2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// s w i f t l i n t : d i s a b l e a l l
// G e n e r a t e d u s i n g S w i f t G e n — h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / S w i f t G e n / S w i f t G e n
import Foundation
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
// s w i f t l i n t : d i s a b l e s u p e r f l u o u s _ d i s a b l e _ c o m m a n d f i l e _ l e n g t h i m p l i c i t _ r e t u r n p r e f e r _ s e l f _ i n _ s t a t i c _ r e f e r e n c e s
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// MARK: - S t r i n g s
// s w i f t l i n t : d i s a b l e e x p l i c i t _ t y p e _ i n t e r f a c e f u n c t i o n _ p a r a m e t e r _ c o u n t i d e n t i f i e r _ n a m e l i n e _ l e n g t h
// s w i f t l i n t : d i s a b l e n e s t i n g t y p e _ b o d y _ l e n g t h t y p e _ n a m e v e r t i c a l _ w h i t e s p a c e _ o p e n i n g _ b r a c e s
public enum L10n {
public enum Common {
public enum Alerts {
public enum BlockDomain {
// / B l o c k D o m a i n
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let blockEntireDomain = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.BlockDomain.BlockEntireDomain " , fallback : " Block Domain " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / A r e y o u r e a l l y , r e a l l y s u r e y o u w a n t t o b l o c k t h e e n t i r e % @ ? I n m o s t c a s e s a f e w t a r g e t e d b l o c k s o r m u t e s a r e s u f f i c i e n t a n d p r e f e r a b l e . Y o u w i l l n o t s e e c o n t e n t f r o m t h a t d o m a i n a n d a n y o f y o u r f o l l o w e r s f r o m t h a t d o m a i n w i l l b e r e m o v e d .
public static func title ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.BlockDomain.Title " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire %@? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable. You will not see content from that domain and any of your followers from that domain will be removed. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2024-02-28 10:52:04 +01:00
public enum BoostAPost {
// / B o o s t
public static let boost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.BoostAPost.Boost " , fallback : " Boost " )
// / C a n c e l
public static let cancel = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.BoostAPost.Cancel " , fallback : " Cancel " )
// / B o o s t P o s t ?
public static let titleBoost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.BoostAPost.TitleBoost " , fallback : " Boost Post? " )
// / U n b o o s t P o s t ?
public static let titleUnboost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.BoostAPost.TitleUnboost " , fallback : " Unboost Post? " )
// / U n b o o s t
public static let unboost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.BoostAPost.Unboost " , fallback : " Unboost " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum CleanCache {
// / S u c c e s s f u l l y c l e a n e d % @ c a c h e .
public static func message ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.CleanCache.Message " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Successfully cleaned %@ cache. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / C l e a n C a c h e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.CleanCache.Title " , fallback : " Clean Cache " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Common {
// / P l e a s e t r y a g a i n .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let pleaseTryAgain = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.Common.PleaseTryAgain " , fallback : " Please try again. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P l e a s e t r y a g a i n l a t e r .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let pleaseTryAgainLater = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.Common.PleaseTryAgainLater " , fallback : " Please try again later. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum DeletePost {
// / A r e y o u s u r e y o u w a n t t o d e l e t e t h i s p o s t ?
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let message = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.DeletePost.Message " , fallback : " Are you sure you want to delete this post? " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / D e l e t e P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.DeletePost.Title " , fallback : " Delete Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum EditProfileFailure {
// / C a n n o t e d i t p r o f i l e . P l e a s e t r y a g a i n .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let message = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.EditProfileFailure.Message " , fallback : " Cannot edit profile. Please try again. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / E d i t P r o f i l e E r r o r
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.EditProfileFailure.Title " , fallback : " Edit Profile Error " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2024-02-28 10:52:04 +01:00
public enum MediaMissingAltText {
// / C a n c e l
public static let cancel = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.MediaMissingAltText.Cancel " , fallback : " Cancel " )
// / % d o f y o u r i m a g e s a r e m i s s i n g a l t t e x t .
// / P o s t A n y w a y ?
public static func message ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.MediaMissingAltText.Message " , p1 , fallback : " %d of your images are missing alt text. \n Post Anyway? " )
// / P o s t
public static let post = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.MediaMissingAltText.Post " , fallback : " Post " )
// / M e d i a M i s s i n g A l t T e x t
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.MediaMissingAltText.Title " , fallback : " Media Missing Alt Text " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum PublishPostFailure {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
// / F a i l e d t o p u b l i s h t h e p o s t .
// / P l e a s e c h e c k y o u r i n t e r n e t c o n n e c t i o n .
public static let message = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.Message " , fallback : " Failed to publish the post. \n Please check your internet connection. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P u b l i s h F a i l u r e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.Title " , fallback : " Publish Failure " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum AttachmentsMessage {
// / C a n n o t a t t a c h m o r e t h a n o n e v i d e o .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let moreThanOneVideo = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.AttachmentsMessage.MoreThanOneVideo " , fallback : " Cannot attach more than one video. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / C a n n o t a t t a c h a v i d e o t o a p o s t t h a t a l r e a d y c o n t a i n s i m a g e s .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let videoAttachWithPhoto = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.AttachmentsMessage.VideoAttachWithPhoto " , fallback : " Cannot attach a video to a post that already contains images. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum SavePhotoFailure {
// / P l e a s e e n a b l e t h e p h o t o l i b r a r y a c c e s s p e r m i s s i o n t o s a v e t h e p h o t o .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let message = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.SavePhotoFailure.Message " , fallback : " Please enable the photo library access permission to save the photo. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S a v e P h o t o F a i l u r e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.SavePhotoFailure.Title " , fallback : " Save Photo Failure " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum ServerError {
// / S e r v e r E r r o r
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.ServerError.Title " , fallback : " Server Error " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum SignOut {
// / S i g n O u t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let confirm = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.SignOut.Confirm " , fallback : " Sign Out " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / A r e y o u s u r e y o u w a n t t o s i g n o u t ?
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let message = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message " , fallback : " Are you sure you want to sign out? " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S i g n O u t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.SignOut.Title " , fallback : " Sign Out " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum SignUpFailure {
// / S i g n U p F a i l u r e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title " , fallback : " Sign Up Failure " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-12-09 16:12:13 +01:00
public enum TranslationFailed {
// / O K
public static let button = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.TranslationFailed.Button " , fallback : " OK " )
2022-12-12 16:43:54 +01:00
// / T r a n s l a t i o n f a i l e d . M a y b e t h e a d m i n i s t r a t o r h a s n o t e n a b l e d t r a n s l a t i o n s o n t h i s s e r v e r o r t h i s s e r v e r i s r u n n i n g a n o l d e r v e r s i o n o f M a s t o d o n w h e r e t r a n s l a t i o n s a r e n o t y e t s u p p o r t e d .
public static let message = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.TranslationFailed.Message " , fallback : " Translation failed. Maybe the administrator has not enabled translations on this server or this server is running an older version of Mastodon where translations are not yet supported. " )
2022-12-09 16:12:13 +01:00
// / N o t e
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.TranslationFailed.Title " , fallback : " Note " )
2024-02-28 10:52:04 +01:00
public enum UnfollowUser {
// / C a n c e l
public static let cancel = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.UnfollowUser.Cancel " , fallback : " Cancel " )
2024-03-21 17:00:09 +01:00
// / U n f o l l o w % @ ?
2024-02-28 10:52:04 +01:00
public static func title ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2024-03-21 17:00:09 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.UnfollowUser.Title " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Unfollow %@? " )
2024-02-28 10:52:04 +01:00
// / U n f o l l o w
public static let unfollow = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.UnfollowUser.Unfollow " , fallback : " Unfollow " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum VoteFailure {
// / T h e p o l l h a s e n d e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let pollEnded = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded " , fallback : " The poll has ended " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / V o t e F a i l u r e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title " , fallback : " Vote Failure " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Controls {
public enum Actions {
// / A d d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let add = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Add " , fallback : " Add " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / B a c k
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let back = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Back " , fallback : " Back " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / B l o c k % @
public static func blockDomain ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.BlockDomain " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Block %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-06-02 16:31:20 +02:00
// / B o o k m a r k
public static let bookmark = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Bookmark " , fallback : " Bookmark " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / C a n c e l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let cancel = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Cancel " , fallback : " Cancel " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / C o m p o s e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let compose = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Compose " , fallback : " Compose " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / C o n f i r m
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let confirm = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Confirm " , fallback : " Confirm " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / C o n t i n u e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let ` continue ` = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Continue " , fallback : " Continue " )
2022-12-03 19:38:32 +01:00
// / C o p y
public static let copy = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Copy " , fallback : " Copy " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / C o p y P h o t o
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let copyPhoto = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.CopyPhoto " , fallback : " Copy Photo " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / D e l e t e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let delete = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Delete " , fallback : " Delete " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / D i s c a r d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let discard = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Discard " , fallback : " Discard " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / D o n e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let done = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Done " , fallback : " Done " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / E d i t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let edit = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Edit " , fallback : " Edit " )
2023-03-02 11:06:13 +01:00
// / E d i t
public static let editPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.EditPost " , fallback : " Edit " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / F i n d p e o p l e t o f o l l o w
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let findPeople = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.FindPeople " , fallback : " Find people to follow " )
2023-06-02 18:18:11 +02:00
// / F o l l o w % @
public static func follow ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Follow " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Follow %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / M a n u a l l y s e a r c h i n s t e a d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let manuallySearch = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.ManuallySearch " , fallback : " Manually search instead " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / N e x t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let next = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Next " , fallback : " Next " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / O K
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let ok = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Ok " , fallback : " OK " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / O p e n
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let ` open ` = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Open " , fallback : " Open " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / O p e n i n B r o w s e r
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let openInBrowser = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.OpenInBrowser " , fallback : " Open in Browser " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / O p e n i n S a f a r i
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let openInSafari = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.OpenInSafari " , fallback : " Open in Safari " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P r e v i e w
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let preview = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Preview " , fallback : " Preview " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P r e v i o u s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let previous = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Previous " , fallback : " Previous " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e m o v e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let remove = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Remove " , fallback : " Remove " )
2023-06-02 16:31:20 +02:00
// / R e m o v e B o o k m a r k
public static let removeBookmark = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.RemoveBookmark " , fallback : " Remove Bookmark " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e p l y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let reply = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Reply " , fallback : " Reply " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e p o r t % @
public static func reportUser ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.ReportUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Report %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S a v e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let save = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Save " , fallback : " Save " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S a v e P h o t o
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let savePhoto = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.SavePhoto " , fallback : " Save Photo " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S e e M o r e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let seeMore = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.SeeMore " , fallback : " See More " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S e t t i n g s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let settings = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Settings " , fallback : " Settings " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S h a r e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let share = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Share " , fallback : " Share " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S h a r e P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let sharePost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.SharePost " , fallback : " Share Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S h a r e % @
public static func shareUser ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.ShareUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Share %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-11-16 11:21:15 +01:00
// / L o g i n
public static let signIn = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.SignIn " , fallback : " Log in " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S k i p
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let skip = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Skip " , fallback : " Skip " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T a k e P h o t o
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let takePhoto = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.TakePhoto " , fallback : " Take Photo " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T r y A g a i n
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let tryAgain = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.TryAgain " , fallback : " Try Again " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U n b l o c k % @
public static func unblockDomain ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.UnblockDomain " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Unblock %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-06-02 18:18:11 +02:00
// / U n f o l l o w % @
public static func unfollow ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.Unfollow " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Unfollow %@ " )
2022-12-07 16:32:51 +01:00
public enum TranslatePost {
// / T r a n s l a t e f r o m % @
public static func title ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.TranslatePost.Title " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Translate from %@ " )
// / U n k n o w n
public static let unknownLanguage = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Actions.TranslatePost.UnknownLanguage " , fallback : " Unknown " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Friendship {
// / B l o c k
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let block = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.Block " , fallback : " Block " )
2024-01-31 10:04:22 +01:00
// / B l o c k d o m a i n % @
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public static func blockDomain ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2024-01-31 10:04:22 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.BlockDomain " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Block domain %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / B l o c k e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let blocked = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.Blocked " , fallback : " Blocked " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / B l o c k % @
public static func blockUser ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.BlockUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Block %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-12-19 13:12:32 +01:00
// / D o m a i n B l o c k e d
public static let domainBlocked = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.DomainBlocked " , fallback : " Domain Blocked " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / E d i t I n f o
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let editInfo = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.EditInfo " , fallback : " Edit Info " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / F o l l o w
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let follow = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.Follow " , fallback : " Follow " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / F o l l o w i n g
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let following = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.Following " , fallback : " Following " )
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / H i d e B o o s t s
