if let maxMediaAttachments = configuration.statuses?.maxMediaAttachments { maxMediaAttachmentLimit = maxMediaAttachments } // set poll option limit if let maxOptions = configuration.polls?.maxOptions { maxPollOptionLimit = maxOptions } // set photo attachment limit if let imageSizeLimit = configuration.mediaAttachments?.imageSizeLimit { maxImageMediaSizeLimitInByte = imageSizeLimit } // TODO: more limit } switch composeContext { case .composeStatus: self.isVisibilityButtonEnabled = true case let .editStatus(status, _): if let visibility = Mastodon.Entity.Status.Visibility(rawValue: status.visibility.rawValue) { self.visibility = visibility } self.isVisibilityButtonEnabled = false self.attachmentViewModels = status.attachments.compactMap { guard let assetURL = $0.assetURL, let url = URL(string: assetURL) else { return nil } let attachmentViewModel = AttachmentViewModel( api: context.apiService, authContext: authContext, input: .mastodonAssetUrl(url, $0.id), sizeLimit: sizeLimit, delegate: self ) attachmentViewModel.caption = $0.altDescription ?? "" return attachmentViewModel } } bind() } } extension ComposeContentViewModel { private func bind() { // bind author $authContext .sink { [weak self] authContext in guard let self = self else { return } guard let user = authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox.authenticationRecord.object(in: self.context.managedObjectContext)?.user else { return } self.avatarURL = user.avatarImageURL() self.name = user.nameMetaContent ?? PlaintextMetaContent(string: user.displayNameWithFallback) self.username = user.acctWithDomain } .store(in: &disposeBag) // bind text $content .map { $0.count } .assign(to: &$contentWeightedLength) Publishers.CombineLatest( $contentWarning, $isContentWarningActive ) .map { $1 ? $0.count : 0 } .assign(to: &$contentWarningWeightedLength) Publishers.CombineLatest3( $contentWeightedLength, $contentWarningWeightedLength, $maxTextInputLimit ) .map { $0 + $1 <= $2 } .assign(to: &$isContentValid) // bind attachment $attachmentViewModels .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .sink { [weak self] _ in guard let self = self else { return } Task { try await self.uploadMediaInQueue() } } .store(in: &disposeBag) // bind emoji inputView $isEmojiActive.assign(to: &customEmojiPickerInputViewModel.$isCustomEmojiComposing) // bind toolbar Publishers.CombineLatest3( $isPollActive, $attachmentViewModels, $maxMediaAttachmentLimit ) .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .sink { [weak self] isPollActive, attachmentViewModels, maxMediaAttachmentLimit in guard let self = self else { return } let shouldMediaDisable = isPollActive || attachmentViewModels.count >= maxMediaAttachmentLimit let shouldPollDisable = attachmentViewModels.count > 0 self.isAttachmentButtonEnabled = !shouldMediaDisable self.isPollButtonEnabled = !shouldPollDisable } .store(in: &disposeBag) // bind status content character count Publishers.CombineLatest3( $contentWeightedLength, $contentWarningWeightedLength, $isContentWarningActive ) .map { contentWeightedLength, contentWarningWeightedLength, isContentWarningActive -> Int in var count = contentWeightedLength if isContentWarningActive { count += contentWarningWeightedLength } return count } .assign(to: &$characterCount) // bind compose bar button item UI state let isComposeContentEmpty = $content .map { $0.isEmpty } let isComposeContentValid = Publishers.CombineLatest( $characterCount, $maxTextInputLimit ) .map { characterCount, maxTextInputLimit in characterCount <= maxTextInputLimit } let isMediaEmpty = $attachmentViewModels .map { $0.isEmpty } let isMediaUploadAllSuccess = $attachmentViewModels .map { attachmentViewModels in return Publishers.MergeMany(attachmentViewModels.map { $0.$uploadState }) .delay(for: 0.3, scheduler: DispatchQueue.main) // convert to outputs with delay. Due to @Published emit before changes .map { _ in attachmentViewModels.map { $0.uploadState } } } .switchToLatest() .map { outputs in guard outputs.allSatisfy({ $0 == .finish }) else { return false } return true } .prepend(true) let isPollOptionsAllValid = $pollOptions .map { options in return Publishers.MergeMany(options.map { $0.$text }) .delay(for: 0.3, scheduler: DispatchQueue.main) // convert to outputs with delay. Due to @Published emit before changes .map { _ in options.map { $0.text } } } .switchToLatest() .map { outputs in return outputs.allSatisfy { !