public static let hideReblogs = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.HideReblogs " , fallback : " Hide Boosts " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / M u t e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let mute = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.Mute " , fallback : " Mute " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / M u t e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let muted = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.Muted " , fallback : " Muted " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / M u t e % @
public static func muteUser ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.MuteUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Mute %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P e n d i n g
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let pending = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.Pending " , fallback : " Pending " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e q u e s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let request = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.Request " , fallback : " Request " )
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / S h o w B o o s t s
public static let showReblogs = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.ShowReblogs " , fallback : " Show Boosts " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U n b l o c k
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let unblock = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.Unblock " , fallback : " Unblock " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U n b l o c k % @
public static func unblockUser ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.UnblockUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Unblock %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U n m u t e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let unmute = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.Unmute " , fallback : " Unmute " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U n m u t e % @
public static func unmuteUser ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Friendship.UnmuteUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Unmute %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Keyboard {
public enum Common {
// / C o m p o s e N e w P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let composeNewPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Common.ComposeNewPost " , fallback : " Compose New Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / O p e n S e t t i n g s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let openSettings = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Common.OpenSettings " , fallback : " Open Settings " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S h o w F a v o r i t e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showFavorites = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Common.ShowFavorites " , fallback : " Show Favorites " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S w i t c h t o % @
public static func switchToTab ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Common.SwitchToTab " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Switch to %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum SegmentedControl {
// / N e x t S e c t i o n
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let nextSection = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.SegmentedControl.NextSection " , fallback : " Next Section " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P r e v i o u s S e c t i o n
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let previousSection = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.SegmentedControl.PreviousSection " , fallback : " Previous Section " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Timeline {
// / N e x t P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let nextStatus = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.NextStatus " , fallback : " Next Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / O p e n A u t h o r ' s P r o f i l e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let openAuthorProfile = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.OpenAuthorProfile " , fallback : " Open Author's Profile " )
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / O p e n B o o s t e r ' s P r o f i l e
public static let openRebloggerProfile = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.OpenRebloggerProfile " , fallback : " Open Booster's Profile " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / O p e n P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let openStatus = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.OpenStatus " , fallback : " Open Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P r e v i e w I m a g e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let previewImage = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.PreviewImage " , fallback : " Preview Image " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P r e v i o u s P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let previousStatus = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.PreviousStatus " , fallback : " Previous Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e p l y t o P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let replyStatus = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ReplyStatus " , fallback : " Reply to Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T o g g l e C o n t e n t W a r n i n g
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let toggleContentWarning = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleContentWarning " , fallback : " Toggle Content Warning " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T o g g l e F a v o r i t e o n P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let toggleFavorite = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleFavorite " , fallback : " Toggle Favorite on Post " )
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / T o g g l e B o o s t o n P o s t
public static let toggleReblog = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleReblog " , fallback : " Toggle Boost on Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Status {
// / C o n t e n t W a r n i n g
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let contentWarning = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.ContentWarning " , fallback : " Content Warning " )
2023-03-02 11:06:13 +01:00
// / E d i t e d % @
public static func editedAtTimestampPrefix ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.EditedAtTimestampPrefix " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Edited %@ " )
2022-12-03 19:38:32 +01:00
// / % @ v i a % @
public static func linkViaUser ( _ p1 : Any , _ p2 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.LinkViaUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , String ( describing : p2 ) , fallback : " %@ via %@ " )
2022-12-03 17:29:03 +01:00
// / L o a d E m b e d
public static let loadEmbed = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.LoadEmbed " , fallback : " Load Embed " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T a p a n y w h e r e t o r e v e a l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let mediaContentWarning = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.MediaContentWarning " , fallback : " Tap anywhere to reveal " )
2023-03-02 11:06:13 +01:00
// / % @ v i a % @
public static func postedViaApplication ( _ p1 : Any , _ p2 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.PostedViaApplication " , String ( describing : p1 ) , String ( describing : p2 ) , fallback : " %@ via %@ " )
2022-04-27 14:37:04 +02:00
// / S e n s i t i v e C o n t e n t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let sensitiveContent = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.SensitiveContent " , fallback : " Sensitive Content " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S h o w P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost " , fallback : " Show Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S h o w u s e r p r o f i l e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showUserProfile = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.ShowUserProfile " , fallback : " Show user profile " )
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
// / T a p t o r e v e a l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let tapToReveal = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.TapToReveal " , fallback : " Tap to reveal " )
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / % @ b o o s t e d
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public static func userReblogged ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.UserReblogged " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ boosted " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e p l i e d t o % @
public static func userRepliedTo ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.UserRepliedTo " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Replied to %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Actions {
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / C o p y L i n k
public static let copyLink = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.CopyLink " , fallback : " Copy Link " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / F a v o r i t e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let favorite = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Favorite " , fallback : " Favorite " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / H i d e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let hide = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Hide " , fallback : " Hide " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / M e n u
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let menu = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Menu " , fallback : " Menu " )
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / B o o s t
public static let reblog = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Reblog " , fallback : " Boost " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e p l y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let reply = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Reply " , fallback : " Reply " )
2022-12-03 19:38:32 +01:00
// / S h a r e L i n k i n P o s t
public static let shareLinkInPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.ShareLinkInPost " , fallback : " Share Link in Post " )
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
// / S h o w G I F
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showGif = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.ShowGif " , fallback : " Show GIF " )
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
// / S h o w i m a g e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showImage = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.ShowImage " , fallback : " Show image " )
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
// / S h o w v i d e o p l a y e r
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showVideoPlayer = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.ShowVideoPlayer " , fallback : " Show video player " )
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
// / T a p t h e n h o l d t o s h o w m e n u
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let tapThenHoldToShowMenu = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.TapThenHoldToShowMenu " , fallback : " Tap then hold to show menu " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U n f a v o r i t e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let unfavorite = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Unfavorite " , fallback : " Unfavorite " )
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / U n d o b o o s t
public static let unreblog = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Unreblog " , fallback : " Undo boost " )
2023-03-23 08:51:04 +01:00
public enum A11YLabels {
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / B o o s t
public static let reblog = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.A11YLabels.Reblog " , fallback : " Boost " )
// / U n d o b o o s t
public static let unreblog = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Actions.A11YLabels.Unreblog " , fallback : " Undo boost " )
2023-03-15 14:58:25 +01:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-03-02 11:06:13 +01:00
public enum Buttons {
// / L a s t e d i t % @
public static func editHistoryDetail ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Buttons.EditHistoryDetail " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Last edit %@ " )
// / E d i t H i s t o r y
public static let editHistoryTitle = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Buttons.EditHistoryTitle " , fallback : " Edit History " )
// / F a v o r i t e s
public static let favoritesTitle = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Buttons.FavoritesTitle " , fallback : " Favorites " )
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / B o o s t s
public static let reblogsTitle = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Buttons.ReblogsTitle " , fallback : " Boosts " )
2023-03-02 11:06:13 +01:00
2024-06-30 18:54:47 +02:00
public enum Card {
// / B y
public static let by = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Card.By " , fallback : " By " )
// / B y % @
public static func byAuthor ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Card.ByAuthor " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " By %@ " )
// / % @ · % @
public static func publisherDate ( _ p1 : Any , _ p2 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Card.PublisherDate " , String ( describing : p1 ) , String ( describing : p2 ) , fallback : " %@ · %@ " )
2023-03-02 11:06:13 +01:00
public enum EditHistory {
// / O r i g i n a l P o s t · % @
public static func originalPost ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.EditHistory.OriginalPost " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Original Post · %@ " )
// / E d i t H i s t o r y
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.EditHistory.Title " , fallback : " Edit History " )
2022-12-22 01:38:05 +01:00
public enum Media {
// / % @ , a t t a c h m e n t % d o f % d
public static func accessibilityLabel ( _ p1 : Any , _ p2 : Int , _ p3 : Int ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Media.AccessibilityLabel " , String ( describing : p1 ) , p2 , p3 , fallback : " %@, attachment %d of %d " )
// / E x p a n d s t h e G I F . D o u b l e - t a p a n d h o l d t o s h o w a c t i o n s
public static let expandGifHint = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Media.ExpandGifHint " , fallback : " Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions " )
// / E x p a n d s t h e i m a g e . D o u b l e - t a p a n d h o l d t o s h o w a c t i o n s
public static let expandImageHint = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Media.ExpandImageHint " , fallback : " Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions " )
// / S h o w s t h e v i d e o p l a y e r . D o u b l e - t a p a n d h o l d t o s h o w a c t i o n s
public static let expandVideoHint = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Media.ExpandVideoHint " , fallback : " Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions " )
2022-11-08 19:30:17 +01:00
public enum MetaEntity {
// / E m a i l a d d r e s s : % @
public static func email ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.MetaEntity.Email " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Email address: %@ " )
2022-11-08 19:30:17 +01:00
2022-11-14 12:20:14 +01:00
// / H a s h t a g : % @
2022-11-08 19:30:17 +01:00
public static func hashtag ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.MetaEntity.Hashtag " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Hashtag: %@ " )
2022-11-08 19:30:17 +01:00
// / S h o w P r o f i l e : % @
public static func mention ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.MetaEntity.Mention " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Show Profile: %@ " )
2022-11-08 19:30:17 +01:00
// / L i n k : % @
public static func url ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.MetaEntity.Url " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Link: %@ " )
2022-11-08 19:30:17 +01:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Poll {
// / C l o s e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let closed = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed " , fallback : " Closed " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / V o t e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let vote = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote " , fallback : " Vote " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Tag {
// / E m a i l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let email = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Email " , fallback : " Email " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / E m o j i
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let emoji = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Emoji " , fallback : " Emoji " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / H a s h t a g
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let hashtag = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Hashtag " , fallback : " Hashtag " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / L i n k
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let link = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Link " , fallback : " Link " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / M e n t i o n
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let mention = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Mention " , fallback : " Mention " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U R L
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let url = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Url " , fallback : " URL " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-12-07 16:32:51 +01:00
public enum Translation {
2023-02-07 03:32:50 +01:00
// / S h o w O r i g i n a l
public static let showOriginal = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Translation.ShowOriginal " , fallback : " Show Original " )
2022-12-19 07:32:48 +01:00
// / T r a n s l a t e d f r o m % @ u s i n g % @
public static func translatedFrom ( _ p1 : Any , _ p2 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Translation.TranslatedFrom " , String ( describing : p1 ) , String ( describing : p2 ) , fallback : " Translated from %@ using %@ " )
2022-12-07 16:32:51 +01:00
// / U n k n o w n
public static let unknownLanguage = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Translation.UnknownLanguage " , fallback : " Unknown " )
2022-12-19 07:32:48 +01:00
// / U n k n o w n
public static let unknownProvider = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Translation.UnknownProvider " , fallback : " Unknown " )
2022-12-07 16:32:51 +01:00
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
public enum Visibility {
// / O n l y m e n t i o n e d u s e r c a n s e e t h i s p o s t .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let direct = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Visibility.Direct " , fallback : " Only mentioned user can see this post. " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / O n l y t h e i r f o l l o w e r s c a n s e e t h i s p o s t .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let ` private ` = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Visibility.Private " , fallback : " Only their followers can see this post. " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / O n l y m y f o l l o w e r s c a n s e e t h i s p o s t .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let privateFromMe = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Visibility.PrivateFromMe " , fallback : " Only my followers can see this post. " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / E v e r y o n e c a n s e e t h i s p o s t b u t n o t d i s p l a y i n t h e p u b l i c t i m e l i n e .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let unlisted = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Status.Visibility.Unlisted " , fallback : " Everyone can see this post but not display in the public timeline. " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Tabs {
// / H o m e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let home = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Tabs.Home " , fallback : " Home " )
2022-11-09 23:30:57 +01:00
// / N o t i f i c a t i o n s
2022-11-15 04:35:42 +01:00
public static let notifications = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Tabs.Notifications " , fallback : " Notifications " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P r o f i l e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let profile = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Tabs.Profile " , fallback : " Profile " )
2022-11-30 15:09:24 +01:00
// / S e a r c h a n d E x p l o r e
public static let searchAndExplore = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Tabs.SearchAndExplore " , fallback : " Search and Explore " )
2023-03-13 12:54:52 +01:00
public enum A11Y {
// / E x p l o r e
public static let explore = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Tabs.A11Y.Explore " , fallback : " Explore " )
// / S e a r c h
public static let search = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Tabs.A11Y.Search " , fallback : " Search " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Timeline {
// / F i l t e r e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let filtered = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered " , fallback : " Filtered " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Header {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
// / Y o u c a n ’ t v i e w t h i s u s e r ’ s p r o f i l e
// / u n t i l t h e y u n b l o c k y o u .
public static let blockedWarning = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning " , fallback : " You can’ t view this user’ s profile \n until they unblock you. " )
// / Y o u c a n ’ t v i e w t h i s u s e r ' s p r o f i l e
// / u n t i l y o u u n b l o c k t h e m .
// / Y o u r p r o f i l e l o o k s l i k e t h i s t o t h e m .
public static let blockingWarning = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockingWarning " , fallback : " You can’ t view this user's profile \n until you unblock them. \n Your profile looks like this to them. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / N o P o s t F o u n d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let noStatusFound = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.NoStatusFound " , fallback : " No Post Found " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T h i s u s e r h a s b e e n s u s p e n d e d .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let suspendedWarning = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.SuspendedWarning " , fallback : " This user has been suspended. " )
// / Y o u c a n ’ t v i e w % @ ’ s p r o f i l e
// / u n t i l t h e y u n b l o c k y o u .
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public static func userBlockedWarning ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserBlockedWarning " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " You can’ t view %@’ s profile \n until they unblock you. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
// / Y o u c a n ’ t v i e w % @ ’ s p r o f i l e
// / u n t i l y o u u n b l o c k t h e m .
// / Y o u r p r o f i l e l o o k s l i k e t h i s t o t h e m .
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public static func userBlockingWarning ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserBlockingWarning " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " You can’ t view %@’ s profile \n until you unblock them. \n Your profile looks like this to them. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / % @ ’ s a c c o u n t h a s b e e n s u s p e n d e d .
public static func userSuspendedWarning ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserSuspendedWarning " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@’ s account has been suspended. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Loader {
// / L o a d i n g m i s s i n g p o s t s . . .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let loadingMissingPosts = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadingMissingPosts " , fallback : " Loading missing posts... " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / L o a d m i s s i n g p o s t s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let loadMissingPosts = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadMissingPosts " , fallback : " Load missing posts " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S h o w m o r e r e p l i e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showMoreReplies = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.ShowMoreReplies " , fallback : " Show more replies " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Timestamp {
// / N o w
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let now = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now " , fallback : " Now " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-05-04 11:39:57 +02:00
public enum UserList {
2023-05-05 10:07:47 +02:00
// / % @ f o l l o w e r s
public static func followersCount ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.UserList.FollowersCount " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ followers " )
2023-05-04 11:39:57 +02:00
// / N o v e r i f i e d l i n k
public static let noVerifiedLink = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Common.UserList.NoVerifiedLink " , fallback : " No verified link " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-01-11 15:12:07 +01:00
public enum Extension {
public enum OpenIn {
// / T h i s d o e s n ' t s e e m t o b e a v a l i d M a s t o d o n l i n k .
public static let invalidLinkError = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Extension.OpenIn.InvalidLinkError " , fallback : " This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Scene {
public enum AccountList {
// / A d d A c c o u n t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let addAccount = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.AccountList.AddAccount " , fallback : " Add Account " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / D i s m i s s A c c o u n t S w i t c h e r
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let dismissAccountSwitcher = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.AccountList.DismissAccountSwitcher " , fallback : " Dismiss Account Switcher " )
2024-04-30 09:22:27 +02:00
// / L o g o u t
public static let logout = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.AccountList.Logout " , fallback : " Logout " )
// / L o g O u t O f A l l A c c o u n t s
public static let logoutAllAccounts = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.AccountList.LogoutAllAccounts " , fallback : " Log Out Of All Accounts " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / C u r r e n t s e l e c t e d p r o f i l e : % @ . D o u b l e t a p t h e n h o l d t o s h o w a c c o u n t s w i t c h e r
public static func tabBarHint ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.AccountList.TabBarHint " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Current selected profile: %@. Double tap then hold to show account switcher " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-07-29 22:31:38 +02:00
public enum Bookmark {
2022-11-09 07:37:37 +01:00
// / B o o k m a r k s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Bookmark.Title " , fallback : " Bookmarks " )
2022-07-29 22:31:38 +02:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Compose {
// / P u b l i s h
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let composeAction = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.ComposeAction " , fallback : " Publish " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T y p e o r p a s t e w h a t ’ s o n y o u r m i n d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let contentInputPlaceholder = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.ContentInputPlaceholder " , fallback : " Type or paste what’ s on your mind " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / r e p l y i n g t o % @
public static func replyingToUser ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.ReplyingToUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " replying to %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Accessibility {
// / A d d A t t a c h m e n t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let appendAttachment = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendAttachment " , fallback : " Add Attachment " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / A d d P o l l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let appendPoll = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendPoll " , fallback : " Add Poll " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / C u s t o m E m o j i P i c k e r
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let customEmojiPicker = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker " , fallback : " Custom Emoji Picker " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / D i s a b l e C o n t e n t W a r n i n g
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let disableContentWarning = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning " , fallback : " Disable Content Warning " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / E n a b l e C o n t e n t W a r n i n g
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let enableContentWarning = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning " , fallback : " Enable Content Warning " )
2022-11-08 19:50:23 +01:00
// / P o s t i n g a s % @
public static func postingAs ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostingAs " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Posting as %@ " )
2022-11-08 19:50:23 +01:00
// / P o s t O p t i o n s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let postOptions = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostOptions " , fallback : " Post Options " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P o s t V i s i b i l i t y M e n u
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let postVisibilityMenu = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu " , fallback : " Post Visibility Menu " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e m o v e P o l l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let removePoll = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Accessibility.RemovePoll " , fallback : " Remove Poll " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Attachment {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
// / T h i s % @ i s b r o k e n a n d c a n ’ t b e
// / u p l o a d e d t o M a s t o d o n .
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public static func attachmentBroken ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " This %@ is broken and can’ t be \n uploaded to Mastodon. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-11-14 12:20:14 +01:00
// / A t t a c h m e n t t o o l a r g e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let attachmentTooLarge = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentTooLarge " , fallback : " Attachment too large " )
// / C a n n o t r e c o g n i z e t h i s m e d i a a t t a c h m e n t
public static let canNotRecognizeThisMediaAttachment = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Attachment.CanNotRecognizeThisMediaAttachment " , fallback : " Can not recognize this media attachment " )
// / C o m p r e s s i n g . . .
public static let compressingState = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Attachment.CompressingState " , fallback : " Compressing... " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / D e s c r i b e t h e p h o t o f o r t h e v i s u a l l y - i m p a i r e d . . .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let descriptionPhoto = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Attachment.DescriptionPhoto " , fallback : " Describe the photo for the visually-impaired... " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / D e s c r i b e t h e v i d e o f o r t h e v i s u a l l y - i m p a i r e d . . .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let descriptionVideo = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Attachment.DescriptionVideo " , fallback : " Describe the video for the visually-impaired... " )
2022-11-14 12:20:14 +01:00
// / L o a d F a i l e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let loadFailed = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Attachment.LoadFailed " , fallback : " Load Failed " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / p h o t o
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let photo = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Attachment.Photo " , fallback : " photo " )
// / S e r v e r P r o c e s s i n g . . .
public static let serverProcessingState = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Attachment.ServerProcessingState " , fallback : " Server Processing... " )
2022-11-14 12:20:14 +01:00
// / U p l o a d F a i l e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let uploadFailed = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Attachment.UploadFailed " , fallback : " Upload Failed " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / v i d e o
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let video = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Attachment.Video " , fallback : " video " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum AutoComplete {
// / S p a c e t o a d d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let spaceToAdd = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.AutoComplete.SpaceToAdd " , fallback : " Space to add " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum ContentWarning {
// / W r i t e a n a c c u r a t e w a r n i n g h e r e . . .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let placeholder = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.ContentWarning.Placeholder " , fallback : " Write an accurate warning here... " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Keyboard {
// / A d d A t t a c h m e n t - % @
public static func appendAttachmentEntry ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Keyboard.AppendAttachmentEntry " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Add Attachment - %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / D i s c a r d P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let discardPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Keyboard.DiscardPost " , fallback : " Discard Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P u b l i s h P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let publishPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Keyboard.PublishPost " , fallback : " Publish Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S e l e c t V i s i b i l i t y - % @
public static func selectVisibilityEntry ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Keyboard.SelectVisibilityEntry " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Select Visibility - %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T o g g l e C o n t e n t W a r n i n g
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let toggleContentWarning = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Keyboard.ToggleContentWarning " , fallback : " Toggle Content Warning " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T o g g l e P o l l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let togglePoll = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Keyboard.TogglePoll " , fallback : " Toggle Poll " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-01-24 01:50:10 +01:00
public enum Language {
// / O t h e r L a n g u a g e …
public static let other = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Language.Other " , fallback : " Other Language… " )
// / R e c e n t
public static let recent = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Language.Recent " , fallback : " Recent " )
// / S u g g e s t e d
public static let suggested = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Language.Suggested " , fallback : " Suggested " )
// / P o s t L a n g u a g e
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Language.Title " , fallback : " Post Language " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum MediaSelection {
// / B r o w s e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let browse = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.MediaSelection.Browse " , fallback : " Browse " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T a k e P h o t o
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let camera = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.MediaSelection.Camera " , fallback : " Take Photo " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P h o t o L i b r a r y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let photoLibrary = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.MediaSelection.PhotoLibrary " , fallback : " Photo Library " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Poll {
2023-02-07 22:56:49 +01:00
// / A d d O p t i o n
public static let addOption = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.AddOption " , fallback : " Add Option " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / D u r a t i o n : % @
public static func durationTime ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.DurationTime " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Duration: %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-02-07 22:55:58 +01:00
// / M o v e D o w n
public static let moveDown = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.MoveDown " , fallback : " Move Down " )
// / M o v e U p
public static let moveUp = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.MoveUp " , fallback : " Move Up " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / 1 D a y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let oneDay = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.OneDay " , fallback : " 1 Day " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / 1 H o u r
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let oneHour = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.OneHour " , fallback : " 1 Hour " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / O p t i o n % l d
public static func optionNumber ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.OptionNumber " , p1 , fallback : " Option %ld " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-02-07 22:55:58 +01:00
// / R e m o v e O p t i o n
public static let removeOption = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.RemoveOption " , fallback : " Remove Option " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / 7 D a y s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let sevenDays = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.SevenDays " , fallback : " 7 Days " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / 6 H o u r s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let sixHours = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.SixHours " , fallback : " 6 Hours " )
// / T h e p o l l h a s e m p t y o p t i o n
public static let thePollHasEmptyOption = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.ThePollHasEmptyOption " , fallback : " The poll has empty option " )
// / T h e p o l l i s i n v a l i d
public static let thePollIsInvalid = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.ThePollIsInvalid " , fallback : " The poll is invalid " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / 3 0 m i n u t e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let thirtyMinutes = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.ThirtyMinutes " , fallback : " 30 minutes " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / 3 D a y s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let threeDays = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.ThreeDays " , fallback : " 3 Days " )
2023-02-07 23:00:22 +01:00
// / P o l l
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Poll.Title " , fallback : " Poll " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Title {
2023-03-02 11:06:13 +01:00
// / E d i t P o s t
public static let editPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Title.EditPost " , fallback : " Edit Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / N e w P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let newPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Title.NewPost " , fallback : " New Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / N e w R e p l y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let newReply = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Title.NewReply " , fallback : " New Reply " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Visibility {
// / O n l y p e o p l e I m e n t i o n
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let direct = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Visibility.Direct " , fallback : " Only people I mention " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / F o l l o w e r s o n l y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let ` private ` = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Visibility.Private " , fallback : " Followers only " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P u b l i c
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let ` public ` = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Visibility.Public " , fallback : " Public " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U n l i s t e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let unlisted = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Compose.Visibility.Unlisted " , fallback : " Unlisted " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum ConfirmEmail {
2023-03-23 08:51:04 +01:00
// / T a p t h e l i n k w e s e n t y o u t o v e r i f y % @ . W e ’ l l w a i t r i g h t h e r e .