$0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty } } .prepend(true) let isPublishBarButtonItemEnabledPrecondition1 = Publishers.CombineLatest4( isComposeContentEmpty, isComposeContentValid, isMediaEmpty, isMediaUploadAllSuccess ) .map { isComposeContentEmpty, isComposeContentValid, isMediaEmpty, isMediaUploadAllSuccess -> Bool in if isMediaEmpty { return isComposeContentValid && !isComposeContentEmpty } else { return isComposeContentValid && isMediaUploadAllSuccess } } .eraseToAnyPublisher() let isPublishBarButtonItemEnabledPrecondition2 = Publishers.CombineLatest( $isPollActive, isPollOptionsAllValid ) .map { isPollActive, isPollOptionsAllValid -> Bool in if isPollActive { return isPollOptionsAllValid } else { return true } } .eraseToAnyPublisher() Publishers.CombineLatest( isPublishBarButtonItemEnabledPrecondition1, isPublishBarButtonItemEnabledPrecondition2 ) .map { $0 && $1 } .assign(to: &$isPublishBarButtonItemEnabled) // bind modal dismiss state Publishers.CombineLatest4( $contentWarning, $content, $isPollActive, $attachmentViewModels ) .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .map { contentWarning, content, hasPoll, attachments in let trimmedContent = content.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) let initialContent = self.initialContent.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) let canDiscardContent = trimmedContent.isEmpty || trimmedContent == initialContent let canDiscardPoll = !hasPoll let canDiscardAttachments = attachments.isEmpty return canDiscardContent && canDiscardPoll && canDiscardAttachments } .assign(to: &$shouldDismiss) // languages context.settingService.currentSetting .flatMap { settings in if let settings { return settings.publisher(for: \.recentLanguages, options: .initial).eraseToAnyPublisher() } else if let code = Locale.current.languageCode { return Just([code]).eraseToAnyPublisher() } return Just([]).eraseToAnyPublisher() } .assign(to: &$recentLanguages) } } extension ComposeContentViewModel { public enum Destination { case topLevel case reply(parent: ManagedObjectRecord) } public enum ScrollViewState { case fold // snap to input case expand // snap to reply } } extension ComposeContentViewModel { public struct AutoCompleteInfo { // model let inputText: Substring // range let symbolRange: Range let symbolString: Substring let toCursorRange: Range let toCursorString: Substring let toHighlightEndRange: Range let toHighlightEndString: Substring // geometry var textBoundingRect: CGRect = .zero var symbolBoundingRect: CGRect = .zero } } extension ComposeContentViewModel { func createNewPollOptionIfCould() { guard pollOptions.count < maxPollOptionLimit else { return } let option = PollComposeItem.Option() option.shouldBecomeFirstResponder = true pollOptions.append(option) } } extension ComposeContentViewModel { public enum ComposeError: LocalizedError { case pollHasEmptyOption public var errorDescription: String? { switch self { case .pollHasEmptyOption: return L10n.Scene.Compose.Poll.thePollIsInvalid } } public var failureReason: String? { switch self { case .pollHasEmptyOption: return L10n.Scene.Compose.Poll.thePollHasEmptyOption } } } public func statusPublisher() throws -> StatusPublisher { let authContext = self.authContext // author let managedObjectContext = self.context.managedObjectContext var _author: ManagedObjectRecord? managedObjectContext.performAndWait { _author = authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox.authenticationRecord.object(in: managedObjectContext)?.user.asRecord } guard let author = _author else { throw AppError.badAuthentication } // poll _ = try { guard isPollActive else { return } let isAllNonEmpty = pollOptions .map { $0.text } .allSatisfy { !$0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty } guard isAllNonEmpty else { throw ComposeError.pollHasEmptyOption } }() // save language to recent languages if let settings = context.settingService.currentSetting.value { settings.managedObjectContext?.performAndWait { settings.recentLanguages = [language] + settings.recentLanguages.filter { $0 != language } } } return MastodonStatusPublisher( author: author, replyTo: { if case .reply(let status) = destination { return status } return nil }(), isContentWarningComposing: isContentWarningActive, contentWarning: contentWarning, content: content, isMediaSensitive: isContentWarningActive, attachmentViewModels: attachmentViewModels, isPollComposing: isPollActive, pollOptions: pollOptions, pollExpireConfigurationOption: pollExpireConfigurationOption, pollMultipleConfigurationOption: pollMultipleConfigurationOption, visibility: visibility, language: language ) } // MastodonEditStatusPublisher public func statusEditPublisher() throws -> StatusPublisher? { let authContext = self.authContext guard case let .editStatus(status, _) = composeContext else { return nil } // author let managedObjectContext = self.context.managedObjectContext var _author: ManagedObjectRecord? managedObjectContext.performAndWait { _author = authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox.authenticationRecord.object(in: managedObjectContext)?.user.asRecord } guard let author = _author else { throw AppError.badAuthentication } // poll _ = try { guard isPollActive else { return } let isAllNonEmpty = pollOptions .map { $0.text } .allSatisfy { !