2022-12-28 15:25:54 +01:00
public static func tapTheLinkWeEmailedToYouToVerifyYourAccount ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2023-03-23 08:51:04 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.TapTheLinkWeEmailedToYouToVerifyYourAccount " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. We’ ll wait right here. " )
2022-12-28 15:25:54 +01:00
// / C h e c k Y o u r I n b o x
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.Title " , fallback : " Check Your Inbox " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Button {
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / R e s e n d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let resend = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.Button.Resend " , fallback : " Resend " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-12-29 22:35:21 +01:00
public enum DidntGetLink {
2023-04-04 16:22:02 +02:00
// / D i d n ’ t g e t a l i n k ?
public static let ` prefix ` = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.DidntGetLink.Prefix " , fallback : " Didn’ t get a link? " )
2022-12-29 22:35:21 +01:00
// / R e s e n d ( % @ )
public static func resendIn ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.DidntGetLink.ResendIn " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Resend (%@) " )
// / R e s e n d n o w .
public static let resendNow = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.DidntGetLink.ResendNow " , fallback : " Resend now. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum DontReceiveEmail {
// / C h e c k i f y o u r e m a i l a d d r e s s i s c o r r e c t a s w e l l a s y o u r j u n k f o l d e r i f y o u h a v e n ’ t .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let description = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.Description " , fallback : " Check if your email address is correct as well as your junk folder if you haven’ t. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e s e n d E m a i l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let resendEmail = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.ResendEmail " , fallback : " Resend Email " )
2023-04-04 16:22:02 +02:00
// / C h e c k y o u r E m a i l
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.Title " , fallback : " Check your Email " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum OpenEmailApp {
// / W e j u s t s e n t y o u a n e m a i l . C h e c k y o u r j u n k f o l d e r i f y o u h a v e n ’ t .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let description = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.Description " , fallback : " We just sent you an email. Check your junk folder if you haven’ t. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / M a i l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let mail = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.Mail " , fallback : " Mail " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / O p e n E m a i l C l i e n t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let openEmailClient = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.OpenEmailClient " , fallback : " Open Email Client " )
2023-04-04 16:22:02 +02:00
// / C h e c k y o u r I n b o x .
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.Title " , fallback : " Check your Inbox. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-04-18 11:53:52 +02:00
public enum Discovery {
2022-04-27 14:37:04 +02:00
// / T h e s e a r e t h e p o s t s g a i n i n g t r a c t i o n i n y o u r c o r n e r o f M a s t o d o n .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let intro = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Discovery.Intro " , fallback : " These are the posts gaining traction in your corner of Mastodon. " )
2022-04-18 11:53:52 +02:00
public enum Tabs {
2022-04-29 09:05:22 +02:00
// / C o m m u n i t y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let community = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Discovery.Tabs.Community " , fallback : " Community " )
2022-04-18 11:53:52 +02:00
// / F o r Y o u
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let forYou = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Discovery.Tabs.ForYou " , fallback : " For You " )
2022-04-18 11:53:52 +02:00
// / H a s h t a g s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let hashtags = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Discovery.Tabs.Hashtags " , fallback : " Hashtags " )
2022-04-18 11:53:52 +02:00
// / N e w s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let news = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Discovery.Tabs.News " , fallback : " News " )
2022-04-18 11:53:52 +02:00
// / P o s t s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let posts = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Discovery.Tabs.Posts " , fallback : " Posts " )
2022-04-18 11:53:52 +02:00
2022-05-17 16:36:58 +02:00
public enum Familiarfollowers {
// / F o l l o w e d b y % @
public static func followedByNames ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Familiarfollowers.FollowedByNames " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Followed by %@ " )
2022-05-17 16:36:58 +02:00
// / F o l l o w e r s y o u f a m i l i a r
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Familiarfollowers.Title " , fallback : " Followers you familiar " )
2022-05-17 16:36:58 +02:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Favorite {
2023-02-14 22:29:53 +01:00
// / F a v o r i t e s
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Favorite.Title " , fallback : " Favorites " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-05-17 16:36:58 +02:00
public enum FavoritedBy {
// / F a v o r i t e d B y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.FavoritedBy.Title " , fallback : " Favorited By " )
2022-05-17 16:36:58 +02:00
2022-11-25 14:16:58 +01:00
public enum FollowedTags {
// / F o l l o w e d T a g s
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.FollowedTags.Title " , fallback : " Followed Tags " )
2022-11-25 15:43:02 +01:00
public enum Actions {
2022-12-02 11:06:15 +01:00
// / F o l l o w
public static let follow = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.FollowedTags.Actions.Follow " , fallback : " Follow " )
// / U n f o l l o w
public static let unfollow = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.FollowedTags.Actions.Unfollow " , fallback : " Unfollow " )
2022-11-25 15:43:02 +01:00
public enum Header {
// / p a r t i c i p a n t s
public static let participants = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.FollowedTags.Header.Participants " , fallback : " participants " )
// / p o s t s
public static let posts = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.FollowedTags.Header.Posts " , fallback : " posts " )
// / p o s t s t o d a y
public static let postsToday = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.FollowedTags.Header.PostsToday " , fallback : " posts today " )
2022-11-25 14:16:58 +01:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Follower {
// / F o l l o w e r s f r o m o t h e r s e r v e r s a r e n o t d i s p l a y e d .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let footer = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Follower.Footer " , fallback : " Followers from other servers are not displayed. " )
2022-05-17 16:36:58 +02:00
// / f o l l o w e r
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Follower.Title " , fallback : " follower " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Following {
// / F o l l o w s f r o m o t h e r s e r v e r s a r e n o t d i s p l a y e d .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let footer = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Following.Footer " , fallback : " Follows from other servers are not displayed. " )
2022-05-17 16:36:58 +02:00
// / f o l l o w i n g
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Following.Title " , fallback : " following " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum HomeTimeline {
// / H o m e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.HomeTimeline.Title " , fallback : " Home " )
2024-04-01 20:20:35 +02:00
public enum TimelineMenu {
// / F o l l o w i n g
public static let following = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.HomeTimeline.TimelineMenu.Following " , fallback : " Following " )
// / L o c a l
public static let localCommunity = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.HomeTimeline.TimelineMenu.LocalCommunity " , fallback : " Local " )
2024-04-10 14:03:13 +02:00
public enum TimelinePill {
// / N e w P o s t s
public static let newPosts = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.HomeTimeline.TimelinePill.NewPosts " , fallback : " New Posts " )
// / O f f l i n e
public static let offline = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.HomeTimeline.TimelinePill.Offline " , fallback : " Offline " )
// / P o s t S e n t
public static let postSent = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.HomeTimeline.TimelinePill.PostSent " , fallback : " Post Sent " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-11-13 15:04:42 +01:00
public enum Login {
2024-05-03 20:53:20 +02:00
// / L o g i n w i t h t h e s e r v e r w h e r e y o u c r e a t e d y o u r a c c o u n t .
public static let subtitle = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Login.Subtitle " , fallback : " Log in with the server where you created your account. " )
// / W e l c o m e B a c k
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Login.Title " , fallback : " Welcome Back " )
2022-11-13 15:04:42 +01:00
public enum ServerSearchField {
2022-11-16 11:21:15 +01:00
// / E n t e r U R L o r s e a r c h f o r y o u r s e r v e r
public static let placeholder = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Login.ServerSearchField.Placeholder " , fallback : " Enter URL or search for your server " )
2022-11-13 15:04:42 +01:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Notification {
2022-06-30 09:53:05 +02:00
public enum FollowRequest {
// / A c c e p t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let accept = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.FollowRequest.Accept " , fallback : " Accept " )
2022-06-30 09:53:05 +02:00
// / A c c e p t e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let accepted = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.FollowRequest.Accepted " , fallback : " Accepted " )
2022-06-30 09:53:05 +02:00
// / r e j e c t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let reject = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.FollowRequest.Reject " , fallback : " reject " )
2022-06-30 09:53:05 +02:00
// / R e j e c t e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let rejected = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.FollowRequest.Rejected " , fallback : " Rejected " )
2022-06-30 09:53:05 +02:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Keyobard {
// / S h o w E v e r y t h i n g
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showEverything = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Keyobard.ShowEverything " , fallback : " Show Everything " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S h o w M e n t i o n s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showMentions = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Keyobard.ShowMentions " , fallback : " Show Mentions " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
public enum NotificationDescription {
// / f a v o r i t e d y o u r p o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let favoritedYourPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.FavoritedYourPost " , fallback : " favorited your post " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / f o l l o w e d y o u
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let followedYou = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.FollowedYou " , fallback : " followed you " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / m e n t i o n e d y o u
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let mentionedYou = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.MentionedYou " , fallback : " mentioned you " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / p o l l h a s e n d e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let pollHasEnded = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.PollHasEnded " , fallback : " poll has ended " )
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / b o o s t e d y o u r p o s t
public static let rebloggedYourPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.RebloggedYourPost " , fallback : " boosted your post " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / r e q u e s t t o f o l l o w y o u
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let requestToFollowYou = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.NotificationDescription.RequestToFollowYou " , fallback : " request to follow you " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Title {
// / E v e r y t h i n g
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let everything = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Title.Everything " , fallback : " Everything " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / M e n t i o n s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let mentions = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Title.Mentions " , fallback : " Mentions " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2024-05-09 22:36:15 +02:00
public enum Warning {
// / S o m e o f y o u r p o s t s h a v e b e e n r e m o v e d .
public static let deleteStatuses = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Warning.DeleteStatuses " , fallback : " Some of your posts have been removed. " )
// / Y o u r a c c o u n t h a s b e e n d i s a b l e d .
public static let disable = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Warning.Disable " , fallback : " Your account has been disabled. " )
2024-05-09 22:45:01 +02:00
// / L e a r n M o r e
public static let learnMore = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Warning.LearnMore " , fallback : " Learn More " )
2024-05-09 22:36:15 +02:00
// / S o m e o f y o u r p o s t s h a v e b e e n m a r k e d a s s e n s i t i v e .
public static let markStatusesAsSensitive = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Warning.MarkStatusesAsSensitive " , fallback : " Some of your posts have been marked as sensitive. " )
// / Y o u r a c c o u n t h a s r e c e i v e d a m o d e r a t i o n w a r n i n g .
public static let ` none ` = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Warning.None " , fallback : " Your account has received a moderation warning. " )
// / Y o u r p o s t s w i l l b e m a r k e d a s s e n s i t i v e f r o m n o w o n .
public static let sensitive = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Warning.Sensitive " , fallback : " Your posts will be marked as sensitive from now on. " )
// / Y o u r a c c o u n t h a s b e e n l i m i t e d .
public static let silence = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Warning.Silence " , fallback : " Your account has been limited. " )
// / Y o u r a c c o u n t h a s b e e n s u s p e n d e d .
public static let suspend = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Notification.Warning.Suspend " , fallback : " Your account has been suspended. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Preview {
public enum Keyboard {
// / C l o s e P r e v i e w
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let closePreview = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ClosePreview " , fallback : " Close Preview " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S h o w N e x t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showNext = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowNext " , fallback : " Show Next " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S h o w P r e v i o u s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showPrevious = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowPrevious " , fallback : " Show Previous " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-12-17 19:50:40 +01:00
public enum Privacy {
2024-05-16 17:13:55 +02:00
// / A l t h o u g h t h e M a s t o d o n a p p d o e s n o t c o l l e c t a n y d a t a , t h e s e r v e r y o u s i g n u p t h r o u g h m a y h a v e a d i f f e r e n t p o l i c y .
// /
// / I f y o u d i s a g r e e w i t h t h e p o l i c y f o r * * % @ * * , y o u c a n g o b a c k a n d p i c k a d i f f e r e n t s e r v e r .
public static func description ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Privacy.Description " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. \n \n If you disagree with the policy for **%@**, you can go back and pick a different server. " )
// / Y o u r P r i v a c y
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Privacy.Title " , fallback : " Your Privacy " )
2022-12-17 19:50:40 +01:00
public enum Button {
2023-04-08 23:29:30 +02:00
// / I A g r e e
public static let confirm = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Privacy.Button.Confirm " , fallback : " I Agree " )
2022-12-17 19:50:40 +01:00
public enum Policy {
// / P r i v a c y P o l i c y - M a s t o d o n f o r i O S
public static let ios = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Privacy.Policy.Ios " , fallback : " Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS " )
// / P r i v a c y P o l i c y - % @
public static func server ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Privacy.Policy.Server " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Privacy Policy - %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Profile {
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
public enum Accessibility {
// / D o u b l e t a p t o o p e n t h e l i s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let doubleTapToOpenTheList = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Accessibility.DoubleTapToOpenTheList " , fallback : " Double tap to open the list " )
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
// / E d i t a v a t a r i m a g e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let editAvatarImage = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Accessibility.EditAvatarImage " , fallback : " Edit avatar image " )
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
// / S h o w a v a t a r i m a g e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showAvatarImage = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Accessibility.ShowAvatarImage " , fallback : " Show avatar image " )
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
// / S h o w b a n n e r i m a g e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let showBannerImage = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Accessibility.ShowBannerImage " , fallback : " Show banner image " )
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Dashboard {
2023-03-20 08:02:41 +01:00
// / m u t u a l s
public static let familiarFollowers = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Dashboard.FamiliarFollowers " , fallback : " mutuals " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / f o l l o w e r s
2022-12-13 16:07:37 +01:00
public static let myFollowers = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Dashboard.MyFollowers " , fallback : " followers " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / f o l l o w i n g
2022-12-13 16:07:37 +01:00
public static let myFollowing = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Dashboard.MyFollowing " , fallback : " following " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / p o s t s
2022-12-13 16:07:37 +01:00
public static let myPosts = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Dashboard.MyPosts " , fallback : " posts " )
// / f o l l o w e r s
public static let otherFollowers = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Dashboard.OtherFollowers " , fallback : " followers " )
// / f o l l o w i n g
public static let otherFollowing = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Dashboard.OtherFollowing " , fallback : " following " )
// / p o s t s
public static let otherPosts = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Dashboard.OtherPosts " , fallback : " posts " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Fields {
// / A d d R o w
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let addRow = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Fields.AddRow " , fallback : " Add Row " )
2022-11-17 02:26:26 +01:00
// / J o i n e d
public static let joined = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Fields.Joined " , fallback : " Joined " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Placeholder {
// / C o n t e n t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let content = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Fields.Placeholder.Content " , fallback : " Content " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / L a b e l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let label = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Fields.Placeholder.Label " , fallback : " Label " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-11-12 15:42:00 +01:00
public enum Verified {
2022-11-14 20:02:44 +01:00
// / O w n e r s h i p o f t h i s l i n k w a s c h e c k e d o n % @
public static func long ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 23:19:53 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Fields.Verified.Long " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Ownership of this link was checked on %@ " )
2022-11-12 15:42:00 +01:00
2022-11-14 20:02:44 +01:00
// / V e r i f i e d o n % @
public static func short ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 23:19:53 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Fields.Verified.Short " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Verified on %@ " )
2022-11-12 15:42:00 +01:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-06-14 08:12:43 +02:00
public enum Header {
// / F o l l o w s Y o u
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let followsYou = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.Header.FollowsYou " , fallback : " Follows You " )
2022-06-14 08:12:43 +02:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum RelationshipActionAlert {
2023-12-19 13:12:32 +01:00
public enum ConfirmBlockDomain {
2024-01-31 10:04:22 +01:00
// / C o n f i r m t o b l o c k d o m a i n % @
public static func message ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmBlockDomain.Message " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Confirm to block domain %@ " )
// / B l o c k d o m a i n
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmBlockDomain.Title " , fallback : " Block domain " )
2023-12-19 13:12:32 +01:00
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
public enum ConfirmBlockUser {
// / C o n f i r m t o b l o c k % @
public static func message ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmBlockUser.Message " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Confirm to block %@ " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / B l o c k A c c o u n t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmBlockUser.Title " , fallback : " Block Account " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
2022-11-06 09:22:26 +01:00
public enum ConfirmHideReblogs {
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / C o n f i r m t o h i d e b o o s t s
public static let message = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmHideReblogs.Message " , fallback : " Confirm to hide boosts " )
// / H i d e B o o s t s
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmHideReblogs.Title " , fallback : " Hide Boosts " )
2022-11-06 09:22:26 +01:00
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
public enum ConfirmMuteUser {
// / C o n f i r m t o m u t e % @
public static func message ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmMuteUser.Message " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Confirm to mute %@ " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / M u t e A c c o u n t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmMuteUser.Title " , fallback : " Mute Account " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
2022-11-06 09:22:26 +01:00
public enum ConfirmShowReblogs {
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / C o n f i r m t o s h o w b o o s t s
public static let message = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmShowReblogs.Message " , fallback : " Confirm to show boosts " )
// / S h o w B o o s t s
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmShowReblogs.Title " , fallback : " Show Boosts " )
2022-11-06 09:22:26 +01:00
2023-12-19 13:12:32 +01:00
public enum ConfirmUnblockDomain {
// / C o n f i r m t o u n b l o c k d o m a i n % @
public static func message ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnblockDomain.Message " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Confirm to unblock domain %@ " )
2024-01-31 10:04:22 +01:00
// / U n b l o c k d o m a i n
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnblockDomain.Title " , fallback : " Unblock domain " )
2023-12-19 13:12:32 +01:00
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
public enum ConfirmUnblockUser {
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / C o n f i r m t o u n b l o c k % @
public static func message ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnblockUser.Message " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Confirm to unblock %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U n b l o c k A c c o u n t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnblockUser.Title " , fallback : " Unblock Account " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum ConfirmUnmuteUser {
// / C o n f i r m t o u n m u t e % @
public static func message ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnmuteUser.Message " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Confirm to unmute %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U n m u t e A c c o u n t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnmuteUser.Title " , fallback : " Unmute Account " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum SegmentedControl {
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / A b o u t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let about = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.About " , fallback : " About " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / M e d i a
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let media = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Media " , fallback : " Media " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P o s t s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let posts = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Posts " , fallback : " Posts " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / P o s t s a n d R e p l i e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let postsAndReplies = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.PostsAndReplies " , fallback : " Posts and Replies " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e p l i e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let replies = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies " , fallback : " Replies " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-05-17 16:36:58 +02:00
public enum RebloggedBy {
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / B o o s t e d B y
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.RebloggedBy.Title " , fallback : " Boosted By " )
2022-05-17 16:36:58 +02:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Register {
2023-04-04 16:21:47 +02:00
// / C r e a t e A c c o u n t
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Title " , fallback : " Create Account " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Error {
public enum Item {
// / A g r e e m e n t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let agreement = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Item.Agreement " , fallback : " Agreement " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / E m a i l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let email = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Item.Email " , fallback : " Email " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / L o c a l e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let locale = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Item.Locale " , fallback : " Locale " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P a s s w o r d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let password = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Item.Password " , fallback : " Password " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e a s o n
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let reason = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Item.Reason " , fallback : " Reason " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U s e r n a m e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let username = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Item.Username " , fallback : " Username " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Reason {
// / % @ m u s t b e a c c e p t e d
public static func accepted ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Accepted " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ must be accepted " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / % @ i s r e q u i r e d
public static func blank ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Blank " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ is required " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / % @ c o n t a i n s a d i s a l l o w e d e m a i l p r o v i d e r
public static func blocked ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Blocked " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ contains a disallowed email provider " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / % @ i s n o t a s u p p o r t e d v a l u e
public static func inclusion ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Inclusion " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ is not a supported value " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / % @ i s i n v a l i d
public static func invalid ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Invalid " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ is invalid " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / % @ i s a r e s e r v e d k e y w o r d
public static func reserved ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Reserved " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ is a reserved keyword " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-04-04 16:21:47 +02:00
// / % @ i s a l r e a d y t a k e n . H o w a b o u t :
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public static func taken ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2023-04-04 16:21:47 +02:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Taken " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ is already taken. How about: " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / % @ i s t o o l o n g
public static func tooLong ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Reason.TooLong " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ is too long " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / % @ i s t o o s h o r t
public static func tooShort ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Reason.TooShort " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ is too short " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / % @ d o e s n o t s e e m t o e x i s t
public static func unreachable ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Unreachable " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ does not seem to exist " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Special {
// / T h i s i s n o t a v a l i d e m a i l a d d r e s s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let emailInvalid = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Special.EmailInvalid " , fallback : " This is not a valid email address " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P a s s w o r d i s t o o s h o r t ( m u s t b e a t l e a s t 8 c h a r a c t e r s )
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let passwordTooShort = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Special.PasswordTooShort " , fallback : " Password is too short (must be at least 8 characters) " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U s e r n a m e m u s t o n l y c o n t a i n a l p h a n u m e r i c c h a r a c t e r s a n d u n d e r s c o r e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let usernameInvalid = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Special.UsernameInvalid " , fallback : " Username must only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U s e r n a m e i s t o o l o n g ( c a n ’ t b e l o n g e r t h a n 3 0 c h a r a c t e r s )
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let usernameTooLong = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Error.Special.UsernameTooLong " , fallback : " Username is too long (can’ t be longer than 30 characters) " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Input {
public enum Avatar {
// / D e l e t e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let delete = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Avatar.Delete " , fallback : " Delete " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum DisplayName {
// / d i s p l a y n a m e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let placeholder = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.DisplayName.Placeholder " , fallback : " display name " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Email {
// / e m a i l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let placeholder = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Email.Placeholder " , fallback : " email " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Invite {
// / W h y d o y o u w a n t t o j o i n ?
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let registrationUserInviteRequest = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Invite.RegistrationUserInviteRequest " , fallback : " Why do you want to join? " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Password {
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / 8 c h a r a c t e r s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let characterLimit = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Password.CharacterLimit " , fallback : " 8 characters " )
2023-03-23 08:51:04 +01:00
// / C o n f i r m P a s s w o r d
public static let confirmationPlaceholder = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Password.ConfirmationPlaceholder " , fallback : " Confirm Password " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / Y o u r p a s s w o r d n e e d s a t l e a s t e i g h t c h a r a c t e r s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let hint = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Password.Hint " , fallback : " Your password needs at least eight characters " )
2023-03-23 08:51:04 +01:00
// / p a s s w o r d
public static let placeholder = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Password.Placeholder " , fallback : " password " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / Y o u r p a s s w o r d n e e d s a t l e a s t :
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let require = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Password.Require " , fallback : " Your password needs at least: " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
public enum Accessibility {
// / c h e c k e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let checked = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Password.Accessibility.Checked " , fallback : " checked " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / u n c h e c k e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let unchecked = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Password.Accessibility.Unchecked " , fallback : " unchecked " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Username {
// / T h i s u s e r n a m e i s t a k e n .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let duplicatePrompt = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Username.DuplicatePrompt " , fallback : " This username is taken. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / u s e r n a m e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let placeholder = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Username.Placeholder " , fallback : " username " )
2022-12-28 15:03:50 +01:00
// / a m a z i n g _ % @
public static func suggestion ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Register.Input.Username.Suggestion " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " amazing_%@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Report {
// / A r e t h e r e a n y o t h e r p o s t s y o u ’ d l i k e t o a d d t o t h e r e p o r t ?
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let content1 = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.Content1 " , fallback : " Are there any other posts you’ d like to add to the report? " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / I s t h e r e a n y t h i n g t h e m o d e r a t o r s s h o u l d k n o w a b o u t t h i s r e p o r t ?
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let content2 = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.Content2 " , fallback : " Is there anything the moderators should know about this report? " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / R E P O R T E D
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let reported = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.Reported " , fallback : " REPORTED " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / T h a n k s f o r r e p o r t i n g , w e ’ l l l o o k i n t o t h i s .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let reportSentTitle = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.ReportSentTitle " , fallback : " Thanks for reporting, we’ ll look into this. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S e n d R e p o r t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let send = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.Send " , fallback : " Send Report " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S e n d w i t h o u t c o m m e n t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let skipToSend = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.SkipToSend " , fallback : " Send without comment " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S t e p 1 o f 2
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let step1 = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.Step1 " , fallback : " Step 1 of 2 " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S t e p 2 o f 2
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let step2 = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.Step2 " , fallback : " Step 2 of 2 " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T y p e o r p a s t e a d d i t i o n a l c o m m e n t s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let textPlaceholder = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.TextPlaceholder " , fallback : " Type or paste additional comments " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e p o r t % @
public static func title ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.Title " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Report %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / R e p o r t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let titleReport = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.TitleReport " , fallback : " Report " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
public enum StepFinal {
// / B l o c k % @
public static func blockUser ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFinal.BlockUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Block %@ " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / D o n ’ t w a n t t o s e e t h i s ?