$0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty } guard isAllNonEmpty else { throw ComposeError.pollHasEmptyOption } }() // save language to recent languages if let settings = context.settingService.currentSetting.value { settings.managedObjectContext?.performAndWait { settings.recentLanguages = [language] + settings.recentLanguages.filter { $0 != language } } } return MastodonEditStatusPublisher(statusID: status.id, author: author, isContentWarningComposing: isContentWarningActive, contentWarning: contentWarning, content: content, isMediaSensitive: isContentWarningActive, attachmentViewModels: attachmentViewModels, isPollComposing: isPollActive, pollOptions: pollOptions, pollExpireConfigurationOption: pollExpireConfigurationOption, pollMultipleConfigurationOption: pollMultipleConfigurationOption, visibility: visibility, language: language) } } extension ComposeContentViewModel { public enum AttachmentPrecondition: Error, LocalizedError { case videoAttachWithPhoto case moreThanOneVideo public var errorDescription: String? { return L10n.Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.title } public var failureReason: String? { switch self { case .videoAttachWithPhoto: return L10n.Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.AttachmentsMessage.videoAttachWithPhoto case .moreThanOneVideo: return L10n.Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.AttachmentsMessage.moreThanOneVideo } } } // check exclusive limit: // - up to 1 video // - up to N photos public func checkAttachmentPrecondition() throws { let attachmentViewModels = self.attachmentViewModels guard !attachmentViewModels.isEmpty else { return } var photoAttachmentViewModels: [AttachmentViewModel] = [] var videoAttachmentViewModels: [AttachmentViewModel] = [] attachmentViewModels.forEach { attachmentViewModel in guard let output = attachmentViewModel.output else { assertionFailure() return } switch output { case .image: photoAttachmentViewModels.append(attachmentViewModel) case .video: videoAttachmentViewModels.append(attachmentViewModel) } } if !videoAttachmentViewModels.isEmpty { guard videoAttachmentViewModels.count == 1 else { throw AttachmentPrecondition.moreThanOneVideo } guard photoAttachmentViewModels.isEmpty else { throw AttachmentPrecondition.videoAttachWithPhoto } } } } // MARK: - DeleteBackwardResponseTextFieldRelayDelegate extension ComposeContentViewModel: DeleteBackwardResponseTextFieldRelayDelegate { func deleteBackwardResponseTextFieldDidReturn(_ textField: DeleteBackwardResponseTextField) { let index = textField.tag if index + 1 == pollOptions.count { createNewPollOptionIfCould() } else if index < pollOptions.count { pollOptions[index + 1].textField?.becomeFirstResponder() } } func deleteBackwardResponseTextField(_ textField: DeleteBackwardResponseTextField, textBeforeDelete: String?) { guard (textBeforeDelete ?? "").isEmpty else { // do nothing when not empty return } let index = textField.tag guard index > 0 else { // do nothing at first row return } func optionBeforeRemoved() -> PollComposeItem.Option? { guard index > 0 else { return nil } let indexBeforeRemoved = pollOptions.index(before: index) let itemBeforeRemoved = pollOptions[indexBeforeRemoved] return itemBeforeRemoved } func optionAfterRemoved() -> PollComposeItem.Option? { guard index < pollOptions.count - 1 else { return nil } let indexAfterRemoved = pollOptions.index(after: index) let itemAfterRemoved = pollOptions[indexAfterRemoved] return itemAfterRemoved } // move first responder let _option = optionBeforeRemoved() ?? optionAfterRemoved() _option?.textField?.becomeFirstResponder() guard pollOptions.count > 2 else { // remove item when more then 2 options return } pollOptions.remove(at: index) } } // MARK: - AttachmentViewModelDelegate extension ComposeContentViewModel: AttachmentViewModelDelegate { public func attachmentViewModel( _ viewModel: AttachmentViewModel, uploadStateValueDidChange state: AttachmentViewModel.UploadState ) { Task { try await uploadMediaInQueue() } } @MainActor func uploadMediaInQueue() async throws { for (_, attachmentViewModel) in attachmentViewModels.enumerated() { switch attachmentViewModel.uploadState { case .none: return case .compressing: return case .ready: try await attachmentViewModel.upload() return case .uploading: return case .fail: return case .finish: continue } } } public func attachmentViewModel( _ viewModel: AttachmentViewModel, actionButtonDidPressed action: AttachmentViewModel.Action ) { switch action { case .retry: Task { try await viewModel.upload(isRetry: true) } case .remove: attachmentViewModels.removeAll(where: { $0 === viewModel }) Task { try await uploadMediaInQueue() } } } }