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let dontWantToSeeThis = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFinal.DontWantToSeeThis " , fallback : " Don’ t want to see this? " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / M u t e % @
public static func muteUser ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFinal.MuteUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Mute %@ " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / T h e y w i l l n o l o n g e r b e a b l e t o f o l l o w o r s e e y o u r p o s t s , b u t t h e y c a n s e e i f t h e y ’ v e b e e n b l o c k e d .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let theyWillNoLongerBeAbleToFollowOrSeeYourPostsButTheyCanSeeIfTheyveBeenBlocked = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFinal.TheyWillNoLongerBeAbleToFollowOrSeeYourPostsButTheyCanSeeIfTheyveBeenBlocked " , fallback : " They will no longer be able to follow or see your posts, but they can see if they’ ve been blocked. " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / U n f o l l o w
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let unfollow = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFinal.Unfollow " , fallback : " Unfollow " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / U n f o l l o w e d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let unfollowed = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFinal.Unfollowed " , fallback : " Unfollowed " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / U n f o l l o w % @
public static func unfollowUser ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFinal.UnfollowUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Unfollow %@ " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / W h e n y o u s e e s o m e t h i n g y o u d o n ’ t l i k e o n M a s t o d o n , y o u c a n r e m o v e t h e p e r s o n f r o m y o u r e x p e r i e n c e .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let whenYouSeeSomethingYouDontLikeOnMastodonYouCanRemoveThePersonFromYourExperience = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFinal.WhenYouSeeSomethingYouDontLikeOnMastodonYouCanRemoveThePersonFromYourExperience. " , fallback : " When you see something you don’ t like on Mastodon, you can remove the person from your experience. " )
2022-05-13 06:46:37 +02:00
// / W h i l e w e r e v i e w t h i s , y o u c a n t a k e a c t i o n a g a i n s t % @
public static func whileWeReviewThisYouCanTakeActionAgainstUser ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFinal.WhileWeReviewThisYouCanTakeActionAgainstUser " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " While we review this, you can take action against %@ " )
2022-05-13 06:46:37 +02:00
2024-05-18 14:30:51 +02:00
// / Y o u w o n ’ t s e e t h e i r p o s t s o r b o o s t s i n y o u r h o m e f e e d . T h e y w o n ’ t k n o w t h e y ’ v e b e e n m u t e d .
public static let youWontSeeTheirPostsOrReblogsInYourHomeFeedTheyWontKnowTheyVeBeenMuted = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFinal.YouWontSeeTheirPostsOrReblogsInYourHomeFeedTheyWontKnowTheyVeBeenMuted " , fallback : " You won’ t see their posts or boosts in your home feed. They won’ t know they’ ve been muted. " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
public enum StepFour {
// / I s t h e r e a n y t h i n g e l s e w e s h o u l d k n o w ?
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let isThereAnythingElseWeShouldKnow = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFour.IsThereAnythingElseWeShouldKnow " , fallback : " Is there anything else we should know? " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / S t e p 4 o f 4
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let step4Of4 = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepFour.Step4Of4 " , fallback : " Step 4 of 4 " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
public enum StepOne {
// / I d o n ’ t l i k e i t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let iDontLikeIt = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.IDontLikeIt " , fallback : " I don’ t like it " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / I t i s n o t s o m e t h i n g y o u w a n t t o s e e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let itIsNotSomethingYouWantToSee = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.ItIsNotSomethingYouWantToSee " , fallback : " It is not something you want to see " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / I t ’ s s o m e t h i n g e l s e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let itsSomethingElse = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.ItsSomethingElse " , fallback : " It’ s something else " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / I t ’ s s p a m
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let itsSpam = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.ItsSpam " , fallback : " It’ s spam " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / I t v i o l a t e s s e r v e r r u l e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let itViolatesServerRules = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.ItViolatesServerRules " , fallback : " It violates server rules " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / M a l i c i o u s l i n k s , f a k e e n g a g e m e n t , o r r e p e t e t i v e r e p l i e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let maliciousLinksFakeEngagementOrRepetetiveReplies = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.MaliciousLinksFakeEngagementOrRepetetiveReplies " , fallback : " Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetetive replies " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / S e l e c t t h e b e s t m a t c h
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let selectTheBestMatch = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.SelectTheBestMatch " , fallback : " Select the best match " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / S t e p 1 o f 4
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let step1Of4 = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.Step1Of4 " , fallback : " Step 1 of 4 " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / T h e i s s u e d o e s n o t f i t i n t o o t h e r c a t e g o r i e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let theIssueDoesNotFitIntoOtherCategories = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.TheIssueDoesNotFitIntoOtherCategories " , fallback : " The issue does not fit into other categories " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / W h a t ' s w r o n g w i t h t h i s a c c o u n t ?
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let whatsWrongWithThisAccount = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.WhatsWrongWithThisAccount " , fallback : " What's wrong with this account? " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / W h a t ' s w r o n g w i t h t h i s p o s t ?
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let whatsWrongWithThisPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.WhatsWrongWithThisPost " , fallback : " What's wrong with this post? " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / W h a t ' s w r o n g w i t h % @ ?
public static func whatsWrongWithThisUsername ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.WhatsWrongWithThisUsername " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " What's wrong with %@? " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / Y o u a r e a w a r e t h a t i t b r e a k s s p e c i f i c r u l e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let youAreAwareThatItBreaksSpecificRules = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepOne.YouAreAwareThatItBreaksSpecificRules " , fallback : " You are aware that it breaks specific rules " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
public enum StepThree {
// / A r e t h e r e a n y p o s t s t h a t b a c k u p t h i s r e p o r t ?
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let areThereAnyPostsThatBackUpThisReport = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepThree.AreThereAnyPostsThatBackUpThisReport " , fallback : " Are there any posts that back up this report? " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / S e l e c t a l l t h a t a p p l y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let selectAllThatApply = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepThree.SelectAllThatApply " , fallback : " Select all that apply " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / S t e p 3 o f 4
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let step3Of4 = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepThree.Step3Of4 " , fallback : " Step 3 of 4 " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
public enum StepTwo {
// / I j u s t d o n ’ t l i k e i t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let iJustDonTLikeIt = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepTwo.IJustDon’ tLikeIt " , fallback : " I just don’ t like it " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / S e l e c t a l l t h a t a p p l y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let selectAllThatApply = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepTwo.SelectAllThatApply " , fallback : " Select all that apply " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / S t e p 2 o f 4
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let step2Of4 = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepTwo.Step2Of4 " , fallback : " Step 2 of 4 " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
// / W h i c h r u l e s a r e b e i n g v i o l a t e d ?
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let whichRulesAreBeingViolated = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Report.StepTwo.WhichRulesAreBeingViolated " , fallback : " Which rules are being violated? " )
2022-05-11 14:55:37 +02:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Search {
// / S e a r c h
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Title " , fallback : " Search " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Recommend {
// / S e e A l l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let buttonText = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Recommend.ButtonText " , fallback : " See All " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Accounts {
// / Y o u m a y l i k e t o f o l l o w t h e s e a c c o u n t s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let description = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Recommend.Accounts.Description " , fallback : " You may like to follow these accounts " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / F o l l o w
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let follow = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Recommend.Accounts.Follow " , fallback : " Follow " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / A c c o u n t s y o u m i g h t l i k e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Recommend.Accounts.Title " , fallback : " Accounts you might like " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum HashTag {
// / H a s h t a g s t h a t a r e g e t t i n g q u i t e a b i t o f a t t e n t i o n
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let description = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Recommend.HashTag.Description " , fallback : " Hashtags that are getting quite a bit of attention " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / % @ p e o p l e a r e t a l k i n g
public static func peopleTalking ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Recommend.HashTag.PeopleTalking " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ people are talking " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / T r e n d i n g o n M a s t o d o n
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Recommend.HashTag.Title " , fallback : " Trending on Mastodon " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum SearchBar {
// / C a n c e l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let cancel = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.SearchBar.Cancel " , fallback : " Cancel " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S e a r c h h a s h t a g s a n d u s e r s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let placeholder = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.SearchBar.Placeholder " , fallback : " Search hashtags and users " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Searching {
// / C l e a r
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let clear = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Searching.Clear " , fallback : " Clear " )
2023-09-15 11:37:33 +02:00
// / C l e a r a l l
public static let clearAll = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Searching.ClearAll " , fallback : " Clear all " )
2023-09-20 16:03:46 +02:00
// / G o t o # % @
public static func hashtag ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Searching.Hashtag " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Go to #%@ " )
// / P e o p l e m a t c h i n g " % @ "
2023-09-17 13:34:08 +02:00
public static func people ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2023-09-20 16:03:46 +02:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Searching.People " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " People matching \" %@ \" " )
2023-09-17 13:34:08 +02:00
2023-09-20 16:03:46 +02:00
// / P o s t s m a t c h i n g " % @ "
2023-09-17 13:34:08 +02:00
public static func posts ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2023-09-20 16:03:46 +02:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Searching.Posts " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Posts matching \" %@ \" " )
2023-09-17 13:34:08 +02:00
// / G o t o @ % @ @ % @
public static func profile ( _ p1 : Any , _ p2 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Searching.Profile " , String ( describing : p1 ) , String ( describing : p2 ) , fallback : " Go to @%@@%@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / R e c e n t s e a r c h e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let recentSearch = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Searching.RecentSearch " , fallback : " Recent searches " )
2023-09-20 16:03:46 +02:00
// / O p e n U R L i n M a s t o d o n
public static let url = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Searching.Url " , fallback : " Open URL in Mastodon " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum EmptyState {
// / N o r e s u l t s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let noResults = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Searching.EmptyState.NoResults " , fallback : " No results " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-09-21 00:05:26 +02:00
public enum NoUser {
// / T h e r e ' s n o U s e r a c c o u n t " % @ " o n % @
public static func message ( _ p1 : Any , _ p2 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Searching.NoUser.Message " , String ( describing : p1 ) , String ( describing : p2 ) , fallback : " There's no Useraccount \" %@ \" on %@ " )
// / N o U s e r A c c o u n t F o u n d
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Search.Searching.NoUser.Title " , fallback : " No User Account Found " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum ServerPicker {
2023-03-27 21:29:38 +02:00
// / W e ’ l l p i c k a s e r v e r b a s e d o n y o u r l a n g u a g e i f y o u c o n t i n u e w i t h o u t m a k i n g a s e l e c t i o n .
public static let noServerSelectedHint = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.NoServerSelectedHint " , fallback : " We’ ll pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection. " )
2023-03-23 08:51:04 +01:00
// / P i c k S e r v e r
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Title " , fallback : " Pick Server " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Button {
2022-12-20 18:42:57 +01:00
// / L a n g u a g e
public static let language = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Language " , fallback : " Language " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S e e L e s s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let seeLess = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.SeeLess " , fallback : " See Less " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / S e e M o r e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let seeMore = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.SeeMore " , fallback : " See More " )
2022-12-21 23:33:34 +01:00
// / S i g n - u p S p e e d
public static let signupSpeed = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.SignupSpeed " , fallback : " Sign-up Speed " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Category {
// / a c a d e m i a
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let academia = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Academia " , fallback : " academia " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / a c t i v i s m
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let activism = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Activism " , fallback : " activism " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / A l l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let all = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.All " , fallback : " All " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / C a t e g o r y : A l l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let allAccessiblityDescription = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.AllAccessiblityDescription " , fallback : " Category: All " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / a r t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let art = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Art " , fallback : " art " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / f o o d
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let food = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Food " , fallback : " food " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / f u r r y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let furry = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Furry " , fallback : " furry " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / g a m e s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let games = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Games " , fallback : " games " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / g e n e r a l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let general = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.General " , fallback : " general " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / j o u r n a l i s m
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let journalism = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Journalism " , fallback : " journalism " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / l g b t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let lgbt = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Lgbt " , fallback : " lgbt " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / m u s i c
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let music = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Music " , fallback : " music " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / r e g i o n a l
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let regional = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Regional " , fallback : " regional " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / t e c h
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let tech = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Tech " , fallback : " tech " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum EmptyState {
// / S o m e t h i n g w e n t w r o n g w h i l e l o a d i n g t h e d a t a . C h e c k y o u r i n t e r n e t c o n n e c t i o n .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let badNetwork = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.EmptyState.BadNetwork " , fallback : " Something went wrong while loading the data. Check your internet connection. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / F i n d i n g a v a i l a b l e s e r v e r s . . .
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let findingServers = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.EmptyState.FindingServers " , fallback : " Finding available servers... " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / N o r e s u l t s
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let noResults = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.EmptyState.NoResults " , fallback : " No results " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Input {
2022-11-16 11:21:15 +01:00
// / S e a r c h c o m m u n i t i e s o r e n t e r U R L
public static let searchServersOrEnterUrl = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Input.SearchServersOrEnterUrl " , fallback : " Search communities or enter URL " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Label {
// / C A T E G O R Y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let category = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Label.Category " , fallback : " CATEGORY " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / L A N G U A G E
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let language = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Label.Language " , fallback : " LANGUAGE " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / U S E R S
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let users = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Label.Users " , fallback : " USERS " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-12-30 17:02:20 +01:00
public enum Language {
// / A l l
public static let all = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Language.All " , fallback : " All " )
2022-12-23 23:33:30 +01:00
public enum Search {
// / S e a r c h n a m e o r U R L
public static let placeholder = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.Search.Placeholder " , fallback : " Search name or URL " )
2022-12-21 23:33:34 +01:00
public enum SignupSpeed {
// / A l l
public static let all = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.SignupSpeed.All " , fallback : " All " )
// / I n s t a n t S i g n - u p
public static let instant = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.SignupSpeed.Instant " , fallback : " Instant Sign-up " )
// / M a n u a l R e v i e w
public static let manuallyReviewed = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerPicker.SignupSpeed.ManuallyReviewed " , fallback : " Manual Review " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum ServerRules {
// / p r i v a c y p o l i c y
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let privacyPolicy = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerRules.PrivacyPolicy " , fallback : " privacy policy " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / B y c o n t i n u i n g , y o u ’ r e s u b j e c t t o t h e t e r m s o f s e r v i c e a n d p r i v a c y p o l i c y f o r % @ .
public static func prompt ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerRules.Prompt " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " By continuing, you’ re subject to the terms of service and privacy policy for %@. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2024-03-19 09:55:42 +01:00
// / B y c o n t i n u i n g , y o u a g r e e t o f o l l o w b y t h e f o l l o w i n g r u l e s s e t a n d e n f o r c e d b y t h e * * % @ * * m o d e r a t o r s .
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public static func subtitle ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2024-03-19 09:55:42 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerRules.Subtitle " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " By continuing, you agree to follow by the following rules set and enforced by the **%@** moderators. " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / t e r m s o f s e r v i c e
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let termsOfService = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerRules.TermsOfService " , fallback : " terms of service " )
2024-03-19 09:55:42 +01:00
// / S e r v e r R u l e s
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerRules.Title " , fallback : " Server Rules " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Button {
2023-04-08 23:29:30 +02:00
// / I A g r e e
public static let confirm = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerRules.Button.Confirm " , fallback : " I Agree " )
2024-03-19 09:55:42 +01:00
// / D i s a g r e e
public static let disagree = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.ServerRules.Button.Disagree " , fallback : " Disagree " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Settings {
2023-06-27 20:36:40 +02:00
public enum AboutMastodon {
// / C l e a r M e d i a S t o r a g e
2023-10-09 14:40:15 +02:00
public static let clearMediaStorage = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.AboutMastodon.ClearMediaStorage " , fallback : " Clear Media Storage " )
2023-06-27 20:36:40 +02:00
// / C o n t r i b u t e t o M a s t o d o n
public static let contributeToMastodon = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.AboutMastodon.ContributeToMastodon " , fallback : " Contribute to Mastodon " )
// / E v e n M o r e S e t t i n g s
public static let moreSettings = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.AboutMastodon.MoreSettings " , fallback : " Even More Settings " )
2023-06-28 09:02:37 +02:00
// / P r i v a c y P o l i c y
public static let privacyPolicy = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.AboutMastodon.PrivacyPolicy " , fallback : " Privacy Policy " )
2023-06-28 09:05:21 +02:00
// / A b o u t
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.AboutMastodon.Title " , fallback : " About " )
2023-06-27 20:36:40 +02:00
2023-06-29 22:49:35 +02:00
public enum General {
// / G e n e r a l
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Title " , fallback : " General " )
public enum Appearance {
// / D a r k
public static let dark = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Appearance.Dark " , fallback : " Dark " )
// / L i g h t
public static let light = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Appearance.Light " , fallback : " Light " )
// / A p p e a r a n c e
public static let sectionTitle = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Appearance.SectionTitle " , fallback : " Appearance " )
// / U s e D e v i c e A p p e a r a n c e
public static let system = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Appearance.System " , fallback : " Use Device Appearance " )
2024-02-28 10:52:04 +01:00
public enum AskBefore {
// / B o o s t i n g a P o s t
public static let boostingAPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.AskBefore.BoostingAPost " , fallback : " Boosting a Post " )
// / D e l e t i n g a P o s t
public static let deletingAPost = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.AskBefore.DeletingAPost " , fallback : " Deleting a Post " )
// / P o s t i n g w i t h o u t A l t T e x t
public static let postingWithoutAltText = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.AskBefore.PostingWithoutAltText " , fallback : " Posting without Alt Text " )
// / A s k b e f o r e …
public static let sectionTitle = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.AskBefore.SectionTitle " , fallback : " Ask before… " )
// / U n f o l l o w i n g S o m e o n e
public static let unfollowingSomeone = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.AskBefore.UnfollowingSomeone " , fallback : " Unfollowing Someone " )
2023-06-29 22:49:35 +02:00
public enum Design {
// / D e s i g n
public static let sectionTitle = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Design.SectionTitle " , fallback : " Design " )
// / P l a y A n i m a t e d A v a t a r s a n d E m o j i
public static let showAnimations = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Design.ShowAnimations " , fallback : " Play Animated Avatars and Emoji " )
2024-02-28 10:52:04 +01:00
public enum Language {
// / D e f a u l t P o s t L a n g u a g e
public static let defaultPostLanguage = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Language.DefaultPostLanguage " , fallback : " Default Post Language " )
// / L a n g u a g e
public static let sectionTitle = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Language.SectionTitle " , fallback : " Language " )
2023-06-29 22:49:35 +02:00
public enum Links {
// / O p e n i n B r o w s e r
public static let openInBrowser = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Links.OpenInBrowser " , fallback : " Open in Browser " )
// / O p e n i n M a s t o d o n
public static let openInMastodon = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Links.OpenInMastodon " , fallback : " Open in Mastodon " )
// / L i n k s
public static let sectionTitle = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.General.Links.SectionTitle " , fallback : " Links " )
2023-06-30 12:02:16 +02:00
public enum Notifications {
// / N o t i f i c a t i o n s
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Title " , fallback : " Notifications " )
public enum Alert {
// / B o o s t s
public static let boosts = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Alert.Boosts " , fallback : " Boosts " )
// / F a v o r i t e s
public static let favorites = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Alert.Favorites " , fallback : " Favorites " )
// / M e n t i o n s & R e p l i e s
public static let mentionsAndReplies = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Alert.MentionsAndReplies " , fallback : " Mentions & Replies " )
// / N e w F o l l o w e r s
public static let newFollowers = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Alert.NewFollowers " , fallback : " New Followers " )
2023-09-26 17:24:26 +02:00
public enum Disabled {
// / G o t o N o t i f i c a t i o n S e t t i n g s
public static let goToSettings = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Disabled.GoToSettings " , fallback : " Go to Notification Settings " )
// / T u r n o n n o t i f i c a t i o n s f r o m y o u r d e v i c e s e t t i n g s t o s e e u p d a t e s o n y o u r l o c k s c r e e n .
public static let notificationHint = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Disabled.NotificationHint " , fallback : " Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen. " )
2023-06-30 12:02:16 +02:00
public enum Policy {
// / A n y o n e
public static let anyone = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Policy.Anyone " , fallback : " Anyone " )
// / P e o p l e y o u f o l l o w
public static let follow = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Policy.Follow " , fallback : " People you follow " )
// / P e o p l e w h o f o l l o w y o u
public static let followers = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Policy.Followers " , fallback : " People who follow you " )
// / N o o n e
public static let noone = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Policy.Noone " , fallback : " No one " )
// / G e t N o t i f i c a t i o n s f r o m
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Notifications.Policy.Title " , fallback : " Get Notifications from " )
2023-06-27 20:36:40 +02:00
public enum Overview {
// / A b o u t M a s t o d o n
public static let aboutMastodon = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Overview.AboutMastodon " , fallback : " About Mastodon " )
// / G e n e r a l
public static let general = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Overview.General " , fallback : " General " )
// / L o g o u t % @
public static func logout ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Overview.Logout " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Logout %@ " )
// / N o t i f i c a t i o n s
public static let notifications = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Overview.Notifications " , fallback : " Notifications " )
2024-05-27 17:29:29 +02:00
// / P r i v a c y & S a f e t y
public static let privacySafety = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Overview.PrivacySafety " , fallback : " Privacy & Safety " )
2023-09-27 22:32:22 +02:00
// / S e r v e r D e t a i l s
public static let serverDetails = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Overview.ServerDetails " , fallback : " Server Details " )
2023-06-27 20:36:40 +02:00
// / S u p p o r t M a s t o d o n
public static let supportMastodon = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Overview.SupportMastodon " , fallback : " Support Mastodon " )
// / S e t t i n g s
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.Overview.Title " , fallback : " Settings " )
2024-05-27 17:29:29 +02:00
public enum PrivacySafety {
// / A p p e a r i n S e a r c h E n g i n e s
public static let appearInSearchEngines = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.AppearInSearchEngines " , fallback : " Appear in Search Engines " )
// / M a n u a l l y A p p r o v e F o l l o w R e q u e s t s
public static let manuallyApproveFollowRequests = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.ManuallyApproveFollowRequests " , fallback : " Manually Approve Follow Requests " )
// / S h o w F o l l o w e r s & F o l l o w i n g
public static let showFollowersAndFollowing = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.ShowFollowersAndFollowing " , fallback : " Show Followers & Following " )
// / S u g g e s t M y A c c o u n t t o O t h e r s
public static let suggestMyAccountToOthers = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.SuggestMyAccountToOthers " , fallback : " Suggest My Account to Others " )
// / P r i v a c y & S a f e t y
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.Title " , fallback : " Privacy & Safety " )
public enum DefaultPostVisibility {
// / F o l l o w e r s O n l y
public static let followersOnly = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.DefaultPostVisibility.FollowersOnly " , fallback : " Followers Only " )
// / O n l y P e o p l e M e n t i o n e d
public static let onlyPeopleMentioned = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.DefaultPostVisibility.OnlyPeopleMentioned " , fallback : " Only People Mentioned " )
// / P u b l i c
public static let ` public ` = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.DefaultPostVisibility.Public " , fallback : " Public " )
// / D e f a u l t P o s t V i s i b i l i t y
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.DefaultPostVisibility.Title " , fallback : " Default Post Visibility " )
public enum Preset {
// / C u s t o m
public static let custom = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.Preset.Custom " , fallback : " Custom " )
// / O p e n & P u b l i c
public static let openAndPublic = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.Preset.OpenAndPublic " , fallback : " Open & Public " )
// / P r i v a t e & R e s t r i c t e d
public static let privateAndRestricted = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.Preset.PrivateAndRestricted " , fallback : " Private & Restricted " )
// / P r e s e t
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.PrivacySafety.Preset.Title " , fallback : " Preset " )
2023-10-09 17:31:39 +02:00
public enum ServerDetails {
// / A b o u t
public static let about = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.ServerDetails.About " , fallback : " About " )
// / R u l e s
public static let rules = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.ServerDetails.Rules " , fallback : " Rules " )
public enum AboutInstance {
2023-10-10 14:00:32 +02:00
// / A l e g a l n o t i c e
public static let legalNotice = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.ServerDetails.AboutInstance.LegalNotice " , fallback : " A legal notice " )
2023-10-09 17:31:39 +02:00
// / M e s s a g e A d m i n
public static let messageAdmin = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.ServerDetails.AboutInstance.MessageAdmin " , fallback : " Message Admin " )
// / A d m i n i s t r a t o r
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Settings.ServerDetails.AboutInstance.Title " , fallback : " Administrator " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum SuggestionAccount {
2023-06-28 13:46:26 +02:00
// / F o l l o w a l l
public static let followAll = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.SuggestionAccount.FollowAll " , fallback : " Follow all " )
2023-05-19 16:39:51 +02:00
// / P o p u l a r o n M a s t o d o n
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.SuggestionAccount.Title " , fallback : " Popular on Mastodon " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Thread {
// / P o s t
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let backTitle = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Thread.BackTitle " , fallback : " Post " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P o s t f r o m % @
public static func title ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Thread.Title " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Post from %@ " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Welcome {
2023-07-02 14:43:49 +02:00
// / J o i n % @
public static func joinDefaultServer ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Welcome.JoinDefaultServer " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Join %@ " )
2023-04-08 23:10:34 +02:00
// / L e a r n m o r e
public static let learnMore = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Welcome.LearnMore " , fallback : " Learn more " )
2022-02-15 07:45:34 +01:00
// / L o g I n
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
public static let logIn = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Welcome.LogIn " , fallback : " Log In " )
2023-05-02 20:20:13 +02:00
// / P i c k a n o t h e r s e r v e r
public static let pickServer = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Welcome.PickServer " , fallback : " Pick another server " )
2022-11-26 15:57:50 +01:00
public enum Education {
2023-03-23 08:51:04 +01:00
public enum A11Y {
2023-03-17 11:16:58 +01:00
public enum WhatIsMastodon {
// / W h a t i s M a s t o d o n ?
2023-03-23 08:51:04 +01:00
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Welcome.Education.A11Y.WhatIsMastodon.Title " , fallback : " What is Mastodon? " )
2023-03-17 11:16:58 +01:00
2023-04-08 23:10:34 +02:00
public enum Mastodon {
// / M a s t o d o n i s a d e c e n t r a l i z e d s o c i a l n e t w o r k , m e a n i n g n o s i n g l e c o m p a n y c o n t r o l s i t . I t ’ s m a d e u p o f m a n y i n d e p e n d e n t l y - r u n s e r v e r s , a l l c o n n e c t e d t o g e t h e r .
public static let description = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Welcome.Education.Mastodon.Description " , fallback : " Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. It’ s made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together. " )
// / W e l c o m e t o M a s t o d o n
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Welcome.Education.Mastodon.Title " , fallback : " Welcome to Mastodon " )
2022-11-26 15:57:50 +01:00
2023-04-08 23:10:34 +02:00
public enum Servers {
// / E v e r y M a s t o d o n a c c o u n t i s h o s t e d o n a s e r v e r — e a c h w i t h i t s o w n v a l u e s , r u l e s , & a d m i n s . N o m a t t e r w h i c h o n e y o u p i c k , y o u c a n f o l l o w a n d i n t e r a c t w i t h p e o p l e o n a n y s e r v e r .
public static let description = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Welcome.Education.Servers.Description " , fallback : " Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server. " )
// / W h a t a r e s e r v e r s ?
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Welcome.Education.Servers.Title " , fallback : " What are servers? " )
public enum Separator {
2023-04-08 23:46:12 +02:00
// / o r
public static let or = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Scene.Welcome.Separator.Or " , fallback : " or " )
2022-11-26 15:57:50 +01:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-02-06 12:13:29 +01:00
public enum Widget {
public enum Common {
// / S o r r y b u t t h i s W i d g e t f a m i l y i s u n s u p p o r t e d .
public static let unsupportedWidgetFamily = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.Common.UnsupportedWidgetFamily " , fallback : " Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported. " )
// / P l e a s e o p e n M a s t o d o n t o l o g i n t o a n A c c o u n t .
public static let userNotLoggedIn = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.Common.UserNotLoggedIn " , fallback : " Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account. " )
public enum FollowersCount {
2023-02-07 09:33:47 +01:00
// / S h o w n u m b e r o f f o l l o w e r s .
public static let configurationDescription = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.FollowersCount.ConfigurationDescription " , fallback : " Show number of followers. " )
// / F o l l o w e r s
public static let configurationDisplayName = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.FollowersCount.ConfigurationDisplayName " , fallback : " Followers " )
2023-02-06 12:13:29 +01:00
// / % @ f o l l o w e r s t o d a y
public static func followersToday ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.FollowersCount.FollowersToday " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " %@ followers today " )
// / F O L L O W E R S
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.FollowersCount.Title " , fallback : " FOLLOWERS " )
2023-03-28 23:05:47 +02:00
public enum Hashtag {
public enum Configuration {
2023-05-10 16:26:23 +02:00
// / S h o w s a r e c e n t p o s t w i t h t h e s e l e c t e d h a s h t a g .
public static let description = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.Hashtag.Configuration.Description " , fallback : " Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag. " )
2023-03-28 23:05:47 +02:00
// / H a s h t a g
public static let displayName = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.Hashtag.Configuration.DisplayName " , fallback : " Hashtag " )
2023-04-22 23:20:32 +02:00
public enum NotFound {
// / @ j o h n M a s t o d o n @ n o - s u c h . a c c o u n t
public static let account = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.Hashtag.NotFound.Account " , fallback : " @johnMastodon@no-such.account " )
// / J o h n M a s t o d o n
public static let accountName = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.Hashtag.NotFound.AccountName " , fallback : " John Mastodon " )
2023-05-10 16:26:23 +02:00
// / S o r r y , w e c o u l d n ’ t f i n d a n y p o s t s w i t h t h e h a s h t a g < a > # % @ < / a > . P l e a s e t r y a < a > # D i f f e r e n t H a s h t a g < / a > o r c h e c k t h e w i d g e t s e t t i n g s .
2023-04-22 23:20:32 +02:00
public static func content ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
2023-05-10 16:26:23 +02:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.Hashtag.NotFound.Content " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Sorry, we couldn’ t find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings. " )
2023-04-22 23:20:32 +02:00
public enum Placeholder {
// / @ j o h n M a s t o d o n @ n o - s u c h . a c c o u n t
public static let account = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.Hashtag.Placeholder.Account " , fallback : " @johnMastodon@no-such.account " )
// / J o h n M a s t o d o n
public static let accountName = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.Hashtag.Placeholder.AccountName " , fallback : " John Mastodon " )
2023-05-10 16:26:23 +02:00
// / T h i s i s h o w a p o s t w i t h a < a > # h a s h t a g < / a > w o u l d l o o k . P i c k w h i c h e v e r < a > # h a s h t a g < / a > y o u w a n t i n t h e w i d g e t s e t t i n g s .
public static let content = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.Hashtag.Placeholder.Content " , fallback : " This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings. " )
2023-04-22 23:20:32 +02:00
2023-03-28 23:05:47 +02:00
2023-02-06 12:13:29 +01:00
public enum LatestFollowers {
2023-02-07 09:33:47 +01:00
// / S h o w l a t e s t f o l l o w e r s .
public static let configurationDescription = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.LatestFollowers.ConfigurationDescription " , fallback : " Show latest followers. " )
// / L a t e s t f o l l o w e r s
public static let configurationDisplayName = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.LatestFollowers.ConfigurationDisplayName " , fallback : " Latest followers " )
2023-02-06 12:13:29 +01:00
// / L a s t u p d a t e : % @
public static func lastUpdate ( _ p1 : Any ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.LatestFollowers.LastUpdate " , String ( describing : p1 ) , fallback : " Last update: %@ " )
// / L a t e s t f o l l o w e r s
public static let title = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.LatestFollowers.Title " , fallback : " Latest followers " )
2023-02-06 19:57:33 +01:00
public enum MultipleFollowers {
2023-02-07 09:33:47 +01:00
// / S h o w n u m b e r o f f o l l o w e r s f o r m u l t i p l e a c c o u n t s .
public static let configurationDescription = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.MultipleFollowers.ConfigurationDescription " , fallback : " Show number of followers for multiple accounts. " )
// / M u l t i p l e f o l l o w e r s
public static let configurationDisplayName = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.MultipleFollowers.ConfigurationDisplayName " , fallback : " Multiple followers " )
2023-02-06 19:57:33 +01:00
public enum MockUser {
// / a n o t h e r @ f o l l o w e r . s o c i a l
public static let accountName = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.MultipleFollowers.MockUser.AccountName " , fallback : " another@follower.social " )
// / A n o t h e r f o l l o w e r
public static let displayName = L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " Widget.MultipleFollowers.MockUser.DisplayName " , fallback : " Another follower " )
2023-02-06 12:13:29 +01:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum A11y {
public enum Plural {
public enum Count {
2022-12-03 20:18:39 +01:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c h a r a c t e r _ c o u n t @ "
2022-11-08 19:50:23 +01:00
public static func charactersLeft ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-12-03 20:18:39 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " a11y.plural.count.characters_left " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@character_count@ \" " )
2022-11-08 19:50:23 +01:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " I n p u t l i m i t e x c e e d s % # @ c h a r a c t e r _ c o u n t @ "
public static func inputLimitExceeds ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " a11y.plural.count.input_limit_exceeds " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " I n p u t l i m i t r e m a i n s % # @ c h a r a c t e r _ c o u n t @ "
public static func inputLimitRemains ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " a11y.plural.count.input_limit_remains " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" Input limit remains %#@character_count@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Unread {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ n o t i f i c a t i o n _ c o u n t _ u n r e a d _ n o t i f i c a t i o n @ "
public static func notification ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " a11y.plural.count.unread.notification " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@notification_count_unread_notification@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Date {
public enum Day {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ d a y _ l e f t @ "
public static func ` left ` ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.day.left " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_day_left@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Ago {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ d a y _ a g o _ a b b r @ "
public static func abbr ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.day.ago.abbr " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_day_ago_abbr@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Hour {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ h o u r _ l e f t @ "
public static func ` left ` ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.hour.left " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_hour_left@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Ago {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ h o u r _ a g o _ a b b r @ "
public static func abbr ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.hour.ago.abbr " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_hour_ago_abbr@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Minute {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ m i n u t e _ l e f t @ "
public static func ` left ` ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.minute.left " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_minute_left@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Ago {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ m i n u t e _ a g o _ a b b r @ "
public static func abbr ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.minute.ago.abbr " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_minute_ago_abbr@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Month {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ m o n t h _ l e f t @ "
public static func ` left ` ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.month.left " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_month_left@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Ago {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ m o n t h _ a g o _ a b b r @ "
public static func abbr ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.month.ago.abbr " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_month_ago_abbr@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Second {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ s e c o n d _ l e f t @ "
public static func ` left ` ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.second.left " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_second_left@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Ago {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ s e c o n d _ a g o _ a b b r @ "
public static func abbr ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.second.ago.abbr " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_second_ago_abbr@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Year {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ y e a r _ l e f t @ "
public static func ` left ` ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.year.left " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_year_left@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Ago {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ y e a r _ a g o _ a b b r @ "
public static func abbr ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " date.year.ago.abbr " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_year_ago_abbr@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Plural {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ p e o p l e _ t a l k i n g @ "
public static func peopleTalking ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.people_talking " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_people_talking@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum Count {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ f a v o r i t e _ c o u n t @ "
public static func favorite ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.favorite " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@favorite_count@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-05-17 16:36:58 +02:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ n a m e s @ % # @ c o u n t _ m u t u a l @ "
public static func followedByAndMutual ( _ p1 : Int , _ p2 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.followed_by_and_mutual " , p1 , p2 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@names@%#@count_mutual@ \" " )
2022-05-17 16:36:58 +02:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ f o l l o w e r @ "
public static func follower ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.follower " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_follower@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ c o u n t _ f o l l o w i n g @ "
public static func following ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.following " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@count_following@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2022-05-13 06:46:37 +02:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ m e d i a _ c o u n t @ "
public static func media ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.media " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@media_count@ \" " )
2022-05-13 06:46:37 +02:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ p o s t _ c o u n t @ "
public static func post ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.post " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@post_count@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ r e b l o g _ c o u n t @ "
public static func reblog ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.reblog " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@reblog_count@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
2023-03-15 14:58:25 +01:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ r e b l o g _ c o u n t @ "
public static func reblogA11y ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.reblog_a11y " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@reblog_count@ \" " )
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ r e p l y _ c o u n t @ "
public static func reply ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.reply " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@reply_count@ \" " )
2022-04-01 04:04:38 +02:00
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ v o t e _ c o u n t @ "
public static func vote ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.vote " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@vote_count@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % # @ v o t e r _ c o u n t @ "
public static func voter ( _ p1 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.voter " , p1 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %#@voter_count@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
public enum MetricFormatted {
// / P l u r a l f o r m a t k e y : " % @ % # @ p o s t _ c o u n t @ "
public static func post ( _ p1 : Any , _ p2 : Int ) -> String {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
return L10n . tr ( " Localizable " , " plural.count.metric_formatted.post " , String ( describing : p1 ) , p2 , fallback : " Plural format key: \" %@ %#@post_count@ \" " )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
// s w i f t l i n t : e n a b l e e x p l i c i t _ t y p e _ i n t e r f a c e f u n c t i o n _ p a r a m e t e r _ c o u n t i d e n t i f i e r _ n a m e l i n e _ l e n g t h
// s w i f t l i n t : e n a b l e n e s t i n g t y p e _ b o d y _ l e n g t h t y p e _ n a m e v e r t i c a l _ w h i t e s p a c e _ o p e n i n g _ b r a c e s
// MARK: - I m p l e m e n t a t i o n D e t a i l s
extension L10n {
2022-11-14 18:44:28 +01:00
private static func tr ( _ table : String , _ key : String , _ args : CVarArg . . . , fallback value : String ) -> String {
let format = Bundle . module . localizedString ( forKey : key , value : value , table : table )
2022-01-27 14:23:39 +01:00
return String ( format : format , locale : Locale . current , arguments : args )